The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 161: Body Search Operation!

Chapter 161: Body Search Operation!
As if she had been greatly shocked, she kept shaking her head in denial, her face full of pain.

Hearing what she said, Fu Yushu thought of an idea instead, "You mean, the dog emperor came to you last night to discuss with you about keeping you by his side?"

Tang Lin nodded vigorously, and added a few tears, pretending to hate Yu Shengjun's tears. "That's right, he summoned me yesterday afternoon just to tell me about this matter, and he also ordered the deputy commander of Yifeng to test me!"

"He actually values ​​you so much," Fu Yushu said ecstatically, "Tang Lin, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us."

Tang Lin frowned in confusion, "A golden opportunity?"

Fu Yushu said: "Tang Lin, you are from Chu State, and we are also from Chu State. However, our Chu State has been invaded by Yuxin, and now it has become Yuxin's territory. As Chu State, we Sons and daughters, shouldering the deep hatred of the family and the country, and the mission of restoring the country, we want to kill the current emperor, avenge the subjects of our lost state of Chu, and revive our fallen state of Chu!"

"Is what you said true?" Tang Lin asked choked with sobs, "My family members were really killed by the order of the current emperor?"

Fearing that Tang Lin would not believe it, Du Yuanyuan said anxiously: "What are you doing lying to? If we hadn't found out that you are the emperor's apprentice, we would not have told you such an important matter. I think the reason why the emperor didn't tell you Who is the enemy of the dog emperor, just to make you feel at ease to win the appreciation of the dog emperor, and when the time comes, I will tell you that the dog emperor is the enemy of your family and even our Chu country. At that time, you will definitely do it! Don’t you want to Did you avenge your parents?"

Tang Lin gritted her teeth, and said ruthlessly: "I don't want to. My master told me since I was a child that the enemy who killed my parents is still alive, and asked me to practice martial arts diligently and seek revenge on that enemy as soon as possible. This time, the master told me when I went down the mountain. I will be able to meet my enemy, I never thought that my enemy would be..."

Fu Yushu patted her shoulder lightly. He had already felt her painful heart, and comforted him: "Tang Lin, I know that you also bear blood and deep hatred. I know that you want to kill your enemy with your own hands, but you can't act on your will now!"

"I'm going to kill the dog emperor!" After finishing speaking, Tang Lin walked past Fu Yushu coldly, intending to leave the courtyard and go to the main palace to seek revenge on the emperor.

Fu Yushu stopped her, "Tang Lin, don't do this!"

She pushed him away with a little effort, "Get out of the way, I have been waiting for the enemy to appear for many years, if I don't kill the dog emperor this time, I will... vow not to be human!" Khan, the acting is over. "Don't stop me!"

But the more she said this, the tighter Fu Yushu stopped her, and finally grabbed her trembling shoulders with both hands, shook her body, and said sharply: "Tang Lin, wake me up!"

After being shaken several times, Tang Lin didn't compromise until her neck hurt. On the surface, she looked bloody and bloody, but in her heart, she had already scolded Fu Yushu and his group hundreds of times.But there is no way, for Yu Shengjun's ultimate goal, in order to wipe out all four people in one go, she has to continue to perform this trick and make up the story.In fact, it's pretty good to play this game.Not only can you protect yourself, but you can also set traps for the enemy to jump into.

"Hoo," Tang Lin cried, and threw herself into Fu Yushu's arms like a helpless person, crying into tears, "He is my enemy, why don't you let me kill him? Why? "

Seeing other women throwing themselves into her husband's arms, Du Yuanyuan was somewhat uncomfortable watching from the sidelines.If it was any other woman, she would have killed the woman on the spot, but now it was Tang Lin, she had no urge to kill, it was just a little unpleasant.She cast her eyes away, not wanting to touch such a scene, otherwise, her heart would be even more uncomfortable.

Fu Yushu stroked Tang Lin's back and comforted: "Don't be sad, revenge, we must avenge it, but not now. If you act rashly, it will harm you, your master and your senior brothers Sisters, and our descendants who died in Chu."

Tang Lin choked up in his arms and said, "Then what should we do? Do we want to let the enemy go free?"

He let go of her, looked at her pear face with tears, and wanted to reach out to wipe away those tears, but saw Du Yuanyuan next to him looking away in discomfort, so he didn't stretch out his hand.How could he forget that Du Yuanyuan loved him, and seeing him having such an intimate act with other women naturally made him feel uncomfortable.

Du Yuanyuan turned his gaze back to look at the two, and finally looked at Tang Lin, then gently held Tang Lin's hand, and said earnestly: "Tang Lin, Brother Fu also stopped you from taking revenge for your own good. Let me tell you the truth , We have been wanting revenge for a long time, and we have already put it into action, but every action has failed, and the dog emperor cannot be killed. Do you know why? Because he is protected by Ouchi guards, killing him is not easy !"

Tang Lin said angrily: "Should we just let him slaughter us like this?"

Du Yuanyuan said: "No! However, we can't act rashly, otherwise, it will cause unnecessary consequences! Now, the reason why we enter the palace to participate in the selection of Ouchi guards is to find an opportunity to get close to him and kill him in one fell swoop!"

"Then why didn't you act?" Tang Lin asked.

Du Yuanyuan smiled helplessly, gave her a blank look, and said with a smile: "Silly girl, I have already said that he is protected by the Ouchi guards, and when he is never alone, how do we start?"

"Then what should I do?" Tang Lin became anxious, "I can't wait to kill him!"

Fu Yushu said: "We have to think of a perfect strategy, which can not only kill the dog emperor, but also escape with no casualties!"

Tang Lin asked, "Brother Fu, have you thought about it?"

