The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 160 My Big Brother is Yu Shengjun!

Chapter 160 My Big Brother is Yu Shengjun!
Fu Yushu endured the pain, and said: "I don't want to, but who told you that you are helping the emperor, and now you know my relationship with Yuan Yuan, if I save your life, it will be Fu Yushu's death! You say , can I let you go? Regardless of whether we have known each other before, but I will never let you leave alive tonight! Letting you go, for me, Fu Yushu, that would be... a fatal blow!"

Tang Lin put her arms around her chest, and said with a sneer, "Joke! When will it be your turn to decide my Tang Lin's fate? Fu Tianze, do you dare to touch me? Don't think that I am inferior to you. Be careful that the one who dies here tonight is you, It's not me. It's really annoying, I used to be your friend so much, and you want to kill me instead, do you have any conscience? Your conscience was eaten by dogs? "

Every word of her pierced his heart like a knife.If he didn't care too much about her, how could he feel such heartache?After all, it was this face that ruined his affairs.If he didn't kill her tonight, he would no longer have the courage in the future.Fu Yushu's red eyes stared at Tang Lin's face that he was so infatuated with in the past, his heart was hardened, and he made a painful decision, "Even if you beg me to spare your life tonight, I can't let you go !"

With such a firm tone and such a cold expression, why did she hear something different?It seemed that he was in pain, and killing her was in pain!

Tang Lin no longer had the same attitude as before. At this moment, she was struggling to capture the pain in Fu Yushu's eyes.He shouldn't have such emotions, should he?Since you want to get rid of her quickly, why do you still feel pain?
Could it be because of Shi He's relationship?
He has met Shihe, and the child in Shihe's womb may be his.If she looks exactly like Shihe, he will definitely think of Shihe when he looks at his face, so why can't he do it?
Fu Yushu took out the dagger, and while Tang Lin was analyzing the matter, he quickly put the dagger on her neck. The gleaming dagger stuck to her white and smooth neck, and a trail of blood slowly slid down her neck. chest.

He didn't pierce, but once the sharp dagger touched her skin lightly, how could the skin that could be broken with a snap of a finger withstand such a sharp dagger.

Tang Lin was not afraid of being cut, she stared at Fu Yushu, stared at him seriously, eyes full of anger and puzzlement, stared at his extremely painful face tightly, until he couldn't do anything to her.

If it wasn't for his face, maybe he would have done it long ago, why bother mother-in-law.

Seeing her fearless face, Fu Yushu frowned, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

Tang Lin looked arrogant, and sneered, "Afraid of death? If I, Tang Lin, were afraid of death, would I still come in to participate in this life-threatening trial? Fu Tianze, you really opened my eyes. Last month, Jundiexuan Don't you think it's ironic that an ordinary buyer has turned into a killer now?"

"Sir, don't!" Du Yuanyuan grabbed Fu Yushu's wrist, not wanting his hand to be too hard, otherwise, Tang Lin would really walk out tonight.

Fu Yushu pushed Du Yuanyuan away angrily, "Get out of the way!"

His words contained disappointment and despair towards her.

Since she was his wife, why did she stop him from killing someone who had to be killed?Husband and wife are meant to be together, aren't they?And tonight, she actually caused trouble for him and brought him into a situation that was difficult to deal with.

Du Yuanyuan closed his eyes in pain and took a deep breath, but it was so uncomfortable.After opening her eyes, she looked at Fu Yushu and said seriously: "Master, you can blame me, but you really can't kill her, she has countless ties to you!"

"What?" Fu Yushu was taken aback, and looked at Du Yuanyuan with an extremely puzzled expression.Before tonight, she wished Tang Lin would die sooner, but now why is she begging for Tang Lin's mercy instead?That's not like her style.

Du Yuanyuan sniffed, put his grievances and pains behind him, and talked about Tang Lin, "Yushu, do you still remember your uncle Chu Heng?"

Fu Yushu was asked inexplicably, "I remember, what's wrong? My emperor uncle died with my Chu country when I was six years old. How could I forget something so fresh in my memory."

Tang Lin suddenly interjected, "What Chu country? My master is alive and well. Fu Tianze, why are you cursing my master to die?"

Fu Yushu was startled, and stared at Tang Lin with wide eyes, "Your master... is my uncle...Chu Heng?"

Tang Lin said casually: "Anyway, my master's name is Chu Heng. It doesn't matter if he is your uncle. Anyway, you cursed my master to die early. This is your fault. Go on, be careful that I will eat you bullets!"

Fu Yushu looked at Du Yuanyuan with a questioning look on his face, "What's going on?"

In a blink of an eye, it was late at night.

The moonlight was softer, and the courtyard was completely white.

After hearing what Du Yuanyuan found on Tang Lin tonight, he was very surprised, but at the same time he was still wary and suspicious.He is a very cautious person, and it is because of his own caution that he manages the Counter Defense Society so mysteriously.

In the past, he thought that Tang Lin had no martial arts and was just a girl who looked like Shihe.Until these few days of competition, her various performances, as well as her intimacy with Yu Shengjun, made him feel that she was a crisis.

Unexpectedly, she turned out to be his uncle's apprentice.

The emperor's uncle Chu Heng died more than ten years ago, how did he survive?

"So, the reason why you entered the palace was to get close to the emperor?" Du Yuanyuan didn't explain, Fu Yushu looked into Tang Lin's eyes and planned to ask. "You entered the palace on the orders of your master?"

