The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 187 This is a matter of killing 1 with one stone!

Chapter 187 This Is Killing Two Birds With One Stone!

Guan Eyun took a breath and straightened up.Originally, she thought it would take a lot of strength to support herself, but she didn't expect to sit up by herself without much effort. Not only that, but now she didn't feel the dull chest in the past.

Tang Lin said: "I've already cleaned up all the poison on your body. After another afternoon of rest, your physical strength has fully recovered. Of course, your martial arts have also returned."

"The person in charge..." Guan Eyun's eyes suddenly became hot, and his words choked up.The poison on her body is gone, she doesn't have to suffer anymore...

"You still call me like that? You can't do it in the future, just call me Xiao Tang." Tang Lin stroked her shoulder, and then helped her out of the bed, "Your strength and spirit have recovered, so you don't need to I'm worried about getting poisoned again. The emperor has prepared meals for four people, let's eat together."

Guan Eyun put on his shoes, looked outside, and saw Yu Zichen sitting at the dining table.

When Yu Zichen saw that she had woken up and was able to get out of bed, he couldn't help standing up, "Yun'er..."

Yu Shengjun heard the reputation and looked over, Tang Lin was walking out with Guan Eyun.

As soon as Guan Eyun arrived at the dinner table, he grabbed Yu Zichen's hands excitedly, and wept with joy, "Zichen, my poison has been cured, and Xiao Tang helped me cure it. I will never get poisoned again, never again. Yes, that's great..."

He hugged her, who was pear blossom and raining, into his arms, and patted her on the back, "It's fine, don't cry." He let go of her, and pulled her to sit beside him.

Tang Lin was already sitting beside Yu Shengjun.

It was a round table, but the four of them sat in a square table.Yu Zichen and Guan Eyun sat across from each other, while Tang Lin and Yu Shengjun sat with their backs facing the inner room.

Guan Eyun glanced at Yu Shengjun inadvertently, she didn't know what to say, so she lowered her eyes.

Yu Zichen sensed her expression and said, "Yun'er, I want to confess something to you."

"Huh?" Guan Eyundai frowned lightly, "My lord, what's the matter?"

"Let me tell." Tang Lin was afraid that Yu Zichen's expression would hurt Guan Eyun's heart, so she took the right to speak, and she confessed to Guan Eyun: "Eyun, the poison on your body , it wasn't the emperor who poisoned you in order to suppress the Second Prince, it wasn't him who poisoned you, but Mu Lingxuan."

Guan Eyun's eyes widened, "Mu Lingxuan? Isn't it just..."

Tang Lin said: "That's right, it's Mu Lingxuan, who was married to the emperor ten years ago and was named Mu Guifei—Princess Lingxuan of the Northern Kingdom."

Guan Eyun frowned, "Isn't she dead?"

Tang Lin said: "She's not dead, and besides, she's by your side. The emperor made a decision ten years ago, intending to use Mu Lingxuan to seize the Northern Kingdom in one fell swoop, avenge the late emperor, and kill Yu Xin for the Northern Kingdom." The emperor did not expect that Mu Lingxuan would target you and poison you, and then gave false information to the second prince, making the second prince think that the poison on your body was given by the emperor, and the purpose was to use you to suppress the second prince. My lord. If the second lord believes it, then the second lord will definitely rebel for you. In this way, Mu Lingxuan's goal will be achieved. The second lord knew about the emperor's plan ten years ago, so he planned to make a false appearance so that Mu Lingxuan thought that the second prince was really secretly rebelling. The second prince can save you, but if he saves you, it will alarm Mu Lingxuan, because once your poison is released, Mu Lingxuan will find out, and then the emperor's plan will come true. ...soaked in soup!"

"Then..." Guan Eyun held his breath and asked the most crucial question, "Since Mu Lingxuan is by my side, who is she?" "I... can't tell you!" Tang Lin felt guilty She turned her face away, not daring to face Guan Eyun.

Guan Eyun frowned, and asked inexplicably: "Why? If you let me know, I can guard against her, right? Who is she?"

