The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 152 The Plum Painter of Immortal Style!

Chapter 152 The Plum Painter of Immortal Style!

"That's strange." Tang Lin frowned, a little depressed: "Since you didn't instruct her, why did she say those things for no reason? Could it be that she is still keeping it secret for you without your consent?"

"Hmm..." Yu Shengjun raised his head and thought about it seriously, but in the end he was not uncertain: "It should be like this!"

Tang Lin is a person who has always been 100% sure of her first instinct. She always feels that Feng Die Wu is very strange. ..."

"Don't guess, let me reveal something to you!" Yu Shengjun said with a mysterious look in his eyes.

Tang Lin asked, "What's the matter?"

Yu Shengjun pursed his lips and stopped with a smile, but his deliberate mysterious attitude was somewhat unquestionably serious, "Of course it is a very important matter, and it is related to the overall situation, you must know it!"

Tang Lin was curious, but even more puzzled, "Not only is it related to the overall situation, but also, what do I have to know?"

Yu Shengjun nodded seriously, "Yeah!"

Tang Lin couldn't wait to know, "What's going on?"

sky.The twilight fades away, and the ink falls.

In a blink of an eye, night fell.

The moonlight was thin and deserted, not as happy and soft as the lit palace lanterns.

Yu Shengjun's bedroom was completely dark.

After hearing what Yu Shengjun said, Tang Lin was filled with emotion and sighed, "Unexpected, really unexpected. Junjun, if you didn't tell me, I would never have thought that such a thing would happen, but you The layout of the layout is too...exquisite!"

"Hehe, thank you for your compliments, this should be an exquisite game. From now on, we should be careful!" After finishing speaking, Yu Shengjun looked around and saw that everything was pitch black, and suddenly he made a sound, It was funny: "Look, I spent so much time talking to you about this, it's getting dark tonight!"

Tang Lin suddenly remembered something, stood up, and while supporting Yu Shengjun's arms, she unknowingly played the role of a good wife and said, "By the way, you Don’t you still have to go to the Imperial Study Room? Hurry up and get ready, don’t keep your guards waiting for too long!”

After getting up, Yu Shengjun knew that there was warmth in the crook of his arms, and looked down, it turned out that Tang Lin had unknowingly helped him up with both hands. This kind of wonderful feeling is something he has never had before. It is comfortable, joyful, exciting, and makes his heart calm.He glanced at Tang Lin calmly, smiled warmly, then faced the door, and called out to the door, his voice was deep and mellow, without losing the majesty of the emperor, "Come here, hold the lamp!"

One of the four or five guards standing at the door pushed the door lightly with both hands and entered.

Since it was only nightfall, it wasn't too dark.In the past, Xu Shi often held lamps in Yu Shengjun's bedroom. The guards quickly and very smoothly found the corner where the lamp stand was located, skillfully placed the first lamp, and then moved on to the second lamp...

After all the lights in the room were lit, Yu Shengjun looked at Tang Lin, and blurted out: "Let's go, go to the Imperial Study Room!"

Royal study.

Zhang Xiangyang and the others were standing in front of the imperial table with lowered eyes slightly, their auras were quite calm and quiet, even though they had waited for half an hour since they came in, they were neither restless nor impetuous, standing upright.

At this time outside the door, the sound of boots was obviously too heavy, but it gave Zhang Xiangyang and others a striking reminder—someone is coming.

Yu Shengjun put his left hand behind his waist, with the back of his hand against his back, his five fingers forming a half-closed fist; his right hand was placed in front of his body, the fist was also half-closed, sometimes loosening and sometimes tightening.Although the eagle-shaped ring on the slender middle finger is low-key jet black, it shows the owner's peerless character and domineering arrogance in the world in a high-profile way.He strode into the imperial study room, walked around the edge of the table calmly but gracefully, and finally sat down with a flick of his sleeves.On the dragon chair made of gold and jade, he sat elegantly and domineeringly, and the chair fit well. This scene is so elegant and noble that it is the only one in the world.

