The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 155 Dare to cheat, how bold! 1

Chapter 155 Dare to cheat, how bold! 1
Below Du Yuanyuan and the others are Shao Qi and Cao Dan.

Du Yuanyuan looked at the basin of clear water in front of her. Her confident and arrogant smile was reflected on the surface of the water.She turned her head sideways, squinted her gaze at Tang Lin beside her, saw Tang Lin facing the water basin with a bitter face, she couldn't help but curl her lips, and sneered silently.

Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing stood opposite Tang Lin, three meters away from her.

Lu Yitang clasped his hands behind his back, looked around at the players in front of him, and then said loudly: "Listen up, everyone. Have you seen the water basin in front of you? In order for you to fully perform in the competition, I will also provide you with a water basin." A special opportunity. Therefore, I will give you a chance to warm up before the game. This warm-up is also a kind of assessment. If anyone can win No.1 in this assessment, then if he loses after the official game, Then he can use the opportunity of No.1 in this assessment to participate in the next round of competition! Do you hear clearly?"

Tang Lin raised her hand.

Lu Yitang looked at her and raised his hand, "If you have any questions, please tell me!"

Tang Lin asked: "If you get No.1 in the pre-competition assessment, then you will also get No.1 after the competition. Then the opportunity to be No.1 in the pre-competition assessment...isn't it a waste? If so, what is the assessment for? "

Lu Yitang smiled, then faced the crowd, and said solemnly: "If someone gets No.1 in the pre-competition assessment and successfully passes the test after the competition, then he can make a request. The emperor said that this request is arbitrary, and you can also ask for it." Seeing the emperor with your own eyes, you can also ask to be alone with the emperor, and you can even ask to share dinner with the emperor. Of course, there are more than that. In short, whoever wins the No. If you want to be a noble, or ask to be directly appointed as an official bodyguard of the inner court, the emperor will agree without saying a word!"

Wow!The scene was full of sighs!
Most of the contestants thought about how to wait until they won No.1, then they could ask the emperor to make them real bodyguards, and they didn't have to participate in the next dozen or so cruel and life-threatening competitions.

Only a small number of players want to win No.1 and put forward other requirements, and these few people are Fu Yushu and others.

After listening to Lu Yitang's words, Du Yuanyuan slightly turned his head to look sideways behind him, and quietly gave Fu Yushu a look.This look told Fu Yushu that she hoped they would win No.1.In this way, one can make an excessive request and kill the emperor with ease.If you win No.1, the emperor will definitely die.

Fu Yushu nodded his chin at her, knowing the meaning in her eyes.In fact, he never thought about it that way.If you can find a way to kill the emperor as soon as possible, why bother to continue participating in the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition?
Tang Lin looked at the water basin, her mouth raised slightly, and her smile was unfathomable. No.1, too easy.These people want to win?no way!Yun Shan raised the corners of her mouth, as if she was confident about the results of the assessment.She is a master of underwater qigong, no one in their escort agency, or even in their county town, can compare to her.

Even her senior brother Yun Lei is not half as good as her.

Therefore, she has such a confident attitude, which is by no means arrogant.

Shao Qi exchanged a look with Yun Lei.Finally, Shao Qi's eyes fell on Han Xueyan behind their team.

Han Xueyan not only has no kung fu, but also can't even swim, let alone hold qigong.Facing the basin of water in front of her, she looked a little troubled, and thought to herself, if she won No.1, she would be able to see her sister Han Lingying soon.

Taking advantage of Sun Bailing's inattention, Cao Dan stared at Sun Bailing fixedly. There was no trace of calmness in his eyes. Instead, his eyes became deeper and deeper, and gradually became a little sad and mocking himself.

She did it, she really did it—became the No. [-] pick.

Then, he should fulfill his original promise, help the people above her, convince his father, and let his father work hand in hand with them... Rebellion!

When Sun Bailing looked over, he immediately looked away, but it was a little late, and he was caught by her calm and wise eyes.She looked at him with sadness in her eyes.Because of the difficult mission, she had to get along with him in this way!

When the second prince ascends to the throne of God, then she can be with him in a legitimate way.

However, it is still unknown when the second prince will ascend to the throne of God.

Shao Qi watched Tang Lin's side face secretly, thinking that it would be a good idea to use Tang Lin's weakness to get rid of her.She is too strong on the ground, if used by Yu Shengjun, it will definitely be a crisis with unpredictable consequences for them.

Since Tang Lin is afraid of water, she will definitely lose in tomorrow's underwater competition, and she will die because of it.

Although she is an out-and-out expert, as long as she is helping Yu Shengjun, she is Shao Qi's enemy.

Lu Yitang looked at everyone calmly, and raised his voice and asked, "Everyone, are you ready?"

"Lord Lu!" Tang Lin raised her hand again and asked, "What's the exam?" Then, her expression changed, and the momentum when she asked suddenly weakened, "A little question, can I withdraw from the exam on my own? "

"No!" It was Sun Bailing who replied, she looked at Tang Lin seriously, and reminded: "The emperor said that starting from the fourth round of the competition, all remaining contestants must undergo a pre-competition assessment. If anyone does not participate, All qualifications will be disqualified. In fact, it is not without benefits to have an assessment competition. This is an opportunity, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity provided by the emperor. As long as you win No.1 in the pre-competition assessment, you can ask the emperor to do it for you One more thing, it doesn't matter if you don't get No.1, you can still participate in tomorrow's competition, but you won't have an extra chance!"

