The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 176 It's True

Chapter 176 It's True

Tang Lin caressed her hand and smiled slightly: "That man has already lost an arm, and it won't be useful anymore. He is no different from a disabled person. Don't worry that he will make a comeback." After finishing speaking, she walked over and said to everyone : "What you do is no different from recklessness. It won't save people. Listen to me, move this charcoal stove away, so that this contestant's hand won't be burned."

Shao Qi and the others suddenly came to their senses, and grabbed the table with the charcoal stove with their hands one after another. With a little force from the few people, the charcoal stove easily escaped from the scorched arm and moved to a safe area next to it.

After the table was set, Shao Qi immediately ran to the male contestant. He originally wanted to wake up the man, but he stood in front of the man and looked at him with a very calm expression. Behind the calm was grief and regret.

This is his right hand on the battlefield, if he hadn't been inserted into the palace at the beginning, nothing would happen now.It was he who killed him.If he had known that this Ouchi bodyguard selection competition was so fatal, he shouldn't have sent his own people in.After these few rounds of competition, three people have already died, the price is too great.

Lu Yitang called a few imperial guards, "Take this contestant to Tai Hospital for treatment."

There were five or six imperial guards, they surrounded the male contestant, and then worked together to lift the male contestant up, but Shao Qi and others, who were talented in martial arts just now, were useless to the male contestant, let alone these imperial guards.

Lu Yitang waved his hand distractedly, "Go down."

Several royal guards retreated one after another.

Sun Bailing glanced at the male contestant's scorched arm, then looked at the male contestant's face, and couldn't help but sighed deeply, "He's already passed out, why is his body still as heavy as a mountain? It’s really unbelievable that people can’t move it no matter how much they move.”

Shao Qi looked at the male contestant for a while, and suddenly, when everyone was wondering, he turned to Tang Lin, pointed at Tang Lin's face, and said angrily, "Since you thought of removing the charcoal stove, why didn't you go out sooner?" explain?"

Tang Lin could see that Shao Qi's red eyes were not only full of anger, but also full of murderous intent.She was not afraid, and said with a bit of arrogance and indifference: "I just don't like him, I just don't say it, I just want him to taste some pain." Huh, she hasn't counted him as the last one yet. What about the account that he planned to assassinate her in the forbidden land?

"You are so ruthless, I will kill you!" Said angrily, Shao Qi punched Tang Lin.

Tang Lin didn't dodge or dodge, she calmly waited for the punch to be swung at her, her whole body was full of aura.

Suddenly, there was a sound of "咻", and when a flash of light flashed in Tang Lin's eyes, a sharp sword made Shao Qi immediately withdraw his hand, and in order to avoid the sword, he was forced to take a few steps back , back to the original place.

At the moment when the fist fell on Tang Lin's face, Yishuang behind her suddenly unsheathed her sharp sword. In an instant, she raised her sword and stabbed at Shao Qi's hand. When Shao Qi closed his hand to avoid injury to his arm, her Taking advantage of the victory, the sword pursued and forced Shao Qi to retreat.

Shao Qi stared at Yishuang standing in front of Tang Lin and protecting Tang Lin, not daring to act rashly.All the Ouchi guards are not simple, he knows it well.But he didn't expect that Ouchi's guards would defend Tang Lin so much.

Yishuang said coldly: "Tang Lin is the most valued player by the emperor. The emperor has issued an order. Whoever dares to touch Tang Lin will have trouble with him."

Shao Qi stared at her, breathing heavily, but had nothing to say.Due to his status as Marshal Shao, he couldn't do too much for a player, otherwise he would alarm Yu Shengjun.

Lu Yitang came out to fight, "Okay, okay, don't make a fuss over just one person. It's really unexpected that something like this happened today. Let's go here first for today's assessment. I will tell the emperor after I have asked the emperor." Do you still need this assessment? Let's go."

