The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 173 There is no reason not to be afraid.

Chapter 173 There is no reason not to be afraid.

Yu Zichen suddenly smiled, and lightly stroked his wife's cheek with his finger, "You are so smart. This king went out this time with Prime Minister You. Prime Minister You only had the opportunity to be with this king because he asked for leave. event."

Guan Eyun said: "Prime Minister You is a first-class celebrity in front of the emperor, and in the eyes of all officials, he is an out-and-out leader. Getting his help is equivalent to getting nearly half of the Yuxin Dynasty below the third rank." It should not be difficult for the prince to win over all the princes and ministers in the court and the opposition. As long as you buy the hearts of all the officials and use them for your prince, with their unanimous ideas, the prince can easily overthrow the emperor, and even avoid war It’s over. The emperor encountered a crowd of protests, and he couldn’t even think about stepping down.”

"Yun'er, you are so right!" Yu Zichen was about to continue talking, when there was a knock on the door.Guan Eyundai frowned lightly, and whispered in doubt: "It's getting deeper and heavier, who will come to see me?"

Yu Zichen pulled up the quilt and moved it to her chest, and said softly: "My concubine, go to sleep, no matter who is looking for you, now is not the time to meet, I go out and have a look, you should rest first, be obedient! "

"The concubine knows!" Guan Eyun nodded weakly.

He looked down at her, then got up, put down the curtain, and then turned to look at the door. Under the light of the candle, his eyes became more and more unpredictable.It's so late, who knocked on the door?After thinking for a while, he walked towards the door.

Walking to the door, Yu Zichen opened the door, saw Feng Die Wu who had turned her back and was about to leave, was slightly taken aback, and softly called out, "Die Wu?"

Feng Die Wu turned around upon hearing the sound, with a joyful expression on her face, "My lord."

She was dressed a little thinly tonight, but she was extraordinarily enchanting.She has long hair with a shawl, without any accessories, and the hair is a bit messy, but it is still enchanting in the mess. It is obvious that she took off the extra accessories when she was about to fall asleep.Dressing was different from usual. A translucent pink gauze dress showed her exquisite body. It was a little less dignified, but a little more charming. Compared with usual clothes, tonight was much simpler.

Yu Zichen glanced at her body calmly, and asked lightly, "It's late at night, why don't you sleep? Do you have something to do with Eyun?"

Feng Die Wu glanced at the still brightly lit wing room, and said softly: "She fell ill two days ago, and the prince was not around, Die Wu was worried that E Yun would not be able to take care of herself, so she wanted to visit her late at night!"

Yu Zichen breathed a sigh of relief, "So that's what happened."

Feng Die Wu asked: "Is E Yun okay?"

Yu Zichen looked back at the wing room, then closed the door, turned to Feng Diewu and said, "She's fine, she's already rested." Looking up at the sky, he couldn't help but sighed silently.

Feng Die Wu saw through his thoughts, "My lord, why are you sighing?"

Yu Zichen smiled faintly, "It's okay. Die Wu, you go to bed first, there is my king here."

Feng Diewu wanted to say something, but the other party had already told her to go back to sleep first, and what she wanted to say could only wait until next time.

But this subtle change of hers was caught by Yu Zichen, and he asked, "Do you have something to say to this king?"

"Die Wu..." Feng Die Wu hesitated for a moment to think whether she should say it or not, but she still said, "I have something to say. But my lord, you are also tired, rest first, and then go to Die Wu when you are free." You, it's late now!"

Yu Zichen waved his hand, "No problem, just tell me and let me listen."

Feng Die Wu took a deep breath.

so easy.The bright moon is bright and bright.

After a while, the two sat on the stone steps at the corner of Nangong Square, and the surrounding palaces were occasionally dimly lit.

Yu Zichen stared into the distance with a shallow gaze.Feng Diewu looked at his side face sideways, and after several times he wanted to say, "My lord, is there really no way to cure the poison on Eyun's body? Every time she sees her sick and tortured so painfully, Die Wu can't wait to I have suffered it myself."

Yu Zichen's words became a little hoarse, "This king has searched for famous doctors to treat her, but they all said that they can't cure her well. Even the imperial doctor in the palace can't do anything about the poison on her body. Now this king is really...nothing to do. gone."

"Oh, what should I do?" Feng Diewu looked anxious.

"What else can I do?" Yu Zichen looked up at the night sky, his eyes lost in the bright moon, "I can only resign myself to fate."

Feng Diewu didn't understand and said: "How did Eyun get poisoned by this kind of poison that has no cure but can't be named? It's so unbelievable!"

Yu Zichen sighed softly, "This king also wants to know."

"My lord," Feng Diewu looked at his profile, as if staring closely.A little cautiously asked: "These few days, you are not in the palace, are you going out to help Eyun seek medical treatment and save her?"

Yu Zichen nodded casually, didn't look at her, and thought her question was irrelevant.

"Then..." Feng Diewu's cautiousness was a little too much, "then, my lord, since saving Eyun is the most important thing, why don't you take Eyun to all over the world to find famous doctors? Could it be that the kitchen in this palace can heal Eyun? "

"It's not all," Yu Zichen said, "Yun'er likes the kitchen. She said that she must stay in the kitchen every day as long as she is alive, and the more lively the better, the king is worried about putting her in a private restaurant. Coincidentally, I happened to catch up with the Ouchi bodyguard selection contest, so I got the emperor's permission to let the two of us stay in the Nangong kitchen. I don't pursue anything, as long as my wife is happy, I can do anything!"

Feng Die Wu nodded, the phoenix eyes flashed light, "Oh, that's it!"

