Chapter 165
He showed a doting smile and patted her on the back lightly.

She said in his arms: "I am so lucky to be protected, cared for, and pampered by the man with the highest status, the highest power, the highest martial arts, and the most handsome man in the world. How can I, Tang Lin, He De...have you !"

He rubbed her hair, and said with a slightly reproachful tone: "What are you talking about, I am just an ordinary person, just like you, an ordinary person, and will eventually experience life, old age, sickness and death. Therefore, there is no distinction between high and low."

She was a bit rogue and stubborn, "But I just think you are different. In my eyes, you are more noble than anyone else, and you are more divine than anyone else."

Yu Shengjun smiled helplessly, not knowing what to say, "Silly woman."

"Come on, stand first!" Yu Shengjun put Tang Lin down, then looked at the door, and called, "Come on!"

Yifeng came in upon hearing the sound, "Master!"

Yu Shengjun ordered: "Go and prepare a pot of charcoal fire!"

Yifeng glanced at Tang Lin secretly, and finally left the tent blushing.

Tang Lin caught the two blushes on Yifeng's face, and couldn't help snickering. She looked down at herself, the training pants, and the black tights. The tights not only set off her slender waist, but also showed her breasts perfectly. Absolutely beautiful.

"Seduce my bodyguard again!" Seeing Tang Lin secretly laughing, Yu Shengjun pretended to be angry and said something.

Tang Lin looked at him with a smirk, but she seemed so innocent, "Is there? Your Majesty, did you misread it?"

Yu Shengjun picked up the book on the table to read, and wrote casually: "Why don't I give you to Yifeng!"

"Hmph!" Tang Lin turned to the side coldly.

After a while, Yifeng ordered someone to come in with a charcoal fire. He was about to leave when Yu Shengjun suddenly asked him, "Yifeng, Miss Tang just said that she likes you and asked you to marry her. What do you think?" Change, immediately knelt down, "Subordinate..."

Yu Shengjun took a look at Tang Lin, who was in full swing, and continued to fan the flames, "This Miss Tang has threatened to like you, and she wants me to marry you, why, don't you like Miss Tang? Or do you already have a girl you like? ?”

"No, no, there is no Xinyi girl in my subordinates!" Yifeng hurriedly explained for himself, keeping his head down all the time, not daring to look at Yu Shengjun or Tang Lin, his heart beat out of rhythm due to nervousness.

Tang Lin gritted her teeth, her face turned blue.Fearing that she would get angry, Yu Shengjun stopped joking and signaled Yifeng: "Yifeng, I was joking with you, don't take it seriously, you should back down first!"

"Yes, this subordinate is resigning!" Before leaving, Yifeng secretly took a look at Tang Lin. Seeing her livid face, he had a lot of doubts in his heart. What are these two masters up to?It's so unpredictable.

When he stepped back, Tang Lin's angry eyes fell on Yu Shengjun's face, and she shouted, "Yu Shengjun!"

Yu Shengjun responded easily, "Hey, I'm here, how can I take care of my girlfriend?"

Tang Lin felt uncomfortable with his smirk, "Wait, I'll seduce your guards in the future, and I'll piss you off!" After finishing speaking, she took a few steps to stand beside the charcoal fire, arms crossed , Breathing every heavy breath.

He looked at her bulging face, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Are you really angry?"

Tang Lin didn't speak, and always stood motionless with a cold expression.

Yu Shengjun didn't dare to speak sarcastic words anymore, stepped over a few steps, and turned Tang Lin's body to him. Her serious anger really made him feel uneasy, fearing that she would make him angry, and then turn around and leave him, then he would Playing too much, "Linlin, I'm sorry, I was playing with you just now, don't be angry, okay?"

Tang Lin turned her cold face to one side, listening as if she was listening.

"Look at me!" He turned her face domineeringly, not to be soft, but to be hard. "Let's talk, as long as you can forgive me and talk and laugh with me as before, I can promise you to do anything!"

"As you said, promise to help me with anything!" Finally, Tang Lin raised the corners of her lips in satisfaction, but Yu Shengjun looked sinister.It's just that when he felt that Tang Lin's anger was just a conspiracy by her, it was already too late.She evoked a charming smile, and called him softly and sweetly, "Junjun!"

Hearing the sound, Yu Shengjun froze, feeling that something bad was going to happen, he guarded Tang Lin like a pervert, "What are you doing? You..."

"What are you, you are not allowed to resist!" Tang Lin didn't care about anything, she rushed over and threw him down...

It was noon and the sun was too bright.

Cao Dan, who is more familiar with water than Yun Shan, besides Tang Lin, was the first one to see the needle under the water. Seeing a flash of light, he immediately locked on to what he must be looking for, and when he reached for it, , found that it was really a needle.

After a while, he came out of the water and swam to a place where the water level was a little low. When he was about to return to the shore happily, he saw Yuxin standing beside her with a sad face. He glanced at her and asked, "Yuxin Girl, what's the matter?"

Yuxin said with a sad face, "My qi holding skill is very weak, and I'm about to pop out before I even go down to the bottom of the water. How can I find the pricking needle? Huh, I think I'm going to stop at the fourth round! Brother Cao, since Starting tonight, it will be difficult for us to meet again, Yuxin wishes you all the best!"

