The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 156 Dare to cheat, how bold! 2

Chapter 156 Dare to cheat, how bold! 2
Lu Yitang breathed a sigh of relief, "It should be like this, otherwise, how to explain her situation now? This was done by a person who can't hold back his qigong?"

"Let's look at the situation again!" Apart from that, Sun Bailing didn't say anything, and continued to monitor the game.

In fact, none of them knew that Tang Lin hadn't taken any assessments at all last night, but... she just stayed in Yu Shengjun's bath for a long time.

Next, another group of players with weak breath holding skills were eliminated.At the scene, there will be less than 50 people left.

Soon, Dong Chenchen and Mei Chun'er, who were originally optimistic about their qi holding skills, both raised their heads at the same time, just like Han Xueyan, the water droplets on their faces and hair splashed many places around them.

Mei Chun'er took a deep breath, "Phew, I can finally breathe!"

After calming down, Dong Chenchen looked behind him, then to the side, and suddenly stared in horror!scare!This boss can hold back even more than her!Is this a man who can't even fight a pond?
It's just that she didn't allow her to look at Tang Lin for a few more times before she was dragged up by the Yulin Army, who said harshly, "You have to watch the front, don't delay other contestants here!" In this way, she and Mei Chun'er were taken to Han Xueyan around those players.

Then, halfway through the burning of the stick of incense, two or three people fell to the side of the water basin because they had held it in for too long, and were immediately dragged away from the team by the Imperial Forest Army, and they were rescued on the spot by pressing the Renzhong acupoint.

There were air bubbles coming out of the water basins of other contestants, but only Tang Lin didn't have any air bubbles in the water basin, which made the Yu Linjun who supervised her very puzzled.

In order to get No.1, some contestants drank the water in the water basin one mouthful at a time, in order to get the No. [-], and to get breath. As a result, they drank until their stomachs became bloated. of water and started to gag.

In the end, these people were cleared out by the Imperial Forest Army.

Lu Yitang didn't need to count the number of people this time, he knew how many contestants there were at a glance.

"Three one, thirty... two." Mei Chun'er pointed, and when she pointed to Yuxin, Yuxin just couldn't bear to come out of the water. Her face was completely pale, with no blood at all, as if blank paper.

Before Yuxin was brought to her side, Mei Chuner and Dong Chenchen ran over. They took Yuxin from the Yulin army, brought Yuxin to the place where they were staying, and then put Yuxin on the ground to lie down .

Because of working too hard, Yuxin greatly hurt her vitality. At this moment, in addition to desperately replenishing Qi, she still replenishes Qi.

Mei Chun'er caressed her chest, eyes filled with distress, and encouraged: "Yu Xin, you have to hold on, don't just take your life away like this, do you hear me?"

Yuxin nodded weakly, then slowly closed her eyes, and her breathing began to gradually stabilize.

Dong Chenchen looked forward and continued to watch the game. He didn't expect that except for Tang Lin and Du Yuanyuan, all the female players couldn't hold on, including Yun Shan who always thought that she was very good at holding qigong.At this moment, there are less than 25 contestants who are still competing, which is pitifully small.

Tang Lin's hands were on the ground, and her waterproof watch was always on her wrist.At this moment, the sleeve did not cover her wrist and was exposed.The time displayed on the watch is 9:00.

When the game started, she looked at her watch. It was only 8:40.By now, 20 minutes have passed.

Tang Lin's bulging face was buried in the water basin, her bony eyes turned around, her mouth was always closed, as if she was holding something in her mouth, so that the corner of her lips was sunken.

She couldn't hear Lu Yitang's voice announcing the end of the competition, so she knew that there were still players persisting.She did not expect that those people who knew martial arts in ancient times were surprisingly good at holding their breath.If it wasn't for his own tricks, he would probably be the first to lose.

Half a stick of incense has passed.

At this moment, there are only a dozen players left who are still competing.

Sun Bailing looked at the stick of incense, and then at Cao Dan, his face was full of worry and anxiety.Half a stick of incense has passed, and if it wasn't for a person with strong inner strength, he wouldn't be able to last half a stick of incense. Shen Dan was determined to persevere.

Why?Why does he persist like this?

If he wins this No.1, what will he ask the emperor to do for him?Do you want to report the second prince, or do you want the emperor to kill her, the fake number one scholar, with an imperial decree, or... destroy the promise between him and her?
No!He can't break the promise!Without him, it would be very difficult for the second prince to win the throne!

He is Prime Minister Shen's favorite son.Prime Minister Shen is very famous in the court and the public. Most of the generals and officials in the court respect him and are willing to do filial piety for him. Moreover, he is a celebrity in front of the emperor.If Prime Minister Shen can be recruited to be used by the Second Prince, then half of the officials in the government and the opposition will be used by the Second Prince.

Therefore, Prime Minister Shen is the most critical step for the Second Prince to achieve his great cause.

Prime Minister Shen is a good prime minister who is loyal to the emperor and patriotic to the country. He only recognizes Yu Shengjun as the emperor in his life, and he will definitely not support other relatives and relatives of the emperor to sit on the dragon throne.However, to convince him, only his son - Shen Dan.