Lu Yitang took the words, with the temptation of full marks, "Think about it, if you can get No. 1 in the pre-competition assessment, then you can directly ask the emperor to seal you as Ouchi bodyguards, and you will need to participate in future competitions ?"

People's hearts were shaken one after another, and several people whispered to each other to discuss whether to wait and try their best to perform.

Seeing that these people were tempted, Lu Yitang's lips curved into a satisfied smile.

In fact, for him, he didn't even know about the pre-competition assessment competition before going to court this morning.It's just that in the court hall this morning, the emperor suddenly asked the two counselors to invigilate the exam in person.

Because, a pre-competition assessment competition was added to provide the players with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.As long as you win No.1, you can make a request, no matter what the request is, the No.1 winner can be satisfied.

Tang Lin was full of frustration, and complained in a low voice: "I know that Miss Ben is not good at this type of assessment item, but she still has to do it. Isn't she trying to eliminate me in the fourth round? At least put the water-related competition items at the end Well, really!"

Dong Chenchen held back his laughter, and whispered to Tang Lin, "Oh, boss, don't complain. I don't know water skills either, so I'm the last one."

Lu Yitang ignored the complaints of the two, looked at everyone, and asked sternly: "Everyone, are you ready?"

Everyone replied Ling Ran with one voice: "Ready!"

Lu Yitang said: "I ordered you to start putting your face in the water. You must soak your face in the basin. The process will be supervised by the Imperial Forest Army. Anyone who cut corners will be thrown out of the palace immediately and never allowed to enter again." Palace to participate in the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition. Since the official gave an order, you began to hold your breath underwater. This test is to test your breath holding skills. Whoever persists until the end before leaving the water basin will be No.1 gone."

"Let's get started, my lord!" Yun Shan was already impatient and couldn't wait to show.

Du Yuanyuan also felt his blood boil at this moment, and he felt happy when he thought of defeating Tang Lin easily.

Lu Yitang looked at a group of imperial guards who were already standing behind the contestants, and shouted: "All the imperial guards obey the order and take their positions immediately!" He gave a command, and immediately the imperial guards came to stand beside the contestants in an orderly manner.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Tang Lin tampered with the water basin, and she took something from the tie that tied her hair on her head.

In less than a while, more than a hundred imperial guards stood beside the contestants, and there was a royal guard standing beside each contestant. These imperial guards supervised the progress of the contestants. Cheating, find out immediately.

Lu Yitang glanced at the scene, seeing that the Imperial Forest Army was all in place, he and Sun Bailing looked at each other, then he didn't speak, and Sun Bailing looked towards a certain corner.

There is already a table in a corner, and there is an incense bowl on the table, and incense is inserted in the bowl.

Sun Bailing commanded the Imperial Forest Army standing behind the table, "Start lighting the incense and counting the time!"

Soon, the stick of incense on the incense bowl, the size commonly used in worshiping Buddha, was lit.

Lu Yitang glanced at Zhuxiang, then faced the crowd, his face tightened, and he gave an order: "All contestants obey the order, and the official announces that the fourth round of the pre-competition assessment competition officially... begins!"

Immediately after he gave an order, all the contestants buried their heads in the full water basin and began to hold their breath.

After the game started, the Yulin Army began to watch every move of the players intently, in case anyone sneaked out of the water to take a breath before soaking in the water.

Han Xueyan was the last to bury her head in the water, but she was the first to leave the basin.She suddenly raised her head from the basin, and immediately, the water droplets on the bangs on her forehead were thrown off by her, and then, she gasped for breath.

The other contestants are all martial arts masters, whether it is land ability or underwater ability, they are all leveraged, so they don't leave the water basin so quickly.For No.1, everyone is going to the limit.

Lu Yitang gave the Imperial Forest Army who was monitoring Han Xueyan's game a look, and the Imperial Forest Army noticed it, and immediately picked up Han Xueyan who hadn't responded yet, and dragged him out of the team, "Go, go to the corner and stay there!"

Han Xueyan was forced to drag out of the team, and finally squatted not far behind Lu Yitang.

On the one hand, Han Xueyan was sulking, angry at herself for being so unbelievable; on the other hand, she stared at Shao Qi intently, feeling so nervous that she couldn't breathe.She twisted her fingers together and kept shouting in her heart: "Brother-in-law, come on! Come on!"

After a while, some people gave up holding their breath, just to get a breath of fresh air.And these people were all cleared out of the team by the Imperial Forest Army.

Lu Yitang once again counted the number of people who were still holding their breath. When his eyes fell on Tang Lin, he was very surprised. He was about to exclaim, but Sun Bailing spoke his mind, "Didn't she say she was afraid of water?"

"Yes!" Lu Yitang was really puzzled and shocked. "But this..."

Sun Bailing thought of a possibility, "Perhaps, her own qi holding skills are better than the other contestants, but last night, Deputy Commander Yifeng's requirements were too high, so her underwater qi holding skills were not affirmed?"

(End of this chapter)

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