The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 163 Miss Tang, You Are Amazing!

Chapter 163 Miss Tang, You Are Amazing!

"Oh, that's true." Tang Lin nodded understandingly, "Then if you don't look for it, you're doomed."

Han Xueyan continued to have a bitter face, unable to say anything.

Tang Lin looked at the surface of the river, and occasionally a few heads came out of the water. It was because those players who were not good at holding qigong had no way to breathe came out of the water.On the other hand, those contestants who are very good at holding their breath are all looking for thorns under the water, because it is difficult to see things under the water when the eyes are in the water, so no contestant has found the thorns yet.

Looking away from the river, Tang Lin took out a diving goggle from her pocket.During the assessment yesterday, she was thinking that if the content of the fourth round of the competition was related to water, then today's competition should be held in water, and she should bring diving goggles just in case.

I didn't expect that this event was really verified.

She put on the diving goggles, and when Han Xueyan looked at her, she was startled with a "wow" and almost fell back, choking and asked, "Miss Tang, why are you..."

This is a diving goggle with an ink black frame. After Tang Lin puts it on, she looks very energetic. The big eyes in the white lens flicker brightly.She shook her hand at Han Xueyan, "I'm going to find a needle, and I'll find one for you by the way, don't go away, just wait for me here, this coat, hold it for me!" It was in Han Xueyan's hands, and then plunged into the water with a plop, and then swam towards the deep water area like a fish.

Tang Lin's tights fully displayed her S figure. Surrounded by no jacket, her S figure was no different from a mermaid in the water. That soft and flexible body went to the bottom of the river at the fastest speed. Swim down below.

Mei Chun'er couldn't take it anymore at the bottom of the water. When Tang Lin first went down, she tried her best to swim upstream, and soon she swam out of the water, gasping for breath.

Tang Lin wears diving protective goggles. Under the water, she can see clearly any object, how many people are around, and how many fish are there. She has a panoramic view.

At this moment, Yun Shan, who was four or five meters away from her, was constantly swimming forward, while the fish around Yun Shan kept swimming back.Yun Shan's breath-holding skills have always been good. She groped along the bottom of the water, but because her eyes couldn't fully distinguish east, west, north, and south at the bottom of the water, she only saw some thicker things, but she couldn't find the pricking needle.Not reconciled, she continued to swim forward and search.

Tang Lin was anxious to speak, but swallowed a mouthful of river water.She kept waving to Yunshan, signaling Yunshan to swim back, but Yunshan's water skills were excellent, and she disappeared in front of her in a blink of an eye.

She wants to tell Yun Shan that if she swims further, she will swim to the downstream area where the current is relatively fast, which is the waterfall area. Once she swims past, she will be washed down by the river water from the waterfall, and the game is really over!
Worried about Yun Shan, Tang Lin began to swim quickly to the downstream area, and there was a figure behind her. Seeing her swimming forward, her expression changed, and she quickly chased after her.

Yun Shan was playing around at the bottom of the water, and just when she reached the rapids, her soft body suddenly turned and swam to another place, because she saw the figure of her senior brother Yun Lei in the water!

Tang Lin swam to the place where Yunshan stopped, but she couldn't see Yunshan, she just paused, and then continued to swim forward.

The river is getting more and more anxious.

Tang Lin felt that she didn't need to use her own strength underwater, and the water began to rush her forward. Even if she didn't use her strength, the water would carry her there. Moreover, every time she was pushed up by the force of the water for one meter, the surrounding water flowed faster. point.

She knew that she was already in the danger zone, and if she continued to swim, she would soon be washed down the waterfall by the mountains and rivers. At that time, the chance of surviving was very small.

However, Yun Shan disappeared from this direction just now, a good-looking girl, as a soldier, how could she refuse to save her.

Yu Shengjun standing on the shore suddenly felt tightness in his chest. He stroked it with his hand, always feeling a bad premonition, and it was very strong.Looking up, there is nothing on the surface of the river, so there should be nothing wrong, right?
It is impossible to swim back.When Tang Lin was about to use the steel wire hidden in the belt to rush to the bank to trap her life, a big hand suddenly grabbed her hand, but she failed to drag her back, but just like her, she couldn't control the water. , was washed by the water towards the waterfall.

Tang Lin tried her best to turn her head. Through the surging river, Fu Yushu squinted his red handsome eyes and looked at her. He was trying to pull her back. This effort was made with all his strength.

She was in a trance for a moment, can this man stop being so desperate?

Suddenly, something hit Tang Lin's back, causing her to stop. Immediately afterwards, Fu Yushu was washed onto her body by the water, and stuck to her face to face.

She felt that there was a big rock behind her for a moment.At this moment, they were at the bottom of the water, not on the surface, and it was inevitable that their bodies would be blocked by the big rocks at the bottom.

However, when Fu Yushu was trying to get out of her body, the stone shook suddenly. The next second, the two of them and the stone were rushed down by the river at the same time, and soon they hit the waterfall...Fu Yushu quickly tore off her body belt, and then tied a very hard and firm stone at the bottom of the water that would not be washed away by the water.After tying it, he wrapped the belt around Tang Lin's body, and his body was already floating by the force of the water.

What he did made Tang Lin still haven't reacted.

The belt can only bear one person, if he is added, neither he nor she can survive.

Tang Lin was completely unresponsive, watching Fu Yushu firmly anchor herself to the bottom of the water, preventing the water from washing her away.Seeing Fu Yushu caressing her cheek affectionately, like the person he loves the most, he put on an extremely warm and comfortable smile, and then——

"Don't—" It's a pity that Tang Lin's voice was hoarse when these words came out of her mouth.The moment she saw Fu Yushu let go of her hand, she felt inexplicably flustered.

