The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 188 The wings are full and rampant!

Chapter 188 The wings are full and rampant!
"Why aren't you called Shihe?" Tang Lin said viciously in her heart, but a stiff smile appeared on her face, "It's not me, you seem very disappointed."

It stands to reason that Fu Yushu is capable enough, but Yu Shengjun was able to let Fu Yushu lie on the bed in this hospital so easily.It seems that the one who is capable enough is Yu Shengjun, that hateful lay disciple.

Fu Yushu looked around, with a blank expression on his face, "I...where is this?"

Tang Lin said, "It's too hospital."

Fu Yushu was shocked, "The Tai Hospital?! Why did I come to the Tai Hospital?" The Tai Hospital is on the side of the main palace, so isn't he in the place closest to the emperor at this moment?

I don't know if the emperor is around here now...

If you kill the emperor, you can avenge the state of Chu, and you can be with Shihe in an open and honest manner... That Yuan Yuan...

At this moment, seeing Fu Yushu's hatred-ignited eyes still suppressing helplessness, Tang Lin really wanted to say something, but for the sake of the overall situation, forget it. "Are you all right? You look terrible with hatred on your face. Have I offended you?"

Too bad, she found out!Fu Yushu immediately returned to his usual gentleness, and the hatred on his face disappeared, "What are you talking about, you didn't offend me, I was just... fine. By the way, why am I in this hospital?"

Tang Lin said: "It's your turn to play this afternoon, but you suddenly passed out, and then those big inner guards sent you to the Tai Hospital. But you are fine, it's just that your brain was temporarily injured. You passed out because of the vicious sun and the fire frame. But the moment you passed out, it was really dangerous, your pulse was chaotic, and you might go into shock at any time. You, you are suffering from heat stroke."

Fu Yushu was surprised and smiled bitterly, "I'm suffering from heat stroke? I'm in good health and I'm still a martial artist, how could I be afraid of the vicious sun..."

Tang Lin said unhappily: "Anyway, that's what the imperial doctor said. Believe it or not. Also, Fu Yushu, if you're fine, come with me. If it wasn't for me, a celebrity in front of the emperor, who guaranteed you, you would have been dismissed." The game is over. Let's go."

When she got up to leave, he suddenly grabbed her wrist lightly, "Tang Lin!" Tang Lin looked down at her hand and blinked her eyelashes, "What are you doing? Like a buddy, but not enough to make you..."

Fu Yushu immediately withdrew his hand, with embarrassment on his face, "Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that, Tang Lin, don't get me wrong!"

Tang Lin rubbed her wrists, "It's not a misunderstanding, otherwise how can I explain to Yuan Yuan? I'm such a big person, I don't know these morals."

"I'm sorry." Fu Yushu apologized again, "I just want to thank you in person for helping me keep my qualifications, there is no other meaning."

"Oh, that's right." Tang Lin asked without questioning, "Can I go?"

Fu Yushu got out of bed, got up and took two steps. He didn't feel any discomfort in his body, and said to Tang Lin, "I'm fine. I forgot to ask you, how was your game today?"

Tang Lin walked towards the door, and said as she walked, "I must have won No.1. Don't you think I, Tang Lin, lost in this level? I haven't met my senior brother yet, how could I leave so soon?" Palace."

Fu Yushu followed behind her, "Are you sure your elder brother will contact you then?"

Tang Lin opened a door, but did not go out immediately, but turned around to face Fu Yushu's face, and said: "My senior brother said that as long as the time is right, he will appear in the palace, maybe now You don't even know it's hiding somewhere in the palace. I think, when I have a chance to kill the emperor and escape, that's when the elder brother appears. He probably wants to kill the emperor more than I do. "

Yu Shengjun, I'm sorry, but I added your role again.But only your role is more convincing, making Fu Yushu credulous.

Fu Yushu said, "What if he doesn't show up by then?"

Tang Lin raised her chin and thought for a while, "I never thought about what it would be like if he didn't show up." Suddenly, she happily patted Fu He on the shoulder, "Don't you still have you? Since we are together Guys, then we should advance together and retreat together."

Fu Yushu smiled, "Thank you... for trusting me."

"Let's go, go back to the palace, Yuan Yuan must be very anxious about your affairs." After speaking, Tang Lin turned her head and walked out of the wing.

Fu Yushu stroked his chest. The strange feeling in his chest made him uncomfortable, but also made him feel happy. He said to himself, "Why is this feeling so weird? It's like..."

Tang Lin had already walked two meters away, and turned her head to call out to him, interrupting his thoughts, "Why are you still standing there?"

"Okay." Fu Yushu replied softly.He ignored the strange feeling in his heart, followed Tang Lin's footsteps and left the Tai Hospital.

The two walked along the corridor of the main palace. Lanterns were hung all around the corridor, so at night, the terrain in the palace was quite clear.

My father said that when Shihe was taken away from the secret passage in the palace, all the terrain in the palace changed. Even if there was a topographic map of the palace, if no one took it with him, he would not be able to get out at all.

In the past, he entered the harem through a secret passage to take Shihe away, and never went to the main palace. So, where is the emperor's bedroom?Now, the emperor should go to bed...

After walking out of the imperial hospital, Fu Yushu followed Tang Lin all the way, guarded by the Imperial Forest Army along the way, without a single bodyguard. It seems that the emperor's palace is not nearby.

At this moment, a group of imperial guards patrolled past. They didn't make things difficult for Tang Lin. On the contrary, Fu Yushu was a little worried about revealing his identity and moved his head away a little.

Tang Lin said as she walked, "I passed this place for the second time today. When I came here, an imperial doctor brought me here."

