The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 183 Fire King!

Chapter 183 Fire King!

What a cruel scene was before them now.

Not far in front of them, there is a rectangular fire frame.The fire frame is 50 meters long and 15 meters wide.Inside the fire frame, there are piles of charcoals, the charcoals have been burnt red, almost every charcoal is bright red, like the scorching sun above the sky.

The afternoon sun was very hot, which raised the temperature around the training ground a lot. In addition, there were hot coals inside the fire frame, and there was no pool nearby.The double impact of sunlight and hot coals made the martial arts training ground feel like a volcano for a while—it was so hot that it could disappear into nothingness in an instant.

Those reddish blue flames spread freely on the fire frame, trying to scorch everything around them before giving up.

During the assessment in the morning, what I saw was a large charcoal stove. I didn't expect that the fire frame in front of me was hundreds of times bigger than the charcoal stove in the morning.Mei Chun'er felt dizzy again.However, before she passed out successfully, Yifeng's voice came over, "All contestants listen, today's round of competition is the fifth round of Ouchi's bodyguard selection competition. As for what will test you, you have seen it, it's very simple , just the fire in front of your eyes. This exam is not for you to hang out with ghosts in the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain late at night, nor is it for you to spend a day and a half in the bottom of the river, but for..."

Cao Dan and the others held their breath, waiting for Yifeng to finish speaking.

Dong Chenchen stroked her chest, she could already feel how bad her heartbeat was.Glancing sideways at Yun Shan, he said with a worried face: "It seems that the upcoming competition is no different from the morning assessment. We still need to fish for iron nails."

Yun Shan pursed her lips, looking like she was about to cry, "Isn't it, otherwise it wouldn't be like this." She stroked her chest, and the more she thought about it, the more uneasy she became, "My little heart is jumping. "

Dong Chenchen nodded and said, "Me too."

"Brother Qilin," Han Xueyan looked at Shao Qi's side face, sniffed, and said, "I must be eliminated this time."

Shao Qi gave her a gentle smile, and comforted her: "Don't be afraid, I'm here. Let's see what's going on first." After speaking, he looked around privately, searching for Tang Lin, and Fu Yushu was also searching for her. Tang Lin's figure was not seen.

At this time, Yifeng went on to say: "Listen, contestants, the fifth round is to test your endurance, and the theme of the competition is: Fire, King." None of the contestants knew what Yifeng meant by "Fire King".

"It's too cruel." Cao Dan was full of confusion, "This fifth round is already a life-saving one. Doesn't the No. 15th round have to use a knife to cut your own flesh?"

Compared to Cao Dan, Fu Yushu is much calmer than him, no, he has always been calm, never panicked or impatient.Fu Yushu looked at the big fire frame, smiled slightly, and said to Cao Dan: "Perhaps, the emperor's test is not about our courage and endurance not afraid of the charcoal fire, but how to avoid the charcoal stove by ourselves. The test is about wit. "

Cao Dan was stunned, "Is there such a thing?"

Fu Yushu said: "Think about it, our person in charge Xiao Tang has delicate skin and tender flesh, but in the morning, she took out the iron nails from the charcoal stove. Hands must be as if they were burnt out of shape."

Cao Dan recalled Tang Lin's calm game at that time, and couldn't help but sweat on his back, "I don't know how Sister Tang did it, I will ask her when she comes."

Fu Yushu looked at the two entrances to the training ground to see if Tang Lin had come.Du Yuanyuan said that Tang Lin hadn't been back to Lanyuan since she was called away by the Ouchi guards in the morning.Could it be that Tang Lin was really punished by the emperor for contradicting Shao Qi?If this is the case, then Tang Lin is in danger.If something happened to Tang Lin, not only would he never know where the emperor's uncle Chu Heng was, but it would be a pity for Tang Lin's abilities.

The most important thing is that face... the same face as Shi He.

If the emperor didn't know that Shao Qi was also plotting to rebel now, then it was understandable for the emperor to favor Shao Qi, after all, in his mind, a generalissimo was much more important than a player.

The Grand Marshal holds the military power and controls thousands of troops. The emperor can't just let Shao Qi be disposed of, but Tang Lin is different. No matter how good Tang Lin's performance is in the selection of the guards in the palace, she is still a girl with no background and no power. It is impossible for the emperor to protect Tang Lin.

If Shao Qi reported the morning collision to the emperor first, it is not difficult to imagine that Shao Qi would tell all the bad things about Tang Lin and use the emperor's hand to eradicate Tang Lin.If the emperor didn't summon Tang Lin and didn't do anything to Tang Lin in the past, why hasn't Tang Lin appeared yet?

The emperor is not close to women, according to his analysis, the emperor should like men.It was rumored that Shao Qi, who was still unmarried, was very much loved by the emperor. Although Shao Qi used to camp at the border, the rumors about his habit of cutting off his sleeves were more widespread than the emperor.

Only people in the palace knew about the fact that the emperor was not close to women, and very few people outside the palace knew about it.To the folks, the emperor had never been licentious, but no one suspected that the emperor liked men.

Therefore, the rumors about Shao Qi are more vivid than the current emperor.It's not who Tang Lin contradicted, but Shao Qi. Will the emperor let her go?It is conceivable that it will not.

Thinking of this, Fu Yushu unconsciously turned his head to Shao Qi who was standing in front of Yunlei and Han Xueyan.In five years, Shao Qi quickly became the generalissimo of the Yuxin Dynasty from an unknown junior. If it weren't for this handsome face, the emperor would have given him such a high status?
Looking around, the guards guarding the emperor were all amazing in appearance. Doesn't this obviously prove that the emperor used this method of selecting the imperial guards to choose his male servants like concubines?
This emperor ascended the throne at the age of six, and without anyone's assistance, with his own efforts, he regained the land occupied by the northern border country. In just a few years, Yuxin became a big country in the Central Plains.

