The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 177 The measurement is too small!

Chapter 177 The measurement is too small!

"The last general..." Shao Qi lowered his eyes, the abnormal emotions in his eyes escaped Yu Shengjun's unfathomable gaze, "The last general has not found anyone suspicious, except..."

Yu Shengjun frowned slightly, "Except for what?"

It might not be a good thing to take the opportunity to eradicate Tang Lin.Thinking of this, Shao Qi secretly admired his move.He deliberately hesitated for a long time before saying to Yu Shengjun, "Except... Tang Lin."

Yu Shengjun secretly said coldly: "The woman who wants to take this opportunity to eradicate me, Shao Qi, you are poisonous enough."

"Tang Lin?!" Yu Shengjun pretended to be shocked, with a look of surprise on his face, "Her? Impossible. Shao Aiqing, you haven't seen how outstanding Tang Lin has been in recent days. The most wanted guard."

"Your Majesty," Shao Qi continued to add fuel and jealousy, determined to use this opportunity to get rid of Tang Lin, "Don't be fooled by her."

"Bastard!" Yu Shengjun's expression turned cold, and he yelled at Shao Qi angrily.

His thunderous anger made Shao Qi finally realize that he had said the wrong thing, and finally understood one thing: Yu Shengjun is not close to women, it is true.If Yu Shengjun was close to women, he wouldn't mind the word "confuse".

The rumors are true, Yu Shengjun is really not close to women.He has been a subject of Yu Shengjun for several years, but he has never seen a woman beside Yu Shengjun.

Could it be that Yu Shengjun really doesn't like women?What does he like?
In the second round of the competition, Tang Lin eliminated all the female contestants, and among those female contestants, several of them were not ordinary people, and their martial arts were not inferior to him.If it wasn't Yu Shengjun's idea, would Tang Lin dare to do that?
In recent years, except for Yishuang, Yu Shengjun has appointed male bodyguards, and the conditions for conferring male players as bodyguards are all: first, young must not be younger than eighteen, and must not be higher than 35; second, must not be bald; , must not be thin or obese.

All these are good proofs that Yu Shengjun doesn't like women, but... men? !

It is a fact that Yu Shengjun never stepped into the harem, and it is also a fact that he is with a bunch of guards every day.

All these facts are a good proof that Yu Shengjun...has the suspicion of cutting off his sleeves.

If you suspect that a man with a penchant for cutting sleeves is being deceived by a woman, can the other party not be furious?Not to mention Yu Shengjun who is the emperor.Since ancient times, there is no emperor who does not care about face, and Yu Shengjun is no exception.

He immediately lowered his head, showing a look of panic, "The last general said something wrong, the last general is convicted, please punish the emperor."

Yu Shengjun waved his hands a little helplessly, "Forget it, I thought you were unintentional, and I will not pursue your crimes, but I will not be an example. Shao Aiqing, raise your head."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." After finishing speaking, Shao Qi raised his head.Looking at Yu Shengjun's face that he thought was the most handsome in the world, he felt so happy, and finally he was sure why Yu Shengjun didn't get close to women. With Yu Shengjun, who is unknown to the world, Secret, let's see how he embarrasses Yu Shengjun in the future.Such a face as handsome as jade, women all over the world dream of seeing it, but it's a pity, this face belongs to men.

"Shao Aiqing, Tang Lin is not a spy." Yu Shengjun hastily defended Tang Lin. His attitude was deliberately for Shao Qi to make Shao Qi think he was stubborn.

Shao Qi also easily thought that Yu Shengjun was stubborn.He didn't refute Yu Shengjun, instead he laughed and said earnestly: "Your Majesty, whether Tang Lin is a spy or not is hard to say, but whether she is or not depends on you."

Yu Shengjun calmed down, "Oh? How should I say it?"

