The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 192 Here Comes Your Breakfast!

Chapter 192 Here Comes Your Breakfast!
Thinking of this, Shao Qi couldn't help secretly admiring the anti-imperial society.He thought that only the Anti-Royal Society has the ability to attack the Imperial Study Room, and over the past ten years, the Anti-Royal Society has been able to enter the palace and attack Yu Shengjun almost every year. Although it failed to kill Yu Shengjun, the Anti-Royal Society knew Yu Shengjun's every move.

If you can get to know someone from the Anti-Royal Society and talk to the leader of the Anti-Royal Society, maybe the Anti-Royal Society will help him rescue Han Lingying successfully.

Fu Yushu said at this moment, "Brother Qilin, do you know about the anti-imperial meeting?"

Shao Qi was slightly startled, " did you know about the Contest? And you dare to mention it!" This is not something that an ordinary player should know, nor should he say, nor should he care about.

Fu Yushu was stunned, and Shao Qi's reaction surprised him, "I know about the anti-imperial society. Brother Qilin seems quite surprised!"

Shao Qi squinted at Fu Yushu for a few times, Fu Yushu was usually gentle and elegant, and seemed to have no city, but when he talked to him, it seemed that the other party was a wily guy, "You are not a simple person, of course, this is just my personal feeling. "

Fu Yushu greeted each other, "Each and each other, your Excellency is even more difficult, Fu is right...Marshal Shao?"

"You," Shao Qi was shocked, "how do you know me..."

Fu Yushu smiled elegantly, "It's a coincidence that I didn't know that Your Excellency was the famous Marshal Shao Qi and Shao, but ever since I met Brother Xue Yan, Fu has no choice but to know."

Shao Qi said angrily: "What did you do to Yan'er?"

Fu Yushu said lazily: "Marshal Shao, why bother to get angry, what can Fu do to that girl?"

Shao Qi said coldly: "You know that she is a daughter, but you also said that you didn't do anything to Yan'er? Fu Tianze, who are you?"

"Fan, Yu, Hui." Three words came out of Fu Yushu's mouth clearly and forcefully.

"What?" Shao Qi's eyes widened in surprise, "Are you against the Royal Society?" Suddenly he smiled extremely, "You actually told me that you were against the Royal Society, so you are not afraid that I will sue the emperor ? You are so courageous, you have sneaked into the palace!"

Fu Yushu smiled, the steam lingered around him like a dream.He was not at all afraid that Shao Qi would turn around and sue, "Bold? Hehe, compared to you, Marshal Shao colluding with Beilinguo, so what would it be if I rebelled?"

Shao Qi was shocked again, his back felt chills, but he didn't feel any warmth while lying in the hot spring.He suddenly calmed down a lot, "Why do you know everything? I know a lot about the Anti-Yuhui, which specializes in assassinations. Do you still want to restore the country? Don't daydream, confronting the mighty Yuxin will not end well. .”

Fu Yushu laughed very strangely, "If you add the North Border Kingdom, it will not be a daydream."

Shao Qi was taken aback for a moment, and he heard some meaning from Fu Yushu's words, "Do you want to form an alliance with the Northern Kingdom?"

Fu Yushu applauded and praised: "It's not bad that you are the Generalissimo, so you can see it. That's right, I rebel against the imperial society because I want to form an alliance with the Northern Kingdom. If it wasn't for this, then I wouldn't submit to it below." You reveal your identity."

Shao Qi said: "I'll talk about these things later, I want to know how you know I'm Shao Qi? How did you use Xueyan?" Suddenly thought of something, "I heard her say that she was in Jundie Xuan knew you when she was working, since then did you start talking to her?"

