The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 186 I am the best

Chapter 186 I am the best
Yun Shan asked: "Brother, what did you just say?"

"It's nothing, you lie down first, and the brother will carry you back to Lanyuan after the game is over." Yun Lei smiled and didn't let Yun Shan have a chance to ask again.He put her feet down, then sat aside and watched the last contestant play.

Tang Lin had already taken off her boots and stood on the hot ground with her bare feet.However, she didn't feel any heat.She pursed her lips and smiled at Lu Yitang, and asked, "Can I start?"

Lu Yitang hesitated to speak, but finally said, "That...Tang Lin, are you sure you..."

Before he could finish speaking, Tang Lin interrupted him, "I'm pretty sure I'm ready."

Yifeng said: "Let's start when you're ready." Since Tang Lin had the ability to let Han Xueyan complete the competition without hurting her feet, Tang Lin must also have the ability to protect herself from being burned by those hot coals.

The last player to play was Cao Dan, who was also seriously injured.

Sun Bailing was bandaging Cao Dan. He originally planned to ignore her, but when he saw a tear fall on his foot, he instinctively stopped.

While bandaging him, Sun Bailing said, "It's all my fault for ruining you like this. I've made up my mind, whether you forgive me or not, I will stay by your side, serve you, and take care of you for the rest of my life."

Cao Dan pulled his lips coldly, and said sarcastically, "Are you kidding me? Do you think I, Shen Dan, are very grateful to you?"

Sun Bailing said to himself: "I don't need your gratitude, I just know that I want to do this. I will take you away as soon as the matter of the second prince is successfully completed, even if it is tied, I will kidnap you. In this life, I will not will leave you."

"Hmph." Cao Dan snorted softly, turning his face away. "Only if you have the ability."

Tang Lin just wanted to walk through the fire frame happily, but was entangled by Lu Yitang again. He said, "Tang Lin, you should think about it. Is your feet more important than the title of the guard? Look over there." Pointing to Yun Shan and those female contestants, "Once you step through this fire frame, your feet will be useless. After returning home, how can you marry..." I said.

Tang Lin said impatiently: "Master Lu, you are so talkative. You are not marrying you. Why are you afraid that I won't be able to marry you? Besides, I am not afraid of ruining my own feet. Are you afraid? Don't bother me." Already!"

"Tang Lin." Yifeng gave Tang Lin a hard look, and pretended to reprimand him, "How did you say that? This is the champion of the new department, please be more polite."

"Oh." Tang Lin replied dissatisfied.She knew that Yifeng didn't mean to reprimand her, but she didn't really want to be obedient, and she didn't want to act in front of Lu Yitang. "Then can I start?"

Yifeng said: "Since you are so unafraid of death, let's compare and don't regret it."

"Why should I regret it? Look, I'm here right now?"

When Yifeng and Lu Yitang looked over, Tang Lin had already walked into the fire frame.After she walked in, instead of running immediately, she stood inside without moving.And she didn't mean to be afraid, and there was no pain on her face.

Lu Yitang's eyes widened, looking at Tang Lin as if he was watching a ghost, his mouth was tied up, "You, you, your feet,"

Tang Lin cheerfully raised one foot and let the two of them see the soles of her feet.

Lu Yitang could see clearly that the soles of her feet were black and covered with shards of charcoal.

At this time, many people gathered around, seeing Tang Lin standing in the fire frame without fear of death, everyone was dumbfounded.

Du Yuanyuan walked over enduring the severe pain. Fu Yushu had already worried her enough, but she didn't expect Tang Lin to worry her even more.She shouted from the side: "Tang Lin, come up quickly, do you hear me? If you don't come up again, I will be angry!"

"You all have a clear view." Tang Lin started to walk, stepping on the coals that were hotter than at noon, and said to the onlookers on both sides: "You must see clearly, see if I can It’s been a smooth journey.”

Yitang and Yishuang looked at each other, both sweating for Tang Lin.If Tang Lin was hurt in the slightest, they would not be able to explain to their master.

Tang Lin walked step by step, stretching her legs every step of the way, completely putting on the stage the soldier's walking posture.

He caressed his forehead coldly, "Oh my God, I'm going to raise my head to see the master now."

Tang Lin kept her military posture and walked forward while humming a military song, "What's the difference between us soldiers? It's just because we all wear plain military uniforms. What's the difference between us soldiers? , since I left my hometown, it’s hard to see my parents. It’s the same if you say it’s different, they’re all young and passionate…”

By the time a passionate song was over, Tang Lin's feet had already reached the finish line.

Darkly rushing away from the crowd and running to her, followed by two imperial doctors carrying medicine boxes, "If the master blames me, I will die, Miss Tang, please, let us heal your foot. "

"Oh, I'm fine." Tang Lin pushed An Leng away a little. For some reason, this time he was by his side affecting the air, and she could hardly breathe.

Competing secretly, "Miss Tang..."

Tang Lin repeated, "I've said everything, I'm fine."

At this time, a figure passed by Yifeng, and he didn't know what he said to Yifeng.After listening to Yifeng, he was taken aback, and reacted, he said to everyone: "All contestants obey the order, today's competition is over, the retired contestants have been sent out of the palace, and the rest are more than 30 of you. When the sixth round of competition will start, the counselor will notify you separately. It’s getting dark, you follow the Imperial Forest Army and return to the palace. If you’re scattered, don’t gather here.”

Most of the contestants left the martial arts field under the lead of the Yulin Army, and they supported each other.