Shao Qi thought that the other party had been moved by his words, and then persuaded him, but Yu Shengjun was watching him justify himself as if he was watching a good show, "Your Majesty, think about it, can a normal person have such an excellent performance?" Tang Lin's performance is not too good, but too much. The general has heard of a legend that there is a Gu worm from the Western Regions. As long as someone eats this Gu worm and is manipulated by others, it will In a short period of time, she has behaved differently from ordinary people. Your Majesty, no one is born so magical, let alone a girl in her early twenties like Tang Lin. If she hadn't been poisoned by Gu and controlled by others, how could she be different every day? The performance of ordinary people? Royal Forest, that is a big labyrinth, and she...not only came out, but also helped tens of thousands of contestants, how can a small girl have such a powerful ability? Could it be that there is a venomous poison, Could it be that there is a master behind the scenes, so how can such a thing happen. So the emperor, Tang Lin must be a puppet controlled by spies, and she performed so well in order to get close to you, and then take the opportunity to achieve ulterior motives Your Majesty, this woman cannot be kept. Please be careful about promoting Tang Lin, so as not to make a big mistake. If you keep this woman again, it will definitely bring unbearable consequences to Yu Xin." Yu Shengjun thought, if Tang Lin Lin is in the imperial study at the moment, seeing Shao Qi's earnest words, she must be unbelievable, right?It must be unexpected to see a person so painstakingly trying to eradicate her, right?

The voice has been received for a long time, but there is no response from Yu Shengjun, and Shao Qi's heart begins to hang.Could it be that Yu Shengjun didn't hear a word?

After pondering for a while, Yu Shengjun suddenly lowered his eyes and smiled, and said to Shao Qi in a half-joking tone: "Shao Aiqing, you are exaggerating, why haven't I heard the legend of the poisonous poison? Shao Aiqing, yes You are too sensitive, Tang Lin is not a puppet manipulated by others."

Shao Qi was a little angry, he had been impassioned for a long time, but he didn't say a word that moved Yu Shengjun, wasting his lips for so long. "Your Majesty, why do you think Tang Lin is no longer a puppet being manipulated?"

Yu Shengjun smiled lightly and said, "Have you ever seen such a lively puppet?"

Shao Qi continued to try his best to persuade Yu Shengjun, "It may be because the person who manipulated her behind the scenes was too shrewd, so that the emperor did not notice that Tang Lin was like a puppet. Your majesty, at the end of the day, Tang Lin is really very good." Danger!"

"Ah," Yu Shengjun sighed softly, wondering: "Shao Aiqing, I know you have a prejudice against Tang Lin, just now Yishuang told me about the conflict between you and Tang Lin, I said Shao Aiqing, you are another Why bother? You are the commander-in-chief of the world's soldiers and horses, so why bother with a junior. Tang Lin is several years younger than you, and she is still a fledgling girl. Why bother you, the generalissimo, to get angry? The size of this Grand Marshal is too small!"

Unexpectedly, Yu Shengjun would use these words to prevaricate himself, Shao Qi was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say.Originally planned to use Yu Shengjun to get rid of Tang Lin, but now he has become petty.

Yu Shengjun said again: "Shao Aiqing, I know that ordering you to secretly monitor the news of the competition is a bit overkill, but the time for this Ouchi bodyguard selection competition is not long, it will pass in the blink of an eye, so, Shao Aiqing, bear with me, It will pass soon. Don't be as knowledgeable as the juniors."

Shao Qi understood that even though his thoughts of eradicating Tang Lin were multiplying day by day, Yu Shengjun had already said so, if he didn't know what to do with Tang Lin, he would definitely make Yu Shengjun unhappy.Since Tang Lin couldn't be eradicated by this move, it didn't mean there was no other way.

It was because he overestimated his intuition too much. He felt that Tang Lin would be eradicated by fanning the flames in front of Yu Shengjun this time, but how could he think that, Yu Shengjun did not believe that Tang Lin was a spy at all, and Yu Shengjun was iron The heart wants to cultivate Tang Lin.

Tang Lin's ability, so far, no one can compete with it, if it is not eliminated as soon as possible, for them, it will undoubtedly be a sharp sword that will seal their throats.

