The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 190 Don't you want to know who Mu Lingxuan is?

Chapter 190 Don't you want to know who Mu Lingxuan is?

Tang Lin slowly lifted the quilt and sat up, rubbed her neck before getting out of bed, and then folded the quilt neatly on the bed in the same way as when she was in the army.

After combing her hair and tying it up, she left the room to wash her face.

After washing her face, Tang Lin didn't want to wake everyone up, so she went out alone.

Walking out of the gate of Lanyuan, she began to move her limbs in the big courtyard outside, smelling the fresh air of the ancient morning, it was really comfortable.

After moving her limbs for a while, a pair of eyes appeared behind her.

Tang Lin seemed to feel that there was a different meaning in those eyes. She turned her head and glanced behind her. Seeing that it was Shao Qi who was standing behind her watching her activities, she was stunned. What did those smiles on his face mean?Why are you so cynical?Didn't he regard her as an enemy?How could you show her such an attitude?

Tang Lin turned her head indifferently, and continued to move her limbs, practicing gymnastics and dancing occasionally, as long as her body could move.

Shao Qi came up with an attitude of appreciation, and faced Tang Lin face to face, "I don't know..."

Before he could finish speaking, Tang Lin turned around and turned her back to him, as if he didn't exist.

Shao Qi was a little annoyed, he was the grand marshal of the army, and he had to bow his head to a little boy?Not only did she not ask him questions, but she didn't even bother to pay attention to him. What did she mean?
"Hey, you won't be so stingy, will you?" Shao Qi refused to admit defeat, and vowed to impress Tang Lin with her personality charm before giving up.He did not give up and walked across to Tang Lin.

Tang Lin turned around again with a cold expression on her face.When Shao Qi walked over impatiently, she was kicking her legs, just kicking him in the crotch so gorgeously——

The moment he was hit by "drink", Shao Qi immediately let out a muffled drink and arched his waist.

"Oh my God!" Tang Lin realized what she had done, and immediately retracted her legs. Seeing Shao Qi's pain, she gritted her teeth in fear and shrank her hands to her chin.

Shao Qi squatted and jumped on the spot, obviously in pain, his forehead was covered with sweat.

When he stopped and squatted, Tang Lin walked over cautiously and attacked his vitals, and he would not let her go.

She walked up to him, but didn't dare to get too close, and poked his shoulder with a finger, ", you, are you okay? I didn't kick you on purpose just now, I was just practicing Gymnastics, I have practiced stretching my legs, how did I know that you came over suddenly, I..."

Shao Qi raised his hand slowly but with great effort, but he didn't raise his face, and said in a painful tone: "'s fine, you don't...worry!"

A look of guilt appeared on Tang Lin's face. He squeezed out his words. Could she not be worried? "Are you really okay?" The kick hit a lifeblood, so it must be very painful.

Shao Qi shook his head, "It's fine."

"Come on, I'll help you sit on the stone steps for a while." After speaking, Tang Lin came over, reached out to help him up, and helped him to sit down on the stone steps at the entrance of Lanyuan.

Tang Lin stood in front of him and bowed ninety degrees, "Comrade, I'm sorry, please forgive me. I really didn't mean it. If I cause you any serious harm, I'm willing to compensate you!"

After sitting down, Shao Qi's bad mood eased a lot, and he said calmly to Tang Lin: "I'm fine, Miss Tang, you don't have to feel sorry for this."

"Are you really okay?" Tang Lin was still worried, if she really made a man die, then she would have made a big mistake.

Shao Qi smiled gently, "I'm really fine."

Seeing that his face was much better, Tang Lin straightened her waist, and stroked her chest while exhaling, "It's fine as long as it's okay, then I don't have to worry about you dying in the future."

Cut off children and grandchildren?Shao Qi's face turned black and then returned to its original state, he smiled awkwardly, "Hehe." I don't know what to say.

Tang Lin said, "Since you're fine, I'll go first." Then she turned around and went into Lan Yuan.

"Miss Tang." Shao Qi called her with a serious attitude. "The day before yesterday, it was my mistake. I shouldn't have offended Miss Tang. For this, Qilin is deeply sorry. I ask Miss Tang to forgive me. Don't follow me in the same way. We are still... good friends!"

Tang Lin turned around and said with a smile: "I've always been very straight-talking and said what I had to say, but I never remembered a person's grudge for a long time. Now think about it, you were also doing that for the good of that player that day, but I was so I gave you an idea late, and naturally you will mistakenly think that I deliberately made things difficult for that player. I did not handle it well, please forgive me."

Tang Lin wanted to add something more, "If it wasn't for the purpose of penetrating into you, the ghost would be willing to reconcile with you, a person who doesn't know what's good or what's wrong."

Shao Qi was very happy, almost incoherent with excitement, "So Miss Tang forgives me? That's great, we are friends again!"

Tang Lin laughed dryly a few times. As for being so excited?It's like winning the lottery!
At this time, footsteps appeared at the gate.

Tang Lin and Shao Qi looked over together and saw Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing walking in.Tang Lin thought that these two coaches must be here for the pre-competition assessment.

After Lu Yitang and the others approached, Tang Lin asked, "My lords, the pre-competition assessment for the sixth round will be held this morning?"

"No," Lu Yitang raised his hand and said, "The pre-competition assessment has been cancelled, and there is no need for another assessment. I am here this time to inform all the contestants that the sixth round will start at noon."

Shao Qi said: "My lord, may I ask, what is the competition in the sixth round?"

Sun Bailing said: "At noon, someone will come to take you to the competition place. As for what to compete, you will know then." After finishing speaking, he looked at Lu Yitang and nodded, "Let's go and inform other people."

