The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 172 Tomorrow I'm Going to Be a Roasted Pig!

Chapter 172 Tomorrow I'm Going to Be a Roasted Pig!
Yifeng presented the notebook in his hand, "Master, this is the information of all the contestants who cleared the fourth round, please have a look."

Yu Shengjun reached out to take it over, opened it for a few glances, and nodded in satisfaction while looking at it, "Well, yes, those who performed well in the first three rounds, today's performance is also very satisfactory to me. It's just that the number of people who cleared the level is beyond my expectation. It's too late."

Yifeng lowered his head and smiled, and added: "It will be impressive if you can survive the fifth round."

Yu Shengjun closed the book, and turned his eyes to Anfeng, "I told you to send people to watch the second prince's mansion, and then sent people to follow the second prince. What, what did you find? In the past two or three days, the second prince left the palace. Where did you go?"

An Feng said: "Master, I would like to ask, have you seen the shadow of the right prime minister, Mr. Shen, in the court hall in the past few days?"

Yu Shengjun thought about it for a while, "It seems that Shen Aiqing has asked for leave, saying that there is an urgent matter in her hometown and she needs to go back to deal with it in person, so I approved him."

With his words, An Feng continued to talk about the things he had investigated, "Master, this Lord Shen never went back to his hometown at all, he was with the Second Prince all day long."

"Huh?" Yu Shengjun frowned, "I don't understand."

Anfeng said in detail: "Master, Mr. Shen and the second prince have been forming cliques secretly these few days. The second prince has used Mr. Shen's connections to recruit soldiers everywhere. Officials below the fifth rank in the imperial capital have almost been bought off!"

Yifeng took a deep breath, "These two princes are really planning to usurp the throne? Master, what should we do? Now, the rebellion will become more rampant, and Marshal Shao's troops are also ready to move. With the enemy country, you can be said to be It's besieged on all sides."

There was no emotion on Yu Shengjun's face, his expression was as pale as water, but also as deep as a bottomless pool, "Everything is going according to the original plan."


Eating alone was boring, so Tang Lin went back to Lanyuan to eat, not in Xuanyu Palace.

She didn't have a meal at noon, and Yun Shan started to gobble it up as soon as she saw dinner was served.

Tang Lin ate and ate, thinking about tomorrow's game, and asked Yun Shan: "Shan'er, what is the competition tomorrow, have you found out?"

Yun Shan raised two fingers to her, and said meticulously and seriously: "Two words: fire, roast." Tang Lin and the others looked at each other, and exclaimed in unison: "Fire roast?!"

Mei Chun'er's back felt cold, "Yun Shan, what do you mean?"

Yun Shan explained patiently: "I heard from my senior brother that he knew a contestant in this Ouchi bodyguard selection competition. This player was recommended by Ouchi bodyguards. Every day before the competition, he would go to ask His bodyguard friend about the next day's game."

Du Yuanyuan added a few words, "So, that contestant told your senior brother everything he found out?"

"Isn't this going through the back door?" Dong Chenchen was somewhat disdainful and contemptuous.

Tang Lin asked Yun Shan: "Be clear about the fire, what's going on?"

Yun Shan motioned for everyone to bring their heads closer, and when the heads of several people were all in the center of the dining table, she said seriously: "My senior brother said that the content of tomorrow's competition is related to fire, but how to use fire to test the players? I don't know."

Mei Chun'er thought about it for a while, and suddenly said in horror: "Could it be that we are going to be burned? The purpose is to test our ability to withstand fire?"

Tang Lin smiled treacherously, and said: "Chun'er, if it's what you think, tomorrow you will be the first to turn into a roast pig!"

Mei Chun'er's eyes widened, and tears gradually flashed, "Really?"

The others echoed in unison: "Who told you to be so fat?"

Mei Chun'er pursed her lips, looked down at her waistline, and now, she pursed her lips even higher, "Woo, what should I do, I'm going to be a roasted pig tomorrow, I won't do it, I want to go home, I won't participate The bodyguard trials are over!"

The others laughed.

After a while, Yun Shan thought of something. She looked at Tang Lin and asked, "Boss, when we returned to Lanyuan in the evening, you told us that Yuxin had returned home. Why is that? Is there anything more important than a competition?" important?"

Tang Lin didn't tell the truth, but just found a reason to perfunctory, "Is a lifelong event like going home and getting married more important than taking part in the competition?"

"Uh," Yun Shan was taken aback, then smiled awkwardly, "Hehe, it turns out they are going home to get married, no wonder."

Du Yuanyuan sneered: "I said last time that I have no sweetheart, so why do I have a fiancé to marry today? I also said that I will enter the palace to fulfill my brother's wish and avenge the death of my brother. I think getting married is more important than her brother's death!"

Tang Lin couldn't bear to scold her, "Yuanyuan, don't talk about Yuxin like that, there is nothing wrong with marrying, not to mention that it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. If she gets married ten years later, she will become an old woman by then, and she can still be married." Can I get married?"

"I," Du Yuanyuan was rendered speechless, so he stopped talking.

Mei Chun'er thought about today's competition and Tang Lin's situation, "By the way, boss, I heard from other people that you were the first player to find the needle today, right?"

Tang Lin nodded casually, "Yes, what's wrong?"

Mei Chun'er raised her hands together to her chin, looked at Tang Lin with envy, and said excitedly, "Boss, you are really amazing!"

Tang Lin laughed and said, "There's nothing to praise about this, let's eat."

Du Yuanyuan felt uncomfortable listening to Mei Chun'er praising Tang Lin, but thinking that Tang Lin was indeed a talent, and she was also the disciple of Fu Yushu's emperor's uncle, so she was from Chu, and she shouldn't be afraid of her own feelings. Envious of a useful talent.

