Chapter 166

Yuxin caressed her tense chest, fearing that Yifeng might suspect that someone else gave her the needle.She thought the tent was a place for the contestants to eat snacks, and to avoid eye contact with Yifeng for too long, she directly grabbed the curtain of the tent, "Vice Commander, I'll go in and have something to eat, so I won't disturb you!"

"Don't go in!" Yifeng panicked when he realized it, but it was too late, Yuxin had already lifted the curtain and walked in.Yifeng rushed in behind Yuxin, then kept his head down, without looking forward, and said in fear: "I'm sorry, master, this subordinate deserves to die, this subordinate..."

Before he finished speaking, Yuxin's voice interrupted her.Looking at the scene in front of her, Yuxin was dumbfounded, "Sister Tang, you... you... what are you... are you doing?"

At this moment, there is a person standing beside the charcoal brazier, that is Yu Shengjun.There are several wooden shelves beside the charcoal brazier. On the wooden shelves, there are several pieces of clothes hanging, and those are Tang Lin's clothes.Tang Lin's tights and training pants were all hung on the wooden frame, and Yu Shengjun touched Tang Lin's at the moment Yuxin came in to see if it was dry.He wasn't wearing a coat, just an inner shirt. His tall and slender figure could make women salivate.

Tang Lin, on the other hand, was wearing Yushengjun's dragon robe, and sat cross-legged on his throne leisurely, looking at his map of Jiangshan Sheji. broke.

Yuxin had never seen the true face of the current emperor, but now, she saw Yu Shengjun wearing a pure yellow costume embroidered with dragon patterns, her eyes widened.Although Yu Shengjun took off the outer dragon robe, the inner one was still on him, so it was impossible for her not to be able to judge his identity.

That's right, this man with a peerless face must be the emperor. Unexpectedly, he was so handsome, so elegant, so... young.

The only thing she was puzzled about was why her eldest brother Tang Lin was wearing a dragon robe?Why is the boss's clothes hanging out?What made her even more unbelievable was that the emperor was actually drying her clothes for her...

Yuxin was dumbfounded by all the things in front of her eyes.

Things were originally like this.

Before Tang Lin threw Yu Shengjun down, she didn't want to linger with him in the tent, but to take off his dragon robe and put it on herself. After her clothes dried, she returned the dragon robe to him. But there is no idea of ​​performing live erotica with him in the tent.

Because the clothes were not dry yet, she just sat on his throne and looked at his map of the country and the country.Anyway, he's her boyfriend, so it's okay to sit around.

Who would have expected that Yuxin would suddenly barge in and see Yu Shengjun without a mask.

At this moment, Yuxin is not only amazed by Yu Shengjun's true face, but also shocked by the relationship between Tang Lin and Yu Shengjun.If Tang Lin and the emperor had nothing to do, then what did they do?
"Yuxin?!" Seeing Yuxin's sudden appearance, Tang Lin was caught off guard.She got down from the throne, tightly wrapped her dragon robe around herself, and walked a few steps towards Yuxin. "How did you get in?"

Yu Xin's eyes slowly fell on Yu Shengjun's face, and immediately saw Yu Shengjun's eyebrows covered with frost, her heart tightened suddenly, and she gasped.That's right, that's the emperor.Besides the emperor, whose anger makes people shudder?

Yu Shengjun turned his gaze, stared coldly at Yifeng who was always hanging his head, and said coldly: "Yifeng, raise your head!"

Yifeng felt the invisible air-conditioning around him, took a deep breath, and thought, this is all right, it really disturbed the good things of the master.He raised his head slowly, saw the scene in front of him clearly, and was startled immediately, "This..."

Yu Shengjun asked coldly: "Who told you to let people in?"

Yifeng immediately knelt down and said in panic, "This subordinate deserves to die, this subordinate..."

"It's none of the deputy commander's business!" Yuxin immediately knelt down and said tremblingly, "Your Majesty, this is the fault of the girl. The girl mistakenly thought that this was a place for refreshments, so she came in without the deputy commander's consent." , Your Majesty, you have a lot, don't punish the vice commander, just punish the civilian girl alone!"

Yu Shengjun walked over step by step, and Yuxin could feel the invisible powerful aura getting closer and closer, making her breathless.

"Get up!" Yu Shengjun ordered coldly.

Yuxin stood up slowly with trembling body, but she didn't dare to meet Yu Shengjun's eyes.She has never thought of offending the emperor, even if she was curious about the emperor's appearance, she did not dare to look at it openly, so she did not dare to face it squarely.

Tang Lin looked at Yu Shengjun, then at Yu Xin, sweating for Yu Xin.It is true that Yu Shengjun favors himself, but he is not so easy to talk to other people.

"Master," Yuxin was indeed innocent, fearing that Yuxin would be punished, Yifeng would plead for Yuxin, even if she was demoted because of it. "It's my subordinate who didn't pay attention to the door, which made people enter by mistake. It's my fault. Please don't blame this female contestant, master!"

"Uh," Tang Lin looked at the people who were in a stalemate. After she hadn't spoken for a long time, she pulled Yu Xin behind her. She looked at Yu Shengjun and smiled helplessly at him, "Your Majesty, Yu Xin Since Xin didn't break in on purpose, then let her go, okay?"

Yu Shengjun's face was not soft, and he said coldly: "With her brain, she can't tell anything apart, so what kind of guard is she?"

Although it was just a lesson, Yuxin, who has always been fragile in heart, shed tears when she heard it, and thought of her elder brother for a moment.Her elder brother used to be the emperor's bodyguard, but he went out again and died.

