The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 162 Can You Stop Being So Terrible?

Chapter 162 Can You Stop Being So Terrible?
Fu Yushu glanced at his sword with a calm gaze, and then walked towards the river.

A gloomy face turned to the male contestant, "Next!"

Du Yuanyuan was flustered in her heart, and she patted her chest lightly to ease her nervousness, "What are you going to compare to? It's so mysterious, it's really scary and you can't calm down!"

Tang Lin glanced at her, said nothing, and faced the whole room.She folded her arms around her chest, tapped her left arm rhythmically with the index finger of her right hand, and watched as the room searched other people's bodies.

Han Xueyan pushed Cao Dan in front of her again, and when Cao Dan was puzzled, she put on her most innocent and kind smile, "Xiao Cao, please, you go first, I'll be the last one, I'll be the last one, don't worry of!"

"Nervous!" Boringly throwing the word to Han Xueyan, Cao Dan walked over to the hall.

When Yitang found a magnet from Cao Dan's body, Yitang's expression changed a bit. No one else noticed, but Tang Lin noticed. She lowered her eyes and thought for a while, maybe she found something.

After searching Cao Dan in one hall, he pushed Cao Dan back by the way, showing the indifference of the Ouchi guards well, "Okay, let's go into the water!"

Cao Dan was a little annoyed, turned around and glared at the guy who searched him and gave him a bad look, and walked towards Shao Qi and the others in a low voice of indignation, "Who is this? It's great to be a bodyguard? Don't Let me have a chance to be your leader, otherwise I will make you look good!"

The water level near the river is very low, but within ten meters, a person two meters tall can be submerged.

Yun Lei and Shao Qi had already entered the water, and they were standing in the water with half of their bodies missing.

Fu Yushu picked up Cao Dan, who was still cursing in a low voice, "Okay, Xiao Cao, I just searched my body, so I won't scold the eight generations of my ancestors." With Cao Dan, they entered the water, and the river gradually disappeared. over their lower body.

"Next person!"

As soon as she heard a gloomy voice, Han Xueyan felt her scalp numb and her whole body chilled. What should I do now?Looking back, they were all male contestants she didn't know, how could she have the nerve to step back.

A gloomy and impatient voice came over, "Next one, speed up!"

Tang Lin looked behind her and saw that the next person was Han Xueyan. How could she have forgotten that Han Xueyan was a girl, she was already shy enough, and she fainted from nervousness when she was about to be body-searched by a man.

After thinking about it, she began to find a solution.Seeing Yishuang standing one meter away in front of her, she suddenly had an idea, and she reached out to reach Yishuang's back.

Yishuang turned around instinctively, seeing Tang Lin, the cold look on her face disappeared, and she became a little more easy-going, "Xiao Tang, what's the matter?"

Tang Lin pointed to Han Xueyan who had already walked towards Yitang tremblingly, and said in a begging tone, "Yi Shuang, can you go and tell Yitang not to search for that player? That player...he dislikes the most Someone else touches me, otherwise I will go epileptic!"

Yishuang glanced at Han Xueyan. She had already known the identity of Han Xueyan's daughter from Yu Shengjun, so she could find out why Tang Lin asked her for help.She responded to Tang Lin, "Okay, I'll go and talk to him!" After speaking, she walked over to Yitang.

Han Xueyan stood in front of Yitang, her lips were trembling, her eyes were frightened, and she was extremely disturbed.

Yitang was about to follow the procedures, when Yishuang leaned into his ear and whispered a few words, and then returned to the original place.

Yitang frowned, and he was not allowed to be touched, otherwise he would go insane. Miss Tang and General Shao really have a tacit understanding.That being the case, then he will not search, and the master has also ordered that the body of this woman disguised as a man should not be searched. "I won't search for you, let's go!"

Han Xueyan was so excited that she bowed her body, "Thank you!" Afraid of repenting, she walked quickly towards the river.

Seeing that she was fine, Shao Qi heaved a sigh of relief, thinking, Yitang would still give him face as a marshal, and not search Han Xueyan's body, perhaps, Yitang really believed his words, thinking that Han Xueyan would really suffer from epilepsy Crazy.No matter what, it's good that the daughter's identity has not been exposed.

At this moment, Yishuang began to frisk the female contestants, and the first person she pointed at was Du Yuanyuan, "You, take two steps forward!"

Du Yuanyuan took a few glances at the female contestants beside him, and then walked in front of Yishuang. On the surface, she was not too nervous, standing in front of Yishuang very calmly.

Like Yitang, Yishuang used the same body search method for players.She touched Du Yuanyuan from the beginning to the end, and the male players behind her were drooling and their eyes were dazed.After she stopped, she found nothing on Du Yuanyuan's body. She waved her hand back to Du Yuanyuan, "You can go into the water!"

Du Yuanyuan glanced at Fu Yushu who was already in the water, and then walked over.

Tang Lin was found next. Tang Lin stood in front of Yishuang, and Yishuang dutifully searched her. Since she was wearing the navy training uniform sent back by Yu Shengjun today, she was searched and found. No skaters.

Tang Lin originally rolled up her sleeves, but now she puts them down and uses her cuffs to block the watch on her wrist.

Yishuang only found the crooks of her arms and didn't search any further. After closing her hands, she gave Tang Lin an encouraging smile, and then raised her clenched hand, "Miss Tang, come on, I look forward to seeing you again." Be the first to complete the mission!"

Tang Lin asked presumptuously, "What is the comparison?"

"You'll know later!" Yishuang smiled mysteriously, but didn't tell Tang Lin what the competition was in the fourth round.

In a blink of an eye, all the contestants were searched, and they all went into the water. Because they didn't know the content of the fourth round, they all stopped in shallow water and didn't go deep.

