The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 178 What Do You Mean?

Chapter 178 What Do You Mean?
At this moment, Mei Chun'er was sitting on the edge of the bed tightly wrapped in a quilt, shivering all over from the cold, and her lips were purple from the cold.From entering the door to now, he has been shivering in the quilt, without stopping for a while, annoyed Du Yuanyuan who was wiping his sword, "I said Chun'er, have you finished?"

Thinking of that charcoal stove, thinking of the charred arm on that charcoal stove, and thinking of the burnt smell, Mei Chun'er immediately pursed her mouth and cried, "Wuuu, I'm afraid, if It's not the boss, he has become a roast pig now."

Du Yuanyuan glanced at her, "Look at your virtue."

Tang Lin blew on the hot air in the cup again, but did not speak.

Seeing that Tang Lin was so calm, Yun Shan recalled the scene where Tang Lin reached out to fish for the iron nails. She still didn't understand how Tang Lin did it, "Boss, tell us a little bit about how you got it How did you get so many iron nails? Even if you have practiced Iron Sand Palm, it's not that good, right?"

Tang Lin asked with great interest: "Why, don't you believe that the boss's iron sand palm can't handle that charcoal stove?"

Yun Shan smiled dryly, "Boss, it's not that I don't believe you. Look at your hands, which are slender and boneless. It doesn't look like you've practiced iron sand palms? Let alone using iron sand palms against a charcoal stove."

Dong Chenchen also said, "Yes, boss, you look like you have never practiced iron sand palms. How can you use iron sand palms to fish out the iron nails? Not only Yun Shan didn't believe it, but even after practicing iron sand palms for a while I don't believe it either."

"Oh?" Tang Lin raised her eyebrows, a little surprised by Dong Chenchen's words, "Chen Chen, have you practiced Iron Sand Palm?"

Dong Chenchen was very unwilling, but in order to prove that she had practiced iron sand palm, she had to raise her hands and said weakly: "Look, the hands of people who have practiced iron sand palm are the same as mine. "

Her hands were dark and very rough.

With such hands at such a young age, Tang Lin couldn't help but frowned when she saw her, her nose was a little sore, and she sympathized with Dong Chenchen from the bottom of her heart, "Chen Chen, you are so pitiful, you have suffered for the sake of living."

Originally, he had already looked down on his own hands, but now that Tang Lin sympathized, Dong Chenchen couldn't control his nose sore for a while, and felt aggrieved for himself, "Don't talk about the boss, I'm already like this."

"Hey, don't cry, don't cry, our Chen Chen is the strongest." Tang Lin came over and coaxed Dong Chenchen like a child, and by the way, she gave Dong Chenchen the water she had just cooled down, "Boss I didn't mean to say that, come on, don't hold grudges after drinking this glass of water."

Dong Chenchen stopped the tears that were about to shed, and a cunning light flashed in her eyes. She didn't take Tang Lin's water glass, and said stubbornly: "Unless the boss is willing to tell us how you fished out the iron nails without hurting yourself. If the truth of the incident happened, then I won't hold any grudges. If the boss doesn't tell me, then I will remember it for the rest of my life." After speaking, he turned to the side in anger and ignored Tang Lin.

Du Yuanyuan urged: "Boss, just tell us the truth. What kind of heresy did you use?"

Tang Lin glanced at several people, "Dizzy, do I need to know?"

Yun Shan said in a firm tone: "Of course! This will teach us a lot! Boss, you just hide it and say it!"

"Uh, this..." Tang Lin stammered, and made a few people anxious before continuing: "Ahem, then I'll tell you the truth, listen carefully." Yun Shan twisted her fingers together , watching Tang Lin closely, impatient to know the truth in the charcoal stove.

"Actually, it's like this. Before I reached out to the charcoal stove, I..." Tang Lin was about to tell everyone the whole story, but at this moment, a voice from outside interrupted her.

"Xiao Tang!" Yishuang arrived before anyone else arrived.

