The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 191 You Seem Surprised!

Chapter 191 You Seem Surprised!

Tang Lin was worried, "There is no milk, what should I do?" After worrying for a while, she suddenly thought of something, and a smile appeared on her face, "Soy milk is also good. Well, let's do it like this."

Guan Eyun was confused when he heard it, and asked with a frown, "Xiao Tang, what are you talking to yourself?"

Tang Lin smiled, "It's okay, I just want to have a breakfast of milk and bread, you can do your work, I can make a meal that I like to eat." She glanced at other corners and saw someone kneading Dough, happy face.

Next, Guan Eyun and Feng Die Wu were busy with their own work.The two of them work in a division of labor.Swallow Die Wu is in charge of washing vegetables and lighting fires.Guan Eyun is in charge of cutting and cooking vegetables.

Although the two cooperated closely, they did not speak a word.

Tang Lin was busy with her breakfast. She twisted a large piece of dough that the other cooks were kneading, then put the dough on a table by herself and kneaded it again, and kneaded it into a square flat shape. Steam in the pot where other cooks steamed the steamed buns.Next, go prepare the seasoning.

After the bread evaporated, she took it out and put it on the countertop, spread it with the prepared egg wash, and then lit a fire in a relatively empty place in the kitchen, then used long tongs to hold the bread cubes, and poured them into the fire bake.

Feng Diewu looked at Tang Lin occasionally, very curious about what Tang Lin was doing at the moment, but she couldn't understand what Tang Lin was doing all the way.

After a while, Tang Lin toasted seven or eight pieces of bread, and the delicious smell permeated the kitchen for a while, but because most of the dishes in the kitchen were delicious, the aroma was mixed together.

She brought a plate, put the baked bread cubes on the plate, and then put the jam that had been mixed with great difficulty into the plate, and then went to fill two cups of soy milk made by other cooks and put it on the plate.

After everything was ready, she picked up the plate and said to Guan Eyun and Phoenix Diewu, "I'm going to a place, you guys do your work first."

Feng Die Wu asked: "Have you returned to Lan Yuan?"

Tang Lin shook her head, "No. I want to take these breakfasts to eat elsewhere."

Swallow Die Wu said "Oh" and didn't ask any more, but she was a little curious when she saw two or three servings of food that were so simple and different on the plate.

"Let's go, see you when you are free." Just when she was about to leave, Tang Lin was a little worried when she saw Guan Eyun's gloomy expression. "Eyun, can you do me a favor?"

Guan Eyun nodded lightly, "Okay, you order."

Tang Lin said: "I need to get something as a seasoning when I go outside, can you serve it for me for a while?"

Guan Eyun did not hesitate, and immediately agreed, "Okay." She took the plate from Tang Lin's hand, and followed Tang Lin out of the kitchen.

Outside the kitchen, Tang Lin just took a piece of garlic.

"Xiao Tang, is this the seasoning you want?" Guan Eyun was a little dumbfounded, "It's just a piece of garlic."

"Follow me." After finishing speaking, Tang Lin left the kitchen and said as she walked, "Seeing you this morning seems very unhappy. You and Die Wu are good sisters, and I don't see you saying a word, are you pretending to be mean?" ?” He deliberately picked up the garlic and waved.

Guan Eyun forcefully forced a smile, very jerky, "Xiao Tang, where did you go, I have nothing to do with Die Wu."

Tang Lin gave her an annoyed look, "Don't think that I can't read words and expressions. If you have nothing to do, how can you be so quiet? Besides, it's like no one wants to talk to anyone. Tell me honestly, what happened between you two?"

For a moment, Guan Eyun thought of what happened last night, and couldn't help but bring back the pain in his heart, and a bitter smile rose from the corner of his mouth, "It's nothing, I just... just had a little accident."

Her tone and emotion made Tang Lin tense, "What's the matter?"

Guan Eyun smiled, "It's okay!"

Tang Lin looked frustrated, "Pretend again."

Guan Eyun's face gradually darkened, "It's's okay."

Tang Lin said: "Anyway, I used to be your boss. It is right for a boss to care about his subordinates, so Eyun, don't hide it from me. If you have any concerns, you can tell me so that I can enlighten you as soon as possible. You Your body just recovered yesterday, so it's not appropriate to suppress your thoughts, or it will exhaust your body and mind. Your unhappiness today has something to do with Die Wu?"

Maybe I need to talk too much, Guan Eyun thought for a while, and was willing to take out his thoughts, "Xiao Tang, I don't know if I am too suspicious, or I have hallucinations, the prince and Die Wu..."

"They did something wrong to you behind your back?" Apart from this, Tang Lin couldn't think of anything else that could make Guan Eyun unhappy.

Guan Eyun did not admit it, but acquiesced.

Tang Lin was startled, "Really? This, how is this possible."

Guan Eyun smiled wryly, his eyes were blurred by the mist, and he couldn't see the road ahead.She thought of the scene last night again, and felt extremely painful in her heart, "I also think it's impossible,'s the truth."

Tang Lin waved her hand and said, "No, it's impossible, Yu Zichen loves you so much, he will never betray you and have an affair with other women in this life, Eyun, you have to trust him, don't be fooled by your eyes."

Guan Eyun said sullenly: "I don't want to be suspicious, but I see their intimate scenes many times..."

Tang Lin was worried, "If this is the case, it will be miserable. Eyun, what do you plan to do in the future? The ancients said that it is normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. Eyun, you just... don't worry about it."

A good sentence "It's normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines", tears rolled down Guan Eyun's cheeks unknowingly, "I thought about it for a long time last night, and I plan to ask Die Wu personally today, if the matter is true, I... …I don’t mind if she becomes the prince’s woman. You’re right. It’s normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines, not to mention Zichen who is a member of the royal family. However, when we got married, Zichen kept swearing to me that in this life, as long as I A concubine, but now he..."