"You girl..." Yuxin's depressed mood made Cao Dan feel pity.He walked over two steps, stroked Yuxin's shoulder, and comforted: "Miss Yuxin, don't be sad, the time is not up, you will definitely find it."

Although he said so, Yuxin still looked sad, "I've been looking for a long time, if I can find it, I won't be so discouraged. Brother Cao, leave me alone, go and do your work."

Cao Dan glanced at the shore. Originally, he just wanted to see how many players had won. Except for Han Xueyan, who was sitting where the players were waiting, there was no other player. It seemed that none of the other players had found the needle yet, but Han Xueyan was holding her breath The worst skill, how did she find the pricking needle?
Cao Dan moved his eyes away from Han Xueyan, and landed on Sun Bailing who was a certain distance away from Han Xueyan. Sun Bailing, who was wearing an official robe, was standing on the bank, watching him quietly, watching him standing beside Yuxin. .

Her eyes gradually deepened, and finally covered with a thin layer of mist.

When he saw those calm but painful eyes, his heart tightened suddenly.Was it because she saw him so close to another woman that she showed such a look?Since you still have feelings for yourself, why did you want him to be a son-in-law in the first place?How cruel is she to give up her man?

He doesn't understand her heart more and more!
Cao Dan lowered his eyes, and the images of getting along with Sun Bailing repeatedly flashed in his mind.At that moment, he made a decision.When he looked at Yuxin, he was no longer as naughty as Tang Lin knew him, but rather quiet. "Miss Yuxin, you are a good girl, can you do me a favor?"

His seriousness made Yuxin feel a little dazed. Normally, he always looks like a fool. Why is he so humble and polite now? "Brother Cao, tell me."

Cao Dan glanced sideways at the shore, and when he caught the painful gaze of someone on the shore, he withdrew his gaze, and before Yuxin could react, he hugged her gently, "Girl Yuxin, please don't let me go!" move!"

Yuxin froze in his arms, unable to help herself, her heart was trembling, "Cao, Brother Cao, why are you..."

Cao Dan said lightly: "The person I like is around here. We used to love each other very much. Unfortunately, she gave me to another woman. I have never asked her how much she loves me, so... ..."

Yuxin figured out what was going on, "Brother Cao, you want to use this method to anger sister-in-law?"

Cao Dan laughed at himself, "It would be great if I could get angry!"

Yuxin rolled her eyes and looked at the people on the shore. Except for Yishuang, the female guard in red, she didn't see a single woman, so she froze for a while, "Brother Cao, you like it!" , could it be the only female guard in the palace right now?"

"No." Cao Dan said truthfully, "Miss Yuxin, I'm really sorry for offending you like this!"

Yuxin smiled and said: "Brother Cao, you don't have to be so polite with me. As long as you can help Brother Cao, Yuxin will be obliged. Thank you, Brother Cao, for spending two or three hours with me in the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain last time."

Cao Dan smiled helplessly, "You still remember this."

Yuxin said: "Of course, I still remember it fresh. If you weren't with Brother Cao in such a terrifying back mountain, I, Yuxin, would have been scared to death long ago. Then this time, it didn't help you to anger my sister-in-law. Brother Cao, if we do this, we won't break my sister-in-law's heart, right?"

Cao Dan laughed and said, "She can even give me away. Tell me, can her heart of stone be easily hurt?"

Yuxin sighed, "Oh, I really don't understand why you two are so competitive."

At this time, Sun Bailing on the shore turned around heartbroken, wiped away the tears that had slipped down her eyes, sobbed in pain, her shoulders trembling faintly, but she did not cry out, but just endured the pain blindly.

Seeing her turning her back, seeing her trembling body, Cao Dan was sure that she was crying, and suddenly, a self-deprecating smile rose from the corner of her lips.She would cry, she would cry... She really made him feel conflicted.

After a while, Cao Dan let go of Yuxin, and by the way, put the thorn needle he found from the bottom of the water in her palm, then closed her palm, and said calmly: "Miss Yuxin, take this thorn needle and return to life." !"

Yuxin was both moved and anxious about the needle that Cao Dan gave her, and said, "Brother Cao, you worked so hard to find it, how could you give it to me?"

"Take it, don't refuse, I'll go down and look for it again!" As soon as he finished speaking, Cao Dan immediately jumped into the water, and in the blink of an eye, he swam away from Yuxin's side.

Yuxin lingered in place for a while before heading to the shore.

On the shore, before she took the needle to Yifeng, a man in an official robe blocked her way. When she looked up, it turned out to be the handsome and innocent counselor Sun Bailing. Yuxin was startled, "Sun grown ups?!"

Sun Bailing's eyes wandered from Yuxin's face to Yuxin's hand, and now she saw the needle that Yuxin had been holding.She knew very well that Cao Dan's breath-holding skills and water skills were excellent, so this needle must have been given to this female contestant by Cao Dan.

"It's okay, let's go to the business." Sun Bailing said lightly, then turned and walked away lightly.

Looking at her lonely back, Yuxin had an inexplicable illusion and scratched the back of her head, "What's wrong with Mr. Sun? He seems to have something on his mind."

Yuxin turned around, stopped worrying about Sun Bailing, and walked over to the tent.Yifeng was standing outside the tent, and she passed the needle over, "Vice Commander, here, I fished this out from the bottom of the water!"

Yifeng took the needle and looked at Yuxin with dubious eyes, but didn't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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