Sun Bailing thought about it for a while, and finally felt that Cao Dan should not be allowed to win No.1.She knew very well that Cao Dan was a master who was familiar with water, and that he had practiced his qigong since he was a child, and no one could compare to him.If he doesn't stop in time, I'm afraid he will be No.1.

At this time, a player cheated, and was immediately dragged up by the guards around him, "You are really brave enough to cheat!"

Everyone cast their eyes on the past.

Sun Bailing pinched the orchid finger with her right hand, and held a bead between her fingertips. When all eyes were on the cheating contestant, she flicked her finger, and immediately the bead had to go out, and finally flicked hard to Cao Dan. on the arm.

Cao Dan felt a numbness in his arm, his heart was burning, he raised his head and cursed: "Which bastard attacked me?"

However, everyone was looking at the cheating contestant, only Sun Bailing was looking at him.When he saw the orchid fingers she hadn't taken and the sight that hadn't left him, she hurriedly covered up her past.

He looked aside and saw a very small steel ball on the ground.

That's right, this is the steel ball, and he will never forget that it is her——Sun Bailing's best hidden weapon.

He looked at her again, his eyes full of distracted pain.Why, why did she stop him?Why?Don't you know that he cherishes this opportunity very much?If he wins No.1, he can ask the emperor to do one thing for him, which is so important to him.

Sun Bailing didn't dare to meet his gaze, and kept looking at a certain place, without even bothering to change his expression, with an indifferent attitude.

Cao Dan took a deep breath, endured the pain, got up slowly, walked to the corner and stood there.Sun Bailing knew when he was sneaking over, but he no longer had the energy to pay attention.

His heart is cold!

At this time, the time of half a stick of incense has passed for a long time.

Soon Yunlei couldn't hold on anymore, and stood up alone and returned to Cao Dan's side, giving up winning the championship.

At this moment, only four people are left in the game.Tang Lin and Du Yuanyuan, Fu Yushu and Shao Qi.

When almost a stick of incense was burned, Du Yuanyuan's body reacted. Her shoulders were shaking all the time, her hands on the ground showed blue veins, and the water in the basin not only had more and more bubbles. , and the water is gradually decreasing.

But she still persisted desperately.There are only two purposes.First, winning No.1 will not only defeat Tang Lin, but also take this opportunity to kill the emperor; second, she has to work hard by herself, so Fu Yushu won't work hard.She can't let him have anything.

Shao Qi is not a bad player, with him here, she must persevere until the end and not let him win.

However, she was desperately holding her breath, while Fu Yushu was desperately worrying about her.He comforted himself over and over again in his heart, she couldn't hold on any longer, she could breathe fresh air, and she wasn't working hard for No.1.

However, Lu Yitang has not moved yet, which obviously proves that she is still holding her breath, she is stupid...

At this time, the contestants all formed a circle, watching Tang Lin and the others continue the competition intently, all of them were full of amazement.

Lu Yitang looked at the crowd around him, and then at Fu Yushu.After glancing at Fu Yushu, his gaze finally fell on Du Yuanyuan.Du Yuanyuan's trembling body couldn't be more obvious, he must be struggling.

If she continues like this, she will definitely die!

After a while, I saw Du Yuanyuan's shoulders shaking even more, but he still didn't want to raise his head.Lu Yitang didn't care about anything, rushed over in a few steps, picked up Du Yuanyuan, pulled her out, and lay her on the ground dying, "Don't continue, you will die!"

Du Yuanyuan's face was completely pale, and she tried to make her sight clearer while panting heavily.

After seeing Lu Yitang's face clearly, Du Yuanyuan smiled weakly and asked softly, "I...have I...won No.1?"

Standing behind Lu Yitang, Dong Chenchen sneered, "Hmph, you will be No.1? What a big joke! The boss is No.1, which is almost the same!"

"What?" Du Yuanyuan frowned, all his strength and mind returned to his body because of Dong Chenchen's words. "Tang Lin didn't lose?" Immediately, she got up and looked forward. In her eyes, Tang Lin was more calm than Fu Yushu and Shao Qi.

As if the world had collapsed, Du Yuanyuan fell twice and sat slumped on the ground. Looking at Tang Lin who was still holding her breath, she shook her head unwillingly, tears streaming down her face, "No, it's impossible, Even the pond can drown her, how could she persist until now..."

Dong Chenchen added, "But the scene in front of you is an iron-clad fact, how can you allow yourself to argue?"

One stick of incense has been burned, and then another stick of incense will be burned.

Tang Lin flashed a pair of big eyes at the bottom of the water, looking very bored, wondering in her heart: "Why isn't it over yet? My hands are sore from holding on. Who else will compete for No.1 with me?"

As time passed, Du Yuanyuan became more and more disturbed.It's not that she doesn't know Fu Yushu's ability, his qi holding skill can only last for a stick of incense, but now that a stick of incense has passed, he not only didn't give up, but continued, what is he doing?

Tang Lin and Shao Qi had nothing to do, so how could he fight.

Du Yuanyuan struggled for a while, then quietly gave Lu Yitang a wink.

Lu Yitang realized that, and nodded respectfully towards Du Yuanyuan. It was obvious that they were acquaintances, and there was also a master-servant relationship.Then, he immediately walked over to Fu Yushu.He didn't pull Fu Yushu up, but squatted down, approached Fu Yushu and said a few words in a voice heard by both of them.

(End of this chapter)

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