In the same hall, they returned to Yu Shengjun to report to him, and Yishuang said, "Master, the body search is over!"

Yu Shengjun stood by the river, with his hands folded behind his back, and when the breeze blew, the dragon robe and three thousand black hair danced for him in a peerless style, elegant and refined.He glanced down at the slightly bulging sack that An Leng was carrying, "Are you sure you've searched everything?"

The three nodded.

Yu Shengjun didn't say much to the three of them, turned to Yifeng beside him, and ordered: "Since the search is over, let's talk about the content of the first round of the competition with the contestants!"

"Yes!" Responded, and then Yifeng took a few steps forward, facing the contestants who had already entered the water, and said loudly: "Listen, all contestants, the theme of the fourth round is... sea, bottom. Fish, needle !"

Looking for a needle in a haystack? !All the players broke into an uproar.

Yifeng said in detail: "The purpose is to find iron-containing needles at the bottom of this big river. The needles are only as long as the little finger, and they are no different from those used for sewing clothes..." Almost all the contestants were stunned. Tongues, needles shorter and thinner than pine leaves, looking for them underwater, isn't it like looking for a needle in a haystack?
Cao Dan and Fu Yushu looked at each other, squeezed their eyebrows, with a pessimistic expression on their faces, "This time, I'm doomed!"

Fu Yushu also heard Yifeng's words clearly. Looking for a needle at the bottom of the river is undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack.First, there is no magnet, and second, there is no light to illuminate. It is estimated that it will take a lot of time and effort to find the needles at the bottom of the river.

The corners of Tang Lin's eyebrows stretched, and it was exactly as she guessed, that she was hunting for treasure at the bottom of the sea.The reason for the body search before the game is nothing more than to remove all magnetic objects, so as not to allow these players to use magnetic objects in the water to absorb the puncture needles placed at the bottom of the water.

It's just that this river is wide and deep, and the needle is so small, I'm afraid it may not be found before sunset.

The more the contestants thought about it, the more they felt that it was impossible. Some people had already started to get frustrated, thinking that they must not be able to find it.

Tang Lin glanced back at the wide river, then raised her hand, opened her sleeves slightly, and glanced at the watch still on her hand. The corners of her lips traced a smug arc.Oh, this time, she is sure to win!
In her watch, there is a small but very strong magnet. It is a universal magnet. The magnitude of the magnetism can be set through the function of the watch. Iron can also be adsorbed. This is the universal magnet invented by processing with the latest technology in the 21st century.

Yifeng didn't care how bad the faces of the contestants were, he said sharply: "Listen, contestants, I'll give you as much as half a day before sunset, whoever can find a needle and send it to me will win, and whoever reaches the goal will win." Not... Then I'm sorry, you can only miss the fifth round of the competition. There are two rules of the competition. First, no one is allowed to go ashore except for the winner of the competition before the end of the competition time. Second, remind Let me tell you, there is a waterfall downstream, several feet high, if you can't see the direction at the bottom of the river and swim downstream, our Ouchi guards will not be responsible for any accidents. Do you all hear clearly?"

No one responded, because the content of the fourth round of the competition was really life-threatening, and no one was half happy. Except for Tang Lin who was calmer, everyone else had a bitter face, and they all became bitter melons.

Yifeng didn't care whether everyone could hear clearly or not, he turned his head and nodded to Yu Shengjun.

Yu Shengjun took the signal flare sent by An Leng, lifted it up, pulled off the cover, and a line of smoke flew into the sky, drawing a beautiful and mysterious arc in the mid-air, dazzlingly beautiful in the clear sky.

Yifeng gave an order to all the contestants, "The competition—start!"

Immediately, most of the contestants began to dive into the bottom of the water. In a matter of seconds, many people disappeared on the surface of the river. Only a few did not go into the water immediately to find the needles, and that was Yuxin and Cao Dan.They were grimacing, looking at the human head that emerged from the water and submerged from time to time.

Shao Qi swam to Han Xueyan's side and said in a low voice, "Yan'er, don't look for needles, brother-in-law will help you find them. You occasionally dive into the water and pretend that you are also looking for needles, you know? You can't swim downstream. Wait until your brother-in-law finds the needles before coming out to look for you."

Han Xueyan, who can't swim and can't hold her breath, can only listen to Shao Qi's words, and said: "Then brother-in-law, be careful," and Yun Lei who was next to him also said, "And Brother Yun Lei, you also have to be careful." Be careful!"

Yunlei nodded, "Miss Xueyan, don't worry, my lord and I are familiar with water, so we'll be fine!"

"Then let's go into the water and look for it first, Yan'er, pay attention!" After finishing speaking, Shao Qi gave Yunlei a nod, and then the two of them dived into the water together. After a while, the two of them had disappeared beside Han Xueyan , swam to the depths.

Yun Shan, Dong Chen, and the others dived into the water one after another. Apart from Tang Lin and Han Xueyan, Cao Dan was the last to go into the water.

After Cao Dan's body was completely submerged in the water, Tang Lin walked behind Han Xueyan and patted Han Xueyan who was facing the river, "Xueyan!"

Han Xueyan turned around when she heard the sound, a little surprised why Tang Lin didn't go into the water yet, "Sister Tang? Everyone is busy looking for puncture needles, why don't you act yet? Sister Tang's breath-holding skills are the best, she will definitely be able to Hold on until sunset!"

Tang Lin smiled modestly, "Where is it? By the way, why don't you look for it in a place where the water is deep? The water here is too shallow, and the emperor would never put the needle in such an obvious place. You should go to the deep water Look somewhere, you should be able to find it!"

Han Xueyan made a bitter face, "Miss Tang, I can't swim, so I can only stay here. Also, once my eyes are in the water, I can't see anything, let alone look for needles."

(End of this chapter)

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