Tang Lin stood next to An Lin, with her hands folded behind her back, her feet stretched out, and the distance between her feet was one step away. Her lower body was in the shape of a "V", which was one of the standing postures that she often had during training. .Tall and slender figure, handsome and neat hairstyle, paired with this cold and eye-catching aqua blue navy suit, in the unparalleled scenery of the imperial study, it is a scenery that is no less appreciated than Yu Shengjun.

Zhang Xiangyang and others knelt on one knee together, and said in unison: "Long live, master, long live, long live!"

Yu Shengjun stretched out his hands in parallel, and then raised them again, "Stay flat, get up!"

"Thank you master!" After finishing speaking, Zhang Xiangyang and the other five stood up together.

Yu Shengjun's unfathomable eyes swept from left to right, looked at Zhang Xiangyang and other five people one by one, and finally stayed on the first person on the right, Zhang Xiangyang.His eyes stayed there for a while, and gradually turned cold. "Old Zhang, I gave you a three-month deadline to do three things, and you came back to give me an answer in just three days? Last time, I returned in vain. I had already issued a death order, and I couldn't find anyone. Come to see me with your head up, you will be fast enough when you come back from this trip!"

"Return to the master, this subordinate has finished the three things that the master ordered!" Zhang Xiangyang was not afraid of Yu Shengjun's nighthawk-like eyes, his blunt face and knife-like words.Because, at this moment, he has enough capital to be fearless of Yu Shengjun.

"Oh?" Yu Shengjun's blunt face instantly softened, his sword eyebrows were raised lightly, with a bit of interest and praise, "Tell me! But I don't want to take off your commander's belt and give it to the deputy commander An Leng later! "

The expert's dialogues are really eloquent, with hidden turmoil hidden in every sentence.Tang Lin looked down at herself, shook her head and laughed.I feel that I am too young.

There is no need to say more to prove your aura.Zhang Xiangyang went straight to the topic, "Master, the matter of Empress Cheng Huan has some clues, and the matter of the adulterer has also been found out. Regarding the fact that the enemy's spies pretended to be you and sneaked into Marshal Shao's camp, and Marshal Shao was attacked by three groups when he returned to the emperor. The matter of killing is exactly as the master expected!"

Yu Shengjun looked urgent, "Since the matter of Shao Qi is as I expected, there is no need to mention it. I want to know about Empress Cheng Huan and her adulterer!"

Tang Lin lowered her head and pondered, what exactly did Yu Shengjun expect?
"Yes!" Zhang Xiangyang cupped his fists and reported: "Back to the master, An Leng sent people to Qing County last time. Although they couldn't find any traces of Empress Cheng Huan, the people they sent did not call back, but stayed behind. A few people observed the movement of the Shifu. The subordinate originally set off from the imperial capital with An Leng three days ago, and rushed to Qing County on horseback. The subordinate wanted to go to Qing County to see it for himself. Unexpectedly, on the way, he met the guard who came back from Qing County. They still have a human!"

Yu Shengjun's expression tightened, "Who?"

Zhang Xiangyang said: "This person is from a family surnamed Liu, famous and expensive, and his full name is Liu Gui. Liu Gui is a native of Qing County. He is the only one in his family, and his family background is average. Liu Gui appeared in Shifu ten days ago and was taken by us. The guard who stayed in the Shifu to observe the situation secretly was caught by the suspect. After interrogation, Liu Gui appeared in the Shifu to look for Li Niang. The mother and daughter of the poet family are Li Niang's benefactors. He has been staying in the Shifu since he was very young, and he has done his best to take care of the mother and daughter. Li Niang is Liu Gui's mistress. Because they are afraid that gossip will spread and ruin the style of the general's family, the two have been secretly hiding in the ground. Their relationship has been unknown. Li Niang has very few friends, and Liu Gui has become her confidant. She tells Liu Gui what she has seen and heard in Shifu. In fact, she has no purpose, but It's just because of the quick talk. Our people questioned Liu Gui if he knew anything about Shifu, but Liu Gui told him everything Li Niang told him. We found a lot of clues in Liu Gui's words !"

