The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 185 Tang Lin, Your Leg Is Dead!

Chapter 185 Tang Lin, Your Leg Is Dead!

When passing by Tang Lin, Han Xueyan gave Tang Lin a grateful look, and then walked towards the starting point.

Knowing that Han Xueyan was a daughter, Fu Yushu couldn't help but sweat for Han Xueyan.He couldn't figure it out, since Shao Qi was Han Xueyan's brother-in-law, why did he make Han Xueyan suffer so much?Didn't Shao Qi know that once Han Xueyan's foot stepped into the fire frame, it would be destroyed?
Shao Qi's eyes were red as he watched Han Xueyan walk towards Lu Yitang step by step.There were no waves on her face, and there was always a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

Didn't she hear him just now?He told her to retire, why did she still come out?

Soon, Han Xueyan stood beside Lu Yitang.

Sun Bailing took a look at the delicate and beautiful Han Xueyan, and said, "Take off your shoes." He added, "You seem very weak, are you sure you can finish the game?"

Han Xueyan didn't say anything, just smiled at her, and then took off her shoes.

Lu Yitang saw Han Xueyan's feet, which were more beautiful and slender than women's feet, and it was inconceivable that they grew on a man.

Regardless of the pain in his feet, Shao Qi ran towards Han Xueyan.He ran to Han Xueyan's side, grabbed her hand and walked to the side, then slammed her away and shouted angrily, "Brother Xue Yan, what's wrong with you?"

Fearing that the people around would misunderstand, he could only call her that.

"Brother-in-law." Han Xueyan explained in a low voice: "I can pass the customs smoothly, it's fine. Just now, Miss Tang gave me a trick to ensure that my feet will not be hurt."

The anger in Shao Qi's eyes dropped, "What? She gave you a trick? What kind of trick? You can't listen to that woman. Have you forgotten that she was against her brother-in-law in the morning. You can't be manipulated by her."

The game is important, Han Xueyan doesn't want to say anything more, "In short, brother-in-law just needs to believe that Yan'er is fine. Everyone is waiting for me, so I won't tell you more. After the game is over, I will explain to brother-in-law." He came to Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing.

Yifeng blew his whistle.

Seeing Han Xueyan's feet lightly stepping into the fire frame, Shao Qi couldn't bear to close his eyes, feeling very sad in his heart, blamed himself, and said to himself: "Ling Ying, I'm sorry for you, I can't protect your only sister. You are so close, but I can't do anything to let you meet, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

When Shao Qi opened his eyes, the audience applauded.

What's with the applause?

Shao Qi immediately looked towards the finish line, and at this moment, Han Xueyan waved to everyone with a smile on her face, proving that she had completed the race and cleared the level.He didn't see anything happen to her, she was more relaxed than him.

Tang Lin applauded the most and shouted: "Xue Yan, great job!"

Slowly, Shao Qi's complicated eyes turned to Tang Lin, and a voice kept floating in his heart: Ling Ying's sister was saved by Tang Lin!Ling Ying's younger sister was rescued by Tang Lin!It was Tang Lin who saved Xueyan!It was Tang Lin who confronted him in the morning...

For a while, Shao Qi's heart was full of five flavors.Yes, Yu Shengjun valued Tang Lin, Tang Lin was right, she was so outstanding, the emperor must value her.Not only did I never think about using the other party for my own use, but I worried every day that the other party was doing things for the emperor, and would be dangerous to me in the future, so I had to get rid of it quickly...

If he had thought that Tang Lin was so kind to Han Xueyan, he would not have made things difficult for Tang Lin.Tang Lin is a talent, why not let Xueyan persuade Tang Lin to help them?Well, that's a good idea, Tang Lin must agree.

An imperial doctor walked up to Han Xueyan and asked worriedly, "Is your foot okay?"

Han Xueyan smiled and shook her head, "I'm fine, don't worry about me, Royal Physician, go and heal other injured players."