Tang Lin looked out the door together with the others, and saw Yishuang rushing towards the door.

Yishuang stopped at the door, and waited for Tang Lin to come up to her before hurriedly saying: "Xiao Tang, come with me, the emperor wants to see you!"

"See me?" Tang Lin frowned slightly, thinking to herself, she got into a fight with Shao Qi earlier, and Shao Qi is a marshal who cannot be easily provoked. Could it be that she caused trouble by herself, and Yu Shengjun was about to use her for surgery? ?

Not only did she have this idea, even Du Yuanyuan also had this idea, and couldn't help but feel uneasy for Tang Lin.If it was because Tang Lin contradicted Emperor Shaoqi and wanted to punish Tang Lin, then it must be dangerous for Tang Lin to go this time, what should she do?
Tang Lin is Chu Heng's apprentice, and Chu Heng is Fu Yushu's uncle, a relative of the Chu Kingdom.The emperor's uncle is still alive, and he is still plotting to assassinate Yu Shengjun. If something happens to Tang Lin, not only will he lose a nearly perfect talent, but he will also lose the chance to meet the emperor's uncle.Uncle Huang used to be a well-known figure in the Chu Kingdom, and everyone knew it. If he could be contacted and restore the country together with him, he had a strong ability to call on the survivors of the Chu Kingdom to fight against the enemy.

The deeper Du Yuanyuan thought, the more uneasy and anxious he became.

"Yes, the emperor wants to see you, let's go?!" Yishuang hurriedly finished, without allowing Tang Lin to ask any more questions, she turned and left.

Tang Lin looked back at Du Yuanyuan and the others, said nothing, then turned around and followed Yishuang.

After the two left, Yun Shan said depressedly: "At this time, what is the emperor looking for the boss? Could it be that the boss contradicted other contestants, and the emperor knew about it, so he should blame the boss? It's so unfair, it's obviously that contestant Let’s make it difficult with the boss first.”

Du Yuanyuan hurriedly turned around and walked out of the door.

Yun Shan shouted from behind, "Hey Yuanyuan, you are in such a hurry, where are you going?"

Royal study.

Yishuang stopped after sending Tang Lin to the door, "Xiao Tang, I won't go in, you go in, the master is waiting to see you!"

Tang Lin stretched her footsteps, then backed away, still not daring to step into the threshold of the imperial study, she gave Yishuang a dry smile, and said weakly: "Yishuang, can't you accompany me in? "If you wait for Yu Shengjun to get angry, it's better to have someone on the scene to save yourself.

Yishuang said with a dry smile: "Little Tang, you, what's wrong with you? In the past, you were not afraid of meeting your master, but today..."

Tang Lin glanced at the situation inside the door and made sure there was nothing wrong, so she dared to tell the truth to Yishuang, but she spoke very quietly and carefully, as if she was afraid that Yu Shengjun would hear, "I'm afraid of your master's temper, right?" .”

Yishuang was stunned when he heard this, and said with a broken smile, "Afraid of our master? Why?"

Tang Lin said: "Isn't he just right? I got into a fight with his courtiers earlier. I acted so recklessly. He must have punished me by calling me here. Tell me, what am I afraid of? "

Yishuang stroked his forehead weakly, somewhat defeated by Tang Lin, "Little Tang, why did you think of that meaning? Besides, I was the one who instigated you to deal with Marshal Shao, not you, and the master wanted to punish him." Punish me, so don't worry, the master didn't want to punish you when he saw you, but to tell you something, as for what..., uh, you can find out when you go in and ask, I don't know yet. "

Tang Linrang was still a little worried, as if she stepped into the door of the imperial study room, she would be stripped alive by Yu Shengjun at any time, "If he really came to me for the previous matter, what should I do? "

Yishuang shrugged, "This... Yishuang can't answer."

Tang Lin dejectedly said: "Okay, I know you can't answer, then I..." I glanced sideways at the door of the Imperial Study Room, took a breath, and then finished my unfinished sentence weakly, "Then I'll go in .”

