The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 174 Make him unable to hold a big knife!

Chapter 174 Make him unable to hold a big knife!

Fu Yushu laughed and said, "When you wake up, you may have already been carried out of the palace!"

Cao Dan said angrily: "But it can't be like this?"

Tang Lin turned her head and glared at him, "I said Eldest Young Master, are you still complaining? Let me tell you, you must not be a bodyguard, otherwise the morning roll call will definitely annoy you to death, don't say I didn't remind you!"

Cao Dan was a little anxious, "Sister Tang, what time is it, and they still say such things, it's obviously their fault, how can they not let people sleep."

"Stop arguing!" Counselor Sun said solemnly.

Tang Lin immediately turned her head and stood upright.

Lu Yitang saw the front from the back. Apart from Tang Lin, none of the other female contestants saw it. He raised his eyebrows and asked Tang Lin, "Why are you the only female contestant? Where are the other female contestants?"

After Lu Yitang finished speaking, Du Yuanyuan and the others trotted out slowly, and those with unqualified standing stood in the first row.Because of yesterday's competition, except for the female contestants in Tang Lin's room, all the other female contestants were eliminated, leaving only five of them.

Sun Bailing gave Du Yuanyuan and the others a cold look, and asked sternly, "Why are you here now?"

Yun Shan pursed her lips and complained in a low voice: "It's early in the morning, and I'm fast asleep, and I'm about to gather all of a sudden, how can I be so busy..." The more she spoke, the softer she was, she already felt Sun Bailing's stern gaze.

Regardless of the environment and atmosphere at this moment, Dong Chenchen asked the two counselors angrily: "You two counselors, you woke us up early in the morning to gather here. What are you going to do?"

Lu Yitang kept a warm smile on his face, and replied briskly, "Ah, assessment!"

"Assessment?!" Everyone repeated, and the contestants who were still sleepy and sleepy were awakened.

Tang Lin lowered her head and smiled. It seemed that except for her, no one else knew what the gathering was for.If the competition is in the afternoon, then this morning must be used as an assessment.

Before everyone finished discussing, there were only four imperial guards walking towards Lu Yitang carrying a large charcoal stove, and they didn't put down the charcoal stove until they stood in front of Lu Yitang.

Everyone raised their heads and glanced at the charcoal stove, and immediately broke out in sweat.

There are a lot of coals in the charcoal stove, these coals have been scalded, and the blue flames are rising up very energetically, exuding thick heat, which makes people's pores stand up, and the charcoal stove is very special. flushed.

Not only that, but there was also a soldering iron in the charcoal stove, which was specially used by prisoners.

Tang Lin rubbed her arms, her lips trembled and said, "Isn't this going to test our fire resistance?"

Yun Shan was already breaking out in a cold sweat, "Such a big piece of iron, although my skin is not very good, but if you burn it on my body, I don't think I will ever get married, and I don't even think that the scar will heal!"

Mei Chuner rolled her eyes and fell down.Dong Chenchen immediately knelt down and shook her, extremely worried: "Chun'er, Chun'er."

When Lu Yitang was about to order the imperial army to bring Mei Chun'er back to Lanyuan, Tang Lin made a line and walked up to Mei Chun'er, then squatted down, took a glass bottle from her body, and opened the lid. Put the mouth of the bottle to the tip of Mei Chuner's nose, a cloud of white smoke slipped out of the bottle and was inhaled by Mei Chuner.

Tang Lin corked the bottle, put it back in her pocket, and stood up.

The others hadn't reacted from Tang Lin's actions, but Mei Chun'er opened her eyes at this moment and looked at Dong Chenchen blankly, "What's wrong with me?"

A look of joy appeared on Dong Chenchen's face, "Chun'er, you're awake!" With a little effort, Mei Chun'er was helped up, "You passed out just now, we thought something happened to you, the boss woke you up about you!"

