The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 170 When Anlin Doesn't Exist

Chapter 170 When Anlin Doesn't Exist
Sun Bailing corrected: "But you have to understand that the situation at that time was different. The emperor went out of the palace in micro-clothes, and you appeared in Jundiexuan to monitor the emperor's every move. What does this have to do with Tang Lin?"

Cao Dan said sullenly, "If I hadn't been a spy of the Second Prince, I believe Sister Tang would have taken me in and helped me."

Sun Bailing stroked his forehead weakly, feeling helpless for Cao Dan's stubbornness, "Right now, we have to think about the overall situation. If you let this woman go, it will be our group that will be destroyed in the future. You should think about it clearly."

Cao Dan said annoyedly: "I know the matter is serious, but I don't want Sister Tang to die."

"Tell me," Sun Bailing said in a somewhat blunt tone, "do you... have feelings for her?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Cao Dan immediately denied, "I only have..." He heard the sadness in Sun Bailing's tone, and immediately changed the subject, "I have... feelings for Sister Tang, so what?"

Would she know that he changed the subject just to anger her?

Sun Bailing swallowed, swallowing the pain, "Hehe, yes."

"Hey," seeing the two people in front of them torturing each other, Tang Lin felt a little embarrassed, her expression was not as painful as before, "I said, you two, since you love each other, why are you torturing each other? Huh? I really don't understand you guys."

Sun Bailing stared at her back, "Shut up. What do you know?"

Tang Lin waved her hands, stood up slowly, and said helplessly, "Okay, I don't understand anything, so I won't hinder you, you can continue to torture each other."

"You..." At this moment, Sun Bailing could no longer see signs of poisoning on Tang Lin, and he was surprised and terrified, "Aren't you poisoned? Besides, the poison I cast is very poisonous, and you have no antidote at all. how……"

Tang Lin spun around in front of her lightly, as if she was dancing for someone else. After she finished, she stopped and posed a nice pose, "Master Sun, do you think I look like I'm poisoned?"

Sun Bailing shook his head, took two steps back, and said in disbelief, "No, it's impossible, you can't be poisoned, I don't believe it, you were obviously poisoned just now, why did you suddenly..."

Tang Lin said, "Uh, I'm invulnerable to all poisons."

Sun Bailing frowned, "A hundred poisons won't invade? How is this possible? You must take the antidote beforehand."

"Okay, I'll tell you why I'm not poisoned." As she spoke, Tang Lin lifted up her sleeves, showed the watch on her wrist to the two of them, and explained, "Did you see it? My watch has many functions. There are monitors."

Sun Bailing and Cao Dan frowned at the same time, and asked puzzledly, "Monitor? What is a monitor?"

Tang Lin explained: "It is to monitor whether there is a strong poison in the surroundings. Once there is a toxin in the air that causes physical discomfort, my watch will detect it. To be safe, before the game, I take medicine to understand all poisons, so I He was not poisoned." In fact, Yu Shengjun forced him to take the antidote he took before the match, saying that he had a sinister heart, and he had to take it for fear that something would happen to her during the match.

Unexpectedly, his worries happened.If he hadn't forced her to take the unpalatable antidote beforehand, she probably would have seen King Yama already.He saved her life.She had to repay him at night.

Sun Bailing still didn't fully understand Tang Lin's words, "I don't understand what monitoring is, but I didn't expect you to take medicine to understand all kinds of poisons before the game. You are lucky to save your life, but I still have a trick. I……"

"Wait!" Tang Lin interrupted Sun Bailing, "Let me ask you, do you really want to kill me today?"

Sun Bailing said: "I don't want to kill people, but I can't help myself. I blame you for hearing what you shouldn't hear. I can't let you go. Otherwise, I will die in the future!"

Tang Lin asked: "Is there a way without my death? For example, I kill you, or... I join your organization to serve you?"

"This..." Cao Dan was stunned.

"Why, can't you?" Tang Lin raised her eyebrows and asked. "Xiao Cao, your father is equivalent to half of the officials in the ruling and opposition parties. Think about it, the second prince won the hearts of all the officials. If all the officials were the second prince, wouldn't it be easy to change the dynasty? Why would I want to be the emperor's bodyguard in my early days? Although I, Tang Lin, am a girl, my heart is stronger than that of a man. I also want to give power to one side, but there is no day in my life, alas."

Sun Bailing was moved, "You are a talent, and it would be a pity to die. It would be great if you could be used by the Second Prince. However, since you Tang Lin's background is unknown, how could we risk taking you in?"

Tang Lin smiled sweetly, "Shouldn't it be enough for me to tell you all about my background?"

Sun Bailing said brightly: "Okay, then tell me, what is your background?" Tang Lin said proudly: "I used to be a princess, don't you believe me."

"Oh?" Sun Bailing raised his eyebrows with great interest. "You used to be the princess? What princess?"

"It's the Princess of Chu State. You should have heard of Chu State, right?" Speaking of this, Tang Lin was no longer so proud, but a little sad, "Unfortunately, my country was destroyed more than ten years ago. "

"You turned out to be after the death of Chu," Sun Bailing said in disbelief, "It's hard to imagine!"

Tang Lin was dissatisfied with Sun Bailing's tone, and glared at Sun Bailing, "Why, you are only allowed to be the second prince's woman, but I am not allowed to be the princess of the dead Chu?"

"You," Sun Bailing almost became angry, she subconsciously glanced at Cao Dan, afraid that he would believe Tang Lin's words. "What is the second prince's woman, I'm not, stop talking nonsense here."