If the emperor did not have extraordinary wisdom, it would be impossible.Since the emperor is so capable, why didn't he know how to suppress Shao Qi?Why give Shao Qi such high power?
The killers cultivated by the Anti-Defense Association are all elites among the elites. They have repeatedly completed the tasks assigned to them, but they can't kill the emperor.Even the killers of their anti-imperial society couldn't kill the emperor, which proved that the emperor was not a simple person who only liked men.

Before the emperor dies, he must take a look at the emperor's face to see how unforgettable that face is!

on the high platform.

Yu Shengjun raised his hand and glanced at the signal flare in his hand, and then took a deep look at the entrance to the martial arts field. Tang Lin's shadow still did not appear. It seems that she still has not resolved the matter of Guan Eyun.

It's getting late, and the game cannot be delayed.

Yu Shengjun nodded towards Yifeng.

Yifeng agreed with the meaning in his eyes, "This subordinate understands." After speaking, he turned to the group of contestants in the martial arts training ground, and raised his voice: "Listen, all contestants, the content of this round is very simple." His hand stretched out from behind. In front of him, he held a notebook in his hand. "Once the competition starts, it will be the turn of whoever I read. There are three rules of the competition: one, no light work is allowed; , you will no longer be allowed to participate in the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition. Did you hear clearly?"

Just like the previous round, none of the contestants responded.When they saw such a situation, their legs were already weak, and they didn't have the strength to answer.

After finishing speaking, Yifeng nodded towards Yu Shengjun.

Yu Shengjun didn't say anything, raised his hand to the air, and pulled out the cover of the signal flare——with a bang, a blue smoke flew into the sky in an instant, and finally drew a beautiful blue arc in the blue sky.

At this moment, Tang Lin and Yishuang appeared at the entrance.

Yishuang rejoiced: "Fortunately, the signal flare was sent out, we are not late."

Yifeng came down from the high platform.

Tang Lin and Yishuang ran towards Yifeng, Tang Lin asked, "Yifeng, can I still compete?"

When Yifeng saw her, a look of joy appeared on his face, "Miss Tang, you are here, the master has been looking forward to you. The competition has not yet started, and of course Miss Tang can still participate. I am about to go to the competition venue. Miss Tang, please follow me." .”

Tang Lin looked up at Yu Shengjun who was standing above, and waved to him. After receiving a smile from the eyes in his mask, she followed Yifeng to the contestants.

After a while, Tang Lin and Yifeng stood in front of the contestants.

Seeing Tang Lin's appearance, Shao Qi's originally soft eyes darkened instantly, but no one noticed it.But for Fu Yushu and Du Yuanyuan, Tang Lin's appearance undoubtedly made them extremely excited.

Apparently the emperor didn't make things difficult for Tang Lin.

Yifeng signaled Tang Lin, "Return to the team."

"Yes." Tang Lin replied solemnly, as if she was still in the army and had to obey orders.Immediately returned to the first row standing.

Du Yuanyuan pushed Tang Lin, and asked in a low voice, "Did the emperor let you go?"

Tang Lin complained softly, "Pass me over, scolded me from morning to noon, and finally fined me to stand at the door of the imperial study. If I hadn't performed well in competitions and had excellent grades before, he would have wanted to kill me a long time ago. "

Du Yuanyuan asked again: "What did he teach you?"

Tang Lin said: "It is said that I am arrogant and contradict a minister. I have always wondered that what I contradicted was Qilin, not a minister. How could he add other people's faults to me like this? I was so angry , At that time, I wanted to chop him with a knife."

When Du Yuanyuan heard it, his heart immediately raised his voice, "Grandma, it's a good thing you didn't do anything, otherwise you would surely die. There are so many guards protecting him, even if you kill him successfully, there is no chance to escape. By the way , why can’t you make a move in the end?”

Tang Lin pursed her lips and said coquettishly: "If I die, then my senior brother will not be able to see me again, so I endured it, endured to see my senior brother again." Khan, adding another role to Yu Shengjun .

Du Yuanyuan scolded her, "I don't know how to say hello. Your master wants you to work hard to become a popular person around the emperor. He just waited for the time to meet with your elder brother and then kill the dog emperor. Fortunately, you didn't do it. , otherwise you will never see your brother again."

Tang Lin curled her lips, as if she knew her mistake and corrected it, "I know. Du Yuanyuan, you are so talkative. Don't think that we are in the same group now and I will be taught by you. Make it clear, I am the boss now."

Du Yuanyuan glanced at her, and didn't bother to argue, "All right, all right, don't talk too much."

"Don't quarrel with you." Dong Chenchen whispered to the two of them, "The deputy commander is watching us."

Tang Lin coughed and stood up solemnly.

Yifeng looked away from the two of them, looked at the crowd, and then turned sideways to face the big fire frame in front.At this time, there were several people standing beside the fire frame, and there was also a table and stools.

And among those few people, two were imperial physicians, and only one and An Leng remained.

Yifeng introduced: "This is a big fire frame. The charcoal fire inside is hotter than boiling hot water. Once the skin touches it, it will be burned immediately and will leave a scar from now on." He waved the notebook in his hand, "Wait a minute, The person whose name is called stands at one end of the fire frame, and then jumps off his shoes. As soon as I say the beginning, he must run barefoot from the other end of the fire frame to this end stepping on the coals in the fire frame. Of course, you It can also be done by walking. If anyone successfully walks from one end to this end without crossing the hunger line in the middle, let alone running with light work, then he can pass the level."

(End of this chapter)

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