Yu Shengjun interrupted Shao Qi's meditation, "Shao Aiqing, what are you thinking?"

Regarding Shao Qi's matter, he replied lightly, "No, I haven't thought about anything in the end. Since the emperor has confirmed that Tang Lin is not a spy, then the general can't say anything more. Your majesty, you have nothing to order, so I will resign first!"

"Wait a minute, I still have a few words to tell you!" Yu Shengjun said, "Shao Qi, Tang Lin is a rare talent I found, I hope..."

Shao Qi lowered his head and smiled mockingly, but said: "Your Majesty, please rest assured, I will never trouble Tang Lin again."

Yu Shengjun smiled with satisfaction, "Well, that's very good. You are all my indispensable helpers. You should be friends, not enemies. I don't want to see the two of you having conflicts."

Shao Qi lowered his head and said, "I will be careful in the end, please rest assured, Your Majesty."

Yu Shengjun waved his hand, and signaled a little tiredly: "I am a little tired, and there are still a bunch of memorials that I need to read, Shao Aiqing, you should step back first."

"Yes, I will leave." After finishing speaking, Shao Qi bowed to Yu Shengjun, and then Shao Qi exited the imperial study room. Outside the study room, he took a photo with Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing who were oncoming, without saying anything just left.

Lu Yitang went up and politely said to An Lin, "Boss An, please go in and let me know. I'll wait for the two of you to see the Holy Majesty."

An Lin said: "You two wait a moment." After speaking, he turned and went into the study.After a while, he came out and said to Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing: "My lords, the emperor has invited you, please go in."

"Thank you, Director An, I'm sorry to trouble you." Lu Yitang finished speaking to An Lin, and then nodded to Sun Bailing.The two walked into the royal study together.

After entering the imperial study room, Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing walked to the imperial table together, then knelt down and bowed their heads to Yu Shengjun, who was seriously reviewing the memorial, and said in unison: "My humble minister sees the emperor."

Yu Shengjun put down what he was doing, raised his eyes and looked over, he said: "Just now the guard Yishuang and the player named Qilin came to tell me about the palace garden, you all got up and talked, I want to know what's going on. "

After getting up, Lu Yitang replied: "Your Majesty, Weichen was evaluating the contestants at that time. There was a contestant who was not afraid of the charcoal stove and dared to put his hand down. As a result, his hand was burned. Weichen and others witnessed that contestant with his own eyes. When his hand was burned, not only did he not take it back immediately, but stood firmly on the spot like a mountain, motionless, letting the charcoal burn his hand. When Weichen and others realized that something was wrong, they moved the player away together with several players. Helpless, the contestant’s weight was like a mountain, we couldn’t move him no matter how hard we tried, until finally the charcoal stove was removed, and the contestant’s hand was able to move away from the charcoal stove.”

Sun Bailing took the words, "Your Majesty, I feel very strange. Why did the contestant who had the accident have such a high weight? No matter how hard Weichen and others tried, they couldn't move the contestant. Could it be that the contestant was possessed? "

A trace of sadness appeared on Yu Shengjun's face, "If it is really bewitched, the palace cannot keep the player who has the accident. How about this, I will investigate the matter of the player's strange weight with the Criminal Department. As for the player, I will order someone to carry him out of the palace later, and this matter is over."

Lu Yitang asked: "Is the pre-competition assessment still needed for the fifth round?"

Yu Shengjun said: "There is no need to conduct the assessment, and the players will be notified directly to compete in the afternoon."

The two nodded, "I obey."

Yu Shengjun didn't say much, he waved his hand, "If you have nothing to do, go down first."

"I will leave." The two said, and left the imperial study together.


Tang Lin poured a glass of boiling water, took it to her nose and smelled the hot air, then blew a mouthful, turned her remaining corners to the swollen shadow beside the bed, and raised a helpless arc at the corner of her mouth, "Chun'er, what's the matter?" Is it necessary?"

(End of this chapter)

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