The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 157 Dare to cheat, how bold! 3

Chapter 157 Dare to cheat, how bold! 3
A miracle happened, Fu Yushu raised his head obediently.Although his face was pale and bloodless, it looked like he hadn't lost his beauty.

After raising his head, when his vision was clear, the first person he was looking for was none other than Du Yuanyuan.Seeing Du Yuanyuan looking at him with red eyes, worried eyes and pale face, he was particularly distressed.

She gave him a simple wave, telling him that she was fine.

Fu Yushu withdrew his gaze and looked around, and finally his gaze fell on Tang Lin in front of him.He had already stood up and was walking forward. When he passed by Tang Lin, he deliberately slowed down and observed her, observing this female player who he thought would be easy to defeat at first.

But now it turns out that instead of defeating the opponent, he was defeated by the opponent.

A stick of incense ago, she said that even a pond could drown her, so how could she hold her breath for so long?Is she a god?Otherwise, why have all the performances since I met her been so outstanding?
Not only did she eclipse Jun Diexuan, whose business was eclipsed, in the imperial capital overnight, earning money crazily, but also, in the first three rounds of competition, she performed beyond ordinary people.If she is not a god, just an ordinary person can do so many incredible things?
If she is not a god, why is she not afraid?On the night before, I walked out of the back mountain with ease.

Is she a human or a ghost?Where are you from?
There are still two contestants still competing for the championship, but everyone is looking forward to it.They formed a circle and watched the last two people intently, to see who would win, who would lose, and who would win No.1.

There is a pair of eyes at the gate of the palace, watching the situation here closely.

The relit stick of incense soon burned halfway again.This time, it was Yunlei's turn to worry.He pulled Han Xueyan to the corner, and said anxiously: "Miss Yan'er, the lord's tolerance has already passed, if you persist, something will happen!"

Han Xueyan was so anxious that she had no idea at all, "Then what should I do? How can I save my brother-in-law?"

Yunlei thought for a while, and when he had an idea, he leaned into Han Xueyan's ear and whispered, "Miss Yan'er, you should yell later, it's better to be in pain, the lord will definitely raise his head when he hears your voice." Come!"

"Really? Then I'll try!" After finishing speaking, Han Xueyan moistened her throat, then raised her head. Just when she was about to practice howling softly, Yun Lei suddenly stepped on her foot hard, causing her to scream loudly in pain. cried out: "Ah——"

Yunlei apologized innocently, "Miss Yan'er, you have suffered, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, in order to save the Lord, Yunlei has no choice but to!"

Hearing Han Xueyan's exclamation, as Yunlei said, Shao Qi really raised his head, and water splashed all over his face.He hurriedly got up, but unexpectedly, his legs gave way and he fell to the ground.

If one posture is maintained for almost two sticks of incense, it will inevitably become numb.

Seeing this, Han Xueyan immediately ran in to help Shao Qi up, "Brother Qilin, are you alright?"

Shao Qi stood firm, took a closer look at her, and asked, "What about you? What happened to you just now? I heard you..."

Han Xueyan shook her head, "It's okay, Brother Qilin. I was afraid that something would happen to you, so I yelled so loudly!"

"Oh." Shao Qi didn't blame Han Xueyan, if she didn't bark, he would have raised his head at this time, regardless of whether he was the last player or not, he would have done the same.He took on the mission, so he couldn't die at this juncture.

He looked around, inadvertently caught a glimpse of Tang Lin who was still holding her breath, and was startled, "This..."

Han Xueyan praised: "Miss Tang is really amazing!"

The people on the field are either envious or jealous, all kinds of people are different.

However, Tang Lin didn't move at all, which made the guard watching her see something was wrong, and immediately reported to Lu Yitang: "My lord, there seems to be something wrong! This contestant has not moved since the start of the competition, and There are no bubbles on the surface of the water!"

Everyone's eyes were terrified!
I don't know who said too much, "Could it be that the two sticks of incense have been drowned? She said before that even a pond can drown her!"

As soon as these words came out, all the contestants immediately moved closer to Tang Lin.

Mei Chuner and Yuxin were so frightened that they burst into tears. They thought Tang Lin was really drowned, "Boss!" Ah, why did you leave like this, boss!"

Du Yuanyuan breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a sneer in his heart: "It turns out that I died a long time ago, so I have to worry about it for nothing!"

But Fu Yushu didn't have her state of mind. He looked at Tang Lin with very complicated eyes, which became deeper and deeper, full of sadness and regret.

Cao Dan lowered his head, silently regretting Tang Lin's death.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" Lu Yitang pushed aside the crowd, and then pushed Mei Chun'er and the others away.He squatted down and stood beside Tang Lin's water basin, just looking at her like this, stretched out his right hand trembling slightly, tightened his thirsty throat, then put his hand into the water, touched her chin, and then Lift her head up.

She couldn't just die like this. He still didn't tell her some things.She can't just die like this...

Tang Lin's face was still pale and rosy, not pale at all.Although she raised her head with her eyes closed, she wasn't scary at all, unlike Du Yuanyuan who was dying, pale and bloodless.

However, this heart-wrenchingly beautiful appearance still hurt everyone's hearts.