She kept telling herself to avenge her brother in order to become Ouchi's bodyguard.However, I don't even know what the tent is for. She really doesn't deserve to be a bodyguard, really not worthy.

"Yu Xin, don't cry, don't cry!" Tang Lin turned around and hugged Yu Xin, comforting her.She turned her head and glared at Yu Shengjun, complaining that he didn't know how to be sympathetic and sympathetic, and said such serious words. "Good Yuxin, don't cry, we don't have the same knowledge as this guy!"

Yifeng was stunned, an ordinary guy?It is estimated that only the future queen dares to say such a thing.

"Master, this female contestant really broke in accidentally!" Yifeng continued to intercede on Yuxin's behalf, "She just finished the competition and found the puncture needle. She used the tent as a place to store the snacks, so she entered by mistake."

Yu Shengjun asked calmly: "She finished the game?" But it was only noon, and this woman actually finished the game, how did she do it?
Yifeng was about to say something, but Yu Shengjun stopped him, "Yifeng, take off your coat and put it on Miss Tang, you two go out first, I have something to say to this female contestant!"

"Yes." After speaking, Yifeng took off his coat and handed it to Tang Lin.

Tang Lin let go of Yuxin, took the coat and put it on, covering the dragon robe inside.She comforted Yuxin with a few words, "The boss is here, don't be afraid, if he bullies you, if you yell loudly, the boss will come and take you away immediately!"

Yuxin burst into tears of gratitude, "Thank you boss!"

"Don't cry, my dear, let's go out first!" After speaking, Tang Lin gave Yifeng a nod, and walked out of the tent together.

Inside the tent, there were only two people left.

Yuxin knelt down again, "Your Majesty, the girl deserves to die, the girl shouldn't make such a low-level mistake, the girl..."

"Get up and talk!" The voice and tone of the rain and water were miraculously gentle.

Yuxin froze, thinking she had heard wrong.

Yu Shengjun was a little impatient, "You heard me right, get up and answer!"

Yuxin nodded and got up nervously.

He looked at her innocent face for a while, and then he spoke, no longer as cold and gloomy as before, "Yuxin, right?"

Yuxin was very shocked that the emperor could call her own name, but she didn't dare to reveal it too much, she nodded foolishly, "Yes, the emperor's daughter is Yuxin."

Yu Shengjun said softly: "You are a good girl, I believe you can truthfully find the needle!"

Yuxin was shocked, "Your Majesty..." How did he know there was a story behind the needle?

Yu Shengjun took a deep breath, "Don't let me say it a second time!"

Yuxin lowered her head and truthfully explained the situation of getting the needles, "Your Majesty, the thing is like this, Yuxin's breath-holding skills are not good, and she couldn't hold her breath before she swam to the bottom of the river, and she couldn't find the needles at all. It was a male contestant who gave the needle to Yuxin just now, and he continued to look for it!"

Yu Shengjun asked: "What's the name of that male contestant?"

Yuxin said: "His name is Cao Dan." Fearing that Yu Shengjun would blame Cao Dan in the end, she immediately interceded for Cao Dan and took over all the faults by herself, "Your Majesty, this is not the matter of Brother Cao, please don't punish him." Is his crime okay? Yuxin is willing to suffer for him!"

After a long time, Yu Shengjun said, "There is no rule in the rules that you can't help other contestants find needles or give needles. So, don't worry about it, I don't know your crimes. Regarding your mistakenly entering the tent, read If you broke in by mistake, I will not hold you and Deputy Commander Yifeng accountable."

"Really, Your Majesty?" Yuxin burst into tears with excitement.

"However..." Yu Shengjun continued to speak, "Before night falls, you must disappear from the palace!"

"W-why?" Yuxin was very puzzled, staring at him with tear-filled eyes.

Yu Shengjun said truthfully: "Because you have seen me."

"This," Yuxin's eyes widened, and she finally felt a chill down her back.What sent the lancets by mistake, these are not a threat to the emperor at all, what poses a threat is that she saw the emperor's true face.

She took two steps back, "Your Majesty, you want... to kill me?" Just to see his true face.

Yu Shengjun said: "Originally I wanted to kill you, but for the sake of your boss Tang Lin, I will not kill you and let you out of the palace. But you must remember that if the relationship between me and Tang Lin is revealed matter, and my true face, I... will not spare you!"

Yuxin shook her head sadly, and asked in great perplexity: "Your Majesty, why, why did you kill me? What did Yuxin do wrong?"

Yu Shengjun turned his back, "If you are still alive next year, then I will tell you the answer!" The voice had no warmth.

Yuxin gasped, but she still calmed down and asked hoarsely, "Your Majesty, how did my brother die?"

"Your brother?" Yu Shengjun frowned, "Who?" Yuxin said with a choked throat, "He used to be your bodyguard. Commander Zhang told me that my brother was killed by people who rebelled against the Imperial Council. , so Yuxin wants to ask the emperor for an answer, is it true or not?"

"My bodyguards, from the moment they are enshrined, their lives are in my hands, and they are not allowed to decide. One thing you have to understand is that I will not take the slightest responsibility for their life or death!" Yu Sheng Jun said expressionlessly. "If you ask me for an answer, I can give it to you, but it would be too much to ask me for an explanation for your brother's life."

Yuxin shook her head, crying bitterly, "Your Majesty, Yuxin didn't come here to ask you to take back her brother's life, but just wanted to know if my brother...was killed by those who rebelled against the Imperial Council?"

(End of this chapter)

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