Since nothing happened, the imperial doctor walked away.

Yifeng recruits Tang Lin.

Tang Lin trotted up and asked, "Yifeng, what's the matter?"

Yifeng pointed to Han Xueyan who was opposite, "This girl suddenly performed so well, could it be your little brother Tang's credit?"

Tang Lin smiled dryly, "Since Yifeng knows that she is a girl, naturally he can't bear to see her feet crippled, right? I used to be friends with her. Although she was in the enemy camp, it was not her fault. I will help Don't worry, she won't affect the master's affairs. Not only that, but I can also gain Shao Qi's favor. If I'm not mistaken, he should let Han Xueyan persuade me to do things for him. Originally, I also wanted Han Xueyan to be eliminated , But after thinking about it, why not use Han Xueyan to win Shao Qi's trust and break into Shao Qi's interior, so that I can easily know every step of Shao Qi's plan."

Yifeng smiled and said, "You are treacherous and cunning enough."

Tang Lin is not humble at all, "That is. Who am I? Tang Lin. I am not treacherous and cunning, who else is treacherous and cunning?"

Yifeng glanced at Gaotai, "There is also the master."

Tang Lin said: "Your master is not called treacherous and cunning, but old and cunning. I am used to using tricks and heresy, but he is good at using unscrupulous methods. So, we are not on the same level."

Yifeng didn't understand, and was a little confused, "What's the difference between the two?"

Tang Lin glanced at him, "Fortunately, you are still the deputy commander, you should give up your seat. By the way, how many deputy commanders are there? I remember An Leng also, right?"

Yifeng explained: "There is only one commander, but there are three vice-commanders. Our Ouchi guards have classifications, which are classified by character generation. There are three character generations, namely one, dark, and bright. The Ming character generation is the most A mysterious group of Ouchi guards, they are not responsible for carrying out tasks, nor are they responsible for protecting the emperor."

Tang Lin asked, "Then what are they responsible for?"

Yifeng said: "They are responsible for collecting information, they are a group of guards who will not stay in the palace. If the mission given by the master says to find someone, such as Empress Cheng Huan, then they will start looking for Empress Cheng Huan when they are wandering around the market. Clues, provide clues to the guards of the dark-word generation. And the guards of the dark-word generation are running errands, responsible for arresting people, and responsible for completing the task until they personally return to the master. The first generation is responsible for protecting the emperor. However, since Empress Cheng Huan escaped from the palace, everyone's tasks have changed. The master said that after this year's Ouchi bodyguard selection competition is over, the Ouchi bodyguards will be readjusted. Who should do and what should not be done. So , our Ouchi guards have three deputy commanders."

Tang Lin understood and nodded: "Oh, that's right, I understand. I won't delay you on that peak, you can continue." After speaking, she ran back to her team and stood there.

After that, Tang Lin didn't know any of the more than 30 contestants, so she didn't communicate much.Some of these players voluntarily retired for fear of injury; some dared to compete, but ended up scarred.

Soon more than 30 contestants finished the competition, and the sun was also moving westward.

Yifeng continued to read the next contestant, "Fu Tianze."

Fu Yushu was the first player to walk out of the team without any hesitation, walking all the way to Lu Yitang's side without looking at anyone.He deliberately ignored the worry in Du Yuanyuan's eyes, and ignored Tang Lin's complicated eyes...

He took off his shoes.The sunlight illuminated him in white clothes incomparably brilliantly, as if a fairy had descended to the mortal world.

Sun Bailing looked at Fu Yushu's side face, his eyes gradually became blurred, and he couldn't help but think of someone, that is Cao Dan.The first time I met Cao Dan was in the back garden of Cao Dan's home.The back garden of his house was a peach garden, and it was March when the peach blossoms were in full bloom. He was dancing a sword in the courtyard, wearing a snow-white robe, among the beautiful peach blossoms, clean and holy...