Dong Chenchen couldn't control his mouth, and praised Tang Lin: "Boss, to be honest, you are the person I admire the most in this world. I have never seen a person who is so outstanding in all aspects!"

Tang Lin chuckled, and said modestly: "There is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people. There are a lot of people like me. Chen Chen, don't envy me so much."

Dong Chenchen pursed his lips and smiled, "It's the boss, you are too modest!"

Tang Lin coquettishly said, "What's the matter?"

After dinner, Tang Lin and Du Yuanyuan went to the bathhouse to take a bath together. After the bath, the night was completely dark.Back in the room, she didn't change into the low-cut suspenders and ultra-short leather pants she usually wore in the inn, and went to sleep with her clothes on, wearing her green plaid training suit.

late at night.The bright moon is bright and bright.

The backyard of Nangong Kitchen was silent, and a certain wing room was brightly lit.

Yu Zichen sat by the bed, lightly holding his wife's hand, looking at his sleeping wife with a soft expression.

Guan Eyun was lying on the bed with his eyes lightly closed, breathing evenly, but his face was a little livid.After a while, she seemed to be having a nightmare. Cold sweat began to break out on her forehead, and her head shook slightly. dust……"

Yu Zichen held her hand tightly and said distressedly, "Yun'er, I'm here, I'm here."

"Don't!" Suddenly, Guan Eyun sat up suddenly, accompanied by her exclamation.After sitting up, he panted heavily, his eyes full of horror.

Yu Zichen cried out in distress, "Yun'er..."

Guan Eyun turned her head when she heard the sound, and when her husband's face came into her eyes, those terrified expressions turned into excitement and grievance, she leaned over and threw herself into his arms, weeping loudly, "Zichen, don't leave I, don't leave..."

He hugged her tightly, comforted her back, and said hoarsely: "Yun'er, don't be afraid, I'm here, I won't leave you, I won't..."

Under his care and comfort, Guan Eyun's mood gradually calmed down.She straightened up from his arms, looked at his face closely, haggard, and engraved with the vicissitudes rarely seen in the past, she stretched out her hand, caressed distressedly, the words almost popped out, and her voice It was also almost hoarse, "My lord, where have you been these few days? What have you done? Why are you so emaciated as soon as you come back?"

He took her hand, took it off, squeezed it tightly on his chest, and said softly: "I'm fine, really, don't worry. But you, your complexion is getting worse and worse. As soon as I came back, I heard Die Wu say You are sick again, it must be very painful, right? It’s my fault, I can’t save you!”

Guan Eyun smiled weakly, "Don't say that about your lord, Yun'er didn't blame you!"

He gently pulled her into his arms, his eyes looked at a certain place, and gradually deepened, "I can't live without you, I can't."

She smiled weakly again, and said in a hoarse voice: "My lord, the poison in Yun'er is so poisonous that no medicine can cure it. Even the Immortal Daluo can't save me. It doesn't matter if Yun'er dies, but Yun'er is worried. My lord, you..."

"Don't say it," his tone was cold and firm, and his eyes turned fierce when he looked at a certain place, "Even if his body is smashed to pieces, I, Yu Zichen, will kill that stupid king with my own hands!"

She immediately left his arms, looked at him with a worried expression, and said eagerly: "My lord, to be honest, don't go against your brother because of Yun'er, okay? He is a good emperor loved by all the people in the world. He, without Yuxin today, we shouldn't do it for..."

The cheek he caressed was very gentle, but his eyes and tone suddenly became very cold, "Whoever dares to hurt this king's woman in order to achieve his goal, this king will not let him go, no matter who he is, even if he turns into a ghost." of!"

Guan Eyun said earnestly: "Since ancient times, in order to consolidate their own country and protect their own throne, every king will do one thing, that is to cut down the vassal, cut down the forces that are not good for him and the country. The emperor is also I'm afraid that my brother will seize his throne one day, so I will suppress you, but in fact he is not bad, is he?"

Yu Zichen said coldly: "This king does not object to him suppressing this king, but if he uses this king's woman to suppress this king, then he has gone too far. Yu Shengjun does not care about brotherhood, and harms you to suppress this king. How can this king just let him be slaughtered like this? Treating his younger siblings like this, is he not a faint king? Yun'er, even if you die, this king will help you avenge this. Seeing you being tortured by the poison, this king can't wait to help you. You have suffered."

Guan Eyun burst into tears, unable to persuade her man to put down the butcher knife, she hated herself very much, "My lord, Yun'er is just an ordinary woman, Yun'er really doesn't want to see your brothers killing each other, doesn't want to see..."

He looked at her with sad eyes, and suppressed his painful voice to remind: "Yun'er, if I don't fight back, we will be the ones who die!"

"No," Guan Eyun shook his head in pain, "I don't want you to die, no!"

He pulled her into his arms again, this time very forcefully, "I don't want to watch you die either, I don't want to..."

Deeper and heavier.

Yu Zichen put Guan Eyun down slowly and lay down, then covered her with a quilt, and coaxed her softly like a child: "It's late, go to sleep, with this king, my concubine will be fine. You are not in good health." Alright, get some rest early!"

Guan Eyun couldn't fall asleep, so he found a topic and said, "Die Wu and I, the day I had an attack in the kitchen, the Emperor came to see me."

"Oh," Yu Zichen sneered, and his other hand clenched his fist, "He went to see you while I was away, no doubt to continue to pour poison on you, otherwise why would he be so kind to see you? If you weren't there every day Take anti-drugs, you have already..." Not daring to say those words, changed the subject, and his face became a little more happy, "Aifei, guess what big gains this king has gained from going out this time?"

Guan Eyun calmed down and thought about it, guessing: "Recruiting troops?"

(End of this chapter)

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