Mei Chun'er looked at Tang Lin, "Boss, I..."

Tang Lin caressed her shoulder and gave her a look, "I know what you want to say, don't be afraid, look at the situation first, be strong!"

Mei Chun'er nodded with tears in her eyes, "I know Boss!"

Tang Lin didn't say much, she returned to her original position and stood. Du Yuanyuan leaned her head over and asked in a low voice, "What did you use to wake up Chun'er just now?"

Tang Lin smiled mysteriously, "It's a good thing, but it's not a good thing to put it bluntly, so don't ask!"

Du Yuanyuan gave her an annoyed look, "Who am I? Don't even give me any face?"

Tang Lin smiled lazily, "Even if it's my master, I won't give it to you. Well, don't inquire, just listen to what the counselor has to say today. I think this charcoal stove is not simple. Find a chance to inform your husband and be careful. !"

Du Yuanyuan nodded, "Well, I see!"

Lu Yitang moved his eyes from Tang Lin to the front of the contestants, pointed to the charcoal stove beside him, and said to everyone: "Have you seen it? This is a charcoal stove, filled with charcoal fire, the charcoal fire that can cast swords , the temperature is extremely high, as long as it is a mortal body, as long as it touches it, it will end in the end of burning pigs!"

When Mei Chun'er heard this, her legs began to feel weak, and she was finally supported by Dong Chenchen to avoid falling.

Lu Yitang continued: "Starting from the fourth round of the competition, there will be a period of assessment before the competition. As long as you get No.1, you can not only pass the customs smoothly, but also ask the emperor to do something or ask for something. The fifth round of the competition The time is in the afternoon, so this assessment is chosen in the morning. This assessment is mainly to see how much real kung fu you have. Without further ado, I will get straight to the point. Today's assessment is, whoever can do it here Whoever pulls out the iron nails thrown in from the furnace wins, and the player who takes out the most nails is No.1, how about it? Isn't this assessment interesting?"

Cao Dan said angrily: "This is obviously a joke with your life!"

Han Xueyan looked at her tender palms and the backs of her hands, and was immediately depressed, "If you stretch out your hand with such hot charcoal, it will leave scars if you don't burn it."

Cao Dan encouraged her, "Since this is the case...then let's give up the assessment together?"

Yun Lei tossed a sentence, "Unless you want to withdraw automatically, then there is no need for assessment!"

Cao Dan was discouraged, "How can this be?"

At this time, Sun Bailing took an iron tongs wrapped in a cloth and put it into the charcoal stove to burn. When the fire was almost done, she grabbed a handful of iron nails from the plate in the hand of the Imperial Forest Army. The iron nails were smaller than the little finger. Put the nails into the charcoal stove, and then use the pliers to get those iron nails under the charcoal stove, and cover them with other coals.After everything was ready, she put the pliers and the soldering iron in the corner, and said to Lu Yitang, "We can start now."

Lu Yitang's hand stretched out from behind, and there was an extra notebook in his hand. It was the notebook he got from Yu Shengjun in the imperial study room after the next court. This is a list of personnel, and it is the information of all the players who cleared the level yesterday.

Opening the notebook, Lu Yitang read from the last name, "Mei Chuner."

Yesterday, Mei Chun'er was indeed the last one to find the needle. She happened to see a spot of light in the shallow water when she went ashore. She was lucky enough to find a needle and qualified for the next round of competition.

When she heard her name, she almost fainted again.She didn't want to reach out to find iron nails in the fire, she was afraid of pain and her hands would be burnt, so she pulled Dong Chenchen hard, "I don't want to go, don't..."

Dong Chenchen comforted: "It's okay, just grit your teeth and push through."

Mei Chun'er still clung to her tightly, but refused to move to the charcoal stove to reach for the tie.

Her dawdling made Sun Bailing anxious, "Don't dawdle, come here quickly, hurry up and complete the assessment."