However, Fu Yushu was swept away in an instant by the force of the water, and the instant kung fu disappeared in her eyes, and she couldn't hold her back at all.

Five meters away from Tang Lin, there was a majestic waterfall with a high top. As long as a person was rushed out of the waterfall by the rushing water, that person would surely fall under the waterfall several feet high and be crushed to death by rocks.

Fu Yushu lost his consciousness and lay down in the water completely without energy, and was carried away by the water. In this way, his body couldn't help himself, and he was rushed out of the waterfall and fell down the waterfall, and soon fell half of the waterfall.

At this moment, Tang Lin jumped from the waterfall and rushed down the waterfall.In the middle of the waterfall, hug Fu Yushu.Because she activated her steel wire in time, she rescued Fu Yushu in time.

The waterfall is very big, but it doesn't cover the whole place of the rock face.

Tang Lin looked at the waterfall behind her, hugged Fu Yushu tightly, and flung herself towards the rock wall that was not covered by the river water. It was not until she and Fu Yushu hit the rock wall with both hands that there was a safe place to rely on.

Fu Yushu was very heavy, and it was very difficult for Tang Lin to hold it. She had to wrap her arms around his waist tightly, otherwise, he would really fall.

"Brother Fu, wake up!" Tang Lin didn't want to stay in this position forever, even if she called someone to save them, it was impossible. The sound of the waterfall here was enough to cover all the sounds nearby.

She yelled to Fu Yushu a few times, but since she was holding him with both hands and he was very heavy, she couldn't shake him to wake up, so she could only yell.

Fu Yushu only fell into a coma for a short time, and once the danger was over, he would not fall asleep again.He heard Tang Lin's call, and gradually opened his eyes, Tang Lin wearing diving goggles came into her eyes, "...Tang Lin."

Tang Lin raised her chin and signaled: "There is a tree above your head, hold on to that branch. You are very heavy, if you don't use your strength, we will die!"

Fu Yushu understood, and looked over her head, and sure enough, a very lush tree grew on the rock wall not covered by the waterfall.He reached out to reach the tree, and then stepped on a hollow on the rock wall with one foot, only then did his entire weight fall from Tang Lin's body.It's just that he grabbed something that could save his life, but she didn't hold on to anything, and she couldn't fall off, so she was dumbfounded, "You..."

"I have high martial arts skills, so it's not surprising that I can stand still in the air!" Tang Lin didn't explain the invisible steel wire on her body, but just said a reason that no one would believe.She loosened her shoulders and let her limbs regain strength.

Fu Yushu hesitated to speak, and struggled for a long time before looking at Tang Lin and saying, "If you are not good at martial arts, you will die if you jump like this!"

"So what?" Tang Lin Tang Lin looked at his aching eyes, and did not accept the other party's worry, "You can save me like this, why can't I save you like this? Besides, I, Tang Lin, am not a I like people who owe favors!"

Her last words made Fu Yushu's eyes hurt even more, and his voice became hoarse, "Don't want to owe favors? Do you have to think my actions are favors?"

"Isn't it?" Tang Lin didn't really want to say that, but Fu Yushu was deeply poisoned by Shihe, and she didn't want to make him stand up for her because of her face.She couldn't owe this man anything, especially affection.Once you owe it, it will be much more troublesome to do things in the future.

It's not a good idea to make a decision as soon as possible, but it will only make him disappointed and heartbroken.

"Maybe..." After finishing speaking, Fu Yushu turned his face away from Tang Lin, and the raw pain in his eyes gradually disappeared.

"Let's go, I'll take you back to a safe place. If you have nothing to do in the future, don't follow me indiscriminately, otherwise the crisis will not come to me, but to you!" Tang Lin said in the tone of someone who came here to teach others. After saying a few words to Fu Yushu, he grabbed his arm and quietly pressed a button on the belt.Immediately, the two of them began to ascend, and soon reached the waterfall.

Avoid being seen.After reaching the waterfall, Tang Lin immediately dived into the water. The steel wire was slowly shrinking. She and Fu Yushu were carried by the steel wire all the way upstream from the bottom of the water.

Soon, the safe waters arrived. Tang Lin let Fu Yushu go, and then took back the steel wire that was fastened to the rocks on the shore. When Fu Yushu was about to gesture to her, she turned around and swam to other places.

After a while, Tang Lin surfaced and took a deep breath.

Finally seeing her surfaced, Yu Shengjun's tightness in his chest disappeared for a moment, and the corners of his lips curled into a warm arc.

Tang Lin swam to a place where the water level was one and a half meters high, and then looked up at the sky. It was not yet noon, and there was plenty of time to look for pricking needles.But it's not a solution to stay in the water all the time. You can still chat with Yu Shengjun when you go ashore, so you might as well go ashore first and let those players mess around.

She put her hands out of the water, rolled up her sleeves, and changed the function of the watch. Just press the button, and immediately a very thin magnet appeared on the surface of the clock, which was very useful for Tang Lin.

After adjusting the magnetic force, Tang Lin glanced behind her. Han Xueyan was lowering her head to fish for rocks at the bottom of the water. Every time she grabbed a bunch of things, she didn't have the needle she was looking for.

"Should I help her?" Tang Lin looked at Han Xueyan and asked herself in her heart.If she doesn't help, she just promised Han Xueyan that she will help; if she does, she is Han Lingying's younger sister.If Shao Qi told her everything about it, then she would end up turning against Yu Shengjun for her own sister. In this way, helping her would be equivalent to turning against Yu Shengjun herself.No, she can't sing against Yu Shengjun.

(End of this chapter)

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