The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 167 Turns out it was Brother Tang's masterpiece!

Chapter 167 Turns out it was Brother Tang's masterpiece!
"Your surname is Yu?" Yu Shengjun pondered for a moment, but Yuxin was not sure, and then said: "Your brother is... Yuze?"

Yuxin nodded excitedly, "Yes, that's right, Yuxin's elder brother is Yuze, and the guard name is Anze!"

Yu Shengjun smiled in relief, "Oh, it turned out to be Anze!"

He can actually laugh?His personal bodyguard was killed by the people who rebelled against the Royal Society, and he can actually laugh?What kind of emperor is this?To be so cold-blooded, that was his former bodyguard.

Seeing Yu Shengjun's relieved smile, Yuxin felt a sense of despair, "Your Majesty, you..."

Yu Shengjun looked at her a few times, and said in a calm and slow voice: "You only have one skill, but you dare to enter the palace as a guard just because you are a master of archery? If I guessed right, you must be for your brother Things are coming!"

Yuxin lowered her eyes, her eyes dimmed a little, and said dumbly: "I want to avenge my brother, and at the same time, I also want to continue to fulfill my brother's wish!"

"Your brother's wish?" Yu Shengjun frowned slightly, "What wish?"

Yuxin said: "My elder brother has determined to be a big inner guard since he was a child. Even though being a big inner guard is a very dangerous thing, he swore that as long as he is alive, he will always protect the emperor's safety. Although Yuxin has no boss So outstanding and sudden in all aspects, but... I want to help my brother fulfill his wish!"

"Heh!" Yu Shengjun sneered, and reminded bluntly: "With your ability, let alone protect me, it may not be certain that you will become a burden to me in the end. Miss Yuxin, I advise you to give up for the sake of it." Take revenge for your brother, go home and serve your parents well, and find a good man to marry. Don't worry, if there are no accidents, I will give you a generous gift."

Yuxin said urgently: "Yuxin doesn't want any generous gifts, she just wants to avenge her brother, Yuxin begged the emperor to tell Yuxin about the location of the anti-imperial meeting, Yuxin is going to avenge her brother!"

Yu Shengjun's eyes turned cold, "Do you want me to order someone to drag you away? You are in the palace, and you will become a burden to me, Tang Lin, and even some people. You want to drag everyone down." willing?"

"I..." After Yu Shengjun's training, Yuxin couldn't refute it.That's right, apart from being good at bows and arrows, I can't do anything else. If I want to become an Ouchi guard, it will really be a drag.

It's just that what he said was a bit serious. How could she drag so many people down by herself?
Yu Shengjun was silent for a long time, suddenly thought of something, and said to Yuxin in a warning tone: "The matter between me and Tang Lin is more important than your brother's life, if you dare to say it, I will destroy your nine clans, can you hear me clearly? "

"This..." Yuxin was dumbfounded, this was the most incredible passage she had ever heard, and human life was actually less valuable than the emperor's feelings.

Yu Shengjun said: "Come on, I can avenge your brother's vengeance for you. As long as you obey my words, go out of the palace and go home today. Don't get involved in your brother anymore. Be the apple of your parents' eyes. Otherwise, your simplicity will kill you sooner or later!"

Yuxin smiled miserably, she was humbled, so what could be changed.She lowered her head and said sadly, "Yes, Yuxin knows."

At this time, Tang Lin broke in and saw Yuxin standing in front of Yushengjun with her head down and sullen. She thought Yuxin was being bullied by Yushengjun, so she stepped over and pulled Yuxin behind her, questioning Yushengjun : "Smelly man, what did you do to my good sister?"

Stinky man? !Yuxin showed a look of panic, she didn't listen, did she?Tang Lin dared to challenge the emperor?

Yu Shengjun was speechless, and said the opposite: "I ate her up and wiped her clean, what do you want?"

"You," Tang Lin pursed her mouth. She originally wanted to be angry, but she started to sob slightly, "Woooo, you wolf-hearted thing..."

"Boss, it's not like that!" Seeing Tang Lin confronting Yu Shengjun so bravely, Yu Xin, who was caught between the two, was terrified and puzzled. "The emperor didn't do anything to me, boss, you misunderstood!"

Tang Lin pretended to make trouble like a shrew, "He admitted it all, is this a misunderstanding?"

"This..." Yuxin was very embarrassed, there was no such thing as eating and wiping, why didn't the emperor clarify it?When she saw the emperor for the first time, her heart skipped a beat. Who doesn't love the most honorable, handsome, and unfathomable man in the world, but she knew very well that such a man... wouldn't like her, or even love her.

Since there is no fruitful love, why bother to fight for it, it will at least become a throbbing memory buried in my heart.

"Hahaha!" Tang Lin laughed suddenly, and patted Yuxin on the shoulder, "Yuxin, I'm just kidding you, the boss won't eat that kind of nameless vinegar. But Yuxin, the boss is very serious to tell you something. You want to keep it a secret for me?"

Yuxin guessed, "Boss, is it between you and the emperor?"

Tang Lin applauded twice and praised: "Good Xiner, you are so smart!"

Yuxin lowered her head and smiled helplessly, then bowed to Yu Shengjun, and said calmly: "Your Majesty, Yuxin will leave the palace and go home later, don't worry, Yuxin will not reveal the relationship between you and the boss to a third person." But here Yuxin wants to beg the emperor to avenge my brother, and Yuxin will thank the emperor first." After speaking, she turned to Tang Lin, her eyes filled with reluctance, "Boss, thank you for your kindness to Yu these days. Take care of Xin, see you later, can I still call you boss?"

Tang Lin caressed her back, feeling a little sad suddenly, "Of course it's fine!"