Yishuang smiled and urged, "That's right, just go in. After asking the master, everything is clear, right? Hurry up, go in, don't keep the master waiting!"

Tang Lin faced the door, took a deep breath, and walked into the imperial study room as if she was going to the battlefield. She walked to the imperial table aggressively, and yelled at Yu Shengjun who was reading the memorial, "Yu Shengjun!"

Yu Shengjun raised his eyes slightly, and turned his eyes from the words on the memorial to Tang Lin's face. Seeing her fierce look, the corners of her lips unconsciously curled into a hearty arc.He put down the memorial, sat in a domineering posture, and looked at Tang Lin with a playful expression, "You look like this, which makes me feel as if I owe you ten thousand taels of gold. Tell me, who made you angry?" Is it like this?... Yishuang?"

impossible.His guards wouldn't be so rude.

Tang Lin pouted, and said angrily, "If you have anything to say, just say it, I, Tang Lin, can handle it."

Yu Shengjun laughed and said: "You have such a fiery character, can the person who taught you martial arts bear it?"

Tang Lin said: "The people in our army treat me very well. Everyone has their own personality. You haven't seen it before. If you had, you wouldn't say that I have a hot personality."

Yu Shengjun was puzzled and asked: "Then what do you mean when you see me as if you are asking for a crime?"

"What do you mean?" Tang Lin was almost speechless, "I just wanted to ask you, what do you mean?"

Yu Shengjun frowned, "What's wrong with me?"

Tang Lin said unhappily: "Yu Shengjun, I just want to help you get rid of a spy who is not good for you. It's good for you, if you know that I am in trouble with your servant, you will immediately send me to Xingshi to inquire about the crime. Injustice!"

"Uh," Yu Shengjun was speechless in his seat.I dare to feel that this chick is asking the teacher for the crime, she is blaming him for indiscriminately wronging good people.

"A guy who doesn't get rewarded for his good intentions." After speaking, Tang Lin folded her arms around her chest, turned her cold face to the side, and sulked.

Yu Shengjun came back to his senses and hesitated: "Uh, I..." I didn't know what to say, so I had to get up, walk around the edge of the table, and walked to Tang Lin in a few steps, "Good Linlin, don't be angry. "Just as she was about to hold her shoulders, she turned around.

"I sent you here, not to blame you." Yu Shengjun explained softly, "I just want to have dinner with my girlfriend."

Tang Lin's expression softened a bit, she turned her face to look at him, "Really? Didn't you come to deal with me?"

Yu Shengjun smiled and said, "Treat you? Why do I deal with you? You are the one who will be with me for the rest of my life. If I deal with you, then I will really be alone in the future. So, how will I deal with you?" ? Besides, you have done nothing wrong, why should I deal with you?"

Tang Lin lowered her head, with a look of repentance, "But I made my own claims and opposed your courtiers. If this messes up your plan, then I, Tang Lin, will not regret it even if I die [-] words. "

It turned out that the reason for her sulking was like this, Yu Shengjun laughed again, and was really defeated by Tang Lin.He held her shoulders, because he was taller than her, he could only look down at her slightly and said, "Linlin, although Shao Qi is my subject, he is also my enemy, no, our common enemy .How could I punish you for the sake of the enemy? Besides, you are my girlfriend. I don’t worry about everything you do. I know better than anyone that you will never show mercy to the enemy. You will also do everything soberly and rationally. Before you deal with that spy, if you didn't think carefully, how could you listen to Yishuang and act rashly? Huh?"

After hearing his words, Tang Lin's eyes became hot, "My fiery personality, doesn't it often give people the feeling of doing bad things with good intentions? How come you have become so beneficial and harmless?" gone?"

Yu Shengjun gently hugged her into his arms, and said softly: "I believe in my own vision, the woman I like will definitely be a smart and wise woman, no matter what her personality is, she will handle everything well .”

(End of this chapter)

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