Chapter 154 No way!

night.It was silent.The moonlight is vast.

Yu Shengjun came out from the screen with Tang Lin in his arms. She was covered with his coat, which was a little airtight.He carried her to the bed and lay down, then pulled the quilt to cover her.

Playing in the water in the pool, playing crazy, she was exhausted, and she was already sleepy.

After covering her with the quilt, he lifted the quilt slightly, then lay beside her, looking sideways at her sweet sleeping face.This was the first time he shared the same bed with her, and this feeling, to him, was so wonderful.

He stretched out his hand to brush away the damp bangs that blocked her cheeks, and stared at her beautiful but mature facial features in a daze.Beautiful, really beautiful, so beautiful that he was afraid that the face he was so fascinated by would not be his own in the end.

He leaned over, his forehead touched his forehead, he closed his eyes heavily, and heaved a long sigh, "Linlin, I never want to lose you, no matter whether you have the idea of ​​going away or not, even if I make trouble for no reason, I won't lose you." Will let go!"

The temperature from his body made her feel comfortable and safe, so she got closer to him, hid in his arms, smiled sweetly, and then ground her teeth like a mouse.

He hugged her lightly, and slowly closed his smiling eyes...

The fifth watch is not here, An Lin's voice came in from outside the door, "Your Majesty, the fifth watch is coming soon!" This sentence reminded Yu Shengjun that the time for the morning court is coming soon, let Yu Shengjun act early Ready, then up.

Yu Shengjun breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly opened his eyes. Tang Lin had already slipped into the bed in an unsightly sleep, but he was hugging the quilt that originally covered her body, while she slipped aside and fell asleep.He got up, covered her with the quilt, got out of bed, put on his shoes, and walked out of the curtain.

At dawn, Yu Shengjun went down to court.Back to Xuanyu Palace, walked into the bedroom, came to the bed and looked, the little woman was still lying on her bed in an indecent sleeping position, her feet were wrapped in the quilt, her cheek was pressed against the pillow, and she was breathing with her mouth open. .

With the idea of ​​teasing for a moment, he picked up a lock of her hair and harassed her neck.Immediately, she poked her nose with her fingers to tickle herself.After just a few clicks, she fell asleep again motionless.

Yu Shengjun was playful, not giving up, just about to grab her hair to harass her nose, suddenly, his hand was caught by her, and his eyes opened at this moment, staring at his handsome face. Look at the face, "Sneak attack?"

"I thought about it too!" Yu Shengjun replied with a funny face, then shrugged helplessly, "Unfortunately, I was caught by you!"

Tang Lin lifted her body, lay on his lap, and pouted cutely, "Junjun, I found out that you went to bed late last night, and this morning you woke up early, are you sleepy? No, let me help you squeeze your legs and beat your back? Or, ignore the state affairs for a while and take a good rest!"

Yu Shengjun laughed and said, "How can the state affairs be left aside, this will lead to the destruction of the country!"

Tang Lin pouted: "But I'm worried that you overdraw your physical and mental strength, and something will happen to you!"

He stroked her hair, and said softly: "I am a martial arts student. I have practiced martial arts since I was a child. It is not so easy to wear myself down. I will spend my whole life with you, how can I break myself down?" What about it? Besides, I haven't seen you and your grandson get married and have children, and haven't embraced your great-grandson, so how dare you not take care of yourself?"

Tang Lin blushed and buried herself in his side, "You haven't written your horoscope yet, you want to hug your great-grandson, are you bragging about it? Also, it's still unknown whether we can live until our grandson is born. Do you still want to see your grandson marry a wife and have children? You are exaggerating!"

Yu Shengjun looked forward to it, "As long as we are healthy, live every day happily, and live to two hundred years old, it should be possible!"

Tang Lin directly "poof—" Tang Lin wore Yu Shengjun's robe and had breakfast with him.Because her clothes were soaked in water last night, after breakfast, she could only wear a set of men's clothes sent by Yu Shengjun. They were well-made clothes, and they were usually provided to the Ouchi guards when they went out of the palace to do business. Wear one of the costumes.

Before leaving Xuanyu Palace, Tang Lin said to Yu Shengjun, "Follow the plan!"

He nodded, smiled, and patted her on the shoulder, "Be careful. I will send your clothes to you after they are dry!"

"Well, then I'll go back first!"

Just like that, Tang Lin returned to the palace in men's clothing. Along the way, no one blocked his way. Except for the guards and the Imperial Forest Army, he didn't see any contestants, not even eunuchs and maids.

Nangong is a place that is only provided for the Imperial Forest Army and guards to do business. Therefore, the eunuchs and court ladies did not receive orders, and everyone's activities can only be in the main palace or the harem, so as to avoid chaos.

Tang Lin walked into the gate of the palace, and immediately saw a group of people standing on the large courtyard in the palace. Although their posture was not up to standard, they still maintained the proper team form.

The two counselors stood in front of hundreds of contestants with serious eyes.

Du Yuanyuan and the others formed a team of their own and were at the front.

Originally, Lu Yitang was addressing all the contestants, but when he saw the team, several people looked towards the door, so he followed along, and the other contestants followed his gaze out of curiosity. past.

