The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 169 What is your background?

Chapter 169 What is your background?

Just as Cao Dan wanted to shrug his shoulders to express his speechlessness, Tang Lin suddenly covered her lower abdomen, let out an oops, and then glanced around, "I'm going, I'm going..." Before he could ask where she was going, she had already run away to a corner of the path .

"Hey, Miss Tang, where are you going?" Cao Dan raised his voice and asked.

"I'm in a hurry, go to the meeting!" When the voice disappeared, Tang Lin's figure also disappeared on the trail.

Cao Dan laughed and said, "Sister Tang, it's true." He turned his gaze away and landed on the lake, where the water was indeed clear.He walked two steps forward, squatted down again, picked up the lake water to wash his face, and when he held it for the third time, a face appeared on the water, right next to his face.

It was a woman's face, delicate and beautiful.

Cao Dan was stunned for a moment, and immediately got up and turned around. When he looked at Sun Bailing, his face became completely cold, and his tone was the same, "Why are you?"

Sun Bailing lowered his head slightly, and smiled wryly, "Why, don't you want it to be me? I want to talk to you, are you free?"

Cao Dan turned his back and remained silent.

At this time, Tang Lin came back after solving her internal emergency. She saw an extra person behind Cao Dan from a distance. Looking at the back of that person, it was the new champion Sun Bailing.She took advantage of the turmoil between the two people, and approached them secretly, and finally hid behind a big tree, and then sneaked out her head.

She remembered that that night in the imperial study, Yu Shengjun and the others had told her that the number one scholar in the new department was a woman.Because this woman is valuable, and this woman is also on their chessboard, so they didn't expose it.

That night, they also told her many stories about Sun Bailing...

The big tree is only four or five meters away from Sun Bailing.

Sun Bailing repeated the original words, "I want to talk to you, are you free?"

Cao Dan was no longer silent, turned around suddenly, looked at Sun Bailing as if he were a stranger, and said with a sneer, "Are you here to remind me that you became the champion? Don't worry, I said, if you can be I will honor my promise to win the first prize. I have persuaded my father to stand on the side of the second prince. My father is the current prime minister and a celebrity in front of the emperor. At least half of the officials in the court Towards him. Presumably, the second prince won over my father because of his wide connections, right? If you win over an official, you can get half of the officials' help. The second prince is really good at this move. Promise me, Shen Dan, Now, are you satisfied?"

Sun Bailing stretched out his hand, wanting to touch his face, but he had no choice but to pull his hand back abruptly without the courage.Looking into his eyes, he choked with sobs and said, "Haven't you ever thought that I can't help myself?"

There are some things that cannot be said yet, and if they are said, it will be bad.

She can't ruin the whole game just because she is alone.She couldn't delay the plan above because of herself.

Cao Dan suddenly smiled, a little sad. "Involuntary? Are you involuntary? What reason would make you choose to help the tyrants and take advantage of the feelings of the person you love the most? Sun Bailing, Sun Bailing, don't pretend to be innocent in front of me, I won't accept you! "

Sun Bailing smiled wryly, "Oh, it's useless to talk too much, one will understand."

Her self-willed depravity made him not even bother to get angry, "Wake up, no matter how ambitious the second prince is, he can't beat the emperor. Don't wait until your affairs are exposed, and I will collect your corpse for you."

Sun Bailing turned his back and smiled wryly again: "If you don't try, how do you know you won't succeed."

Cao Dan said angrily: "I'm just wondering, what advantage did the second prince give you to deceive my feelings so that you can use our father and son to do things for you? Could it be are his woman? If so... "

"Shut up!" Before he finished speaking, she dismissed his words domineeringly.His suspicion disappointed her, "how can you say that?"

Her reaction, on the contrary, made him feel that it was the same thing, and suddenly felt ridiculous, "Hehe, it's really the same thing. Sun Bailing, you can't bear it if I just say that? Why are you so shameless?"

Ridiculous, the woman he could risk his life for was someone else's woman.

How could she hurt him so much.

Sun Bailing's eyes turned hot, and he lowered his angry voice and asked, "Why am I shameless? Don't you think you've gone too far?"

Cao Dan smiled sadly: "I once fell in love with a married woman. Why am I, Shen Dan, so damned, why am I such a bastard, why... so blind..."

His words pierced her heart like a knife, and she felt chills.

Sun Bailing shrunk her nose, "In your mind, is this how you see me?"

"Then what do you think of me?" He snarled and stared into her eyes, which were raw and painful. "In the beginning, who lied to whom? You asked me to be a son-in-law, and you asked me to persuade my father to help the second prince. Who caused this? You used our feelings to achieve your goals. How do you tell me to think of you? What do you think of me again? Sun Bailing, don't you think you are too much, very much?"

"I..." Sun Bailing was so criticized that he couldn't utter a single word. Looking at him, he hesitated to speak.

Cao Dan turned cold, "Sun Bailing, don't say I didn't remind you, even with my father's help, the second prince may not be able to win the hearts of all officials, and may not be able to change the dynasty. You should save yourself and don't rebel."

"How can this be rebellion?" Sun Bailing argued, "The current emperor is a cruel and foolish emperor. The second prince is here to overthrow the tyrant and restore justice. The second prince is the future wise emperor of the Yuxin Dynasty."

Cao Dan laughed loudly three times, "That's really good, helping justice? Faint king? Just these two reasons?"

Sun Bailing said: "Believe it or not, the current emperor is a foolish king. If he is a wise king, why would he dare to harm his younger siblings? He and the second prince are brothers, and just to weaken the power of the second prince, he can treat a weak woman Do you want to start? Such a villain, how can he be qualified to be an emperor."