Tang Lin still refused to speak, she lowered her head and chewed the food, but she was afraid that Guan Eyun would get angry, so she acted submissively.

Guan Eyun looked at Yu Shengjun and then at Yu Zichen, both of them, like Tang Lin, did not dare to look her in the eyes, obviously afraid that she would ask questions.

But that is the person who poisoned him, and he is still by his side. If he doesn't know who it is, he will be poisoned again in the future.

Guan Eyun was impatient, grabbed Yu Zichen's finger and asked, "My lord, tell me!"

"Yun'er, my lord..." Yu Zichen faltered, but couldn't find a single useful word.He secretly looked at Yu Shengjun, hoping that Yu Shengjun would rescue him.

Guan Eyun looked at Yu Shengjun, if he refused to say anything, then she would not ask, "Your Majesty..."

Yu Shengjun gave her a faint smile, put vegetables into her bowl for the first time, and said softly: "Sisters, brothers and sisters, eat more, I will compensate you here for making you suffer for two years."

Guan Eyun's eye sockets became moist and hot, "Your Majesty, don't say that, if it were E Yun, E Yun would also hide it from you for the sake of the overall situation."

Tang Lin turned her head, "Yes, if it were you, you would take care of the overall situation, so we didn't tell you who that person is for the sake of the overall situation. Eyun, if you know, you will be on guard everywhere. Look at Mu Lingxuan, doesn't your defense make Mu Lingxuan suspicious?"

"This..." Guan Eyun was at a loss for words for a moment.

Tang Lin said again: "If I don't tell you, your safety is not a problem. Don't worry, Eyun, your body can now resist all foreign viruses, and the virus can no longer harm you. But you will occasionally feel dizzy Sensation, it will only appear after someone poisons you, but it will not cause you any harm. The poison you were poisoned before, I have already removed it for you, and at the same time, I also injected a more magical anti-toxin into your body , once this toxin is injected into your body, it will only clear away the poison on your body, but it will not disappear along with your symptoms of poisoning. Therefore, if Mu Lingxuan sees you again, she will not be able to see the poison on your body. The poison has been removed."

Guan Eyun said gratefully: "Xiao Tang, thank you, I know what to do, and that is to return to the way I was before when I was poisoned. Don't worry, I won't ask who that person is anymore."

Yu Zichen shook her hand, and said softly: "We are also doing it for your own good. Of course, this also takes care of the emperor's plan. Since it is a matter of killing two birds with one stone, we don't want to make any more complications."

"En." Guan Eyun nodded.

After eating for a while, Yu Shengjun said, "I have already started to deal with the rebellion against the Yuhui; maybe we can get news from Mu Lingxuan about what's going on in the northern kingdom. Regarding this matter, the second brother , you don’t have to sneak into Beilin Kingdom with An Leng, I’m afraid you will be in danger, after all Beilin and Yuxin are incompatible.”

Although it is not clear what the two of them are talking about, Guan Eyun has something he doesn't understand and wants to ask, "Your Majesty, since Beilin Kingdom wants to deal with Yu Xin so much, why not use the method you used to retreat from the enemy to recover the lost ground and take that Beilin Kingdom back?" Lin Guo subdued?"

"E Yun, you can't think like this, and it's not right." Tang Lin said, "If you use the emperor's tough methods to deal with the northern border country, it will inevitably lead to war. Once a war breaks out, who will be hurt? But the two countries The people of the Li people. If a princess can be exchanged for a north bordering country, why not do it?"

Guan Eyun said: "Can one Mu Lingxuan be changed into another country? Although Mu Lingxuan is the princess of Beilin Kingdom, didn't the emperor of Beilin know that Princess Mu Lingxuan was dead ten years ago? Then, we use Mu Lingxuan Even if Ling Xuan threatens the Emperor Beilin, the Emperor Beilin will not believe it."

Tang Lin smiled, "The problem is that now the Emperor Beilin knows that her younger sister Mu Lingxuan is not dead, and the two are still secretly discussing how to win our Yuxin in one fell swoop."

Guan Eyun was startled, "Is there such a thing?"