"It's a coincidence," Fu Yushu said, "At first I didn't know that Xue Yan was a daughter, but before entering the palace for the competition, Jun Die Xuan's staff all went to the birthday party of our master's son and daughter. At that time, in the back garden, Seeing that she was depressed, I talked to her for a while. At that time, I saw that her earlobes had pierced ears, and her body was already petite and weak. At that time, I guessed that she must be a girl. Later, She mentioned to me the reason for her depression, she said that she couldn't find her brother-in-law and sister after searching for a long time, so I asked her brother-in-law and sister's name, maybe I can help, that's it, I know Xue Yan's brother-in-law and sister are Shao Qi and Han Lingying. I thought about it casually, could her brother-in-law be Generalissimo Shao Qi? Could her sister be Han Lingying and Concubine Han in the harem? Of course, it was just a random thought , did not doubt. Until the night after the first round of competition, Xue Yan suddenly started to cling to you. Every time she wanted to say something to you, you avoided me and Xiao Cao. At that moment, I suddenly understood Yes, you must be her brother-in-law. If you are her brother-in-law, then Han Lingying... Could it be her sister? Since then, I have been thinking that you have never been married, it must be related to Han Lingying, maybe the harem Concubine Han is your fiancée. But your fiancée is Yu Shengjun's woman now, so it is conceivable that you will do something secretly for your own woman..."

Royal study.

Tang Lin came to the imperial study with an elaborate breakfast, An Lin saw her from a long distance, and immediately greeted her when she arrived, "Good morning, miss Tang, why did you come to see the emperor so early today?"

"Morning, Manager An!" Tang Lin smiled, "I'm here to have dinner with your emperor, is he in?"

An Lin hurriedly responded, "Here he is. The emperor has been here since he came to court and has never left." He kept staring at the food on Tang Lin's plate, "Miss Tang, what are these? The emperor ate it, don't you?" Will you have diarrhea?" Tang Lin smiled treacherously, "Whatever, it's just diarrhea, and it won't kill anyone."

Hearing this, An Lin's legs almost went limp, and his face paled a lot, "Miss Tang, those are not ordinary people, they are from the king of a country, you, please be merciful, the emperor has a lot of state affairs to deal with, so why not?" Have that time to have diarrhea."

"Why, is he so busy every day?" Hearing what An Lin said, Tang Lin realized that she had never cared about Yu Shengjun's affairs in this regard.

An Lin said with a sad face: "Miss Tang, you don't know that the emperor not only has to deal with internal and external affairs recently, but also has to deal with the internal bodyguard selection competition. Not only that, but the book is increasing every day."

Tang Lin said: "Isn't the book easy to approve? It's enough to read it a few times, and it takes so much energy to go into it?"

An Lin smiled bitterly and said, "Miss Tang, you really don't feel pain in your back when you stand. If, as you said, you didn't waste your energy, how could this Yuxin be what it is today? These excerpts are all about people's livelihood, and the emperor will definitely try his best to deal with them." Take care of everything. Take the plague in An County as an example. If the treatment is delayed for a few days, the plague may spread to the nearby camp at any time. That is the camp where Marshal Shao is stationed, and many soldiers and horses are there. The soldiers were infected with the plague, think about the consequences..."

Tang Lin's heart raised her voice, "So the plague is eliminated now?"

An Lin shook his head, "The emperor sent people from the Ministry of Industry and the Imperial Hospital to An County earlier, but they haven't paid back yet. It is estimated that they are still struggling to eliminate the plague. Sigh, it would be great if there was someone to help the emperor share the burden."

"By the way, Manager An," Tang Lin asked, "Is there a provision for women to participate in politics in our Yuxin law?"

An Lin nodded, "Yes. Why does Miss Tang ask this way? Miss Tang, do you want to..."

"No." Tang Lin knew what An Lin wanted to say, and was afraid he would misunderstand, she explained: "I don't mean that I want to interfere. If women can interfere in politics, doesn't the emperor have a harem? I think those women in the harem are quite It is suitable to help the emperor."

An Lin looked around, determined that it was suitable for "leaking secrets and no one will know", so he moved closer to Tang Lin and whispered, "In the harem, the emperor doesn't trust any concubine except the empress dowager. Miss Tang, there is no one you trust, How dare the emperor hand over state affairs?"

