The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 182 Are you afraid of injections?

Chapter 182 Are you afraid of injections?

The dark wind blew a bird or two behind the trees.

Feng Diewu heard the crisp bird call, and couldn't help but look up at the tree. There were indeed one or two small birds staying among the branches of the tree.

The little bird shook its head and tail, very cute.The corner of Feng Die Wu's mouth raised a charming arc unconsciously.The expression of the young man beside her was a little nervous by the sudden bird call, but he didn't show much.

The young man looked back into the house, and after turning his head, he hesitated for a moment and said, "Miss Feng, can you get me a stool out from inside? My hands are busy with these tasks, so I can't go inside for a while, but my legs feel sore from squatting." ..."

Feng Die Wu's gaze was withdrawn from the little bird among the branches, and fell on the young man.She smiled at him, "Of course. Just wait for me, and I'll get it for you right away." After speaking, she ran into the kitchen at a trot speed.

As soon as the person left, the young man's sight immediately fell behind the tree.

Anfeng ran out from behind the tree, and ran past the young man in a few steps. He smiled at the young man, and ran to the door of the backyard without saying anything.

When Feng Die Wu came out with the stool, An Feng's figure had disappeared at the backyard gate.

To get to the backyard, you have to go through the kitchen door.

The dark wind entered the backyard, and immediately locked Guan Eyun's room, then ran over and knocked, "Second Princess."

Guan Eyun was holding his heart in the room, enduring the faint pain, his face turned green.She was puzzled: "I just drank the Qingxin tea sent by Die Wu, why is my heart hurt like this? Has the poison flared up again?"

If no one discovered this attack in time, wouldn't she never see Zichen again?

Thinking of this, Guan Eyun's eyes turned red a lot.

Hearing no response, the dark wind at the door knocked again, "Second Princess, are you inside?"

This time, Guan Eyun heard the sound of the door, she moved her body and walked towards the door with her waist bent, it was so painful that she had to walk in this way.Walking to the door, he opened the latched door, seeing that it was Yu Shengjun's guard, his complexion became a little pale, "Why is it you?"

Seeing her pale green face in pain, Anfeng tightened his throat, "Second Princess, are you alright? Master is looking for you, let Anfeng take you there."

Guan Eyun smiled sadly, "Hehe, looking for me? You tell him that I'm sick and I shouldn't go out."

Dark Wind moved Yu Zichen out, "It's also what the Second Prince meant."

"What?" Guan Eyun was shocked, but her chest ached when she got emotional, she tried to bear it, "Is the prince here?"

An Feng said: "Second Princess, you will know when you go. You have offended me." After finishing speaking, he immediately went up to touch Guan Eyun's acupuncture points, then hugged her horizontally, and ran out of the backyard as fast as he could. .

When passing by the door of the kitchen, Anfeng no longer saw the young man and Phoenix Diewu peeling melons at the door, but the stool was still there.

As soon as Anfeng passed the kitchen, Feng Diewu helped the hunched young man come out from the opposite side of the kitchen.The young man thumped his back from time to time, and sighed from time to time, "Oh, I ate too much, and my stomach is messed up. Miss Feng, thank you for helping me to the toilet."

Feng Die Wu giggled, "You're welcome, this is what I should help."

The young man looked at the crossing in the backyard and thought, "Dark Wind should have finished his work and left?"

Xuanyu Palace.

The dark wind carried Guan Eyun into Yu Shengjun's bedroom, and immediately saw many people present.He ran Guan Eyun in front of Yu Zichen, but he didn't put it down, he said anxiously: "Second Prince, Second Princess seems to be poisoned again."

Guan Eyun's complexion was extremely bad, and she looked extremely painful, but she couldn't move.

Yu Shengjun hurriedly ordered: "Quickly, put her on the bed in the inner room."

"Yes." In response, the dark wind quickly carried Guan Eyun into the room, and the others followed in one after another.When he arrived in the room, he put Guan Eyun on the bed that was covered with a thick blanket but no tent.

The furnishings in the interior are antique and simple, but full of Buddhist atmosphere.

This is the place where Yu Shengjun practiced and meditated, so the furnishings are simple.And his master is a Zen master, so naturally he is also a Buddhist disciple.

Tang Lin took a look inside, and finally understood the reason why Yu Shengjun didn't get close to women. It turned out that he was a Buddhist disciple, so it was no wonder.If he wasn't a Buddhist disciple, why would he let go of the three thousand concubines in the harem?

After putting down Guan Eyun, the dark wind opened Guan Eyun's acupoint by the way, and then retreated to a corner.

Yu Zichen came over and sat down, Guan Eyun threw himself into his arms immediately, crying like a tearful person, like a kite string that was about to break, afraid that he would say goodbye to the kite flyer like this, " Zichen, I'm so scared..."

Yu Zichen stroked her back and said distressedly: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, you will be fine from now on."

Guan Eyun secretly took a look at the other people beside him, seeing Yu Shengjun's face, hatred flashed in his eyes immediately.There was a sword on the wall beside the bed, she let go of Yu Zichen and immediately grabbed the sword, and then stabbed at Yu Shengjun - the moment the sword pierced Yu Shengjun's chest, everyone's eyes showed horror.Out of the instinct to protect their master, they immediately drew out their swords.

However, no one is as fast as Yu Shengjun.He shot very fast, but people didn't realize that he had already shot.

Guan Eyun found that the tip of the sword was just a little short of piercing Yu Shengjun's chest, but at this moment he couldn't move, no matter how hard he tried, the sword could not get any closer to Yu Shengjun.

And one end of the sword was already caught between Yu Shengjun's two fingers.

He looked at her closely, watched her fight hard, saw the deep hatred in her eyes, his heart felt like being stabbed by a needle, and it hurt.It turns out that the feeling of being misunderstood but unable to explain it is so uncomfortable.