Lu Yitang nodded, "Yes."

Tang Lin looked at the backs of the two people who were in perfect harmony, her eyes were in a daze for a while, and a thought suddenly popped up in her heart--in fact, these two people are quite a match, aren't they?
After a while, Tang Lin went out, and Shao Qi asked her where she was going, but Tang Lin didn't say.

A ray of light came in from the window and fell on the wall, adding warmth to the room.

Guan Eyun opened his eyes, looked at the top of the bed, then sat up, looked at the side of the bed, Yu Zichen was no longer there, he went out very early every day.She is used to it.

Get out of bed, put on your shoes, and put on your clothes.After washing my face, I left the room.

She came to the kitchen, chopped vegetables as usual, and worked on breakfast with other people in the kitchen.In the Nangong Palace lived the Ouchi guards, the Imperial Forest Army, and the contestants.The three meals of these people are provided by dozens of people in their kitchen.

Feng Diewu came in from the outside with the washed vegetables, put them on the table next to Guan Eyun, and greeted Guan Eyun, "Eyun, good morning."

Guan Eyun smiled at her faintly, with a bitter smile, "Well, you too."

Feng Diewu started to pick vegetables, and did not forget to care about Guan Eyun's body, "My lord said, you got poisoned again yesterday, and you stayed in the Tai Hospital for treatment all day. Are you much better now?"

"It's much better." Guan Eyun forced a smile on his face.

"Really? Let me see!" Saying that, Feng Diewu leaned over and really took a closer look at Guan Eyun's face.Although Guan Eyun's face was much redder than white, there was still a hint of light green indistinctly.

Seeing the light green that faintly emerged, Feng Die Wu seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, "Well, it's very good, then Eyun, you should pay attention to it in the future, don't be poisoned anymore, every time the prince sees you He is very uncomfortable, and I wish I could bear it for you. Seeing him like that, I feel sorry for you for him. "

Guan Eyun's expression changed, and the hand holding the kitchen knife stopped suddenly, but after a moment, she returned to the original state and continued to chop vegetables.But after cutting it for a while, she put down the kitchen knife, pulled the swallowtail dancer who was concentrating on picking vegetables out of the kitchen, stopped by the big tree by the door, and asked the swallowtail dancer in a very serious manner: "Socktail dancer, I ask you……"

"Hi, you two!" At this moment, Tang Lin's figure appeared. "Xiao Tang, it's good to meet you." Seeing Tang Lin, Feng Die Wu immediately came over and hugged Tang Lin's arm. "How did you come?"

Tang Lin smiled and said, "I got up early in the morning, but I didn't know what to do, so I came to play with you."

Guan Eyun let out a low breath, just now she wanted to question Feng Diewu, but Tang Lin's appearance interrupted her. "Xiao Tang, aren't contestants not allowed to leave the palace? How can you come here?"

Tang Lin chuckled, and said proudly: "Eyun, I am now a celebrity in front of the emperor, and I have already obtained his permission to work around Nangong."

"Really." Guan Eyun was happy for her, "This is not bad."

Tang Lin came up to take her hand, and at the same time took Guan Eyun's back, dragged the two of them to her sides, and suggested: "The game is only at noon, if you two are not busy, where should we go to play? "

Feng Diewu looked at the kitchen behind her, showing embarrassment, "But I still have to cook breakfast for the contestants, I'm afraid I won't be able to go because I'm so busy."

Guan Eyun was also a little embarrassed, "Xiao Tang, I also want to make breakfast for the contestants, maybe..."

"Oh," Tang Lin sighed, but in order not to spoil the fun, she suddenly said, "Why don't I go and help you have breakfast together? Anyway, I'm free when I'm free!"

Feng Diewu happily said: "Okay. Besides, Xiao Tang, your cooking skills are better than ours. With you in the battle, all problems will be solved!"

Tang Lin smiled awkwardly, "Why didn't I know when I became Superman?"

Feng Diewu frowned slightly, "Superman?"

"Let's cook with you!" Tang Lin dragged Guan Eyun and Feng Diewu into the kitchen with one hand, and came to a corner with fewer people.

Tang Lin let go of the two of them, rolled up her sleeves, and swept the kitchen for a week.There are many people in the kitchen, there must be dozens of people, and they are all busy making breakfast for the people living in Nangong at the moment.

Guan Eyun returned to his seat, picked up the kitchen knife to continue cutting potatoes, but looked at the gleaming kitchen knife in a daze.

Feng Diewu took a look at Guan Eyun, and when she saw the sharp kitchen knife, her lips were a little dry, she licked it, and then a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "Eyun, why are you in a daze? You are not in good health yet , how about, let me do it?" As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to reach the handle of the knife.

Guan Eyun pushed her hand away coldly, "No, you are busy with your work."

Feng Diewu withdrew her hand, watching Guan Eyun cutting potatoes like a puff, she was bored, but didn't say anything, and continued to pick vegetables.

Tang Lin walked to the stove, and there were a lot of seasonings on the stove.All kinds of seasonings are available.She looked back at the table with a lot of ingredients, and then at the busy work of Fengdiewu and Guan Eyun, "Well, Eyundiewu, we are doing it for the contestants, right? Let's make one today." Ton is different!"

Feng Diewu turned around and frowned, "Different?"

Tang Lin smiled, a little mysterious, "Yeah, it's different. Don't bother with the work at hand, let me tell you. Is there milk in this palace?"

Feng Diewu frowned even more, a little confused about what Tang Lin was going to do, "Milk? What do you want milk for? The milk should be on the cow!"

(End of this chapter)

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