Tang Lin wondered: "I heard that the emperor has never entered the harem. The empress dowager lives in the harem. Doesn't he go there often? Once he enters, he may meet his concubines at any time, isn't it?"

An Lin said: "The empress dowager originally lived in the Cining Palace, but because of the death of the former emperor, she moved out and moved into a Buddhist hall in the main palace. After the emperor ascended the throne, the Buddhist hall was renamed Xiangning Palace. The empress dowager has lived here until now. The empress dowager often goes to the harem to see other women, but the emperor never goes in. The empress dowager usually informs the emperor about things in the harem. Therefore, most of the concubines in the harem It has nothing to do with the emperor. Every year, the empress dowager accepts concubines for the emperor. One is to pass on the heirs, and the other is to consolidate the power of the court. Those concubines are mostly the jewels in the palm of civil and military officials. If you marry these women as concubines, then the emperor It saves a lot of effort to prevent officials from rebelling."

"Oh, that's it," Tang Lin realized, "I know that royal marriages are generally for the purpose of consolidating the stability of the court. From what you said, it seems that I guessed it right before."

An Lin said with a smile: "Miss Tang is a smart woman. If Miss Tang helps to handle state affairs, the emperor must have more time to rest."

Tang Lin smiled and said: "Director An, where are you talking about? I don't understand anything. It's no wonder I ruined such a big country if I put such a big country in my hands. Then, Director An, I'll go in first, Your Majesty." Haven't had breakfast yet."

An Lin came over and opened the door of the imperial study.

"Thank you." After saying thanks, Tang Lin took the plate and entered the imperial study room, and An Lin then closed the door of the imperial study room.

Before the plate was in front of his eyes, Yu Shengjun smelled a distinctive fragrance. Looking up, Tang Lin was walking towards her with a smile, a refreshing smile like a spring breeze, paired with clean and refreshing clothes, she was like spring.

Tang Lin walked up to him, pushed away his messy folders, put the plate in front of him, and said with a smile: "Honey, your future concubine has brought you breakfast, are you moved?"

Yu Shengjun slightly covered his nose and smiled, reserved and elegant, "Does it mean that I need to shed a few tears to be considered moved?"

Tang Lin smiled and said, "No, I know you've been moved by me when I saw your smile." She reached out to support his chin, then lowered her head and kissed the corner of his lips, "boyfriend won't kiss now , what a pity to waste it in the future."

The corner of Yu Shengjun's mouth raised a faint smile, "You are getting weirder and weirder." Looking at the plate, two sword eyebrows frowned, "This thing..."

Tang Lin picked up a piece of bread, and a writing brush hanging from the pen stand. She dipped the brush into the jam on the plate, and then spread it on the bread. After she finished painting, she took another piece of bread to spread.

Yu Shengjun watched her do it, "Linlin, what are you doing?"

After the two pieces of bread were coated with a thick layer of jam, Tang Lin sandwiched the two pieces of bread together and brought them to Yu Shengjun, "Take a bite and try it, it's delicious, this is our breakfast there A must have."

"It's so delicious?" Yu Shengjun couldn't believe it, but the bread had already been brought to his mouth, so he looked at it and took a bite.After chewing and chewing again, I couldn't help but make a sound of praise, "Well, it's not bad, it's delicious. Have another bite." Then he took another bite.

Seeing him eating with such relish, Tang Lin's face was filled with happiness, "Eat more if it tastes good, and I will help you make it whenever I have time."

Yu Shengjun took the bread in her hand and bit it himself. While chewing, he asked Tang Lin: "How can you make so many different things? At Jun Die Xuan, what kind of watermelon fried rice and so on are all delicious. It’s your specialty, and the more you eat, the more addicted you become.”

Tang Lin continued to smear jam on the other bread, and proudly said: "In our place, there are a lot of delicious food, such as barbecue, Buddha jumps over the wall, hamburger chicken drumsticks, hot pot... well, it's hard to eat now."

(End of this chapter)

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