The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 153 I am the Queen!

Chapter 153 I am the Queen!
Liu Gui heaved a sigh of relief, luckily it wasn't Miss Shihe, if Miss Shihe found out about her and Li Niang, she didn't know how to punish him...

"Who have you been with..." Liu Gui turned his head to ponder, and mentioned: "Three months ago, Caomin's best friend Li Niang told Caomin that Miss Shihe saved a man, and that man told Miss Shihe , he is the son of the prime minister of the current imperial court!"

Tang Lin frowned, the prime minister's son? !
Suddenly, Tang Lin remembered what Du Yuanyuan said.On the night of the first round of the competition, when several female contestants in their room were taking a bath in the bathroom, they opened up a topic and talked about their sweethearts.At that time, Du Yuanyuan said half-jokingly and half-seriously, "If you say that my sweetheart is the prime minister's son, would you believe it?"

At that time, Dong Chenchen also jokingly said: "There are only two prime ministers in the court, one is the left prime minister and the other is the right prime minister. I don't know which prime minister's son the prime minister mentioned in a certain population belongs to? It seems that these two prime ministers are separated from each other. Surnamed Fu, and Zhao!"

Du Yuanyuan didn't give any answer at all at that time, it was neither acquiescing nor talking about it out of thin air.

Thinking back to this point, Tang Lin felt a little clear.If Du Yuanyuan's sweetheart is Fu Tianze, and Fu Tianze's surname is Fu, then Fu Tianze must be the son of Prime Minister Fu, not the son of Prime Minister Shen.And the person who used Shihe to achieve his goal was Fu Tianze.

Yu Shengjun frowned, "The prime minister's son? There are two prime ministers in the court, which one are you talking about?"

Liu Gui shook his head and said, "Back to the emperor, Cao Min doesn't know which prime minister's son that man is, but the man's surname is Fu, and his name is Fu Yushu. It was Li Niang who told Cao Min!"

Surname Fu? !At this moment, everyone suddenly realized, isn't that the son of Prime Minister Fu?

An Lin faced Yu Shengjun, bowed his waist and said: "Your Majesty, this old slave has learned that the Prime Minister of the Right, Mr. Fu Huanfu, has indeed a son named Yushu. I heard that Mr. Yushu is bedridden with illness all the year round, and rarely leaves the house. Therefore, it is different from the sons of other princes and ministers. The sons of other ministers will appear during festivals, or at the birthday banquet of the Queen Mother. You have seen many of them, Your Majesty, but this young master of Yushu has never entered Gong, you should have never seen the emperor before!"

"Yes!" Yu Shengjun said calmly, "It is true that I have never met Fu Huan's son, but I have never heard of Fu Yushu's matter. At the moment, what makes me feel incredible is that three months ago, he appeared in Queen Cheng Huan's house. The person next to him turned out to be Fu Yushu!"

Tang Lin asked Liu Gui, "Apart from Fu Yushu, is there anyone else?"

Liu Gui shook his head and said: "No more. Miss Shihe is a person who is indifferent by nature. She doesn't like to make friends and rarely goes out of the house. Every time she goes out of the house, she doesn't go far, and she does activities around the house. In addition to Li Niang and Her mother, there is no third person to talk to, and that Mr. Fu is her only foreign friend!"

Tang Lin then asked, "How long has Fu Yushu stayed in Qing County, did Li Niang tell you?"

"Yes!" Liu Gui said, "Li Niang told Caomin that since Miss Shihe rescued Mr. Fu, Miss Shihe brought Mr. Fu to live in Shifu for more than a month. It's gone!"

Yu Shengjun asked: "Do you know where Li Niang is now?"

Liu Gui lowered his head and said nervously: "Going back to the emperor, the grass people don't know, since the day Shifu received the imperial decree, the grass people have never seen Li Niang again, until now!"

Tang Lin pondered for a long time. She thought of something and asked Liu Gui, "Isn't Liu Gui? Can you describe Li Niang's appearance?"

Liu Gui said ashamedly: "Return to the girl's words, grass people don't know how to draw!"