Tang Lin asked: "Commander Zhang, where is Liu Gui now? Can you bring it up and ask him in person? Maybe you can't ask about things before, and I will put pressure on him later, and he will tell you everything!"

Zhang Xiangyang asked Yu Shengjun what he thought, "Master, Liu Gui is locked in the underground palace right now, do you want to bring him here for another interrogation as Miss Tang said?"

Yu Shengjun didn't think about it, and ordered: "Yes! Bring him up, just as I want to ask him personally!"

"Yes!" Zhang Xiangyang obeyed, facing An Leng, "Go and bring him up!"

An Leng didn't say anything, turned around and retreated.

Tang Lin looked at her watch twice before bringing Liu Gui into the imperial study room. The round trip took only 10 minutes.I thought to myself, the entrance of the underground palace must be near here, otherwise it would not bring people here so quickly.

"Kneel down!" An Leng was a little angry, and with a low shout, he pushed Liu Gui down to his knees.Liu Gui is an ordinary-looking middle-aged man, giving people a sense of honesty and simplicity.After kneeling down, he kept his head down all the time, not daring to raise his head to look at the others. He was obviously a person who knew the rules and was afraid of causing trouble.

Yu Shengjun stared at Liu Gui, and asked coldly, "You are Liu Gui?"

Liu Gui responded several times trembling, obviously too nervous or scared, "Return to the emperor, yes, the grassroots is Liu Gui!"

Yu Shengjun asked: "I ask you, are you from Qing County?"

Liu Gui nodded and said, "Yes, Cao Min is!"

"Raise your head!" Although Yu Shengjun's voice was soft, it had an invisible majesty and an order that was hard to disobey.

Liu Gui had no choice but to raise his head, and met Shang Yu Shengjun's gaze in fear.Unexpectedly, today's Holy Majesty is actually a handsome man, the girl in Shifu is lucky to be married to such a beautiful and talented person.

Yu Shengjun said solemnly: "Tell me everything you know about Shifu from three months ago to last month!"

Liu Guichan asked slightly: "Your Majesty, do you want to know about Miss Shihe?" Somewhat strangely said: "But Your Majesty, Miss Shihe has already entered the palace as a queen, she should know about her affairs better than the grass people! "

It seems that Liu Gui didn't know about Shihe's escape from the palace, otherwise he wouldn't have answered like this.

Yu Shengjun unintentionally glanced at Tang Lin, and suddenly had an idea in his mind. He said to Liu Gui, "I ask you, do you know who she is?" Look up and see down, not to mention that his old friend is Li Niang, so he should have met Shihe.

Liu Gui followed Yu Shengjun's gaze and looked at Tang Lin who was standing beside An Lin. After seeing Tang Lin's face clearly, he was shocked immediately, "Miss Shihe?! No, it's Empress Cheng Huan!" After being shocked for a while, he responded Come here, and immediately bow respectfully to Tang Lin, "Liu Gui, the grass-roots man, pays respects to the empress, the empress is a thousand years old, a thousand years old, a thousand years old!"

Except for Yu Shengjun, almost everyone at the scene was dumbfounded, and none of them expected such an outrageous thing to happen.

Tang Lin was dumbfounded, she looked at Liu Gui without blinking.She was not very sure that she looked exactly like Shihe, but now Liu Gui's words and Liu Gui's reaction, she had to accept the fact!

Yifeng and the others looked at each other, both shocked and puzzled by Liu Gui's words.

Yishuang said in astonishment: "Master, this, this Miss could she be Empress Cheng Huan?"

"She's not Empress Chenghuan Shihe!" Yu Shengjun gave the correct answer, but he didn't want to explain now, so he continued to say to Liu Gui: "Liu Gui, this girl is not Empress Chenghuan, she's just a master of disguise , I let her change into the appearance of Queen Chenghuan, just want to test you to see if you know Queen Chenghuan. Very good, I tested it out. Now I want to know, who did Queen Chenghuan meet three months ago, Who is she with again, but anyone who has come into contact with her will report to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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