The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 181 Assassinate Yu Shengjun!

Chapter 181 Assassinate Yu Shengjun!
West Palace Gate.

The gate of the palace was being opened by the imperial guards, and Yu Zichen sat on the horse, waiting for the gate to open.Soon, the gate opened, and he kicked the horse's belly, "Drive—" the steed immediately raised its front hooves.

At this time, Yu Shengjun came from behind on horseback, and tried his best to stop Yu Zichen who was about to set off, "Second brother."

Yu Zichen reined in the horse when he heard the sound, because he was too hard to drive the horse just now, now the steed suddenly encountered resistance, and his body could not help but bend into an arc and turn around, with one side of his abdomen facing the road inside.

Seeing Yu Shengjun galloping towards him on horseback, Yu Zichen smiled gratifiedly at the corner of his mouth.

After Yu Shengjun ran up, he stopped his horse at Yu Zichen's side, but couldn't say a word, just looked at Yu Zichen and smiled, but his eyes gradually became foggy, "If you can , the elder brother wants to exchange with the younger brother."

Yu Zichen laughed and said, "Brother Huang, what are you talking about, we two brothers have no exchange. Before leaving, I thought about the consequences, so I couldn't help but go to see Brother Huang, please. Forgive me, brother."

Yu Shengjun choked up and said: "Brother Huang has repeatedly emphasized that you must inform Brother Huang before you leave. Why don't you even listen to Brother Huang? Do you know how much I care about your self-assessment?"

Yu Zichen smiled slightly and said, "Brother Huang, there is no risk in this mission, and I can complete it alone!"

"Stop it!" Yu Shengjun's voice was almost roaring, "You know, once you go out alone this time, you may never come back. I originally asked someone to go with you, why didn't you Obedient? Do you want me to feel guilty for the rest of my life?"

"Brother Huang..." Yu Zichen's voice began to choke, "Except for Doctor Wang, An Leng is the only one who can save Eyun. Yesterday, Doctor Wang took a leave of absence and went back to his hometown to visit his dying mother. I don't know how long he will be back. Once Leng leaves, if Eyun gets poisoned again, there will really be no one to save her."

Yu Shengjun finished what he hadn't finished, "Are you afraid that something will happen to Eyun, that's why you kept An Leng?"

Yu Zichen turned his face away, unable to speak, and his expression was particularly painful.

Yu Shengjun jumped off the horse, walked to a corner of the wall, turned his back to Yu Zichen, put one hand on his hip, and stroked his forehead with the other hand, breathing heavily.That's right, Doctor Wang is on leave, and I don't know when he will return, only An Leng can suppress Guan Eyun's poison, if An Leng leaves, once Guan Eyun's poison develops, then...

At this time, Yitang and An Leng rode towards the gate of the West Palace on the same horse.

Yitang stopped the horse one meter in front of the two horses of Yu Zichen and Yu Shengjun, "Woo—"

An Leng didn't wait for the horse to stop safely, so he jumped off the horse and ran to Yu Zichen in a few steps, and said anxiously: "My lord, why did you leave An Leng and come out alone? If something happens, let An Leng How will Leng explain to the master?"

Yu Zichen calmed down, took a deep breath, his expression was no longer as painful as before, and he was not as anxious as before. He jumped off the horse, walked behind Yu Shengjun, held one shoulder of Yu Shengjun with one hand, and passed his message. The mood passes.

Yu Shengjun turned around.

Yu Zichen withdrew his hand, his face as calm as water, "Brother Huang, you repeatedly felt that it was inappropriate to send your younger brother and An Leng to go to Beilin Kingdom to investigate the situation, and you wanted to cancel this move. If we enter The north borders the country, and once your identity is exposed, you really can't come back. Now that I think about it, my brother's concerns are not wrong. I'm too eager to get things done. I'm sorry, brother. worried."