Seeing the eyes of the two counselors looking at the door, Du Yuanyuan was a little puzzled, who is here?
Tang Lin, who was wearing men's clothes, was particularly heroic, and she appeared behind everyone in a heroic manner.She went around the edge of the line, walked all the way to Lu Yitang at the front, glanced at everyone, smiled, and asked, "Why are you all looking at me?"

Except for Du Yuanyuan.

Mei Chun'er and others were very happy to see her, but at the same time they were very depressed why she was wearing men's clothing.

Lu Yitang looked at Tang Lin's side face, his eyes gradually deepened, and when she turned her head to look at him, the depth in his eyes disappeared.She asked, "This posture...what are you doing?"

Sun Bailing beside Lu Yitang said: "In order for the contestants to perform to their full potential during the competition, the emperor ordered me and the two of us to serve as counselors to train the contestants on their respective abilities and conditions before the competition!"

"You are the only one missing!" Lu Yitang said, "All the contestants are missing you. Where have you been?"

"Uh, I..." Tang Lin lowered her eyes for a moment, and then replied: "I was summoned by the emperor last night, saying that I won the No. It's a rare talent, so I was left there. This night was just to test me, but they wanted hold my breath in the water!"

From her words, it is not difficult to see why she came back in men's clothes, she must have stayed underwater and soaked her clothes.Lu Yitang glanced at her attire calmly, and then chuckled, "So that's what happened. Then how is your qigong performance? The next round of competition will be held underwater!"

Tang Lin sighed sadly, "Oh, don't mention it, I'm fine on the ground, but I can't do it when I'm underwater. I'm scared when I encounter water. In the end, the deputy commander of Yifeng was given to... ... maddened!"

Du Yuanyuan snorted softly, and said coldly in his heart: "I thought it was so powerful, but it turns out that it's like a paper tiger after getting into the water!" Just in time, she can take advantage of Tang Lin's weak point in the fourth round of the competition, and plan how to compete Kill Tang Lin underwater.

"No way?" Sun Bailing had seen Tang Lin's outstanding performance in the first two rounds. She always thought that Tang Lin was an all-round excellent player, but she never thought that Tang Lin's weakness was... water.

Tang Lin shook her head helplessly, and sighed, "Oh, what can I do? I thought that the test questions were not conducted in water, but I didn't expect that there would be. My ability on land is quite good, but underwater skills It’s bad. Back then, I almost drowned in order to catch fish in the pond!”

The corners of Du Yuanyuan's lips curled slightly, and he said contemptuously in his heart: "A person who can drown in a pond, if he encounters a lake, a river, or the sea...wouldn't he have drowned hundreds of times already? If the fourth round On the sea, Tang Lin, if you don't die, I, Du Yuanyuan, will really convince you!"

But Du Yuanyuan didn't know that Tang Lin's illusion was the beginning of the show.Tang Lin's goal is to bring you down, Du Yuanyuan.

Sun Bailing shook his head, feeling sorry for Tang Lin, "No one is perfect, I understand. The competition starts tomorrow, so you should still have time to practice, so don't worry. I believe you can pass the level!"

Tang Lin smiled gratefully, "Thank you, Mr. Sun! Then... I have returned to the team?"

Sun Bailing nodded, "Well, let's go back to the team!"

The heights of several female contestants are almost similar, and Du Yuanyuan and Dong Chenchen are standing in the middle.Tang Lin glanced at the two of them, and a cunning look flashed in her eyes.She was not polite at all, walked over, inserted between the two, "Excuse me, I'll just stand here today!"

Dong Chenchen respected Tang Lin, so he stepped aside, "Boss, come in!"

But Du Yuanyuan didn't give way, and stood firmly. The reason Tang Lin was able to squeeze in was because Dong Chenchen stepped aside in the end.

Tang Lin gave Du Yuanyuan a hard look, then moved closer to Du Yuanyuan, suppressed her anger, and said through gritted teeth, "Wait for me, you will see me tonight!"

Du Yuanyuan gritted his teeth and said: "Isn't it just to rub your back? Look at your pride. The good show is yet to come. Let's see how you survive the underwater assessment that is waiting for you?"

Tang Lin was stunned, "What did you say? We're going to have a pre-match underwater assessment later?"

Du Yuanyuan looked at her contemptuously, "Isn't it?"

"What's going on?" As if the sky was falling, Tang Lin immediately turned her head and asked Dong Chenchen, "Why do you need pre-competition training? Can you not participate?"

Dong Chenchen glanced at the two counselors secretly, and then whispered in Tang Lin's ear: "Boss, no, everyone must participate. The counselor said, this is the emperor's order, and the fourth round of competition begins , you have to be reviewed by the counselor before each round of competition, otherwise you will not be able to participate in the competition. Boss, you should... ask yourself for blessings!"

Even Dong Chenchen said so, it seems that the pre-match assessment must be carried out.

Tang Lin sighed inwardly, thinking about how to muddle through.

In fact, the pre-competition assessment did not use the actual venue, but only some basic and critical assessment items.

Lu Yitang asked the contestants to sit cross-legged on the open space in the courtyard, and in front of them each placed a water basin filled with clean water.

The first row is female players.

The second row starts with male players.

Fu Yushu and Shao Qi sat in the second row, one meter away from Tang Lin and the others, facing their backs.At this moment, on top of Fu Yushu was Tang Lin, and on both sides of Tang Lin were Dong Chenchen and Du Yuanyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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