The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 179 You Are Not Human, You Are God!

Chapter 179 You Are Not Human, You Are God!

Tang Lin's face turned green, "Yu Shengjun, are you really messing around? You can't be a good emperor, but Dongfang Bubai, what kind of embroidery needles are you playing with? You, really. Do you think you can kill people with needles and threads in your hands?" ?”

Yu Shengjun was confused, "Isn't I the emperor at the moment? Who is Dongfang Bubai?"

At this time, someone came in from the outside.

Without saying a word, Yu Shengjun sent out the thin needle in his hand with a "swoosh".

Tang Lin's eyes widened, and her gaze followed the thin needle to the door, and then her figure disappeared beside Yu Shengjun, who only felt a light and warm wind drifting by.

An Lin remained motionless, his body froze at the door, his eyes slipping back and forth.Just now, he felt a shadow whiz past him, and when he saw it clearly, it turned out that this shadow was Tang Lin.

At this moment, Tang Lin was standing opposite An Lin, keeping half a step away from him.

Being so close made Anlin feel pressured.

Tang Lin moved her eyelids, signaling An Lin to look down.

An Lin was a little dazed, because Tang Lin was right in front of him, less than half a step away from him, he couldn't just bend down to look, and he couldn't lower his head, but his eyelids tilted slightly downward, and he took a breath of air. .

At his heart, there was a thin needle that was being held tightly by Tang Lin, and it pierced into his body just the slightest bit.

This time, the fine needle scared An Lin into sweat, "Miss Tang, old slave, what did this old slave do wrong?"

"You did nothing wrong, and I didn't do anything wrong. It's your respected emperor who did wrong." After finishing speaking, Tang Lin retracted the needle, turned to face Yu Shengjun, and raised the needle in her hand, "Just Manager An, who was so loyal to you, died. You are really strange. Did I tell you to kill people? It’s just that you don’t know how to kill people with embroidery needles. You really killed people in front of me. .”

Yu Shengjun applauded, the corner of his mouth was accompanied by an arc of praise, "Not bad, not bad, your skills are getting more and more unbelievable!"

An Lin looked at Yu Shengjun, with old tears rolling in his pupils, extremely wronged, "Your Majesty..."

"An Lin, what are you doing?" Yu Shengjun came over, patted An Lin's shoulder, and comforted him: "I didn't intend to kill you, I just wanted to test Tang Lin's ability. Don’t you know yet? How could I kill you? Besides, you are wearing the golden silk clothes I gave you that are invulnerable to swords and guns and hard to hurt with silver needles. Even if I send you more hidden weapons, you will be fine. I will not kill people randomly own people."

Tang Lin was very surprised and said: "What? Manager An, the emperor gave you a golden silk dress? Is it real or not?"

An Lin took a long time to part the collars of the two outer clothes, and the close-fitting golden dress that he was wearing inside caught Tang Lin's eyes and dazzled her, "Ah! It's true, the emperor treats you more than anything. His wife is fine."

Yu Shengjun almost flashed his tongue, "Are you jealous of me with An Lin?"

Tang Lin said angrily, "Can't you?"

Yu Shengjun smiled, "Okay, very good, very good, I can't wait for it."

Tang Lin pursed her lips in grievance, "Then you wish you could love him!"

"This," Yu Shengjun concluded.

Tang Lin retorted, "What is this? If you don't say anything, it means you acquiesce. Yu Shengjun, you are so kind, you actually like men and don't like me."

Yu Shengjun looked frustrated, "Linlin, where did you go? I like you, how could it be a man, besides, An Lin is not a man..." The last word, Yu Shengjun He said it silently, and when he said it, he and Tang Lin carefully looked at An Lin's face.

An Lin stood between the two, so embarrassed that he was at a loss. He didn't want to leave, he didn't stay, he didn't speak, he didn't speak.

Tang Lin pushed Yu Shengjun, "What are you talking about?" She motioned him to comfort An Lin, "Quickly, apologize to Manager An, why is An Lin not a man, what nonsense are you talking about? Which eye do you look at?" until he was... eunuched." She also whispered more and more quietly.

An Lin palely smiled at the two of them twice, "Well, the emperor, the emperor, Miss Tang, the old slave will come in later to report, talk first." Shengjun shouted to stop.

Yu Shengjun struggled for a while, and said with difficulty: "An Lin, what happened just now... I said too much, I... I'm sorry."

An Lin was extremely flattered, and immediately knelt down, "Your Majesty, don't say that, I've broken this old slave, I can't bear it. The emperor is not wrong, this old slave... is not a man, the emperor is right."

Yu Shengjun stretched out his hand to help him up, "An Lin, I don't mean that, and I hope you don't take it to heart."

An Lin lowered his head and said, "This old slave understands."

Tang Lin put her arms around An Lin's shoulders, like a buddy hugging a buddy, "Boss An, hurry up, tell me, why did the emperor give you the golden silk clothes? It was you who made meritorious service, and he rewarded you Yes, or?"

Yu Shengjun glanced at her, "Is it necessary to know?"

Tang Lin raised her eyebrows and said, "Of course, I must know, otherwise I will be jealous for nothing!"

An Lin couldn't help laughing, this Tang Lin was really getting more and more interesting. "Miss Tang, the emperor gave the old slave two gold silk clothes to wear every day, because the old slave knows too much to die, so the emperor gave the old slave These two gold silk clothes. The old slave does not know martial arts, but he is always by the emperor's side, so it is inevitable that he will encounter some things that are blind to swords and swords. With these two gold silk clothes, the old slave's life is saved. "

"Oh, so that's what happened." Tang Lin nodded with an epiphany, but she understood for a while and then didn't understand, "You know too much? What do you know?" Suddenly she leaned into An Lin's ear , glanced at Yu Shengjun, and asked in a low voice: "Did you know the reason why the emperor is not close to women, so he tries to please you in every possible way?"