Zhang Xiangyang said: "It doesn't matter if you don't know how to paint, as long as you can describe it. There are painters in the palace, as long as you describe Li Niang's appearance, our painter will draw Li Niang's portrait according to your description! "

"Your Majesty, this old slave is going to the Imperial Painting Palace to invite Mei Painter!" An Lin bowed to Yu Shengjun, and then retreated out of the Imperial Study.

When An Lin invited the painter to come, Tang Lin was not idle. She asked Liu Gui: "Liu Gui, you and Li Niang must have been together often, and no one knew about it. To be able to reach the point where no one knows, it must be There is a common way of contacting each other. So, what is the way between you?"

"Uh, this..." Liu Gui was a little embarrassed.

Tang Lin said: "But it's okay to say, we won't blame you, let alone laugh at you, you can rest assured to say it!"

If you say no more, you don't know how to flatter.Liu Gui stopped talking, and replied truthfully: "The love between Cao Min and Li Niang is as deep as the sea, and we can't see each other for a day, like spring and autumn. Therefore, for the convenience of meeting, we will not disturb the poet's mother and daughter, and will not let each other Our neighbors found out that they used flying pigeons to express their hearts. We tied the letter paper to the flying pigeons and let the flying pigeons bring them to each other. Caomin is a pigeon farmer, so he thought of using pigeons to solve the lovesickness between Caomin and Li Niang Whenever we want to see each other, we send pigeons to send letters."

Tang Lin asked: "If you send another letter, will she receive it?"

Liu Guidao: "If nothing happened to Li Niang, she can receive it, but Cao Min has sent out several letters in the past two months, and I haven't heard from her yet!"

Tang Lin then asked, "What's in the letter?"

Liu Gui replied: "I just asked her if she is living well in the palace now. Caomin thought, she must have entered the palace with Miss Shihe. The palace is heavily guarded, and it is difficult for a bird to enter. The carrier pigeon must have been shot. , I didn’t get any response from Li Niang!”

Tang Lin didn't answer any more, and fell into deep thought.Seeing her pondering, Yu Shengjun and others didn't want to disturb her by asking Liu Gui again.

It took a long time for An Lin to invite Painter Mei into the imperial study.

This plum painter is a fairy.White hair, goatee, and white robe are his trademarks.

Painter Mei walked to Liu Gui's side with light steps, and knelt down on one knee, with the sleeve robe resting on his front foot.Even the voice and words are steady, neither startled nor anxious, neither agitated nor apprehensive, like an expert outside the world, "Chen, Mei Shan, kowtow to the emperor!"

Although Painter Mei is already in his fifties, but he is a fairy, with a snow-white robe, and is quite worthy of respect, including Yu Shengjun, who is the ninth-five-year-old.

Yu Shengjun raised his hand and politely said: "Mei Aiqing doesn't need to be polite, please get up!"

"Thank you for the grace of the Lord!" After finishing speaking, Mei Painter slowly got up, and then asked: "Your Majesty, on the way, Director An has told Weichen why the Emperor is looking for Weichen, do you want to start painting for Li Niang now?"

Yu Shengjun nodded lightly, "Yes!" But without his order, Zhang Xiangyang immediately ordered Yitang and Yishuang to prepare the Four Treasures of the Study.

After a while, an antique desk was placed in the imperial study.On the table, the four treasures of the study are complete.At this moment, Master Mei was standing in front of the desk, holding the paintbrush in his right hand, and holding the sleeve robe of his right hand in his left hand, ready to paint on the white paper that had been spread out on the table.

Liu Gui had already stood beside Painter Mei, looking sideways at the white paper on the table.

Yu Shengjun ordered lightly, "Start drawing!"

Liu Gui acted according to the order, and he said to the painter Mei: "Li Niang's facial features are like walnuts..." Not long after, with the serious cooperation of Liu Gui and Mei painter, the portrait of Li Niang's upper body was finally born. It appears vividly and lifelike on the paper. For Liu Gui, it is even better than a real person.

When Painter Mei closed his brush, Liu Gui took a closer look at the drawing paper, was startled, and couldn't help exclaiming: "Absolutely, really absurdly!"

