Chapter 171

Yu Shengjun stood on the shore with his hands crossed behind him, holding a signal flare in his hand.He slightly raised his head and glanced at the sky.As soon as the sun goes down, round four is over.

There are chairs and a table outside the tent.

Yifeng sat on a chair and was recording the contestants who found the needles.At noon, he only received two or three needles, but now there are dozens of needles on the table.

Yu Shengjun watched Tang Lin and Sun Bailing walk in front of him.

Sun Bailing nodded, "Your Majesty."

Yu Shengjun nodded, "Yes."

"Wei Chen went to see the contestants, and I will leave." After speaking, Sun Bailing bowed to Yu Shengjun, and then walked away.

After Sun Bailing walked away, Tang Lin approached Yu Shengjun and smiled.Her smile obviously has content.

Yu Shengjun asked indifferently: "Want to chew your tongue?"

Tang Lin glared at him, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Look at what you said, am I the kind of person with a big tongue? I wanted to say thank you, but you misunderstood me."

"Say thank you to me?" Yu Shengjun looked at her in surprise, "Why do you want to say thank you to me?"

Tang Lin twisted her fingers, lowered her head and said weakly: "If you hadn't forced me to take such a bitter antidote before the game, you wouldn't be able to see me now. Your antidote saved me a long time ago. Fate, so I came to say thank you."

Yu Shengjun was surprised and said: "Sun Bailing doesn't know that you belong to me, so why does she want to poison you?"

"Because I heard something I shouldn't have heard, so..." The more I spoke, the lower my voice was.

He wanted to pinch her face, but considering that there were so many people around, it was not suitable for him to do so, so he let her go, "I'm not angry with you, I bulged your face like a big drum."

Tang Lin smiled sweetly, knowing that he would say that.She looked at the place where Han Xueyan was, and when she saw the faces of Fu Yushu and others, she was startled, "Mom, why are so many people clearing the level?"

Yu Shengjun said: "I overlooked one point."

Tang Lin frowned, "What's wrong?"

Yu Shengjun was a little annoyed at himself, "I haven't considered sunshine."

Tang Lin calmly analyzed for a while, and finally figured it out, "Oh, I see, it's because the needles thrown into the bottom of the river contrasted with the afternoon sun, and there were reflective points, which made it easy for the contestants to find, right? "

Yu Shengjun nodded, "Well, that's it. I was negligent and didn't think of this."

Tang Lin patted him on the shoulder heroically, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, it's not your fault. If it were me, I wouldn't have thought of it. But looking at the number of people, there are only fifty or sixty people, not many. It's already From 130 people eliminated to dozens, it’s not bad. There are still many levels waiting for them, and I’m afraid it won’t be long.”

Tang Lin looked at the contestants again and counted the number one by one.Everyone she knows has passed the level.

After the game, Yu Shengjun drove back to the palace, and Tang Lin and Du Yuanyuan returned to Lanyuan.

Before having dinner, Tang Lin left Lanyuan and went directly to Xuanyu Palace.

Xuanyu Palace.

Yu Shengjun took off his dragon robe by himself and hung it on the wooden stand.

The dining table has been neatly filled with food, including shark fin and abalone.An Lin stood by the dining table in order to be ready for Yu Shengjun's orders at any time.

After a while, Yu Shengjun sat down at the dining table, picked up his chopsticks, and when he was about to eat, he heard footsteps outside the door.He followed the sound and saw Tang Lin walking into the room, and ran towards him happily.Running up to him, when An Lin wasn't there, just sat across his legs. "Junjun, I want to repay you!" When An Lin didn't exist, Tang Lin sat on Yu Shengjun's legs and said softly with her arms around Yu Shengjun's neck.

An Lin was stunned for a moment, then turned his face away tactfully.

Yu Shengjun stroked Tang Lin's cheek tenderly, his face was full of pampering, "Repay me? Why?"

Tang Lin said truthfully: "Because you saved my life today. I told myself that I will definitely come back tonight to repay you. Tell me, how do you want me to repay you?"

"Promise with your body," An Lin couldn't help but interjected, regretted it after finishing speaking, immediately knelt down, and slapped his mouth lightly, "The old slave talks too much, the old slave talks nonsense, please the emperor treat the old slavery."

Yu Shengjun waved his hand and said softly: "An Lin, get up, I didn't blame you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." After thanking, An Lin stood up slowly, but he was actually afraid that Yu Shengjun would suddenly lose his temper.

Yu Shengjun said: "You go down first, I will summon you if something happens."

"The old slave will leave." After finishing speaking, An Lin turned around and left Yu Shengjun's bedroom, and closed the door of the bedroom, then stroked his chest and took a deep breath, "I was scared to death, I was scared to death .”

Standing aside, Yishuang secretly smiled.

The other hall had a serious expression that remained unchanged throughout the day, "Mr. An, what happened? It seems to scare you."

Yishuang gloated and said, "I guess, it must be Director An who disturbed the good affairs of the master and Miss Tang, and was blamed by the master just now."

An Lin glanced at her and corrected him: "It's nothing, don't talk nonsense."

inside the room.

Tang Lin was no longer sitting on Yu Shengjun's lap, probably because she hadn't eaten at noon, and she didn't look at Yu Shengjun's face at the moment, picked up the chopsticks and ate vegetables, looking like a wolf.

Yu Shengjun watched quietly beside her, without making a sound, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.He liked watching her eat like this.I like the way she eats, I like the atmosphere of this moment, I like to pamper her.

She swallowed several mouthfuls of food before she was willing to turn her head and ask him, "Aren't you going to eat?"