An Lin's pupils widened, "Miss Tang, you..."

Yu Shengjun bit the corner of his mouth, and said sullenly: "You two are bold, what are you talking about behind my back?"

Tang Lin gave him a treacherous smile, "What are you talking about? No eavesdropping!" Then she whispered to An Lin, "Boss An, tell me, the reason why Yu Shengjun doesn't like women is because he likes men? "

scare!An Lin was dumbfounded by Tang Lin's words, his expression froze, his eyes widened.

Yu Shengjun pulled Tang Lin over and ordered domineeringly: "Even if An Lin is not a man, he can't get so close in front of me, are you trying to make me jealous with someone who is not a man? "

After finishing speaking, Yu Shengjun realized that he had said the wrong thing again, and looked at An Lin together with Tang Lin.

An Lin smiled dryly at them, not knowing what to say.

Tang Lin asked softly: "Director An, are you particularly injured? Do you want to crush the two of us to death? If you are injured, please speak out. Don't hold back. It's okay. Your Majesty and I will not laugh at you." You are not a man, I...uh..." It seemed that she brought up her past injury again.

"The cakes prepared by the imperial dining room should be ready. This old servant will go get them now. Your Majesty, this old servant will leave." After speaking in a hurry, even though Tang Lin shouted this time, An Lin ran away without looking back.

Tang Lin glared at Yu Shengjun angrily, "It's all you."

"Okay, it's my fault, come back to eat." Yu Shengjun dragged Tang Lin back to the dining table and sat down, and then put some food in her bowl, "Let's continue to eat and talk, the matter of Yu Huangxuan is still up." It didn't work out."

"You, do you remember?" As soon as this matter was mentioned, the anger in Tang Lin's eyes disappeared immediately, and her expression melted, but the smile on the corner of her mouth was very dry.

Yu Shengjun imitated her dry smile for a while, then suddenly stopped smiling, and said solemnly: "I haven't broken my head and amnesia, how could I not remember? You'd better explain the whole process honestly, otherwise you won't be let go today."

Tang Lin said: "Actually, it's nothing. It's just that Junjun you acted as a senior brother for a while. At that time, Fu Yushu asked me how I knew how to do business, and I told him that my senior brother taught me everything. Leave it to the elder brother to make arrangements, including the matter of me being close to the emperor and becoming a celebrity. He also asked, when my elder brother will come to the palace to meet me, at that time, I told him... when the time comes."

"You," Yu Shengjun couldn't bear to scold Tang Lin, but wanted to teach her a lesson, so he poked her forehead with his finger, "The timing you mentioned will make Fu Yushu think that you are the one who became a celebrity in front of me. When you assassinate me."

Tang Lin didn't think it was a crisis, "Then let him imagine it."

Yu Shengjun didn't know what to say, "I have a move in mind, and I want to create an opportunity, a chance for Fu Yushu to attack me secretly, and I want these thieves who rebel against Yuhui to suffer a bit."

Tang Lin clapped her hands and applauded, "That's a good idea. When will it be implemented? Do you need me? By the way, Junjun, I suddenly thought of a method that is fun and can torment those people in the imperial court."

"What?" Yu Shengjun asked.

Tang Lin said: "Didn't you mention it to all the contestants on the day when the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition started? After the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition is over, a training camp will be opened. As long as the contestants who can pass the eighth round of checkpoints can stay in the palace to receive training Junjun, why don't you take this opportunity to join the training camp with Fu Yushu and others with your real face as a player. Junjun, you are so good in all aspects, you will definitely be able to repair the four groups of people to pieces."

If she had been the instructor that day, she would have killed those beautiful men with both civil and military skills, let them run to the imperial city, let them do a thousand push-ups, let them kill each must be very exciting.Yu Shengjun said contemptuously: "How many do you think can last to the eighth round? I want to be named the first guard, and at the same time recruit two more guards. When I said to build a training camp, the purpose was to encourage those The contestants, on the one hand, want to use this to trap those passers-by in the palace and fight with them."

Tang Lin said: "In this case, Junjun, you should join the training camp. Think about it, if you are in it, you can fix those people as you want, and let them taste your power."

Yu Shengjun imagined for a while, if there is such a day, it would be good.Fighting against Fu Yushu and the others with other identities might not only be enjoyable but also manage this group of people submissively, so that they would never dare to think of the Yuxin Dynasty again. "Well... let me think about it."

Tang Lin's eyes lit up, "So, you agreed? Great, then I can..."

"Huh?!" Yu Shengjun seemed to realize something, and frowned, "Linlin, what can you do?"

"Then I can use my identity as an instructor to teach you a good boyfriend, who is better than me in every aspect, and let you taste what it's like to run the imperial city and do a thousand push-ups." But Tang Lin didn't dare to say that. If she came out, she was afraid that Yu Shengjun would regret not joining the training camp if she said it. "No, it's nothing, I mean, great, then I can see how those people are tamed by you." Nonsense, it's me, Tang Lin, who tamed you to tame.

That day, wait.The position of instructor was none other than her, Tang Lin.

Since I can't go back to modern times, I can take the seat of the Ouchi bodyguard commander, and I can fulfill my grandfather's wish, and live a leisurely life.

(End of this chapter)

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