"Cut, who the hell dares to compete with me even if they don't think about their own abilities? It's simply beyond their control!" Tang Lin tossed a few words to Shao Qi in disdain, then turned and went back to Lan Yuan coldly.

Dong Chenchen looked at Shao Qi and the others, and then at Tang Lin who had already entered the gate of Lanyuan. She took Mei Chun'er's hand, "Let's go too."

Mei Chun'er said "Oh" dully, and then followed Dong Chenchen to Lanyuan.

Du Yuanyuan exchanged a glance with Fu Yushu, but they didn't express any meaning to each other, then she followed Dong Chenchen and the others and returned to Lanyuan.

Yun Shan really wanted to watch a good show, but seeing that the female contestants had left, she would have no interest in staying, so she ran to Du Yuanyuan's side, took Du Yuanyuan's arm, "Yuan Yuan, wait for me, let's go in together."

Yishuang also left silently, leaving Lu Yitang and the others still struggling with how to deal with that mountain...

Royal study.

After Yishuang finished explaining the affairs of the palace in detail, Yu Shengjun put down the papers to be approved today, and the corner of his mouth raised a sensual arc, "Oh? Really Tang Lin made Shao Qi's people like that? "

Yishuang wondered: "But my subordinates don't understand. How did Miss Tang do it? Several people with high martial arts skills can't move a person who has passed out. This..."

"It can make a living person as heavy as a mountain..." Yu Shengjun pondered for a while, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he remembered something, that is the distinctive belt wrapped around Tang Lin's waist , There are many bottles and cans on the belt.

Since Tang Lin has the ability to use her bottles and cans to slow down the body of the contestants when they fall, she must also have the ability to make a person's body heavier.

Yishuang was puzzled again: "Master, Miss Tang still fished out fifty iron nails from such a hot charcoal stove, which made my subordinates even more unbelievable. How did Miss Tang do it?"

Yu Shengjun breathed a sigh of relief and smiled helplessly, "It seems that I really underestimated her. Originally, I didn't want her to suffer in this assessment, so I transferred her to the last place and asked Lu Yitang to nominate her from the last place." But none of us expected that Tang Lin would volunteer to be the first to take the test." Tsk-tsk twice, "I'm getting more and more curious about this little girl. It seems that even extraordinary means can't defeat her."

Yishuang smiled and said, "Master, Miss Tang is a strange woman."

Yu Shengjun chuckled, very satisfied with Yishuang's sentence, "Well, strange, strange enough."

After a while, a worried look appeared on Yishuang's face, "Master, Miss Tang is having a fight with Marshal Shao."

An Lin's voice came from outside, "Your Majesty, Marshal Shao is asking to see you." He said Cao Cao, and Cao Cao came.Yishuang was a little surprised, "Why is he here?"

Yu Shengjun smiled easily and explained: "Tang Lin ruined one of Shao Qi's capable talents, and you told Shao Qi not to touch Tang Lin, do you think Shao Qi will swallow this breath? He will definitely come Ask me to talk about Tang Lin."

Yishuang was worried, "This subordinate is afraid that Marshal Shao's anger will be overwhelmed for a while, and he will run into you. With a few words of anger, this subordinate is not worried. I am afraid that he will lose control of himself later and cause trouble for you!"

Yu Shengjun gave her a reassuring smile, "It's okay. He is a person who does great things, and he will not act blindly. Yishuang, you go down first."

"Your subordinate obeys, then master, be careful!" Yishuang exited the imperial study room after instructing her.

At the door, Yishuang walked past Shao Qi indifferently, Shao Qi hesitated for a while and turned around to call her back, "Yishuang."

Yishuang turned around and looked at him with an indifferent expression, "What's the matter?"

"I was at the palace just now... I'm sorry, this coach didn't mean to target you and Tang Lin, I hope you don't take it to heart, this coach is just too... too concerned about the life of that player!" Originally The relationship with Ouchi's guards is quite good, Shao Qi doesn't want to have an unpleasant quarrel with Yishuang because of the Gongyuan incident, if he is hated by the other party, then it's not one person who will hate him, but all the Ouchi guards.