Yu Shengjun said softly: "You said you want to repay me, how do you repay me? I am waiting for your repayment!"

"Uh," Tang Lin was stunned, "This is a reward..." Slowly, she put down her chopsticks and sat down very solemnly.My head is still thinking about how to repay Yu Shengjun, it is best to make him happy.

Yu Shengjun suddenly reminded, "Do you want to think about what An Lin said just now?"

"Ah?" Tang Lin had a big reaction. After the reaction, her face flushed, "You want me to promise you with your body?"

Anyway, this man has belonged to her Tang Lin all her life, so it shouldn't be a problem to dedicate it to him tonight, right?

Yu Shengjun was amused by her surprise, "The reaction is so big, are you afraid?"

Tang Lin swallowed her throat and said in a blurred manner: "I'm really a little afraid of that place." Last time she played in the water, she had a full view of it openly. If she really took that thing as her own, she would definitely suffer.

"What?" Yu Shengjun didn't hear clearly.

"Ah, no, it's nothing." Tang Lin responded, her face turned redder, as ripe as an apple.I didn't think about anything, but I just thought about that matter. Fortunately, I was still a soldier, so I had such a "horrible" thought.

Yu Shengjun stretched out his hand and raised her chin. An adult would know what this gesture means—he was seducing her, "How do I repay you?"

Tang Lin lowered her head in embarrassment, and pointed to a certain place, "That kind of repayment is not bad. Of course, you just have to like it."

Yu Shengjun looked in the direction her finger was pointing at, and there was actually a dragon bed separated by three layers of light gauze, and he was stunned for a moment.What she meant was that she wanted to repay him for saving her life today with a promise of her body?

After a while, Yu Shengjun looked away from there, and ordered Tang Lin softly: "Linlin, stand up."

At this moment, Tang Lin's heart was pounding like a deer, thumping.She obeyed his order, lowered her head, stood up slowly, and twisted her fingers together, proving how nervous, disturbed, and...excited she was at the moment.

Yu Shengjun grabbed her finger, pulled her to him, played with her finger, and asked, "Linlin, are you tired?"

Tang Lin faltered and replied, "I... um, I... I'm not tired." What did he mean by asking that?
Yu Shengjun asked again: "Are you sleepy?"

Tang Lin shook her head, "Not sleepy." Why did he ask that?She was dying of anxiety.

"Not tired or sleepy, okay, I agree to your repayment." After speaking, Yu Shengjun slightly bent down and hugged Tang Lin horizontally.

However, when she was about to carry her to the bed, someone knocked on the door of the bedroom, accompanied by An Lin's slightly panicked voice, presumably there was something urgent to report, but he was afraid of ruining Yu Shengjun's plan. Good thing, "Your Majesty, An Feng has something urgent to report."

Tang Lin jumped down from his arms and said to him, "The overall situation is still uncertain, and everything needs your attention."

He looked into her eyes, feeling a little ashamed, "I'm sorry Linlin, your repayment may be delayed. I'm a very busy person now, I hope you don't mind."

Tang Lin smiled softly, "I won't mind."

"Yeah." Yu Shengjun nodded, "I'm going to the Imperial Study Room, I don't know when I will be back, you can eat here later, and then go back to Lanyuan after eating, be careful." After finishing speaking, Go to the door.

As soon as he and Anfeng left, she followed suit, and returned directly to Lan Yuan without dinner.

into the night.

Yu Zichen walked back and forth in the imperial study room, waiting for the arrival of Yu Shengjun.

After a while, Yu Shengjun came straight in from the door, and before he reached Yu Zichen, his voice came first, "Second brother."

Yu Zichen turned around when he heard the sound, with joy on his face, "Brother Huang."

Yu Shengjun walked to the chair in the corner and motioned to Yu Zichen, "Sit." After speaking, he sat down first.After Yu Zichen sat down, he hurriedly said, "As soon as Anfeng says you're back, I'll come to see you right away."

Yu Zichen said ashamedly, "Brother Huang is taking care of you."

Yu Shengjun waved his hands towards An Lin and An Feng.

The two people understood, they retreated out of the imperial study room together, and closed the door of the imperial study room.

Yu Shengjun put his hands on the table and moved closer to Yu Zichen, "Second Brother, how are you doing recently?"


An Feng looked at the closed door and was very puzzled, "Master asked us to monitor the second prince's mansion and the second prince, which shows that the second prince is really secretly rebelling. But why did the master close the door and get so close to the second prince?" Aren't you afraid that the second prince's driver will make noise?"

An Lin sighed softly, "How can we guess what the emperor is thinking? In fact, I am more puzzled than you!"

After a while, the door of the imperial study room was opened, and Yu Zichen walked out from inside.

At this moment, Yifeng walked over with a notebook in his hand, and when he saw Yu Zichen, he, An Lin and the others nodded to Yu Zichen, and respectfully said, "I have seen the Second Prince."

Yu Zichen smiled at the three of them and left without saying anything.

After watching Yu Zichen's figure disappear into the distance, Yifeng turned his head to look at Anfeng, and asked, "Anfeng, you have been in charge of following up and investigating the power of the Second Prince, what's going on now?"

Anfeng shrugged, with a helpless expression on his face, "Let's go in and see the master."

Anfeng and Yifeng walked into the imperial study together.

Yu Shengjun had already sat on his throne at some point, looking at the booklet on the table.Hearing the sound of footsteps, he knew that his subordinates had come in, so he put down his book and looked up, waiting for the two to speak first.

(End of this chapter)

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