The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 184 Little Brother Tang's Credit!

Chapter 184 Little Brother Tang's Credit!

Han Xueyan shook her head, with a guilty look on her face, "No, I didn't ask."

Tang Lin suddenly said, "Then I'll ask you questions for you!"

scare!Han Xueyan's expression changed again, and she quickly turned Tang Lin's body around, ignoring the panic in her eyes, and immediately said to Tang Lin: "Don't, don't say it, little sister Tang, don't say it!"

Tang Lin was very contemptuous in her heart, she was clearly her brother-in-law, but she said no.It seems that Shao Qi has confessed all his affairs to Han Xueyan, otherwise Han Xueyan would not keep their relationship a secret.That way, nothing can go wrong.

Really good at pretending two people.

Han Xueyan begged again: "Miss Tang, okay? Let's not talk!"

"What do you mean?" Tang Lin frowned, with a trace of unhappiness passing between her brows, "Will you die if you say it?"

"No." Han Xueyan felt aggrieved by Tang Lin's words, almost crying.Tang Lin treated her like her own sister, so she felt bad for lying to Tang Lin, but her brother-in-law's plan was more important.

Seeing the mist in her eyes, Tang Lin couldn't bear it, but said impatiently: "Okay, I won't ask him. Look at you, how can you look like a girl? Since the other party is not your brother-in-law, you Why insist on going to the game? Is it good to stay in the palace?"

Han Xueyan lied slowly, "Xiao Cao is here, brother Fu is also here, and you are also Die Wu and Xiao Tang, so I want to stay here to accompany you. I can't find my brother-in-law when I go out. Just stay here with you guys. Don’t be angry, Miss Tang. I know I’m useless, but I’ve tried my best. If I really can’t pass the level, then I have no choice but to leave. But I really have no money, give Not Miss Tang, you."

Tang Lin rolled her eyes and said angrily: "Oh, talking to you is becoming more and more like playing the piano against a cow. Why do I feel like meeting an enemy when I meet you? Forget it, I admit it. You put this away for me. Don't let other people see it." Behind the back of the people around him, he quietly stuffed something into Han Xueyan's sleeve pocket.

Han Xueyan touched the thing in her sleeve pocket, it was soft and slippery, it seemed to be something with moisture, like a piece of...meat? !Immediately, with a look of surprise on his face, "Xiao Tang, what did you give me?"

Tang Lin smiled badly, leaned into her ear and whispered a few words, and then amplified her voice a little after whispering, "Do you understand?"

"Ah..." Han Xueyan drew a long ending, with a weird expression on her face, not knowing what to say. "Xiao Tang, this can also remind you that you are really a person with a lot of tricks."

Tang Lin accepted her compliments, and said flatteredly: "Of course, I, Tang Lin, just came up with an idea. But let me remind you, Xueyan, that this time I will give you the advice for free, but in the future you will have to pay, otherwise I won't give you the advice. .”

Han Xueyan smiled dryly, "Then let me think about how to get money tomorrow."

Tang Lin showed a bright smile, "This is a good boy."

When Tang Lin returned to her team and looked forward, Yunlei's match was over. In the end, like Xiao Xiong, he lay down on the floor of the martial arts training ground and received treatment from the imperial doctor.

Yun Lei and Xiao Xiong's feet were burned at the same degree, there was not much difference, but there was a gap between the two in the end time of the final match.

Yitang said to Yishuang: "Competitor Yunlei didn't use lightness kung fu and didn't go out of bounds. He took 73 hits." Compared to Xiao Xiong's 85 seconds, Yunlei only took 73 seconds to finish the game.

Yun Lei was able to pass the level smoothly, and he didn't back down, let alone fall into the fire frame, which made Shao Qi and Yun Shan feel relieved.

Yifeng continued to read the name of the next contestant, "Mei Chuner."

Undoubtedly, Mei Chun'er couldn't participate this time, because she passed out before the start of the competition, and Yun Shan yelled several times in the middle, but she still couldn't wake Mei Chun'er up.

Yifeng said with a stern expression: "If you don't play after you read your name for the third time, it will be regarded as a retirement."

Yun Shan squatted down and tried to shake Mei Chun'er who was lying on the ground, "Chun'er, wake up, it's your turn to play. When you enter the palace to compete, don't you just want to be a guard and go back to show the common people in your hometown?" ?”

This time, Mei Chun'er was finally awakened, and finally it was the expectations of the people in her hometown that awakened her.

With Yun Shan's help, Mei Chun'er stood up, but her head was still dizzy, she didn't have the strength to stand still, and her body was still shaking.She glanced at Yun Shan who was full of anxiety, then at the other sisters, and finally smiled warmly.

Mei Chuner's smile dimmed Tang Lin's smile, she thought of a result, Mei Chuner she...

Mei Chuner said softly, "I'm retiring." Her voice was bitter and helpless, "I don't have the courage to continue the competition, I want to leave."

Yun Shan and the others faltered, but they couldn't say a word.

In the end, it was Tang Lin who stroked Mei Chun'er's shoulder, smiled slightly, and said, "Chun'er, I will be your teacher for a day and your father for life. According to this, I will be your boss all my life. You can leave with peace of mind." Come on, don't think too much, when you get back to Lanyuan to pack up your things, leave a note and tell us your home address. We will visit you when we have time. At that time, I will call Shiya and Yu Xin's."

Mei Chun'er was so moved that tears welled up in her eyes, "Boss..."

Tang Lin stroked her arm, "Goodbye, you have to take care, and the rest of us will too."

Mei Chun'er sniffed and nodded, "Yes, I see."

After that, Mei Chun'er hugged every girl in their dormitory before leaving.Seeing her disappearing figure, Dong Chenchen took a deep breath, wondering if he would be the next one to leave.