Tang Lin wanted to help Du Yuanyuan, but someone suddenly grabbed the clothes she gave her from behind.She has always reacted quickly to this kind of sneak attack, "Who dares to sneak attack Miss Ben?" She quickly turned around and moved towards her with another fist.

Under the night, the training ground was not illuminated by palace lanterns, so it was difficult to see a person's face clearly.

Those contestants had almost left, and they were all worried that Tang Lin would suffer a serious foot injury, but they ignored her and left with the imperial doctor.

The face that Tang Lin was about to punch was very pretty, very pretty.After she saw it clearly, she was startled and opened her mouth into an egg shape.She immediately withdrew her hand, lest her destructive fist just ruin the handsome face on the other side. "Bold!" The person who spoke at this time was none other than Yu Shengjun.He was wearing a black brocade suit.And the black brocade clothes are the clothes that Ouchi guards must wear in the palace.Wearing a dragon robe, he is mighty and domineering, and wearing a brocade suit, he is cold and handsome.

Tang Lin was only responsible for staring at Yu Shengjun's clothes, not paying attention to his words.Surprised: "My God, Junjun! You are so mysterious and cold." He stretched out his hand to touch everywhere, "especially this hairstyle, this clothes, and this long sword in his hand,'s amazing!"

Yu Shengjun showed dark lines, "So, you have been coveting my guards for a long time?"

Tang Lin also asked in shock, "How do you know?"

"I'm going to the harem!" Yu Shengjun deliberately said this, and deliberately shook his robe, turning around coldly.

Tang Lin went up to hold him back, "You can't go!"

Yu Shengjun said angrily: "Why can't you go?"

Tang Lin said: "Because you are a Buddhist disciple. Since you are a Buddhist disciple, you are a saint with pure six senses and no emotions or desires. May I ask, would a saint go to a place like the harem?"

Yu Shengjun frowned, and argued: "I said Tang Lin, what do you mean? What happened to the harem? It's not the Chunlou!"

Tang Lin was stunned, shaking her head, "What did I hear? Junjun, you called yourself "I" just now, why didn't you address me? Ah, Junjun, you are so kind to my girlfriend. No, you won't use your identity to pressure me!"

"You can do it," Yu Shengjun took a breath, "Every time I quarrel, I can't beat you."

Tang Lin grinned and smiled, took Yu Shengjun's arm, walked to the darkest place in front of the martial arts field, and said sweetly as she walked, "Junjun, why did you come here dressed as a guard?"

Yu Shengjun smiled, calmly, "I want to talk to you in another place, it's nothing else. By the way, have you torn off the three or four pieces of pigskin on your feet?"

Ga!Tang Lin stopped and looked at Yu Shengjun with monster-like eyes, "How do you know that I have pigskin on my feet?"

Yu Shengjun poked her forehead with a full face of pampering, "You, how can you hide this small belly from me? Originally, I was very worried about you, so I was partial and transferred you to the last place on the stage." But after seeing Han Xueyan pass the customs intact, I am absolutely relieved of you. Han Xueyan walked through the fire frame so easily and did not hurt her feet, so there must be something wrong with her feet. Before she goes on stage, you tell her By the way, I should have sent her a few pigskins at that time, right?"

"Really!" Tang Lin pursed her lips, glared at him, and said angrily, "Why are you so smart? I thought I was the only one who knew this little secret. It's good for you to expose me now! But I told you You, I can finish the game even without pigskin!"

Yu Shengjun suppressed a smile and added by the way, "It's just that there will be a few flowers on the soles of the feet."

Tang Lin snorted coldly, "I know you look down on me."

Yu Shengjun pointed forward with his finger holding the sword, "Go through that exit, and you will enter the east side of the Royal Forest. There is a pavilion on the east side of the Royal Forest. Long ago, my father named it Yingfeng Ting, let's go sit there, but after dark, we don't have lights to follow the way back, are you afraid?"

"Afraid? No wonder! I don't even know who I am, Queen Tang." After speaking, Tang Lin swaggered forward.Because the pigskin was scalded, it still kept its temperature, which made her forget to wear shoes.

By the time they walked up to the Yingfeng Pavilion, it was already nightfall.

The moonlight is like water.The royal forest was silent.Occasionally, insects chirped.

Although it was already night, with the moonlight shining, the scenery around Yingfeng Pavilion was still visible, but it was not very clear.

Yu Shengjun stood at the corner of Yingfeng Pavilion, facing the scene of light that was a little far away.He knew that there was the palace, and the palace lanterns were already lit at this moment, so it was right to see a ray of light.

Tang Lin stepped on the stone bench in front of him. The stone bench was built together with the fence for people to sit on the stone bench and lie on the fence to see the scenery easily.But Tang Lin just stood on the stone bench, making herself taller than Yu Shengjun.

After she stood on it, she put a hand on his shoulder. Seeing him looking into the distance, she also took a look. Apart from seeing a place shrouded in lights, there was nothing to see. "Is it nice there?"

Yu Shengjun said softly: "At night, from a certain distance, seeing such a wonderful night scene in the distance, don't you think it is a beautiful scene in the world?"

"Heh, the beauty of the world?" Tang Lin pulled her lips, her smile cramped. "Please, Junjun, this is not considered a beauty in the world. If you come to our place, you will definitely not think it is a beauty in the world. There are cities that never sleep everywhere in our place."

Yu Shengjun was stunned, Tang Lin's words made him unpredictable, but also made him curious, "The city that never sleeps?"

Tang Lin sat down on the fence, "Yeah, the city that never sleeps is everywhere. If I can go home... Oh no, if the two of us have a chance to go back together, then you will definitely see me."

(End of this chapter)

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