The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 189 Guan Eyun committed suicide!

Chapter 189 Guan Eyun committed suicide!
Tang Lin turned to his back and said, "You need to think about it carefully." If I had known that Shihe would bring me such a big trouble, why did I let Shihe get pregnant in the first place?Is it just to make Yu Shengjun get angry and transfer all the guards away?

Back in the room, only Du Yuanyuan was secretly sad.

Tang Lin walked in and said, "Yuan Yuan, why are you the only one?"

Du Yuanyuan said weakly: "They are in the bathhouse."

"Yuan Yuan, let me tell you, Fu Yushu is fine."

"Really?" Du Yuanyuan said in surprise.

Tang Lin walked up to her and sat down, and said earnestly, "Yuanyuan, I'm asking you a very serious question, and you have to answer it honestly. If Fu Yushu had another woman, what would you do?" Du Yuanyuan smirked, " How do you say such a thing? Is it interesting? I don’t know Yushu yet? How could there be another woman!”

Tang Lin said, "I mean if."

"Hmm..." Du Yuanyuan thought about it carefully, and it was the first time that Tang Lin looked extraordinarily beautiful in Tang Lin's eyes without his serious temper.Du Yuanyuan said: "If he really has another woman, maybe I will be very sad, but he will not betray me. It must be another woman who wants to provoke him."

Tang Lin said again: "What if other women provoked him?" Moreover, they also provoked a child.

Du Yuanyuan suddenly became irritable, "Who dares? If I find out, I will definitely disfigure her, hurt her eyes, and dare to provoke my husband!"

"Uh," Tang Lin was stunned. She was indeed a woman with the same temper as her own, and her complexion changed like the weather.God bless Shihe not to meet Du Yuanyuan, otherwise it will be miserable.

Du Yuanyuan suddenly pushed her arm ambiguously, "Hey, how are you and your senior brother?"

"What, what's the matter, what are you talking about," Tang Lin smacked her tongue, rolling her eyes around, unable to hide her guilt. "Yuanyuan, what nonsense are you talking about, I have nothing to do with my elder brother."

Du Yuanyuan deliberately reminded: "When we went to the bathhouse for the first time to take a bath, everyone mentioned their sweetheart, and you also mentioned it at that time."

Tang Lin played dumb, "What did I mention? I don't remember!"

Du Yuanyuan smiled, "You said, your sweetheart left without saying goodbye to you. That sweetheart of yours must be your elder brother Yu Huangxuan, right?"

"Tch, it's nothing. Do you believe what I said? Childish! I don't know why you, comrade, are so gossip!" Tang Lin disagreed, got up and walked to the dinner table to sit down.

Du Yuanyuan shrugged, "Well, since you don't want to mention it, then we won't mention it. You haven't told me about Yushu. Is he okay? He's back to where he lives now? I'm really worried about him !"

Tang Lin said: "I went to the emperor after the game tonight, and his bodyguard told me that Fu Yushu was in the imperial hospital. He suffered from heatstroke today. But don't worry, he is fine now. I just brought him from the imperial hospital. He brought him back to the palace, so he will probably lie down now. He wants to tell you that he is fine, but he cannot enter Lanyuan, so please let me tell you."

"It's fine, it's fine." Du Yuanyuan heaved a sigh of relief, but at the same time, he also felt that with his husband's physique, it was impossible for him to suffer from heat stroke. "He's suffering from heat stroke? How could this be? He's in good health."

Tang Lin glanced at her, "How long has it been since you cared about his body? He is a mortal who eats whole grains, can you guarantee that he will not get sick one day?"

Speaking of caring about Fu Yushu, Du Yuanyuan showed guilt on his face, "Before I entered the palace, I hadn't been with him for several months, and I really didn't care about his body very much. Apart from worrying that he would have nothing to do when he entered the palace. Apart from danger, I seldom worry about other things about him. I am ashamed when you say that. As Yushu's wife, I have not fulfilled my wife's responsibility. I always thought that I could take care of myself and not let myself become his worries It's already very good, but I really shouldn't have neglected to care about him."

Tang Lin sighed silently, "You infatuated people..." I don't know what to say.Think about yourself as a virtue, and you are not qualified to say anything about others.

"Don't mention it, go take a shower." After speaking, Tang Lin got up and walked to the cabinet, opened the cabinet, and took out a set of neatly folded clothes.

When she left the room, she stared at Du Yuanyuan's feet, "Are your feet okay?"

Du Yuanyuan shook his head and said: "This pain is not a problem. I have the best medicine for sores, which will not leave scars on your feet. What about you? Your feet must be hurt very badly. You stayed in the fire frame So long."

"What a fool, I can't take care of myself anymore, but take care of other people." Tang Lin didn't know whether it was a deep feeling or something, said something, and then walked out of the room.

By the time I returned to my room after taking a shower in the bathhouse, it was already a bit late at night.

Tang Lin put on clean and fresh clothes and sat on the bed, leaning against the wall, in case a man would suddenly break into Lan Yuan, she would have to sleep with her clothes on every night.

Yun Shan and Dong Chenchen were applying ointment to the soles of their feet. Seeing their frowning, Tang Lin couldn't help but say, "Now I'm afraid of pain, so why not participate? It's not good for a good girl, but she came here to be a bodyguard .”

Dong Chenchen insisted, "It is a very honorable thing to be a bodyguard in the palace. That's why I took the invitation from Commander Zhang to enter the palace. Do you think it's public? Miss Deep Boudoir, but I don’t have that kind of life.”

"Yo, you're still fighting me."

"I said it was the truth, and I didn't mean to talk back to the boss."