Yu Shengjun breathed a sigh of relief, and the big stone in his heart was relieved, "You are also impulsive once for revenge, and it's not your fault. Now that you have figured it out, let's go back and discuss whether this move should be taken. You That's right, if An Leng goes out, once Eyun gets poisoned, she will surely die if there is no Royal Physician Wang around. An Leng is the only person in the palace who understands the poison in E Yun's body. As for the method of detoxification, if Royal Physician Wang is not here, there will naturally be darkness in this palace. I have been asking for your opinion, if you grab Mu Lingxuan immediately to get the antidote, maybe..."

"No." Yu Zichen interrupted Yu Shengjun's words, and said anxiously: "Brother Emperor, you must not think that way, let alone have such thoughts. Our plan has been implemented for ten years, and we must not be overwhelmed because of Eyun. All the plans were disrupted. If the plan fails, then your hard work over the past ten years...wouldn't it be wasted? Brother emperor, I beg you, for the sake of my father, for the sake of my death in the north border country The people of the Li people under the sword of the soldiers, we can't...delay the plan because of Eyun."

Yu Shengjun choked up and said: "But, Eyun is your life, I can't bear to watch her suffer like that, can you bear it?"

Yu Zichen's eyes were red, and he said hoarsely: "Brother, you are good in everything, like a golden bell, no one can attack you. But your bad thing is that you give up big things too easily for small things. I can't waste my hard work for my sister-in-law, I can't. The pain of Eyun, I wish I could bear it myself, I want to save Eyun more than anyone else, but brother Huang, we can't break the whole chess piece just because of this little thing .”

Yitang said: "Master, the second prince is absolutely right. We can't touch Mu Lingxuan in order to save the second princess. Mu Lingxuan is the root of the bond. Without her, we have no good way to deal with the north border country. If now If you startle Mu Lingxuan, then your ten-year plan will come to naught!"

At this moment, Yu Shengjun didn't even dare to breathe too hard, afraid that he would spend time to heal slowly if it hurts.Without saying a word, he turned back to the horse and jumped on it.Soon his shadow disappeared in front of the three of them.

Yitang sighed silently, and asked An Leng: "An Leng, as you have seen, we are all for the benefit of the Second Princess, and you are the only one among all the guards who have better medical skills than the Imperial Doctor, think of a way to save the Second Princess. Wangfei, at the same time let Mu Lingxuan not realize that the poison on the second princess has been cured."

An Leng took a deep breath, a little tired, "It's not convenient to talk here, let's talk after the Second Prince leaves here."

Xuanyu Palace.

Yu Shengjun hurried into the bedroom, Tang Lin hadn't returned to Lanyuan yet, and was chatting and laughing with An Lin in the bedroom.He glanced at them, said nothing, went straight to a corner and sat down.

Tang Lin came over and asked, "What's wrong?"

Yu Shengjun was upset and couldn't calm down, he said: "I'm worried about Eyun."

"Khan, I think it's something." Tang Lin breathed a sigh of relief instead, "Isn't it the poison on her body? I will take care of your girlfriend and wrap it on your girlfriend." Although Tang Lin said so, Yu However, only a little joy appeared on Shengjun's face, which was still dry.He said: "Someone can cure her poison, but you also know that she is a very important person..."

Tang Lin couldn't figure it out, "Junjun, what are you thinking?"

An Lin explained to Tang Lin: "Miss Tang, the emperor also wants to save the second concubine, and the second prince wants to save it even more, but if he saves the second concubine, it will alarm Mu Lingxuan. On the emperor's chessboard, Mu Lingxuan plays a very important role." Important role, once Mu Lingxuan is alarmed, the emperor's painstaking efforts over the past ten years will be wasted."

"Is it so serious?" Tang Lin was slightly frightened.

An Lin continued: "Miss Tang, the problem lies in the poison of the second princess."

Tang Lin concentrated her attention, "How do you say?"

"Master." At this time, Yitang and An Leng walked to the door of the bedroom, and Yu Zichen stood behind them.

Yu Shengjun looked back at the door and said calmly: "Come in."

The three of them walked into the room together.