Tang Lin smiled and said, "You have been fooled by the poison, how do you know the plan of the emperor and the prince. If you want to know, just ask the prince after you go back, right?" She glanced mischievously at Yu Zichen.

Yu Zichen smiled dryly, "Uh,... yes."

Yu Shengjun asked Tang Lin: "Linlin, what are your plans for the future?"

"Hmm..." Tang Lin thought about it carefully, and she said, "I will continue to be your undercover agent, not only to infiltrate the anti-imperial society, but also to infiltrate Shao Qi's group, and I will mess them up. "

Yu Shengjun said a few words, "Then you should be careful, and withdraw immediately if you find anything that is not good for you."

Tang Lin nodded, "I see."

After eating, Yu Zichen took Guan Eyun away from Xuanyu Palace and went back to Nangong.

On the eaves, the moonlight is soft.

Tang Lin took the last bite of rice and put down the bowl and chopsticks.

Yu Shengjun had already eaten enough, seeing her full and satisfied, he couldn't help smiling slightly, and reached out to wipe the grains of rice from the corner of her mouth for her, "Are you full?"

Tang Lin smiled, "That goes without saying."

Yu Shengjun said: "Du Yuanyuan must have died of anxiety in Lanyuan. You wait to go to the Imperial Hospital and take Fu Yushu back. As for why you did this, Linlin, do you understand?"

"I understand." Tang Lin said, "I am now a celebrity in front of the emperor, and I can use this right to take Fu Yushu away. Fu Yushu knows that I asked the emperor to take him away, so he will definitely not doubt anything. Has the emperor, the person pretending to be Fu Yushu, already set off?"

Yu Shengjun said: "The person pretending to be him will leave tomorrow."

Tang Lin said "Yes", "It's good to attack from both sides."

After leaving Xuanyu Palace, Tang Lin went to Tai Hospital accompanied by An Feng.

Everyone in the Tai Hospital has already rested, and there are few activities outside.

The dark wind brought Tang Lin to the wing room where Fu Yushu was, "He'll wake up in a while, and the subordinates can't come forward. Miss Tang, I'll trouble you to finish it." After speaking, she jumped onto the eaves and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"If you have light skills, you are handsome." Tang Lin smugly said, and then slowly calmed down her overly cheerful mood.Opened the door and walked in.

She went to the bed and sat down.

Fu Yushu was still asleep. Although this face was different from Yu Shengjun's, it was still very beautiful.

From his feelings for Shihe and Du Yuanyuan, it is not difficult to see that he is an infatuated person with deep affection and sexuality.He didn't know how his country was destroyed, but he carried the burden of restoring the country step by step to the present.

If it wasn't for this burden, perhaps, he and Du Yuanyuan would have become a couple of immortals and a famous eldest son in Xiangye's mansion.

Prime Minister Fu treated him well, so why did he still collude with the remnants of Chu to deal with Yu Shengjun?Once Yu Shengjun takes action to deal with the Anti-Yuhui, he will not even think about having a good life.

Tang Lin looked at it, and suddenly thought of something, she raised her lips angrily, "Oh, I look the same as Shihe, when you were in love with her, you were with me..." She blushed and said no go down.

"You are so beautiful." Tang Lin hit Fu Yushu's arm angrily.

Immediately, Fu Yushu sat up suddenly, and shouted in horror, "Yuan Yuan!"

Yuan Yuan?Tang Lin stared blankly at Fu Yushu, who was sweating coldly, and was extremely surprised.His name is Du Yuanyuan, not Shihe. Does he have such deep feelings for Du Yuanyuan?

After recovering, Tang Lin stretched out her hand and punched Fu Yushu's chest, and said angrily, "Hey! Are you okay now? Can you go?"

Fu Yushu's breathing gradually slowed down, and the frightened look on his face gradually faded. When he saw Tang Lin beside the bed, he said in surprise, "He..." But when he saw Tang Lin's outfit, the dot on his face The surprise was gone, and his tone couldn't be more light and melancholy, "Tang Lin, it's you."

(End of this chapter)

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