Fu Yushu pondered for a while before saying: "I think I have thought of it, but it is a bit difficult. For the present plan, we can only clear all the guards around the dog emperor. As long as there is no one of the big inner guards, the dog emperor will be unable to fly!"

Tang Lin reminded: "However, we don't know how many guards there are in the palace. How to clean them up?"

Fu Yushu smiled, and said with confidence: "I used to think it was quite difficult, but now that I have you, it's very easy. Tang Lin, aren't you deeply appreciated by the dog emperor now? Then you should obey your master's words, Get close to the dog emperor and become his side. In this way, we should cooperate from the inside out, and I believe that we will soon avenge our Chu country."

Tang Lin said: "Can I do this? I'm close to him, and I'll strike right away? Anyway, the emperor's martial arts are not strong, and he relies on his guards to protect him. It's easy for me to kill him!"

"No!" Fu Yushu rejected Tang Lin's idea, "Although I don't know the martial arts of the dog emperor, I know very well how powerful the guards around him are. Even if you kill the dog emperor, it will be difficult to escape. We can't let you take risks. !"

Tang Lin was a little impatient, "But when we get rid of the guards around the dog emperor, how long will we have to wait? Also, even if we kill the dog emperor, we won't be able to restore the country?"

Fu Yushu frowned, "How?"

Tang Lin analyzed: "Think about it, General Shao is in charge of the soldiers and horses of the Yuxin Dynasty now, and the most important point is, I heard from my elder brother that the officials of the court are very united, even if the king dies, the minister If the dog emperor is really dead, there are still a few princes, princesses, and uncles...these royal relatives and relatives can wipe out us, the remnants of the Chu Kingdom. , how do we restore the country?"

Fu Yushu said calmly: "We can restore the country, but if we want to rule the Yuxin Dynasty, it is impossible. The original land of our Chu State is just the tip of the iceberg of the Yuxin Dynasty. Our land will do."

"Why can't you rule?" Tang Lin asked.

Du Yuanyuan replied for Fu Yushu: "Because of the existence of Beilin Kingdom, we cannot rule it. Today, the two major countries in the Central Plains belong to Yuxin and Beilin are comparable. We have reliable news that Beilin is now secretly planning to attack Yuxin. Moreover, the emperor Beilin threatened in private that he would not want to touch Yuxin as long as he was a big country in the north, and he would not want to touch the small country next to him. However, defeating Yuxin is not easy, and the internal structure of the imperial court must be disintegrated first. Lin Guo has cooperated, and I believe that when they take Yuxin Jiangshan, they will return the land of Chu State to us!"

The corner of Tang Lin's mouth twitched, "Is there any reason to return it to us?"

Du Yuanyuan emphasized, "The premise is that we have made a contribution to help Beilin win Yuxin, so Beilin can't keep his word. If the other party breaks his promise, with our ability to fight against Yu, we will stalk Yuxin. Aren't you going to turn Beilin upside down? Believe that he, Beilin Kingdom, knows how powerful this is!"

Tang Lin said irritably, "Just kill the dog emperor directly, it's so complicated!"

Fu Yushu said: "It is a matter of time to kill the dog emperor. This has nothing to do with the restoration of the country. Now, on the one hand, we must find an opportunity to kill the dog emperor in one fell swoop, but there must be no casualties. On the other hand, we must assist the Northern Kingdom to disintegrate the Yuxin court. In this way, we have the possibility of restoring the country!"

Tang Lin asked: "How to help Beilin Country? We don't know anyone from Beilin Country!"

Fu Yushu said: "I'm still thinking about the alliance with the Northern Kingdom, and I'll discuss it with you when I think it over! By the way, Tang Lin, since you grew up in the mountains, why are you so good at doing business?"

Tang Lin replied simply: "My elder brother taught it, it's not like you don't know it!"

Fu Yushu frowned, extremely puzzled: "I know you?"

Tang Lin said simply: "It's the buyer who taught you how to buy at Jundiexuan Restaurant, don't you know him?"

Fu Yushu's eyes widened, "It's him?!" The cunning light in Tang Lin's eyes disappeared for a moment, "Isn't it him?"

"It turned out to be him..." Fu Yushu was very surprised, "This is beyond my expectation!"

Tang Lin said proudly: "Brother Fu, there are still many things you can't think of. My senior brother is my master's favorite disciple, but he has been away from the mountain all year round, and has been helping the master to inquire about the situation!"

Fu Yushu frowned slightly, "What do you say?"

Tang Lin sighed, and said, "Master said, senior brother has important things to do, but he didn't tell me what happened. Before going down the mountain, master said that senior brother will contact me after I go down the mountain. Because of the large distance There is still one month left for the internal guard selection competition, so we stayed in Jundiexuan Restaurant for a month. I don’t know how to do business, it’s all taught by the big brother behind my back! Poor big brother, I ate outside It’s a lot of suffering, look at the tattered clothes he usually wears, I feel distressed!”

Fu Yushu said happily: "Your brother is indeed not a simple person." In just a few days together, he felt that it was extraordinary. "Oh, by the way, your senior brother's real name is really Yu Shengjun?"

"Ah?" Du Yuanyuan was taken aback, "The name of the dog emperor?"

Tang Lin waved her hand, "Wrong, it's not the name of the dog emperor. My senior brother's surname is Yu, and the melancholy Yu is not the royal surname. Also, he is not called Shengjun, his real name is... Yu, Huang, Xuan!"

"Yu Huangxuan..." Fu Yushu repeated, this name always gives him a domineering feeling, but Yuanren is indifferent and deep, such a domineering name is not suitable for Yuanren. "Tang Lin, where is your brother now?"

(End of this chapter)

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