Tang Lin looked at him with strange eyes, "What's the matter with you tonight? It seems that you are very interested in my master!"

Fu Yushu wanted to be sure, that Tang Lin was really his uncle's apprentice, and that his uncle was not dead.Either believe it to the end, or don't believe it.If you remain a little suspicious, sooner or later you will toss yourself enough.So he either believes it all or he doesn't believe it at all.

He thought for a while, and planned to test Tang Lin on some things he knew about the emperor's uncle when he was a child, "Did your master tell you that more than ten years ago, he had a little daughter..."

Before he could finish speaking, Tang Lin frowned and sighed, "Oh, it's a pity that Master, the old man finally had a daughter under his knees, but...he drowned and died in the lotus pond at home. For this reason, Master spent one night. I am much older, and until now, Master still has a vivid memory of this incident. He is getting older. Whenever he thinks of his daughter, he will cry. This makes us brothers and sisters very sad to see it! "

She actually knew that the uncle's daughter had drowned!Fu Yushu was so excited that he almost wanted to hug Tang Lin involuntarily, but because of Du Yuanyuan's presence, he did not do so, but controlled his emotions.

Tang Lin suddenly asked strangely: "Hey, Fu Tianze, how did you know my master? And how did you know that the old man had a daughter? And..." pointing to Du Yuanyuan, "Why didn't you tell me that you are husband and wife? Also, why is your name Yushu?"

After passing the test just now, Fu Yushu now fully believes that Tang Lin is his uncle's apprentice, and also fully believes that his uncle is still alive.At that time, only the insiders of the royal family knew about the drowning of the little princess in the lotus pond at home, and no outsiders knew about it.If the uncle hadn't told Tang Lin, how would Tang Lin know.

Besides, it has been more than ten years since the death of the little princess by drowning.Tang Lin was only born at that time, so it was impossible for her to know what happened more than ten years ago. Someone must have told her, and this person must be related to the little princess.

Now, he can be sure that the emperor's uncle is still alive, and like him, he is planning to bring down the Yuxin Dynasty.Another point that is most worthy of celebration is that the crisis he thought was not a crisis in the end. After learning about Tang Lin, now he no longer thinks that Tang Lin is working for Yu Shengjun, but for their Chu State. work.

Since he is the emperor's uncle's apprentice, he is the one who rebelled against the Imperial Council.

"Tang Lin, I..." Fu Yushu was still excited because he learned such an important thing tonight, and he was so excited that he didn't know what to say. "My name is not Fu Tianze, I lied to you!"

Tang Lin frowned, and said angrily, "You lied to me? Why?"

Fu Yushu started from the beginning, "Tang Lin, do you know about the Anti-Imperial Society?"

"Anti-Imperial Society?" Tang Lin was stunned for a moment, and after remembering something, she suddenly exclaimed: "Isn't that a mysterious organization that my master often talks about?"

"Huh?" Fu Yushu frowned, "Your master often talks about it?"

"Yes!" Tang Lin nodded, "In the past few years, my master has been telling us that the Anti-Imperial Society is a very mysterious organization. Don't go out, he didn't find any traces of the Anti-Royal Society, so he has never been associated with the Anti-Royal Society. I often ask Master, the Anti-Royal Society is a group of anti-imperialists, why should I join them? Although I don't know What is the world like, but it is wrong to oppose the imperial court!"

"What do you know?" Fu Yushu reprimanded Tang Lin on the spot in an old-fashioned tone. When Tang Lin said that it was wrong to oppose the imperial court, it was a bit unpleasant. Now, his words became a little irritable. With your master here, are you still alive? If it wasn’t because of your master, you would have been killed by Yuxin’s soldiers more than ten years ago, and you would still be able to walk out of the war-torn place alive?”

"What, what?" Tang Lin's face suddenly became heavy, "You said that if Master hadn't saved me, I would have been killed by Yuxin's soldiers? Back then, it was Yuxin's soldiers who caused the destruction of my Tang family? "

"Isn't it?" Du Yuanyuan said after taking two steps. "When you were young, Yuxin's imperial court invaded the land of Chu State, and then sent troops to attack. This caused the people of Chu to live in distress, and also caused our people in Chu State to be displaced, dying, and injured. Tang Lin, if You are not from the state of Chu. Why did your master save you back then? You must have heard of the state of Chu, right? Unfortunately, now that it has been incorporated into Yuxin’s territory, there is no such thing as the state of Chu. With the national feud and the mission of restoring the country, otherwise your master would not let you enter the palace to compete and want you to become a celebrity in front of the emperor. Your master, an old man, just wants you to be close to the emperor. Once you have the opportunity, You can easily kill the emperor and avenge our Chu country!"

Tang Lin was very confused, with a disturbed expression on her face, she muttered to herself: "I am from Chu State? My parents were murdered by Yuxin's soldiers? Is it the Yuxin Dynasty who ruined our Tang family?"

Fu Yushu added two sentences, "Not only that, the person who ordered the killing of your parents and caused your family to be destroyed is the current emperor of the Yuxin Dynasty who took special care of you these days... Yushengjun!" Tang Lin gasped. In one breath, "What?" He took two steps back uncontrollably, his body wobbling almost to the point of falling, "The emperor is the culprit who killed my parents? How could this be? He praised my performance last night He had to promise to keep me by his side, how could this be..."

(End of this chapter)

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