The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 159 Fu Tianze, do you dare to touch me?

Chapter 159 Fu Tianze, do you dare to touch me?

Du Yuanyuan stopped her, "I want to know, what is your master's name? Has he told you about his family background?"

"This... Let me think about it!" Tang Lin really started to meditate. After thinking about it, she immediately said to Du Yuanyuan: "I remember. My master uncle once told me that my master's surname is Chu, and his name is Chu." Chu Heng, that's right, it's called Chu Heng. The master uncle said that the master is from a big man!"

"What? Chu Heng?!" Du Yuanyuan was so shocked that she didn't know what to say, she lowered her head and muttered to herself, "Isn't that right, Chu Heng is a relative of the emperor of Chu State, the uncle of the emperor here."

However, during the war that year, the royal family of Chu State had been wiped out. In order to defend Chu State, the emperor Chu Heng fought against Yu Xin's generals, and finally died on the battlefield. Only Fu Yushu, a young man, was left in the entire royal family. Prince.But why is the emperor's uncle Chu Heng still alive?

According to Tang Lin, the uncle Chu Heng is still alive.So, what happened back then?How did the emperor's uncle Chu Heng escape from the enemy's encirclement and survive?Now that he has survived, why not contact the Anti Defense Society?

The more Du Yuanyuan thought about it, the more complicated it became, and he wished to see Tang Lin's master immediately to ask about the situation.

"Yeah," Tang Lin looked down at Du Yuanyuan's slightly sad face, and asked with concern, "What's wrong with you? Don't you envy me because I have such a powerful master? You said just now that we are already good friends." Friends are here!"

"We are friends!" Du Yuanyuan raised his head, looked into Tang Lin's eyes, and said sincerely. "From now on, we are really friends."

Tang Lin smiled contemptuously, "This is not your style, Du Yuanyuan!"

Du Yuanyuan said anxiously: "Although it was not in the past, it does not mean the present and the future. Tang Lin, to be honest, we will be relatives in the future. To tell you the truth, there is a person who knows your master!"

Tang Lin narrowed her eyes, "Mysterious, who is it?"

Du Yuanyuan really became mysterious, "I'll take you to see him after you take a shower!"

"Pretending to be a ghost!" Tang Lin said boringly, expressing that she was not looking forward to it.After turning his back, the corners of his lips curled up in a cold arc.What Du Yuanyuan said was true. After taking a bath, he took Tang Lin with him and left Lanyuan.

Fu Yushu lives in Zhuyuan. Because male players are not allowed to enter the place where female players live, and female players are not allowed to enter the place where male players live, Du Yuanyuan finally had to take Tang Lin to the gate of Zhuyuan.

Tang Lin was dragged out by force. Seeing Du Yuanyuan guarding the door and refusing to go in, she was very impatient. She shook off Du Yuanyuan's hand and said impatiently, "Du Yuanyuan, what are you doing? You dragged me out to help you." Gatekeeper, can you go in and have a tryst with the male contestant?"

"Shh!" Du Yuanyuan booed Tang Lin, begging Tang Lin like his ancestors, "Grandma, please keep your voice down, please, if this alarms the Imperial Forest Army at the door, we won't be able to bear it and walk around .”

To make Du Yuanyuan so nervous, Tang Lin felt so happy.But on the surface, Tang Lin looked impatient and hot-tempered, and still asked impatiently: "Then what do you want to bring me out for?"

Du Yuanyuan booed her again, looked around in the dark with terrified and nervous eyes, and after confirming that there was nothing unusual, he pulled Tang Lin past the door of Zhuyuan, and asked in a low voice: "Auntie, please You, don't be so loud, okay? When I bring you out, I definitely want you to meet someone!"

Tang Lin became a little interested and looked forward to asking, "Who is it?"

"I'll know when I see you!" Du Yuanyuan remained mysterious and didn't tell Tang Lin immediately.

Tang Lin was a little disappointed, but she didn't bother with Du Yuanyuan, "Okay, then I'll wait, I want to see who knows my master!"

"Tang Lin, remember, don't make a sound." Du Yuanyuan turned around and faced the bamboo garden after telling Tang Lin a few words.Because it was not long after nightfall, the people living in the bamboo garden had not fallen asleep yet.She whistled into the bamboo garden and whistled three times in a row.After blowing, she pulled Tang Lin over, "Let's go!

Afterwards, Tang Lin was dragged to an abandoned courtyard in the palace. It was so dark that no one could see clearly if it wasn't for the moonlight.

Tang Lin shook off Du Yuanyuan's hand, and was very angry at Du Yuanyuan's sneaky behavior. She said angrily, "Du Yuanyuan, you've been hypocritical since nightfall. What do you really want? Play me against you." It's no good!"

Just as Du Yuanyuan was about to say something, he glanced at the shadow at the door and heaved a sigh of relief, "Here he is!"

Tang Lin turned to look at the door. Since she was standing in the courtyard at the moment, she couldn't see clearly the figure at the door. She only saw a vague figure walking towards her slowly.She stared at the figure approaching carefully, "Who is it?"

Du Yuanyuan said proudly: "You will understand soon!"

Yes, soon, the visitor walked up to him.When Tang Lin saw that this person turned out to be Fu Yushu, Tang Lin was taken aback, "Fu Tianze?!"

The other party was also taken aback, "Xiao Tang is in charge?"

Du Yuanyuan frowned, Xiao Tang is in charge?Why did Fu Yushu call Tang Lin like that?