Tang Lin gave her a blank look, "You are so stupid, can you believe a man's words? But then again, I believe that the second prince is not the kind of heartless person. If you ran into something good between him and Feng Diewu, it must be..." Suddenly Think of something. "Zichen won't use this..."

Guan Eyun frowned, "Xiao Tang, what do you want to say?"

Tang Lin asked her seriously, "Are you sure you saw Yu Zichen and Die Wu staying together?"

Guan Eyun lowered his head and said annoyedly: "It's been twice. Last night, I saw them on the bed..."

Tang Lin's eyes lit up, she was extremely curious: "How are you doing on the bed?"

Guan Eyun blushed, "Xiao Tang, since you know it, why bother to ask the question, really."

Tang Lin chuckled and said, "Okay, you're the only one who is shy! But Guan Eyun, don't you want to know who Mu Lingxuan is? I'll tell you now, maybe you won't be as melancholy as you are now when you know!" Eyun went back to the kitchen sullenly, and got busy with her own affairs alone.Feng Diewu saw that she was still depressed, and came over to ask concerned: "E Yun, what happened to you today? Seeing you like this makes me very sad!"

"It's okay." Guan Eyun said calmly, not looking at Feng Die Wu, while busy with his own affairs, "Die Wu, don't worry about me, I'm fine."

Feng Diewu said worriedly: "You are the second princess, I don't worry about you. If something happens to you, how will Diewu explain to the second prince later? He regards you as a treasure. If there is anything wrong with you, he will be very sad of!"

Guan Eyun smiled wryly, "Really? Then let him be sad!"

Feng Diewu was shocked and said: "Listen to your tone... Could it be that you two had a fight last night? Last night he..."

Guan Eyun's complexion immediately changed, and after a while she returned to her calmness, "We had nothing to do last night, Die Wu, don't worry too much. It may be because of the poison yesterday, so I'm not in a good mood. "

"That's it, I thought it was something else." Feng Die Wu didn't ask any more questions, and got busy with her own business, but from time to time, she glanced at Guan Eyun's unhappy face, and inadvertently, the corner of her mouth raised A smug arc.

Because almost all the other male contestants lived in the two gardens of bamboo and chrysanthemum, and in the Meiyuan, there were only Shao Qi, Fu Yushu, Yunlei, Cao Dan, and Han Xueyan who was disguised as a man.

When it was arranged to live in the palace garden, they were the last to be arranged. The other two gardens were full of people, so they had to live in the Meiyuan, which had the advantage that it was not too crowded.

Fu Yushu lived in the same room as Yunlei and Cao Dan, and Han Xueyan lived in the same room as Shao Qi. The two rooms faced each other with a courtyard in between, which was the same as Lanyuan.

The door of the room was closed, and Shao Qi was sitting quietly at the dining table in the room, concentrating on thinking about things.

The bed was very long, the same as that in Tang Lin's room.Han Xueyan was sleeping on the middle bed. She was still sleeping soundly at the moment, but her sleeping position was a bit indecent. She was lying on her back, with her cheeks pressed against the pillow, breathing evenly and comfortably.

At this time, she seemed to be dreaming of something, muttering, "Brother-in-law..."

The sound of "brother-in-law" interrupted Shao Qi's thoughts. He heard the reputation and looked over, only to see Han Xueyan kicked off the quilt because he was too hot, and turned over to sleep.

Shao Qi showed a heartwarming smile unconsciously, he walked to the bedside and sat down, and covered Han Xueyan with the quilt again.Looking at this delicate and pretty face, which looked a bit like Han Lingying's, he felt very ashamed.He was so sorry for the sisters.

After a while, Shao Qi left the room and went to the bathhouse to take a bath, intending to use the water to clear his head, so that he could always remember that there were still important things to do, and there was Han Lingying to save—this woman who had sacrificed too much for herself.

At this time, Fu Yushu appeared by the pool. Seeing him, he was a little surprised, "Brother Qilin, I thought you were still resting right now."

Shao Qi said: "Oh, Mr. Lu came here today, so I won't be able to sleep. There is a hot spring in the palace, so I come here to relax and play well in the game at noon. How about you? Come to take a bath? "

While taking off his elegant white robe, Fu Yushu said, "I came back from the Imperial Hospital a little late last night, and I haven't showered yet, so I want to make up for it this morning."

Shao Qi chuckled, "So that's the case." After Fu Yushu got out of the pool, he asked, "Are you feeling better? You suddenly passed out yesterday, which shocked everyone. At that time, your pulse was chaotic, and you could go into shock at any time." We are all sweating for you."

Fu Yushu smiled lightly and said, "It's okay now, it's just heatstroke yesterday."

Shao Qi smiled helplessly, "With your physique, do you dare to participate in the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition? You must know that there will be absolute danger in every round in the future, and you should be mentally prepared for it."

Fu Yushu smiled and said, "Thank you brother Qilin for reminding me, Fu Mou will keep it in mind."

After a while, Fu Yushu thought to himself that Shao Qi was working for the Northern Kingdom, and maybe through Shao Qi, he could contact the secret agent that the Northern Kingdom placed in the Yuxin Palace. In this way, he could form an alliance with the Northern Kingdom up.

At this moment, Shao Qi was also thinking that although he had thousands of troops and could conquer Yuxin at any time, it would be best if he could win the Yuxin Dynasty without a war.However, before Yuxin's internal chaos breaks out, Han Lingying must be rescued so as not to suffer from Yuchi.

It's just that his people have already been inserted in, but now most of them have been eliminated from the palace.If someone can persist until the end and become a bodyguard, then entering and leaving the harem is a breeze, but who can persist until the end?
(End of this chapter)

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