It is said that all the Ouchi guards are heart-to-heart, if one person has something to do, the others will not ignore it.

Apologize? !Well said.Yishuang almost wanted to reply with a sneer, but she was afraid of messing up Yu Shengjun's whole plan. She didn't act so cold-blooded and ruthless, but her words were not as familiar as before, and she was a little more polite and alienated, "What did Marshal Shao say?" , to protect Tang Lin, Yishuang is only doing things impartially, and there is no need to be awkward. The master is still waiting to see you, so there will be no delay, and Yishuang will leave."

Looking at Yishuang leaving in a hurry, Shao Qi's eyes were filled with worry.No, really shouldn't, shouldn't provoke Tang Lin, whom Yu Shengjun is determined to protect, for a useless attack. For this reason, not only did Tang Lin look down on herself, but also made Ouchi's guards bear hatred.He lost his wife and lost his army.

If Tang Lin had been killed with all his strength in the back mountain that night, what happened today would not have happened.Now, seeing Tang Lin being used by Yu Shengjun, he really regretted why he didn't try hard to kill Tang Lin.

Now, Tang Lin's ability is getting stronger and stronger, and she is still helping Yu Shengjun, which is undoubtedly a fatal blow to him.

"Marshal Shao, the emperor is waiting." Seeing Shao Qi staring blankly at Yishuang's direction, An Lin reminded him.

Shao Qi came to his senses, gave An Lin a grateful smile, and then walked into the imperial study.

Yu Shengjun was seriously approving the memorials, and the tables on both sides were full of memorials, piled up so high that it seemed that they could not be finished in a few days.

Shao Qi looked at the pile of papers, and then at Yu Shengjun, who was working hard, with a cold and mocking arc on his mouth inadvertently.When Yu Shengjun raised his eyes to look over, the cold arc disappeared for a moment, and a respectful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth immediately, and he kowtowed to Yu Shengjun, "The last general will see the emperor, the emperor is auspicious."

Yu Shengjun waved his hand holding the brush, and signaled, "Shao Aiqing is exempt."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." After raising his head straight, Shao Qi looked at the pile of memorials, and said in a tone of sarcasm or sympathy, "Your Majesty, why are there so many papers to be approved today?"

Yu Shengjun lowered his head and smiled, a little helpless, "There is no way, Shao Aiqing, the country is big, and the people's sentiments will naturally be more, either floods or landslides, and asking for money or food. You know, being an emperor also means being an emperor." The difficulty is not as simple as being the emperor."

No matter what he heard, Shao Qi felt that there was a sense of counterattack, but when he thought about it carefully, he might be too sensitive, so he stopped thinking about the meaning of Yu Shengjun's words.

Yu Shengjun asked: "By the way, Shao Aiqing, what's the rush to see me?"

"The last general..." Shao Qi wanted to continue, but he hesitated.He thought of Yishuang.Yishuang must have told Yu Shengjun everything about the palace. "Your Majesty, the last general will come this time...

Yu Shengjun interrupted him, "Shao Aiqing, do you still remember, what is the purpose of asking you to enter the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition as a contestant?"

Shao Qi said: "The emperor asked the general to do this for two purposes. One is to let the general pay attention to whether there are spies from the rebellion and the enemy country mixed into the palace, and the other is to let the general secretly keep an eye on these contestants to avoid those Players with impure goals destroy the competition."

"Well, you still remember." Yu Shengjun nodded with some satisfaction, but there was no smile on his face, but a calm expression on his face, "The purpose of letting you compete as a contestant is to let you keep an eye on those contestants. If you find people who are against the imperial society or spies from the enemy country, you must tell me quickly. By the way, this is the fifth round of the competition, so what do you find?"

(End of this chapter)

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