Yuxin nodded, "Yes."

"Dark cold!" Yu Shengjun called out towards the door.

Hearing the voice secretly, he came in, "Master, please give me instructions."

Yu Shengjun said: "This is Miss Yuxin, Anze's own sister. You and Anze were appointed as Ouchi bodyguards at the same time. Usually, when I send you out to perform missions, you are often together, so Anze's You know the matter best. You take Miss Yuxin to Lanyuan to pack up the things, and send her home personally, and you can tell her about Anze along the way!"

He nodded secretly and said: "This subordinate obeys orders!"

After the two left, Tang Lin walked to the charcoal brazier, felt whether the clothes were dry, and said worriedly: "I just looked outside for a long time, only Han Xueyan was alone. The other contestants haven't found the needle yet. Seeing that noon is past, do you think the other players can find the needle before sunset? If no one can find it, our plan will be difficult to continue, I think... we should help them!"

Yu Shengjun evoked a deep smile, "Girlfriend, you see those people too simply."

Tang Lin analyzed: "You took away all the sharp weapons and magnets from their bodies. Even though you are good at holding your breath, your eyes can't see clearly in the water. Can they find the needles? This... is a little tricky!"

Yu Shengjun laughed and said: "If you want to help them, I have no objection!"

Tang Lin thought about it for a few seconds, and finally curled her lips and said, "I don't want to help!"

After she put on her underwear, he gave her her training pants, but his eyes were not on any part of her body. His cold and calm gaze was always fixed on a corner of the tent without moving, "Why don't you want to help me?" ?”

Tang Lin put on her trousers, put on her belt, and said, "As you said, these people are indeed not simple, so let's continue to look at them and see what happens." Turning around, she looked at him with winking eyes, "Boyfriend, what do you say?"

The corners of Yu Shengjun's lips curled into an evil curve, he tilted his head, leaned close to her clean and fair cheek and kissed her, then gently hugged her into his arms.

His wide sleeves half covered her white and smooth back.

Tang Lin was in his arms, closed her eyes, and felt the comfortable temperature from his body, as well as the faint fragrance of his body.She became more and more possessive of him, as if she didn't want him to leave her in her whole life.

She is greedy for everything about him, his breath, his body temperature, his voice, and everything about him.

If lusting after him is like taking opium, then really addicted.

After a while, Tang Lin got dressed and Yu Shengjun served a cup of tea. She took it, took a sip, and saw that he was looking at her with a faint smile, and said amusedly: "Look at me like this all day long, Am I that pretty?"

He was one meter away from her at this moment, and he suddenly folded his arms and looked at her. This gesture was something he rarely used before. It was a bit exaggerated, but it was serious, "I like to travel around the world, but I haven't accomplished much yet. Don't have such thoughts. Linlin, when I rule the world, how about traveling around the world with you? Live a life of using the sky as a blanket and the earth as a bed. At that time, I will be the only one by your side, how do you want to pamper you? Everything works!"

Tang Lin narrowed her eyes, and said with a poof: "Is there someone who spoils you so much? Are you not afraid of spoiling me? Besides, you can only show me a set of good sword skills, and you can't give me a gold card or a silver card." A diamond ring or something!"

Yu Shengjun's head paused for a moment, "What does Jinka mean?"

Tang Lin pursed her lips and turned her cheeks to one side, and said arrogantly and coquettishly, "I won't tell you."

Yu Shengjun pretended to be cold, "It's too much, I won't be happy!"

Tang Lin was about to talk back, when suddenly there was an urgent voice from outside, "Vice Commander, something is wrong, and someone died! Report to Master!" After a while, Yifeng's voice came into the tent, "Master."

Yu Shengjun heard the sound and responded, "Come in."

Yifeng came in from outside the tent, walked up to Yu Shengjun and kowtowed, "Master."

Yu Shengjun asked: "What happened?"

Yifeng said: "Two contestants accidentally swam to the downstream area, were washed down the waterfall by the rapids, hit the rocks below the waterfall, and died. The Royal Forest Army who just went to patrol the downstream came back to report the situation."

Yu Shengjun let out a sigh of relief, a little heavy.

Tang Lin comforted: "Your Majesty, don't worry about the current situation. If you want to achieve a great cause, you will inevitably suffer casualties. If no one dies, how can you deter those rebels. So, Your Majesty, you did not set it up." The level is too inhumane, but you didn't arrange manpower to rescue those players who are about to have accidents. What you do is just to let those players find a way to survive. If they lose their lives, it will naturally scare away a group of people. Don’t dare to act rashly, if everything is safe and sound, it proves that none of these players are in the pool, and they may be good helpers by your side in the future.”

"Miss Tang is right." Apparently, Yifeng also noticed Yu Shengjun's heavy breath, "If you want to achieve great things, you will inevitably suffer casualties. If the lives of this few people can be exchanged for the world, it is better than using a million troops Go get it. When the time comes, what we see will be a scene of devastation."

Yu Shengjun smiled relievedly, "I'm not that confused, and I don't know the truth of giving up the small self for the big one. If these people can avoid thousands of troops and avoid losing their lives, why should I worry about it. As long as the people of Li are safe and sound, the war Avoid it if you can."

Tang Lin and Yifeng looked at each other and exchanged a look of relief.Just now they thought that Yu Shengjun would care about the lives of those contestants and forget their ultimate goal, it seems that they were worrying too much.

Yu Shengjun asked Yifeng: "What time is it?"

Yifeng said, "It's just past noon."

Tang Lin said: "There are still two hours before the end time. If those rebels want to use the position of Ouchi's bodyguard to achieve their goals, then before sunset, they will definitely try their best to find the needle!"

(End of this chapter)

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