He Shiya left, Yuxin left, and now Mei Chun'er left... After the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition, can there be a female contestant to stay?

Yifeng crossed out Mei Chuner's name on the list, and continued to read the next one, "Shao Qi."

When Shao Qi left, Han Xueyan was very worried and warned, "Brother Qilin, you have to be careful." But she knew that her worry was for nothing, and in the end her brother-in-law, like Yunlei, would get injured.

Shao Qi looked at her, not knowing what to say.Every subsequent round of the competition will be more brutal. It seems that letting her go now may be saving her. "Retire later, don't ask why." Because he didn't want the people around to hear more, he only said this to Han Xueyan, and then resolutely went to the fire frame.

When Mei Chun'er walked to the exit, An Lin suddenly stopped her way, "Miss Mei, right? The emperor pleases."

"Your Majesty?!" Mei Chun'er was startled, and subconsciously raised her head to glance at the high platform in front of her. She saw Yu Shengjun standing on the high platform, who was the only dancer.He was wearing a mask, so she couldn't see his face, but she couldn't ignore his condescending imperial arrogance.

When An Lin brought Mei Chun'er to the high platform, Yifeng had already blew his whistle.

Han Xueyan couldn't bear to watch Shao Qi's game, so she turned her back, retreated behind the crowd, and then glanced around to make sure that no one was watching her. She took out something from her sleeve pocket, and then, she squat down...

Mei Chun'er stood behind Yu Shengjun, not daring to raise her head.Her stiff body arched, and she faltered and said: "Mei Chun'er, a commoner girl, has seen, met the emperor, the emperor, long live the emperor, long live, long live."

God!Did she really stand behind the current emperor?The emperor she dreamed of meeting?

Yu Shengjun turned around, with his hands behind his back, fingers faintly playing with the eagle-shaped ring on his finger.He didn't look at Mei Chun'er, and said directly: "Did you go to the main palace with the Ouchi pass token?"

Mei Chun'er was startled and shocked at the same time, she raised her head involuntarily, but only faced a masked face, "Your Majesty knows?"

Yu Shengjun said: "This is the imperial palace, all of which are my eyes and ears, especially the main palace. Do you think that you can pass through my eyes with just a pass token? Not only did you go to the main palace with the pass token, you almost went to the main palace." The purpose of entering the harem is to find a man named Xiao Du."

Hearing this, Mei Chun'er was terrified and extremely nervous, immediately knelt down and begged for mercy: "Your Majesty, the girl knows her mistake, the girl knows her mistake..."

She thought the emperor would be furious, but she waited for a long time and did not see the emperor how to punish her.When she waited until her back felt cold, Yu Shengjun said slowly: "I can see your feelings for Tang Lin, and I also know that Tang Lin instigated you to go to the main palace with a token. Get up, I won't just do it like this Punish your crime, but you have to remember, when you step out of the gate of the palace today, don't tell anyone about Tang Lin ordering you to find Xiao Du, understand?"

Mei Chun'er was stunned for a moment, did the emperor just let her go?

Yu Shengjun said again: "I just looked at your information and thought that you were born in a poor country, and Commander Zhang recommended you to enter the palace for the competition. For this reason, I just ordered someone to prepare ten thousand taels of gold for you. Thank you. You bring it back to your hometown and give it to people in your hometown."

"This, so much?" Mei Chun'er stared in shock, unable to react to the huge gold amount.The emperor really wants to give her money?Are you hallucinating?Yu Shengjun said: "You don't want it, I can put it back in the treasury."

"No, Minnv didn't mean that." Mei Chun'er didn't care whether her tone offended Yu Shengjun, she really wanted the ten thousand taels of gold. "The emperor's golden words, since you gave it to the girl, you won't take it back, right?"

"If you say one more word, I will definitely take back my life." The voice seemed as light as dust, but it revealed the indifference and majesty of Yu Shengjun.

Mei Chun'er was about to risk her life to say one more thing, she wanted to thank him, but An Lin stopped her in time, it was not because he interrupted her with ill intentions, but for her own good, "Miss Mei, please."

The surrounding air was very cold, Mei Chun'er could feel it.She didn't dare to say another word, because she knew that her wordiness really made the emperor impatient.She had no choice but to get off the high platform with An Lin, regretting that she couldn't see the face inside the mask.

But when he thought about getting 1 taels of gold, he became a lot happier.

Shao Qi is a tough man, after all he has been in the battlefield and has a body of iron and steel walls, so naturally he will not be afraid of the fire frame, even if the pain on the soles of his feet is like a silver needle piercing his heart, he will not frown.He sprinted vigorously, sprinting full of hatred, and reached the finish line before Yunlei.He didn't faint, but looked at the high platform, his eyes became deeper and deeper, his fists were getting closer and closer,
To him, today's suffering is nothing, but in the future, Yu Shengjun will definitely pay back twice as much.

Tang Lin looked at her watch and was shocked. Shao Qi actually took 35 seconds to complete the fire frame to finish the race.Previously, Xiao Xiong and Yun Lei's feet had already slowed down when they ran to the last few meters, because they were too painful, they couldn't run any faster.

But Shao Qi was different, he seemed to be full of hatred to finish the run in one go, not afraid of the pain from the soles of his feet at all, and went straight to the finish line.

Tang Lin smiled wryly in her heart, hatred really makes a person explode with infinite power.

Yifeng glanced at Shao Qi, and continued to read the next contestant, "Xue Yan."

"Yes!" Han Xueyan's crisp voice sounded from behind the crowd. When Yifeng looked over, Han Xueyan had already raised her hand at the back of the crowd and was slowly walking towards the starting point.

(End of this chapter)

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