There was anxiety and fear in the eyes at the gate of the palace. Just as she was about to rush over to see Tang Lin, Tang Lin suddenly opened her eyes and made a big face at Lu Yitang—staring, sticking out her tongue, and putting her hands on her ears. edge waving.

Lu Yitang's heart contracted, and he let go of the hand holding Tang Lin's chin suddenly, and fell back to sit down, his face turned pale from fright, and his heartbeat was pounding every now and then.He guarded against Tang Lin's approach, his lips trembling.

The others were already scared by Tang Lin's sudden awakening and retreated two steps away, shouting, "Ghost—"

Tang Lin withdrew her tongue, stood up slowly, threw a blank stare at everyone, and said angrily: "Please, I'm not dead, okay? It scares you... as if I really died, bah, not at all." auspicious!"

"Boss, what's going on?" Dong Chenchen was really puzzled.

Tang Lin giggled, a little innocent, and a little embarrassed to explain: "Actually, I just want to give everyone a surprise!"

Du Yuanyuan stared over, "Are you sure it's not shock but surprise?"

"I can't communicate with you, it's no fun!" Throwing a sentence to Du Yuanyuan, Tang Lin turned to Lu Yitang and asked, "Is there anyone who continues to hold their breath? If there is no one, then am I, Tang Lin, the one before the fourth round?" Is it No. 1 in the assessment competition?"

Lu Yitang was still a little afraid of her, and said tremblingly: "Yes, you are the last one, are No.1, you have a chance to pass the level, and you can also ask the emperor to do something for you!"

Tang Lin laughed happily, "Wow, that's great, you can be No.1 just like that!"

Lu Yitang looked at her expression and asked, "Miss Tang, I don't understand something, you... didn't you say that even a pond would drown you? Then how did your breath-holding skills reach such an astonishing level? "

Everyone was looking forward to Tang Lin's answer.

But Tang Lin's answer caused everyone to fall to the ground. She said in a tone that she felt harmless and had nothing to do with herself: "Oh, Mr. Counselor, I forgot to tell you that my pond is full of dung. I have Once I fell into the pond, I was almost choked to death by feces, and I couldn’t hold my breath there, it’s very painful!”

"Uh..." Everyone was dumbfounded, accepting all kinds of helplessness.

After a while, Lu Yitang announced the end of the assessment competition. After everyone dispersed, he and Sun Bailing went back to meet business.

After Tang Lin waited for everyone to leave, she squatted down and took out something from her basin.This is a white water-colored straw, which is very flexible and elastic.In order to drink coconut juice conveniently in the area where coconut trees are luxuriant, she always brings a straw with her every time she goes out.Because the straw is elastic, like a rubber band, it can't be pulled no matter how hard it is, so she uses it to tie her hair.

Unexpectedly, this straw helped her a lot today. Even if she loses the game tomorrow, she can use this opportunity to pass the level smoothly. Why not do it?

If it weren't for the fact that the straw was white, it would be hard to tell it apart in the water basin, otherwise, she would have lost long ago.Or, those who have been regarded as cheating have been cleaned up by the Royal Forest Army.He was kicked out of the palace directly.

She can hold back in the water for half an hour, but it is extremely difficult to hold back two sticks of incense, so she still has to rely on her cleverness to win.

It's just that I don't know what the content of tomorrow's competition will be. Since it has something to do with water, it must be played where there is water.I haven't asked Yu Shengjun about the competition, can I pass the level smoothly?
If you ask, you will know how to pass the customs.But, this is not her style.

Just be the same as everyone else, compare one round, look forward to one round, and strive for one round.


The people in the kitchen brought the meals to the table one by one.

Tang Lin sat down at the dining table with the people in the room. She picked up the chopsticks, and when she was about to pick up vegetables to eat, she found that none of these dishes were made by Yu Zichen and Guan Eyun.

Thinking of these two, she put down the bowl and chopsticks, not in the mood to eat.

"Nervous!" Du Yuanyuan looked at Tang Lin and added in his heart, and then started eating on his own.

Dong Chen Chen Guo asked Tang Lin: "Boss, what's the matter?"

Tang Lin stroked her forehead and said tiredly: "It's okay, I'm just annoyed by some headaches. You can eat, don't worry about me, I'm not hungry now!"

After she said that, the others couldn't say anything, and started to move.

After a while, Yuxin mentioned: "Boss, what are you going to do after dinner? Are you going to sleep in your room?"

Tang Lin stretched and yawned, "I didn't sleep last night, I want to rest early tonight, so I have a mental competition tomorrow. I'll take a bath in a while..." Speaking of taking a bath, what did she think of? Evil His eyes slowly fell on Du Yuanyuan's face.

Du Yuanyuan already knew what she meant, put down the bowl and chopsticks, and said indifferently: "I can't eat any more!"

Tang Lin smiled treacherously, "Girl, wait for me in the bathroom!"

"Don't get complacent too early! Hmph!" Du Yuanyuan snorted coldly and walked out of the room.

Tang Lin's words still came from behind, "Don't forget the bet you lost, otherwise, you will not be a trustworthy person!" Damn woman, let's see how she tosses Du Yuanyuan.

into the night.

Women's bathhouse.

All the female contestants in Lanyuan had finished bathing and left, only Tang Lin and Du Yuanyuan were left.

(End of this chapter)

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