In fact, the reason why Tang Lin said this was simply to understand the reason for the quarrel between the two.She could see that the two of them had a deep relationship, but it was only because of some uncontrollable things that the situation like this happened today.

"Why am I talking nonsense?" Tang Lin continued to be arrogant, "If you are not the second prince's woman, why are you so desperate to work for him? Do you know that once you let the emperor know that you, the number one scholar, are a woman, you have to How many heads are cut off?"

Sun Bailing said angrily: "Shut up, don't come to teach me, I don't need your lesson. I don't care who you are, today, you must die here."

Tang Lin said confidently, "Let the horse come here if you have the ability."

Just as Cao Dan was about to stop the fight, he saw that Sun Bailing had already made a move, and angrily slashed at Tang Lin.

Tang Lin easily dodged, and easily dodged Sun Bailing's continuous attacks with all her strength, and she did not forget the lesson: "Sun Bailing, Xiao Cao likes you so much, why do you bother to use him so much? You love him, since you love him He, how could he hurt him so much? If you have any reason to do that, then you should tell him clearly in advance, even if you help your master by coming here blindly, can you feel at ease? ?”

Sun Bailing exerted all his strength to knock Tang Lin down, but Tang Lin never fought back, "I can do whatever I like, I don't need you, an outsider, to worry about it, just take care of yourself!"

Tang Lin fought back suddenly, grabbed Sun Bailing's hand, put her feet on Sun Bailing's feet, and stood next to Sun Bailing. She looked at her with tight eyes. "Is there anything that can't be explained clearly? If he loves you, he will understand you. Why do you have to carry it alone?"

Sun Bailing turned his face coldly, "You don't understand."

Tang Lin let go of her, compromised and said: "Okay, I don't understand, you understand, then you two continue to fight." She was about to leave, but suddenly turned her head and saw Sun Bailing who was about to strike her, she immediately Get out of the way, "Sun Bailing, you can't hurt me, save your energy."

Sun Bailing knew that he could not deal with Tang Lin with his own abilities, so he stopped attacking Tang Lin as expected.

"You guys have a good chat, I'll go first, don't worry, I, Tang Lin, am not a big mouther, and I won't talk about your affairs." After speaking, Tang Lin leaned into Sun Bailing's ear and whispered something, then left with a smile on her face .

After hearing what Tang Lin said, Sun Bailing was stunned, staring blankly at Tang Lin's handsome back going away.

Cao Dan glanced at Tang Lin who was going away, and then at Sun Bailing, wondering.Just now Sun Bailing wanted to kill the other party, why has his attitude changed drastically now?What did Tang Lin tell Sun Bailing?
Sun Bailing regained his composure, looked into his eyes for a while, and said calmly, "Can I have a good talk with you?"

Cao Dan lowered his eyes and said: "You said that you are involuntary. If you don't tell me, you have your reasons. If you say it will embarrass you, I don't want to hear it."

"I'm just afraid..." After a pause, Sun Bailing continued, "I'm afraid that if too many people know about it, it will ruin the master's good deed."

Cao Dan smiled bitterly and said, "Since I'm not someone you want to trust, why bother talking to me? Take care." After speaking, he turned around and left, but Sun Bailing ran up to him and hugged him after walking a few steps.

Sun Bailing cried and said, "Don't do this to me, don't do this."

Cao Dan stared into the distance, swallowed hard, and said hoarsely, "Bailing, what do you want me to do? You don't trust me, and you don't care about my attitude. You make me feel bad, do you know that? ?”

Sun Bailing nodded violently behind him, "I know, I know..."

In a certain corner, there is a pair of eyes.

Tang Lin was secretly observing the movement here.

Cao Dan turned around and looked at the face of the woman he loved so much in the past, with an inseparable pain in his heart, "We have come to this point since the day you asked me to be your son-in-law. You showed up with Princess Xinrui What will you do in front of me?"

"I..." Sun Bailing was still hesitant to say or not to say. "It's not that I don't want to tell you the truth, it's just that the master has ordered that even the closest and dearest people should not let them know our plan. I know it's difficult for you to be my son-in-law, but..."

"Come on, I don't want to hear it, and of course you don't need to reveal it." After finishing speaking, Cao Dan left coldly, never paying attention to Sun Bailing again.

Sun Bailing stood on the spot like a log, watching his receding back, tears rolling down his cheeks silently.Tang Lin came over, stood beside her, and looked at Cao Dan's back with her, "He's pretty cool, don't you think?"

Sun Bailing reacted and immediately wiped away tears, "Why are you back?"

Tang Lin said: "I didn't leave at all, I just hid in a corner to see if your relationship has improved."

Sun Bailing said indifferently: "He has never forgiven me for taking advantage of him."

Tang Lin comforted: "Don't worry about it, let him mess around on his own. I think he loves you so much that he hates you so deeply. When the dust settles, I believe he will understand your heartfelt feelings. Go back Let's see how the game goes."

"You told me just now that you are the person the Second Prince placed in the dark?"

"Of course, what are you doing to lie to you? I'm just helping the Second Prince. If you don't believe me, next time you see him, ask him if there is such a thing."

"You hide it deep enough. If you don't tell me, I don't know yet."

"If you can easily find out, then can I, Tang Lin, still hang around in the dark? Cut!"

The two chatted happily all the way and left the royal forest.

When we got back to the river, the sun was almost down.

(End of this chapter)

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