However, Sun Bailing yelled angrily, and Mei Chun'er didn't dare to take half a step, and she didn't think it mattered even if the counselor was irritated, "I won't go, I'm afraid of fire, I don't want to become a burning pig, don't become a burning pig ..."

Many contestants shook their heads helplessly, they had nothing to do with Mei Chuner.

Tang Lin couldn't see it, so she stepped forward, raised her hand to Lu Yitang, and said, "How about I come first?" Someone has to set an example first, and instead of letting Mei Chun'er waste time, it's better to go and experience the scorching heat first. stove.

Tang Lin's volunteering surprised everyone, especially Du Yuanyuan.

Du Yuanyuan was afraid that Tang Lin would be ruined on a charcoal stove, but it was a pity that she was a talented person. She grabbed Tang Lin's hand and reminded in a low voice: "Tang Lin, don't be arrogant, this is not the time for you to show off. You might ruin one of your own hands for your surprise, so don't mess around!"

"Anyway, we all have to go through this test, it's just a matter of time, I might as well be the first to try, no matter what the result is, we can't escape this test, can we?" After finishing speaking, Tang Lin gave Du Yuanyuan He let go of his hand, and walked to the charcoal stove.

Mei Chun'er looked at her nervously, with tears rolling in her eyes, she was very worried, "Boss..."

Tang Lin glanced at the crowd and saw the pain in Fu Yushu's eyes, Cao Dan's nervousness towards her, Du Yuanyuan's anxiety, and Yun Shan's and others' worries.After withdrawing her gaze, she raised her sleeves, revealing her snow-white arms.

Lu Yitang's face was full of admiration, but at the same time there was also a strong look of worry, "Tang Lin, are you sure you want to be the first to take the risk? This coal is as hot as fire mud, are you afraid of ruining your own hands?"

Tang Lin looked at the burning charcoal, swallowed her throat, "I ate the meat by myself, so there is no reason not to be afraid." Lu Yitang was interested in what she did, "If you are afraid, why should you be afraid?" the courage to try first?"

Tang Lin raised her eyes to look at his handsome face, with a confident and charming arc on her lips, "Because, I, Tang Lin, can do things that others dare not do. I always remind myself that I am a woman, but I have to fight like a man !"

These encouraging words inspired everyone, but also made some people feel more hostile and wary of her.

Lu Yitang applauded three times and praised: "As expected of a hero in the female school, I admire you. However, I would like to remind you that the charcoal fire in this charcoal stove can burn a suckling pig within half a stick of incense. How dare you Put your hand in?"

"Stop talking nonsense, just watch!" After finishing speaking, Tang Lin stopped listening to Lu Yitang's nonsense, focused her eyes on the burning charcoal in the charcoal stove, swallowed her throat again, then closed her eyes and enjoyed it for two seconds After the silence, he immediately opened his eyes, stretched his five fingers in front of everyone, and immediately put his hand under the charcoal stove——

Just at this critical moment, someone's voice came from the door, "Stop!"

Everyone looked at him, including Tang Lin.

Seeing that the person was Yishuang, Tang Lin was startled, and murmured, "Why is Yishuang here?"

Yishuang walked up to Tang Lin in a few strides, grabbed her hand and wanted to drag her away, "Tang Lin, follow me!"

Instead, Tang Lin pulled her back and asked, "What's the matter? I'm about to be assessed!"

Yishuang said, "Of course I need you urgently."

"No," Tang Lin noticed that Yishuang's expression was a little nervous, and her eyes were always dodging, and she would look at the charcoal stove next to her from time to time. These reactions were obviously afraid that she would come into contact with this charcoal stove.Could it be that she was afraid that her hand would be scrapped like this? "Are you afraid that I will stop here?"

Yishuang nodded, and then said in a voice heard by two people: "Master asked the counselor to come from the last contestant to help you escape the assessment. Why did you volunteer to come first?"

(End of this chapter)

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