Yun Shan said: "Boss, don't be angry, I don't want my feet to suffer that kind of pain, but I will go wherever my senior brother goes, I have to suffer."

Du Yuanyuan was already resting on the bed, eyes half closed, "There seems to be only one female guard in the palace, what's her name?"

Tang Lin casually said, "Yi Shuang?"

Du Yuanyuan suddenly opened his eyes wide, "Yes, it's her. Don't you think this Yishuang's face is enough to overwhelm the country? In previous years, female contestants were not allowed to participate in the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition. The emperor's personal bodyguard? This year, why did the emperor suddenly let the female bodyguard compete?"

Tang Lin answered very simply, "Because women also want to hold up half the sky, and men should not underestimate them. Just like when I was in the army, I strived to be the best special soldier."

Yun Shan asked curiously: "Hey, Boss, what is a special soldier? Have you ever been a soldier? Not like it. It's impossible. The imperial court won't want female soldiers."

Tang Lin said: "That's because of the dynasty we live in..." She suddenly remembered that she was Chu Heng's apprentice, and the female disciple who went down the mountain for the first time should not stand in front of Du Yuanyuan, "You don't understand. My master I often sing operas for me, so I know what officers and soldiers are, not special forces, I just said the wrong thing."

Du Yuanyuan chuckled, "Your master is so kind to you, I really want to visit his old man."

Tang Lin knew that Du Yuanyuan said those words to herself on purpose, and the purpose was to find Chu Heng from herself.Finding Chu Heng, the uncle of the emperor, is equivalent to finding a bond that can successfully restore the country.

But Du Yuanyuan, you don't know, Chu Heng is already dead, on the battlefield, under the spears of Yuxin soldiers.Now, there is no such thing as Chu Heng.

"Go to sleep, everyone. There is an assessment when you get up early tomorrow." After speaking, Tang Lin lifted the quilt and lay down, and muttered, "I don't know if I will compete tomorrow."

Dong Chenchen complained: "We have suffered such a serious foot injury, can't we wait for the recovery to play again?"

Tang Lin snorted, "If the competition waits until you recover, why is it called a trial, and why is it called a one-of-a-kind competition? They just want to get you covered in bruises before they stop. How can they wait until you recover."

Yun Shan slowly put her feet covered in potion into the quilt, and sighed, "This time, I can't find out what the competition will be in the sixth round. If we know, we can prepare early, and we won't have to wait until we are on the court." So I’m at a loss. If tomorrow’s game is worse than today’s, I don’t think I can persist.”

Dong Chenchen lay down, looked up at the roof, his eyes were blank, "go? Where are you going? Are you going to wander around and live a life of street entertainment? Shiya is gone, Yuxin is gone, even Chun'er is gone, okay? It’s easy to meet so many friends, but I didn’t expect to break up so soon.”

Tang Lin was temporarily affected by Dong Chenchen's melancholy atmosphere, and couldn't help but think of those colleagues and family members in modern times.

As Yu Shengjun's undercover agent for the past few days, he forgot to take the time to check whether there is a time tunnel leading to modern times at the root of Yunshan.

If you can go home, you must abandon Yu Shengjun.

If you don't go home, you will stay in Yuxin for the rest of your life, and be the queen of Yushengjun, the mother of future children, the queen mother of the people in the future, and then the grand empress dowager, and then, through the ages... spread...

Yu Zichen pushed open the door and helped Guan Eyun in, "Be careful." There was a pair of eyes behind him, he didn't notice it, but he ignored it calmly.

Helping Guan Eyun to lie down on the bed, he helped her cover the quilt, and said softly: "Go to bed early." After speaking, he leaned down and kissed her forehead.

When he was about to leave, he suddenly grabbed his hand lightly, "My lord..." He didn't want to say anything.

Suddenly, a dazzling scene flashed through the depths of her mind... The evening wind was a bit chilly, Feng Diewu was wearing thin clothes, and in the corner of Nangong Square, her husband-in-law took off his coat and put it on his good friend... …

And she, standing behind the two of them, shrank her feet and looked at them...

I always tell myself like this in my heart, it’s nothing, they’re nothing, it’s really nothing.One is the man who loves him the most, and the other is the friend who cares most about him. How could they have that kind of relationship.

"If you have anything to say, we'll talk about it tomorrow, okay? You've been poisoned again today. If you didn't go to the imperial doctor to suppress it in time, I'm afraid you will..." At this point, Yu Zichen's words choked up, and at the same time, he also deliberately said it to outsiders .

Guan Eyun endured the tears that already filled his eyes, "It's over, we're not sad, we're not sad..."

Yu Zichen nodded with a teary smile, "Well, I'm not sad. Go to bed early, I'll be back after going out for a while." After finishing speaking, he walked towards the door.

Guan Eyun looked at his back and smiled bitterly.

Yu Zichen walked out of the room and closed the door.Suddenly, a burst of fragrance came, and he turned around suddenly. At this moment, a soft and innocent body fell into his arms, and the fragrance became even stronger.That's not the fragrance his princess should have... Yu Zichen seemed to have a sudden reaction, he immediately hugged the soft body that was about to slip from his arms and fell to the ground, he looked down and was startled, but he was afraid of disturbing the officials E Yun lowered her voice, "Die Wu?! What's wrong with you?"

Feng Die Wu was wearing a thin, translucent white tulle.She tried her best to snuggle into Yu Zichen's arms, but she seemed very lazy.Her face was very pale, her eyes flickered and blurred, but with an ambiguity.Such a dress, such a wink, is very seductive.

She hissed weakly, as if about to faint, "Wang, lord!"

As soon as she finished speaking, her eyes immediately went dark, and she completely fell into his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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