The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 175 Miss Tang is a Strange Woman!

Chapter 175 Miss Tang is a Strange Woman!

Tang Lin wondered, "Is there anything wrong with being the first one?"

Yishuang became impatient, but he couldn't show it on his face, he was so anxious, "Little Tang, why can't you understand what I said? The master is afraid that you will be hurt, so he put you in the last place, understand? "

Tang Lin rolled her eyes and nodded, and said weakly, "Understood. But if I don't take No.1 and let someone else take it, it's not worth it!"

When Yishuang heard this, she wanted to cry but had no tears. She had the urge to hit the wall. She almost went crazy, but she still kept her voice down and said softly, "Auntie, the temperature of this charcoal stove is extremely high. How can it be that your weak and boneless little hands are so hot?" Can it be touched? Xiao Tang, let’s not fight for No.1 this time. This No.1, whoever they like to take it, will take it. If they don’t take it down, we don’t take it, okay? You know, your hand is Very precious!"

"What are you afraid of?" Tang Lin said casually, "I'm confident that I can get No.1 without hurting myself."

Yishuang didn't believe it, he didn't believe it at all, "Little Tang, now is not the time to boast, listen to me and go out with me. If I'm one step late, the master will definitely push me out of the Meridian Gate and behead me!"

"Don't be afraid, don't worry, I'll be fine, you just have to watch." Tang Lin simply pulled Yishuang aside, returned to the spot, and put her hand directly into the charcoal stove , to the surprise of everyone.

Yishuang wanted to stop it, but it was too late. Seeing Tang Lin reach out, she immediately covered her eyes with her hands.

Du Yuanyuan and others also turned away their faces or covered their faces, or closed their eyes directly.Even Sun Bailing, who was the supervisor, couldn't bear to see that scene, and turned his face away, not daring to look directly at the scene.

Fu Yushu was afraid of seeing Tang Lin screaming, so when Tang Lin stretched out her hand, he lowered his head.

Everyone was waiting for Tang Lin's screams to come, waiting for Tang Lin to shout to the sky how painful her hands were.However, after waiting for a long time, everyone did not hear Tang Lin's screams, but instead heard the sound of iron nails being put into the plate.

Gradually, people looked at Tang Lin one after another. When everyone saw it, their eyes widened in horror.

Yishuang was the last one to open his eyes. Seeing that Tang Lin's hands were not afraid of the charcoal in the charcoal stove and was diligently picking up iron nails, like the others, his eyes widened instantly, "This..." It was like seeing a ghost .

She walked over two steps, looked at Tang Lin picking up iron nails with her fingers from a close distance, and asked with a pale face, "Xiao Tang, does your hand... hurt?"

Tang Lin smiled at her, and answered simply, "It doesn't hurt!"

Yishuang lowered his head and smelled it, "Why doesn't it smell like burning?"

Tang Lin gave her a blank look, then stretched out her hand, put it in front of her and spread her palm, "Look, there's nothing wrong, where is the burning smell coming from? Stay aside, I haven't fished enough yet, I'm going to continue Fish!"

She held the plate in one hand, and the other hand was not afraid of the charcoal fire. She stretched down to the bottom of the charcoal stove, and kept taking the red-hot iron nails and putting them into the plate. , nothing happened.

It turned out that everyone was terrified when they first saw it.Now, everyone feels miraculous.They no longer worried that Tang Lin would get hurt, but wanted to know how Tang Lin did it.

Tang Lin counted the number of iron nails on the plate, which was exactly fifty.She smiled in satisfaction, then handed the plate to Sun Bailing, and said with a smile: "Master Sun, I'm sorry, I took out all the nails. Please count the number so that I can record my results. There are more , put the iron nails back into the charcoal stove if you are in trouble later, otherwise the other contestants will have nothing to fish for, thank you in advance!"

Sun Bailing took the plate stupidly, and didn't put the plate on the table beside him until he felt it was hot.

"How did you do it?" Everyone was curious as to why Tang Lin couldn't hurt her own hand with the iron nails, but only Lu Yitang had the best chance to ask.

Tang Lin showed him a confident and charming smile again, but this smile was also mixed with pride and mystery, "How did you do it? Hee hee, I must rely on my own real ability. I have practiced iron palms before. And it has reached the point of proficiency, so I dare to touch even hot things without hurting myself!" Fart!She doesn't want to practice iron sand palms, it will only make her hands rough.

Of course, this assessment was won by heretics.

A male contestant didn't believe in evil, and said loudly: "There must be something wrong with the charcoal stove, and there must be something wrong with the charcoal inside. I don't believe that her hands can be safe with a girl, so let me come down and try!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Lin saw an ordinary-looking but strong male player coming out of the team and walking towards the charcoal stove.

Yishuang glanced at the male contestant, then leaned closer to Tang Lin's ear and whispered, "That man was inserted by Marshal Shao. There are more than 20 people inserted by Marshal Shao. Now, apart from Han Xueyan, there are still ten Many people."

Tang Lin glanced at the male contestant who was walking towards her, with an evil smile on her lips, "No wonder I see the courage of a soldier in this man, he must be a general, and Shao Qi kept it privately." Yes, an officer who knows how to use troops to fight!"

Yishuang said: "If we don't get rid of it today, in the future we will bring the army from the northern kingdom to attack our Yuxin."

Tang Lin rubbed her chin, and the male contestant became the prey in her eyes, "Small, I will leave this man to me. Isn't he good at fighting with soldiers? If so, I will make him unable to hold a big knife today, see How can he go to the battlefield again!"