At this time, a gust of wind blew by, bringing a slight chill. Wearing a thin Phoenix Die Wu, she didn't feel cold at first, but when Yu Jiao caught a glimpse of a figure behind her, she shrank her shoulders and covered herself with her hands.

Yu Zichen would notice, hesitated for a moment, then took off his coat, and put it on Fengdiewu's shoulders himself.

Feng Diewu grabbed his coat collar tightly, looked at him with gentle eyes, but did not dare to look at him openly, only occasionally, "Thank you, my lord."

Yu Zichen pursed his lips and smiled, then looked into the distance and continued his contemplation and meditation, but Feng Diewu watched his side face gradually fascinated, and gradually, the curvature of the corner of his mouth became so charming and gratifying.

The figure behind the two slowly receded until it disappeared.

The imperial study room was brightly lit, four or five guards stood guard day and night at the entrance, and a group of Imperial Forest Army passed by the entrance after a while.

In the room, there was only Yu Shengjun alone, the dragon robe on his body had not been removed, walking back and forth in the open space of the room by himself, his pace was slow.He was full of energy and concentrated, as if thinking, or planning something.

He crossed his hands behind his back, touching the eagle-shaped ring on his middle finger with his thumb from time to time.

At this time, there were slight footsteps outside the door, and he heard it through the door wall, so he stopped walking, looked at the door, and waited for someone to come in.

Zhang Xiangyang pushed open the door of the imperial study and walked in alone.Walking in front of Yu Shengjun, he kowtowed, "Master."

Yu Shengjun smiled casually, "The ceremony will be waived, tell me, how is Shao Qi's situation?"

Zhang Xiangyang stood up straight and said solemnly: "The subordinates have been secretly in charge of Marshal Shao's men recently, and there has been no major movement. It is estimated that the other party's actions will start after the Ouchi guard selection competition is over. Shao Qi sent his people in, nothing more than I just want his people to be bodyguards, so that they can get closer to you, the master, to achieve his goal. Shao Qi is originally from the north border country. Linguo is in collusion. If he puts someone next to you, he can easily get more information from you and send it to Beilinguo. Then, he can get Yuxin's country without any effort!"

The corners of Yu Shengjun's lips curled slightly, and he smiled deeply, "Effortless? Heh, can he do it? I used Mu Lingxuan to play a game of chess, a game of chess that can rule the world by avoiding wars, this is called effortless! "

"If there are no accidents, the master is the winner of his duty, but the world is unpredictable." Zhang Xiangyang still has a heart hanging on whether Yu Shengjun can unify the world in the future.

Yu Shengjun looked relaxed, "It's up to people, just wait and see. I'm not as simple as dreaming. In this world, I must get it. I never thought of what gift to give to Tang Lin, and I happen to have one."

Zhang Xiangyang thought for a while, and said a little uncertainly: "What does master mean, this world? This gift is too...precious!"

Yu Shengjun chuckled: "If you give it to her, she may not accept it!"

"Miss Tang is a wise woman, she definitely won't accept it." Zhang Xiangyang expressed his thoughts, "This world was brought down by the master, and she handed it over to her. How can a woman like Miss Tang dare to accept it!"

Yu Shengjun said: "These are still things to talk about, it's too early to talk about it now. Lao Zhang, Shao Qi and the situation of Beilin Kingdom are fully entrusted to you. You must act carefully. Step back first, it's late. "

"Yes, this subordinate will leave." After bowing to Yu Shengjun, Zhang Xiangyang left the imperial study.

After that, Yu Shengjun didn't stay long, and left the Yushufang.

In the blink of an eye.


The phone vibrated, and Tang Lin, who was lying on the bed, began to stretch and yawn lazily.After a while, she opened her eyes, took out her cell phone under the quilt, and looked at it. It was already 30 seconds after seven o'clock.

Because she was afraid of disturbing other people, she turned off the alarm and changed it to vibrate.

After staying in bed for 2 minutes, I lifted the quilt and got up, got out of bed, put on my shoes, and then went to the wooden table to comb my hair in front of the mirror. Tie the loop and tie it tight.Just like that, she hung her long hair behind her back, looking refreshed, showing her delicate facial features.

After I went outside to wash my face and came back, there were still a few people lying on the bed, and they didn't want to get up at all.

Tang Lin looked at these people, shook her head helplessly, and said to herself: "This is my subordinate? It's too ugly. If you put this in modern times, it's no wonder that you can find some soldiers in you! If I were to train you, you would not even be able to call out your parents."

At this time, Sister Lei's violent shout came from outside: "Everyone get up immediately and gather in the outer courtyard. Whoever arrives last, get out immediately!"

Tang Lin smiled playfully, "It's a good show to watch!" It is estimated that the assessment was done in the morning.She put the mobile phone on her body under the quilt and left the room.This assessment cannot be short of fire, she can't bring her mobile phone with her, it will be over if it explodes.

When Sister Lei came into the room with a whip to beat Yun Shan and the others' quilts, Tang Lin had already arrived in the outer courtyard. She saw people running out of the four courtyards where male contestants lived in Meizhuju, all with disheveled clothes. Evidently, he had also been driven out of bed in a hurry.As counselors, Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing were already standing firmly in a corner of the outer courtyard, waiting for the staff to arrive and start speaking.

All the male contestants had almost assembled, but none of the female contestants came out except Tang Lin.

Tang Lin walked to the front and stood in a row with all male players behind.Most of these male contestants were putting on their clothes and tying their belts. In short, they were in a hurry. For Tang Lin, it was like the first day of training for new recruits.

Shao Qi and Fu Yushu were neatly dressed, but Cao Dan was the only one who was busy putting on his coat among the two of them, and his mouth was not idle, "Gathering early in the morning, what is this? I haven't woken up yet!"

(End of this chapter)

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