An Lin came over, picked up the drawing paper with both hands, brought it to the imperial table, and put it down carefully.

Yu Shengjun didn't move at all, and looked down, with no emotion on his face.The middle-aged woman in that painting was just a stranger to him.

"Your Majesty," Tang Lin asked, "Can Linlin take a look?"

Yu Shengjun smiled cheerfully, "Of course!"

Tang Lin walked up to him, took a closer look at the painting on the table, saw the middle-aged woman on the painting, a gleam flashed in her eyes, "This person..." After thinking about it, she finally found the painting in her mind Fragment of a middle-aged woman.

"Why, have you seen this person?" Yu Shengjun asked.

Tang Lin took a closer look, touched her beautiful chin, and said uncertainly, "This person... Linlin has seen it before, but I'm not sure if it's the one Linlin has seen before." Facing Mei Painter, she sincerely praised He said: "Painter Mei really deserves to be an imperial painter. The people in this painting are so lifelike and vivid!"

Painter Mei nodded gracefully, with a small smile on his lips, and said calmly, "Miss, I'm honored!"

Tang Lin chuckled and said, "Master Mei is being modest!" After she stopped laughing, she took out her mobile phone, pointed at the drawing paper in full view, took a photo, saved it, and put the phone back in her pocket inside.

After the drawing paper was put away by An Lin, he put the drawing paper in a dark compartment on the bookshelf in the Imperial Study Room.Then return to the original position and stand.

Yu Shengjun glanced calmly at An Leng and Mei Huashi respectively, and then said to them: "An Leng, take Liu Gui down first, and send him back to Qing County after Empress Cheng Huan finds him. Mei Aiqing, Thank you for tonight!"

Painter Mei replied respectfully: "This is what a humble official should do. Your Majesty is very polite!"

Yu Shengjun said: "Then I won't bother you any more, and let's go back and rest first!"

"Yes! Weichen is leaving!" After speaking, Master Mei turned around and walked out of the imperial study room. Tang Lin followed him all the way until his figure disappeared at the door before turning her gaze back. Immediately afterwards, she watched An Leng take Liu Gui down.

Yu Shengjun looked at Yifeng and asked: "Today, are the venues needed for the fourth round of competition arranged?"

Yifeng replied: "Back to the master, the arrangements have been made, and we will observe again tomorrow. If there is no problem, the game the day after tomorrow will go smoothly!"

"En!" Yu Shengjun responded with satisfaction.What should be asked, has been asked almost, but what he should say, has not uttered a single word.He looked at Tang Lin and said hello, "Linlin, do you want to know all my plans?"

Tang Lin was slightly startled, but there was no big disturbance on her face. She nodded and said with a smile at the corner of her mouth, "If the emperor trusts Linlin, it's okay. From now on, Linlin will only work for the emperor, so... the emperor Don't worry that Linlin will betray you!"

Yu Shengjun smiled in relief, and his heart was surrounded by warm ripples.He looked into her eyes and said sincerely, "Thank you..." He secretly glanced at the others like a guilty conscience, and then dared to add the following sentence, "My dear!"

Tang Lin resisted poofing, not letting other people find her funny, and tried her best to nod to Yu Shengjun, to prove that she was listening to him, and that she was very serious. "Well, Linlin knows, your majesty is welcome!"

How could Yu Shengjun not see the corners of her lips pursed hard, just to keep herself from bursting out laughing.He pretended to be serious and coughed twice, then looked at Zhang Xiangyang, and said seriously: "Then...Old Zhang, you go ahead and tell Miss Tang Lin about our plan for the past ten years!"

Zhang Xiangyang acted as ordered, "I understand!" After finishing speaking, he turned around, looked at Tang Lin, and revealed the whole chess game of Yu Shengjun in detail, "Miss Tang, this is still from ten years ago, the North Speaking of the day Princess Mu Lingxuan got married..."

Above the sky, the bright moon is soft.

Inside the imperial study room, it was brightly lit, and a few figures loomed faintly on the white wall of the imperial study room.

(End of this chapter)

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