Everyone was stunned, standing motionless around Yu Shengjun.

The swords they took out did not have a chance to be raised towards Guan Eyun, but they did not take them back either.

Yu Zichen was still sitting on the edge of the bed, just looking at his wife with his back turned sideways, his eyes were full of pain.If his imperial brother could even hurt her, he would have been killed by the assassins of the Anti-Defense Society long ago, so how could he have the chance to survive till now.

Guan Eyun also looked closely at Yu Shengjun, her eyes gradually filled with tears, she choked up and said, "Zichen is your half-brother, do you have the heart to attack him?"

Yu Shengjun didn't say a word, and took every heavy breath.After a while, he let go of his sword and said to Guan Eyun: "Sister and sister, I know you hate me very much. If you are unhappy now, you can stab me with a sword, and I will never run away. Everything, everything, It was all arranged by me and has nothing to do with Zichen. He wants to protect you more than anyone else. To him, you are his life."

Guan Eyun said hoarsely: "You used me to control Zichen, why are you acting so hypocritical now?"

"Oh, Eyun, you misunderstood." Tang Lin, who was in the corner, finally couldn't see the source of the tragic scene, and interrupted fiercely.She walked up to Guan Eyun and said, "Eyun, take back the sword."

"No," Guan Eyun shook his head in pain, "I can't withdraw the sword unless he lets Zichen leave. Manager, you don't know about our affairs, you don't know."

"Oh," Tang Lin sighed, and said patiently: "Eyun, I know about you. Be good, take back your sword, and lie down on the bed obediently. I will help you get rid of the poison on your body!"

"You?" Guan Eyun was stunned, momentarily confused by Tang Lin's words.

Yu Zichen got up, walked two steps over, glanced at Yu Shengjun, and then took the sword from Guan Eyun's hand.Regarding what he did, Guan Eyun did not resist, but shed tears in vain, "Zichen..."

Yu Zichen helped her to sit down, and said softly: "Yun'er, we all have seen the character of Brother Huang. He never poisoned you, but the person who helps you suppress the poison in your body every time is he."

Guan Eyun looked bewildered, and the more he listened, the more confused he became, "What's going on? I... drink!" He suddenly took a breath.She immediately covered her chest, her face turned green and white, and her expression was particularly painful.She grabbed Yu Zichen's arm and said in pain, "Zichen, I..."

He said coldly: "Second prince, the poison in Second Concubine's body has flared up again."

"Damn it." Yu Shengjun roared, "This Mu Lingxuan, I killed her!"

"Don't, Junjun." Tang Lin quickly grabbed Yushengjun's arm, not letting him leave, "I said, I can save Eyun, don't worry. Don't be impulsive, once Mu Lingxuan is alarmed , your plan will go to waste!"

Mu Lingxuan? !Guan Eyun was startled, although the poison caused her to die, but her mind was still clear.The pain made her sober.Mu Lingxuan, wasn't she the princess of Beilin who married Yuxin Dynasty from Beilin Kingdom ten years ago?

Zichen's mother and concubine mentioned that when Yu Shengjun was 14 years old, Beilin Kingdom saw Yu Shengjun's ability to recover lost land, so he was willing to form an alliance with his relatives forever, and the two countries would never invade again.Zichen said that the most disadvantageous thing Yu Shengjun did was to easily believe that Beilin Kingdom agreed to the marriage, which almost caused him to lose his life and Yu Xin.

Ten years ago, Mu Lingxuan was only about twelve or thirteen years old, and she was old enough to leave the court.As a marriage partner, she was married from Beilin Kingdom to Yuxin Dynasty, and then married to the emperor of Yuxin Dynasty——Yushengjun.

Zichen said that in order to end the conflict between the two countries, Yu Shengjun simply gave up to avenge the former emperor, agreed to marry Beilin Princess, and made her a noble concubine.

The princess Mu Lingxuan who faces the north successfully married Yu Xin and became Yu Shengjun's concubine.Unexpectedly, not long after she got married, news spread that Concubine Mu Gui died of illness in the harem.The news spread to the North Border Kingdom within a short time.

Because of Mu Lingxuan's death, Beilin Kingdom canceled the treaty of friendship between the two countries, and since then made an oath to be enemies forever.

If Mu Lingxuan was really dead, why did Cai Cai secretly say not to disturb Mu Lingxuan?Could it be that Mu Lingxuan is not dead?If Mu Lingxuan hadn't died, why did it spread that she died of illness in the harem back then?

Since ten years ago, what has Yu Shengjun been doing?
"Darkly cold," seeing his wife in a daze without moving, her complexion getting paler and paler, this made Yu Zichen feel uneasy and drank darkly. "Quick, suppress the poison on her body!"

He stepped over secretly and signaled Yu Zichen to leave, "Second Prince, you go aside first."

"Okay. The princess will leave it to you." After asking, Yu Zichen reluctantly stepped aside and watched.

Guan Eyun clutched the clothes on his chest, regardless of the pain in his body, but kept thinking about Mu Lingxuan's affairs, so that he didn't realize that An Leng was already sitting by the bed.When he was about to take her hand, she moved it away conditioned reflex, and looked at him in horror, "What are you doing?"

Yu Zichen comforted at the side: "Yun'er, don't be afraid, An Leng is here to save you."

Tang Lin glanced at Guan Eyun, then let go of Yu Shengjun, walked to the bed, and said to An Leng, "Let me do it."

Looking at Yu Shengjun coldly, he got up and stepped aside after receiving Yu Shengjun's nod.

Tang Lin said to everyone, "I'm going to have an operation,"

Everyone was startled, surgery? !

(End of this chapter)

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