Cao Dan said contemptuously: "Could it be that the second prince has one?"

"Of course." Sun Bailing said in a noncommittal tone.

Cao continued to sneer, "Yeah, that's your man, you must think that being an emperor is what you should."

Sun Bailing vehemently denied it: "The Second Prince is not me..."

"Stop making noise." Tang Lin, who was hiding behind the big tree, stood up from behind the tree. "Tang, Sister Tang, why is it you?" Tang Lin's appearance made Cao Dan tremble as if he had bumped into a ghost.Tang Lin didn't know anything about him and Sun Bailing, or about him. Doesn't Tang Lin's appearance now mean that she heard what he and Sun Bailing just said?
Sun Bailing was working for the Second Prince, Yu Zichen, and although he was reluctant, he was actually an accomplice.Tang Lin was just a contestant and didn't know anything about it, but just now she heard the conversation between him and Sun Bailing.

In other words, Tang Lin knew about the Second Prince's rebellion.

what to do?If Tang Lin speaks out, she will hurt the Second Prince and even implicate her father.Not only that, but it would also harm Sun Bailing and himself.

Tang Lin heard something she shouldn't have heard, what should he do?kill her, or...

Tang Lin's appearance also made Sun Bailing gasp.Such a top-secret matter is brought to light in front of an insignificant person like this. Once the matter is exposed, what consequences will there be?

It also doesn't matter that Tang Lin is the best player among all the contestants, so it's important to keep things secret.Sun Bailing's eyes turned cold, and a dagger slipped from her sleeve, and she grabbed it tightly.

Seeing this, Cao Dan asked anxiously, "What are you doing?"

She didn't even look at him, she kept her cold eyes on Tang Lin, "You ask the question knowingly." If the matter of the second prince's rebellion is exposed, it will be a fatal blow to them, and no matter what they say, they can't let Tang Lin live down.

Tang Lin was not at all afraid of the dagger in Sun Bailing's hand, nor was she afraid of Sun Bailing's eyes that seemed capable of killing people.She raised her eyebrows with interest, crossed her arms and folded her chest, and stood lazily in front of the two, "What do you want to do?"

Sun Bailing opened his lips coldly, "You have heard what you shouldn't have heard, and you know what we are going to do, so why bother asking."

Tang Lin leaned against the tree, and said in a lazy tone, "What did I hear that shouldn't be heard? Could it be that I heard that the second prince rebelled, that the number one scholar in the new division is a woman, and she will be shot? Hehehe , It’s really not good to go out today.”

Cao Dan looked at her with jerky pain in his eyes, "Sister Tang, won't say anything, will you?"

Tang Lin laughed and said, "Xiao Cao, no, you should be called Young Master Shen. Just now I heard someone say that my father is the current prime minister. There are two prime ministers in the current court, one surnamed Fu and the other surnamed Shen. Presumably you are the son of Prime Minister Shen, my analysis is correct, right?"

Speaking of this, it would be useless to lie, so Cao Dan could only nod his head, "Yes, I am the son of Prime Minister You, but Sister Tang, I..."

"Stop it," Tang Lin interrupted him, and wrote lightly, "I'm not interested in knowing." Anyway, the whole plan is in the hands of her and Yu Shengjun, who know more than anyone else, so there is no need to listen he explained.

Sun Bailing said: "But you have heard what you shouldn't have heard, so we won't let you go. Tang Lin, I envy your ability, but you shouldn't know our secret, so we have no choice but to..."

Tang Lin added with a sneer, "Do you think that you two can beat me? Please don't forget, I, Tang Lin, am the No. How could you win me over?"

The arc of Sun Bailing's lips became mysterious and cold, "If you win, why do you have to do it in front of your face?"

Tang Lin was in a daze for a moment, "What?"

Cao Dan realized something was wrong, and shouted sharply: "Bai Ling, don't!" Sun Bailing is a master of poisoning, although he seldom hits people, but if he does, people will definitely die.Although Tang Lin was strong, her tricks were unstoppable.If Tang Lin was poisoned by the poison she cast, she would definitely die.

It was too late to say it, but when he stopped talking, Tang Lin suddenly covered her chest and let out a muffled cry. It was as if something was choking her throat and chest, which made her extremely uncomfortable.

Slowly, she bowed her waist and squatted down to the ground.

Sun Bailing walked over a few steps and stood in front of her, with a calm expression on his face, "A real person doesn't show his face, and a real person doesn't show his face, you should have heard these two sentences, right? You have shown your abilities, and it will be easy for people to find weaknesses. of."

Tang Lin raised her head in pain, her face was full of poison, "When did you do it?"

Sun Bailing said: "I followed you all the way into the royal forest, and you took a small road in a hurry. I have already sprayed colorless and odorless poisonous powder on that road. Once you pass by the flowers and trees by the roadside, you will definitely weigh me down. The poison that was cast. I thought you would die over there, but I didn’t expect you to come back so quickly and overhear what you shouldn’t have heard. It’s all right now, I don’t need to do it myself. You can go with peace of mind.”

"Give me the antidote." Sun Bailing didn't expect that Cao Dan would reach out to her.

Sun Bailing was startled, glanced at Tang Lin and then at Cao Dan, his eyes became hot, "What did you say? Do you want me to give you the antidote?"

Cao Dan looked at Tang Lin with gentle eyes, "everyone I know wants to use me and harm me, but only Sister Tang, not only will she not harm me, but she will help me everywhere. When I was in Jun Die Xuan, she helped me taught me a lot."

(End of this chapter)

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