Fu Yushu asked: "Then do you know the topography of the main palace?"

Tang Lin shook her head, "I knew that the main palace had a martial arts hall exclusively for the emperor. Every time the emperor sent someone to send me over, I would go to the martial arts hall, so I don't know what else is in the palace."

Fu Yushu said: "The main palace of the imperial palace is not only the place where the emperor goes to court, but also the place where all civil and military officials work. For example, the imperial hospital, the government hall, the imperial dining room, the emperor's bedroom...the house of internal affairs, etc., all the places in the main palace, They are all related to court secrets, especially the Imperial Study Room."

However, the Yushufang must be the most strictly guarded. Otherwise, they attacked Yushufang last time when they rebelled. Why didn't a single killer return to the organization? All of them must have been dealt with by Yushengjun's guards.

Tang Lin said in horror: "Not to mention, the imperial study room is the most strictly guarded. I have been to the imperial study room once, and there are many guards guarding it, and none of them seem to be messed with. Although I rely on He is close to the emperor, but if he strikes, he will definitely die a miserable death."

"It's a good thing you didn't do anything," Fu Yushu sweated for Tang Lin. "The killer I trained couldn't even kill a big inner guard. If you kill the emperor, those guards will definitely tear you apart."

Tang Lin rubbed her hairy arm, her lips trembling: "Don't say it, I'm afraid of death now when you mention it like that. I don't want to die yet, so I'll wait until the senior brother comes."

Seeing how frightened she was... Fu Yushu smiled, "I can't tell, you, who are fearless, are starting to be scared now."

Tang Lin retorted, "No way."

Fu Yushu said: "Since the emperor is still protected by so many big internal guards, we should not act recklessly and wait for the right time to strike. As long as Yu Shengjun dies, then Yu Xin's country should fall into the hands of the second prince Yu Zichen Yu Zichen doesn't have the brains of Yu Shengjun, and will be overthrown by Shao Qi soon. If we want to restore the country, we can only join forces with Shao Qi. And Shao Qi is helping the north border country. If Yu Xin is overthrown, we will also It has helped a lot, and the North Border Kingdom will definitely hand over our land back."

Tang Lin still said the same thing to him back then, "What if you don't make friends with Beilin?"

Fu Yushu's eyes turned cold, "Then let Beilin Kingdom suffer from the attack for a lifetime. My Anti-Yuhui can not only entangle Yu Xin for so long, but also entangle Beilin Kingdom to the point where it is hard to breathe."

Tang Lin twitched the cramp corner of her mouth, "Your anti-defense society is really a rubber band, no matter how much you pull it, you can't stop pulling it." Back then, Yu Shengjun should have chopped off the rubber band of the anti-defense society.Look, now that the wings are full, how rampant it is.

Fu Yushu was stunned, "What is a rubber band?"

Tang Lin smiled mysteriously, "Guess for yourself."

Back in the palace garden, Fu Yushu sent Tang Lin to the gate of Lanyuan. Because of the regulations above, male players were not allowed to enter the place where female players lived, so he had to stop at the door. "Tang Lin, please tell Yuan Yuan that I'm fine."

Tang Lin waved her hand, "Got it, you've said it three times along the way. It's nothing, so I'll go in then?"

"I..." Fu Yushu hesitated to speak, he wanted to talk to her about Shihe.

Tang Lin knew what he wanted to express, "You want to tell me about your other woman?"

Fu Yushu was shocked, "You..."

Tang Lin walked over two steps, looked him in the eyes, and said seriously: "Do you still remember when we were in Jun Die Xuan? At that time, I was the person in charge of the restaurant, and you were the guest. That was the first time we met, but At that time, you regarded me as your woman, or a woman who was pregnant with a child. At that time, you told me that you were worried about me and the child in my belly. What if the emperor found out? Du Yuanyuan was not pregnant, so it must be A woman who looks a bit like me is pregnant with your child, otherwise, you would not have said that to me. Fu Tianze, no, Fu Yushu, you already have a wife, and your wife is Du Yuanyuan, if the state of Chu recovers, then she will be the queen of a state in the future. How about you... Hehe, yes, after you found out that I was Chu Heng's apprentice that night, Du Yuanyuan told me later that you are the prince of the state of Chu .In the future when the Chu Kingdom returns to your hands, you will be the king of a country. At that time, it doesn’t matter how many women you have. Why should I worry about Du Yuanyuan?"

"Unexpectedly..." Fu Yushu said in surprise, "You still remember what happened in the restaurant back then, and you can analyze so many possibilities."

Tang Lin said: "Du Yuanyuan is not pregnant. It is conceivable that you have another woman, and she is similar to me. If you want to talk about that woman with me, then you don't have to. If you want to talk, talk to yours. Wife, Du Yuanyuan, go talk."

Fu Yushu smiled wryly, and said lightly: "You will know all about me after a casual analysis. What else can I say? I originally wanted to tell you that you two look like..."

"I don't want to hear it." Tang Lin interrupted him with a wave of her hand, "I don't want to seep into your muddy water. Fu Yushu, the reason why I face you with such a good attitude is that I have the same purpose as you, which is to kill the dog emperor. Yes, it has nothing to do with me, Tang Lin, understand?"

"Maybe you and her..." are biological sisters, and only biological sisters look exactly the same.Fu Yushu wanted to say this very much, but he swallowed the words again.

"Go and rest, I need to calm down and think." After finishing speaking, Fu Yushu turned around lightly.At this moment, his heart is very chaotic.He neither has the ability to kill the dog emperor, nor does he know how to join forces with Shao Qi to overthrow Yu Xin and restore Chu, and he doesn't know how to deal with the relationship between Shihe and Du Yuanyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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