Before the male contestant walked to the charcoal stove, Tang Lin stepped back behind Yishuang, used Yishuang to cover half of her body, and then quietly put her hand into her waist...

After the male contestant stood by the charcoal stove, he exchanged glances with Shao Qi in the crowd calmly. After receiving Shao Qi's nod, he turned to the charcoal stove and looked at the coals that were being baked in the charcoal stove , Slowly reach out.

Lu Yitang suddenly said, "Your Excellency, have you thought it through?"

The male contestant was taken aback by him, and became irritable, "I haven't thought about it, do I dare to give it a go?"

Lu Yitang spread his hands, "Then please do it!"

As a general, she is full of hostility, and Tang Lin can smell it from a certain distance. When the male contestant was about to put down his hand again, she walked over, suddenly held his hand, and smiled: "Hello, hello!" , nice to meet you, comrade!"

The male contestant only felt the pain of ants gnawing on the palm of his hand, which disappeared in just a moment.He was frightened by the sudden handshake and froze for a moment.

"Good luck, comrade!" Tang Lin said with a smile, and then put her hands behind her back. Yishuang was standing behind her, and she clearly saw a small needle between her fingers. Also mixed with some blood.

The male contestant made a foolish smile, not knowing what to say to Miss Tang Lin, so he turned his head dully and began to stretch his hand under the charcoal stove.

Tang Lin stared at her with unfathomable eyes.

Shao Qi's eyes full of expectation also stared closely.

are looking forward to.

Han Xueyan's heart raised his voice when he saw it, "Is he all right?" Just now Tang Lin was all right, so this male contestant will be all right.Will not.

The male contestant gritted his teeth, feeling that short-term pain is worse than long-term pain, and immediately put his hand on the bottom of the charcoal stove. Suddenly, his eyes widened, and the scalding heat quickly spread to his arm and sent it to his bones like a gust of wind.

Seeing it in person, Tang Lin thought to herself, "3, 2, 1, shout."

"Ah—" Sure enough, the male contestant screamed out, shaking the world.He wanted to stretch out his hand immediately, but helplessly, his body seemed to be fixed by someone, he couldn't move, he couldn't stretch out his hand.

Tang Lin retreated to Yishuang's side and said triumphantly, "How?"

Yishuang admired: "Little Tang, you are amazing, what did you do to him?" Tang Lin didn't tell Yishuang right away, "I'll tell you after the assessment." After finishing speaking, she continued to look at the man. player.

The male contestant couldn't move his hands away from the charcoal stove because he couldn't move his body. After Tang Lin finished talking with Yishuang, his hand was still inside. Apart from screaming heart-piercingly, his forehead was accompanied by Yue More and more painful looks and sweat.

The scalding temperature passed directly through his skin and penetrated deep into his bone marrow.

After a while, Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing smelled burning.Sun Bailing subconsciously covered his nose with his hands.

Lu Yitang realized that something was wrong, his expression tightened, and he immediately ran over and pushed the male contestant away. He thought that the male contestant would stretch out his hand when he felt the pain, but he could smell the burning smell when he waited.

However, the male contestant's body was as heavy as a mountain. It's not that Lu Yitang didn't know martial arts, but he couldn't push the male contestant away with all his strength.

Sun Bailing saw that his exertion was useless, so he came to help himself, and pushed the male contestant's body together with him, pushing the male contestant away from the charcoal stove, but in the end, the two of them tried hard, so The male contestant did not move a single point, still screaming heart-piercingly.

Tang Lin exchanged a treacherous look with Yishuang, and stood aside secretly gloating.

The male contestant's screams were like a saw, cutting Shao Qi's and Yun Lei's hearts incessantly.The male contestant was theirs, and seeing him in such pain, they couldn't bear it.It's just that they don't understand why the other party doesn't let go of the charcoal stove. Is it necessary to get the nails?
Han Xueyan's eyes darkened, and finally couldn't bear the heart-piercing screams, and passed out on the ground.

Shao Qi didn't care about Han Xueyan, so he hurriedly said to Yunlei, "Take care of Xueyan." After finishing speaking, he rushed out of the team, pushed aside the bodies of Dong Chenchen and Yunshan in the first row, and walked to the charcoal stove in a few steps. Push that male contestant together with Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing.

Everyone was shocked to see this scene.

Mei Chun'er bit her finger to prevent herself from passing out.Seeing the paler face of the male contestant, she was so frightened that she shed tears.

At this moment, even with Shao Qi added, the three of them couldn't push the male player away.

Fu Yushu and Cao Dan also came up to help, but to no avail.

Du Yuanyuan looked nervously, "What's the matter with the contestant? They burned their hands and didn't let go!"

Seeing that scene, Yun Shan was so anxious that she was about to cry, and immediately said loudly to everyone: "Those of you think of a way, think of a way to take that person away, if the hand burns, it will be broken, think quickly Think of ways to!"

Everyone racked their brains to find a solution, but because it was so sudden, everyone didn't know what to do.How can they find a way to push people who can't be pushed away by five or six people.

In the end, after the flesh on the male contestant's arm was burned into a blur, the male contestant also passed out at this moment, but he did not fall, but stood firmly like a mountain as before, without crying , No noise, no shouting, just like a statue, except that the arm is still roasting in the charcoal oven, and the bones are about to be roasted to pieces.

Shao Qi and the others were still using all their strength to push the male contestants away, but to no avail, sweat dripping from their foreheads.

Tang Lin saw that this group of people should have had enough trouble, and they had tormented the male contestant enough. She wanted to come over to help, but was held back by Yishuang. She reminded in a low voice, "Damn this guy, if we don't get rid of him now, How long are you waiting?"

(End of this chapter)

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