Yu Zichen walked up to Yu Shengjun and asked, "Brother Emperor, are you alright?" Just now he came back from the West Palace Gate without saying a word, obviously under great pain and pressure in his heart.He must be worried about his inability to deal with Eyun.

Yu Shengjun smiled faintly, "I'm fine."

Yitang glanced at An Leng beside him, and said to Yu Shengjun: "Master, An Leng's medical skills are better than the Imperial Doctor's in the palace, why not let An Leng think of a way."

Yu Shengjun looked at An Leng, and asked softly: "An Leng, I know that you can detoxify the second princess, but is there any way you can detoxify the second concubine without making it look like she is not detoxified?" Appearance? In this way, Mu Lingxuan won't notice anything."

By now, Tang Lin finally understood what was going on.It turned out that saving the second concubine was easy, but Mu Lingxuan would be alarmed if the second concubine was saved.Once Mu Lingxuan is alarmed, it will be announced that Yu Shengjun's entire game... is lost.

An Leng slightly lowered his head, exhaled, with embarrassment on his face, "Master, we have discussed before, we can first undo the poison on the second princess, and then tell the whole story of the second princess, and continue to let her pretend to be poisoned. However, this poison is weird. Once the poison on the second princess is removed and Mu Lingxuan sees it, she can tell at a glance that the second princess has been cured of the poison. Even if the second princess deliberately pretends that she is still poisoned, she cannot escape Mu Lingxuan Ling Xuan's eyes. The power of this kind of poison is that the poisoner can see the condition of the poisoned person at the first time. Once the poison is cured, it will be easy to see. The reason why Mu Lingxuan attacked the second princess is because It is to use the second concubine to control the second prince and make the second prince rebel, which will achieve her original purpose of Mu Lingxuan. This, the master discussed with us at the beginning. The subordinates are incompetent, so far they have not come up with any way to prevent the second prince The concubine suffers, and she avoids Mu Lingxuan's detection."

Yu Shengjun's throat choked up, "Could it be that Mu Lingxuan is just allowed to use this weird poison to control the second princess? Looking at the world, my Yuxin Dynasty has a lot of talents, how come there is no one who can help the second princess..." After finishing speaking, he couldn't help but sighed heavily.

Several people became silent, with unspeakable pain suppressed on their faces.

After a while, Tang Lin looked at everyone and said hesitantly, "Well, you guys, why don't you...let me try?"

Everyone was startled at the same time, and looked up at her together.

Tang Lin grinned dryly, a little unnaturally looked at by everyone's weird eyes.She repeated what she had said before, "Why don't you let me try? I mean, I might not only make the second princess unbearable, but also make Mu Lingxuan not notice it."

Her words ignited the fire of hope in everyone's eyes.

Tang Lin said: "Now, who is going to invite the second princess here? It's best not to let Mu Lingxuan notice it!"

Yu Shengjun thought for a while, and said: "Let Anfeng do this." After finishing speaking, he faced An Lin and ordered: "An Lin, go out and ask someone to find An Feng, and let An Feng avoid it." Mu Lingxuan's eyes and ears brought the second princess to my Xuanyu Palace."

An Lin bowed his waist, "Old slave obeys." After finishing speaking, he turned and exited Yu Shengjun's bedroom.

Anfeng jumped off a courtyard wall near Nangong's kitchen and greeted the guards who were walking towards him.The guard approached him and said: "Dark Wind, just now Chief An sent the master's password, asking you to avoid Mu Lingxuan's eyes and ears and bring Second Princess to Xuanyu Palace."

Dark Wind nodded, "I see."

"Proceed with caution." With a warning, the guard turned and left.

Anfeng didn't stay where he was, and walked towards the kitchen.

After a while, An Feng's figure appeared behind the big tree not far from the kitchen door, and slightly poked his head out to take a look at the kitchen door.He saw Swallow Die Wu peeling melons at the door of the kitchen with a young man working in the kitchen.

(End of this chapter)

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