The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 164 Turning a Gentleman into a Villain

Chapter 164 Turning a Gentleman into a Villain

It's just that as a soldier, if you can't say it, it's like farting. She still has to keep her promise and help Han Xueyan find a thorn.

Tang Lin thought so in her heart, but she had already started to do it.She dived again and swam holding the watch as close to the bottom as possible, and soon a thorn flew out from under a rock at the bottom and stuck to her watch.

She took off the needle attached to the watch, pinned it to the clothes on her shoulder, and continued to look for the next needle.After swimming for a while, at a place with many competitors, another needle flew over and stuck to her watch.

When the contestants looked over, she quickly took off the needle and pinned it to the clothes on her shoulders.

After successfully obtaining two thorns, Tang Lin swam up, emerged from the water, and then swam towards Han Xueyan. Before she swam to Han Xueyan's side, she stood up and walked towards Han Xueyan step by step stepping on the water that was not too high.

Han Xueyan threw away the small stone in one hand, then washed her hands, straightened her waist, and said annoyedly: "What year and month do I want to find? It's too difficult!"

"Hi!" Tang Lin suddenly patted Han Xueyan's shoulder from behind.

This time, Han Xueyan was seriously frightened, "Ah" screamed, which disturbed all the people on the bank.Her body began to fall backwards, and soon Tang Lin's coat and her body fell into the water.

To prevent her coat from getting wet, Tang Lin reached out and snatched back her clothes in time, instead of supporting Han Xueyan.

Han Xueyan fell into the water gorgeously, and drank a few mouthfuls of water in succession, her face turned red from choking and her neck was thick.When she stood up and wiped off the water from her face, Tang Lin said leisurely, "How does it taste?"

Han Xueyan glared at her, unable to bear to blame, "Miss Tang, you scared me!"

Tang Lin stared back, "Who told you that you can't help but be scared." She took a thin needle from the clothes on her shoulder and gave it to Han Xueyan, "Hey, I promised to find it for you, take it and go to business!"

Looking at this crystal clear needle, Han Xueyan couldn't react, " a needle?"

Tang Lin could see why Han Xueyan said this, "Did you think it was a silver needle? Before the competition, the person in charge of Yifeng had already said that he would go into the water to find a needle with magnetism. Don't think that such a small needle is a silver needle! "

Han Xueyan said: "Miss Tang, you have worked so hard to find out the needle, why did you give it to me? Then what should you do?"

Tang Lin smiled, took another needle from her shoulder, and showed it off to Han Xueyan, "Hey, isn't this mine? It's easy to find a needle in a haystack!" The premise is that there must be a tool.

This time, Han Xueyan admired Tang Lin even more, "Sister Tang, you are really amazing. You found two thorns in just a while, while the others... have not found any!"

"I am me, don't compare me with other people." Tang Lin finished speaking, and then took her clothes and walked to the shore where a group of people stood.

There is a tent set up on the bank, it is Yu Shengjun's resting tent, he must have this tent if he wants to stay here for a day.

Tang Lin dragged her tired body ashore, took a breath, then walked to Yifeng standing by the tent, and replaced the needle, "Is it this one?"

Yifeng took the needle and looked at it carefully, and finally responded with Tang Lin's terrified expression and words, "How did you do it? Also, what... are you wearing on your face?" Tang Lin took off the diving goggles, "It's nothing, it's just a prop." After finishing speaking, he put it back in the pocket of his coat.

Although Yifeng was very curious about the pair of diving goggles, Tang Lin didn't want to explain, and he couldn't ask any more. He looked carefully at the needle in his hand. He must have thrown it into the river himself. Such a small needle, Tang How did Lin find it?The bottom of the river is so deep that it is difficult to distinguish small things with eyes submerged in the water. How could she find them?And for such a short time.This Tang Lin is really not to be underestimated.

Seeing his weird expression, Tang Lin rolled her eyes, "Brother Yifeng, do you still doubt my ability?"

Yifeng immediately explained, "No, Miss Tang, listen to what my subordinates say..." I was afraid that Tang Lin might misunderstand what he meant.

Tang Lin crossed her fingers and showed him, "Shh, brother Yifeng, needless to say, I understand what you mean. Do you think so, such a big river, such a deep water, how can you find a piece of water as thin as a cicada?" The stinger of a wing, isn't it?"

Yifeng nodded sharply, "Yes, yes, this subordinate really meant that!"

Tang Lin chuckled, seeming to frighten her, "Brother Yifeng, Xiao Tang really has the ability to find needles. If you want to know the answer, ask the Emperor when you have time, and he will probably tell you!"

How else would you know?Yifeng nodded weakly, "This subordinate understands, thank you Miss Tang!"

"Calling me Ms. Tang is so strange. It's better to call me Miss Tang. From now on, just call me Xiao Tang, Brother Yifeng!" Finally, Tang Lin patted Yifeng on the shoulder cheerfully, and Tang Lin raised the curtain of the tent and walked away. went in.