"Drink!" Suddenly, Fu Yushu yelled, covered his chest and fell down.Fu Yushu's fall shocked the audience.

The moment Fu Yushu fell down, Du Yuanyuan's face paled in an instant, and the corner of his mouth passed a soft and weak voice, "Yushu..." It was so sudden, he fainted so suddenly that she was at a loss for what to do.

Lu Yitang knelt down and picked up Fu Yushu's hand to feel for the pulse, but the pulse was abnormally disordered.

An Leng had rushed to Fu Yushu's side, squatted down, took Fu Yushu's hand from Lu Yitang's, pressed Fu Yushu's wrist with two fingers, and made a careful diagnosis... Suddenly, Yifeng came to his side and asked, "What's the situation?"

An Leng slowly put down Fu Yushu's hand, stood up and said, "I don't know, but his pulse is chaotic, and there is a possibility of shock at any time."

Yifeng hurriedly ordered: "Hurry up, take him to the Supreme Hospital!"

After Fu Yushu was carried away, Du Yuanyuan fainted on the spot and was supported by Dong Chenchen in time.Yitang and others watched Fu Yushu being sent to the imperial hospital, but no one paid attention to the scene where Du Yuanyuan passed out.

After a while, Yifeng got instructions from An Lin, saying that the game would go on as usual.

The competition continued, but Yu Shengjun, who was the emperor, left the training ground.

Seeing him leave, Tang Lin lowered her head and began to think...

Tai Hospital.

Fu Yushu was placed on a bed in the wing room of the imperial hospital, and several imperial doctors were busy.With the sound of "the emperor is coming", everyone knelt down,
Yu Shengjun walked to the bed in a few steps and raised his hand slightly.

He secretly understood, and then signaled all the imperial doctors to leave the wing.

In a blink of an eye, only Yu Shengjun and An Leng were left in the wing room.Yu Shengjun looked at Fu Yushu's face, and said to the dark and cold behind him, "The martial arts training ground needs you, so you go and do your work first. After you go out, tell people outside not to come in without my permission."

"Your subordinate obeys orders." Responding, he quietly exited the wing room, and ordered the outsiders to go to the martial arts training ground at Nangong.

Yu Shengjun stood by the bed, staring at Fu Yushu's face, but his eyes were calm, without showing any emotion, he just looked at Fu Yushu's face lightly, did nothing, said nothing.

After an unknown amount of time, the door of the wing room was opened.

Yu Shengjun didn't look back, nor did he get angry, his lips as thin as a cicada's wings opened gently, "You're here."

A touch of pink gauze skirt passed the threshold and stepped into the room.

In a blink of an eye, it was already evening.

When Yu Shengjun came to the training ground again, Yifeng was reading the last contestant, "Tang Lin."

Tang Lin took a look at the scene, everyone had finished the competition, only herself was left.Except for Han Xueyan, all other contestants who had participated in the competition had their feet injured and were undoubtedly lying on the floor at the moment, including Du Yuanyuan, Yun Shan, and Dong Chenchen.

The most seriously injured belonged to Yun Shan and Du Yuanyuan.

Yunlei was bandaging Yunshan, seeing her crying her feet, he smiled, "Don't cry, junior sister, our Escort Bureau has the best golden sore medicine in the world, as long as you apply it on the soles of your feet, the scars will disappear .”

Yun Shan pouted, "By the time I get back home, I'm probably tortured to death."

Although Yunlei was laughing at her, she couldn't see the pain in his eyes, "Why are you so persistent, give up the game, you are a girl, you can't suffer so much. Seeing you like this, senior brother I can't help you, so I can't bear it."

"No," Yun Shan said with a stubborn face, "Senior brother won't leave, and junior sister won't leave, no matter how much we suffer."

Yun Lei said: "Why are you so stubborn, brother, if he didn't have a mission, he would have thought about it..." Realizing that he had slipped his mouth, he immediately stopped talking.

(End of this chapter)

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