Fu Yushu looked at Du Yuanyuan, then at Tang Lin, his face changed, "What's the matter with you?" In fact, he meant to question Du Yuanyuan.It's not that Du Yuanyuan doesn't know the relationship between the two of them. If Tang Lin knows about it, then nothing will happen?
However, instead of giving him an explanation, Du Yuanyuan pulled Tang Lin closer to him and couldn't help but introduce, "Yu Shu, guess who she could be?"

Now, both of them were shocked at the same time!
Tang Lin stared at Fu Yushu with wide eyes, "Your name is Yushu? Aren't you Fu Tianze?"

Fu Yushu's face was still pale, and his heart was already broken. Although he didn't know what kind of lawsuit his wife Du Yuanyuan was selling, if Tang Lin knew his name, it would definitely bring him a crisis with dire consequences.

Tang Lin looked at the two of them, one smiled calmly, the other looked as pale as if the sky had fallen, and asked in a daze, "When did you two become so close?"

Fu Yushu was about to explain, but Du Yuanyuan snatched his words and put his arms around his waist, proving to Tang Lin her identity with Fu Yushu with an intimate gesture, "Tang Lin, to tell you the truth, we are..."

A loud slap sounded in the deep courtyard.

Before he had time to introduce his husband and wife relationship with Fu Yushu, Du Yuanyuan was slapped by Fu Yushu, and five finger marks appeared on his cheeks.

Fu Yushu looked at Du Yuanyuan's eyes gradually filled with mist, and slowly retracted his trembling hands.He didn't want Tang Lin to know about their relationship, for fear that she would slip up, so he had to stop her in this way.Withdrawing his hand, he put it behind his back, and his five fingers were still trembling.This is the first time he hit a woman, and it was his wife.

He was very sad and heartbroken. It hit Du Yuanyuan on the face, but it hurt in his heart.However, he had no choice but to explain it clearly to her afterwards and ask her for forgiveness.

At this moment, on the surface, he couldn't bear the slightest hint of resentment, and said indifferently: "I, Fu Tianze, hate women touching my body the most in my life, Du Yuanyuan, don't think that you can mess around just because you are Miss Tang's friend, please be respectful! "

Du Yuanyuan covered his painful cheeks, looked at Fu Yushu's cold and hard expression, and took a deep breath. The air was stuffed in his chest, which made her extremely uncomfortable, almost suffocating.The voice that was finally squeezed out of his throat was so hoarse and weak, "Xianggong, you..."

Snapped!Another loud slap.

When Tang Lin looked over, there were five more deep finger marks on Du Yuanyuan's other cheek, which were hit by Fu Yushu's reverse hand, using a lot of force.

Judging from the scene of Fu Yushu beating Du Yuanyuan, it is not difficult to see how cautious Fu Yushu is.In order not to expose their identities to her, he could raise his hand and slap his wife in the face, just to silence her.

Du Yuanyuan couldn't hold back the tears any longer, shed tears, and stared at Fu Yushu with an extremely aggrieved expression, "You misunderstood me, you really misunderstood me...Msg... Gong!"

"You," upon hearing the word "Xiang", Fu Yushu raised his hand instinctively, but when he was about to drop it, Du Yuanyuan raised his chin instead, closed his eyes, and planned to silently accept his third slap.

This stubborn and pitiful look made Fu Yushu unable to do anything anymore.She had already called him Mr. Tang twice in succession, no matter how stupid Tang Lin was, she couldn't fail to hear it.He stretched out his hand, grabbed Du Yuanyuan, hugged him into his arms, and said with great distress: "Madam, I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose!"

Tang Lin looked at these two people, and she showed a surprised expression very cooperatively. Although she knew the identities of these two people before, this kind of surprise is necessary, otherwise they will make them suspicious, " My God! Are you husband and wife?"

Now that the matter has come to this point, Fu Yushu no longer hides from Tang Lin, but he cannot let Tang Lin leave here alive.He let go of Du Yuanyuan, and when he faced Tang Lin, his eyes were extremely cold, and the air-conditioning emitted from his body was enough to freeze the surrounding air, not to mention the murderous aura exuding from his body, which made the scalp tingle.He bit his lower lip, and said with a cold face: "Since you know, then I have nothing to say, Xiao Tang, the person in charge, don't blame me!"

"What are you doing?" It was the first time Tang Lin had seen Fu Yushu's cold and heartless face at this moment.She backed away in fear, "Fu Tianze, I, Tang Lin, was once your person in charge, how could you..."

While Fu Yu was cold and stern, his eyes were full of sadness, "I don't want to kill you, shouldn't know about my relationship with Du Yuanyuan, I'm sorry, I have to..."

"Don't!" Du Yuanyuan immediately came over to stop Fu Yushu, she grabbed his hand and stopped her: "Sir, you can't kill her!"

"What's the matter with you?" Fu Yushu was both puzzled and angry about Du Yuanyuan's behavior at the moment. "You know that we cannot let outsiders know about our affairs, what are you doing tonight..." The more you said, the more angry you became, and you were so angry that you didn't want to speak so clearly.

Du Yuanyuan comforted: "Master, you are very restless now, you should calm down first. I will explain to you after you calm down, okay?"

Tang Lin was frightened by Fu Yushu's sudden coldness. She walked around the road and turned her back to the door, intending to escape, "Talk first, I remember that I still have important things to deal with, you talk slowly, I'll go first gone!"

When she turned around successfully and was about to run away, Fu Yushu's figure swished and stood in front of her, blocking her way, still with a gloomy expression, "Want to leave? It's not that easy !"

For Tang Lin, Fu Yushu couldn't stop her if she wanted to escape, she did it on purpose.

Tang Lin said angrily: "What's the matter with you? Anyway, we have worked together before, so how can you turn your face? Why did I, Tang Lin, offend you? As for making you have to kill me?"

(End of this chapter)

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