Seeing that the curtain was hanging down, Yifeng breathed out, stroked his still tense chest, and said in a low voice: "It's really strange, I, Yifeng, am not afraid of anything, why am I so worried about this future queen?"

"That's because she will be the queen in the future!" An Leng appeared next to Yifeng at some time, and added a sentence in passing, a little gloating.

Yifeng looked sideways, frightened, not only was he secretly cold, but Yitang and Yishuang also stood beside him and looked at him with gloating smiles, his brows were imminent, "You guys, what do you mean now?"

The three shrugged and said in unison: "How much can we mean?"

Yifeng waved his hands impatiently and shouted, "Let's go, let's go, what should we do, what's the fun with a bunch of people here? Hurry up, leave!"

The three held back their laughter and walked away.

Yifeng said to himself again, "A bunch of cold-blooded guys!"

The furnishings in the tent are like the barracks where the Marshal lives. There are everything needed on the battlefield. Even the pattern of the furnishings is similar, there is not much difference, just like retreating.

Yu Shengjun was sitting on the tiger skin throne, with his left hand resting on his cheek, resting on the hand rest of the throne, lightly closing his eyes, he seemed to be sleeping, very quiet and composed.

Tang Lin walked in and saw him sleeping.A cunning light flashed in her eyes, she deliberately slowed down her pace, tried not to let the boots make any noise, and approached Yu Shengjun step by step, intending to play tricks on him.

But she didn't know that except for the coat she was carrying, she was not soaked, her whole body was soaked, and her hair was also wet. Every time she took a step, the water on her body flowed down, revealing a very clear line of water behind her... …

Soon Tang Lin walked to the side of the throne, and just when she was about to pinch Yu Shengjun's nose with her hands, suddenly, his lips opened, and his voice was so lazy and evil, yet majestic, "It's so loud!" I dare to tease you if you have the guts!"

"Huh?" Tang Lin frowned and looked at Yu Shengjun. His eyes were still open, but his sitting posture was still the same, but he could speak with his eyes closed. Did he hear or see wrongly, or was he really talking? "What about talking in your sleep?"

Yu Shengjun said something, but didn't continue.

Tang Lin thought he was talking in his sleep, and didn't notice her coming, so she had another idea, and she stretched out her hand again, but when she was about to pinch his nose to make him unable to breathe, Yu Shengjun suddenly opened her eyes, and stretched her hand He hugged her, who was drenched all over, into his arms, "It's really disobedient!"

It's just that after she sat on his lap, his complexion began to turn sour. He stretched out his hand to see that his palm was full of water, and then slightly raised his head to look at Tang Lin, who was smiling gloatingly at her misfortune. Looking at him, "Is it unlucky? I don't know if I just came back from the game?"

She wanted to break free, so as not to wet the dragon robe on his body, but he refused to let go, holding her waist tightly, "Don't go down!"

"My clothes are soaking through, I have to go back and change!" she said.

"It's okay!" He said with a smile, "I hold your clothes for a while and your clothes will dry. My dragon robe is dry and will absorb the moisture from your body by itself. Slowly, your clothes will dry What, did what I did move you?"

Tang Lin gave him a blank look, "You can't express your emotion in words, but you still want to show it off to me."

Yu Shengjun smiled disapprovingly, "But I just want you to know!"

"Don't move!" Queen Tang Lin also ordered Yu Shengjun, and then she changed her position and sat on his lap.Originally, her feet were on the same side, but now her feet were touching his sides respectively, sitting face to face with him, but it was like kneeling in front of him.This is more comfortable, and... easy to sneak attack.

"You're like this..." Yu Shengjun swept from her wet upper body to her lower body, with a weird tone, "It's a bit too much!"

"There are more points!" Tang Lin said while she made an inch, and moved a few points into his arms.

He pulled her over, put her into his arms, and said stupidly: "Just now when you were competing, I suddenly felt tightness in my chest, as if I had a premonition that the danger was approaching to the people around me. It's better to stand up. Linlin, are you too cold-blooded? You know that what you are doing is so dangerous, but you still want to do it. I should be like Fu Yushu, for the sake of Shihe's mother and son. Safety, I would rather give up the original plan of using Shihe to achieve my goal, I should have been like him...but I..."

She left his arms, stroked his chest with her slender hands, and said distressedly: "I made my boyfriend worry, it's my girlfriend's fault. Junjun, don't blame yourself, I'm back safely."

He pinched her pink cheeks and smiled helplessly, "No matter what I say, you can refute it back!"

Tang Lin said: "Let's agree, if you have the same blessings and share the same hardships, advance and retreat together, naturally everything I do for you will never turn back. From now on, don't worry about my personal safety, as long as I can do it Who can beat me? The premise is...except you!"

Yu Shengjun smiled helplessly, "Even I can't beat me, how easy is it to beat others?"

"That's because my boyfriend is the most powerful person in the world. Of course Linlin can't beat him!" Tang Lin said coquettishly, and fell into Yu Shengjun's arms again, feeling the rhythmic beating of the heart in his body. holding heart.

(End of this chapter)

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