The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 193 Falling in Love with Yu Shengjun Behind the Mask

Chapter 193 Falling in Love with Yu Shengjun Behind the Mask

Yu Shengjun frowned, "You don't know how to do that?"

Tang Lin shook her head and said annoyedly: "Either I can't eat it, or I can't go back to that place to eat it. Now that I think about the cooking class I stayed in before, I really miss the time there."

The bread in her hand was finished, and Tang Lin unknowingly gave him the one dipped in jam, and she continued to dip the others in jam, expressing her mood alone.

Yu Shengjun quickly finished eating again, he wanted to wipe his hands and hug Tang Lin, his girlfriend would need to care about this, but there was nothing around to wipe his hands, so he had to stand up and hug Tang Lin with both hands into her arms, try not to touch her with greasy hands, "Linlin is obedient, not sad."

Tang Lin pushed him to sit down, not sure if she was touched, she couldn't laugh or cry, "Eat yours obediently, I'm not sad." She passed another piece.

Yu Shengjun took it but didn't eat it, "Aren't you going to eat it?"

"Eat," Tang Lin didn't dip in the jam, just took a piece and ate it, but after chewing, she found that the taste was quite different from the ones made by others before. "It's really unpalatable. I have to work harder in the future."

After the two finished off the remaining bread, Tang Lin took a cup of soy milk and gave it to Yu Shengjun.

Yu Shengjun took it, "Thank you."

After drinking the soy milk, Tang Lin put the plate aside and returned to Yu Shengjun, sitting on his lap naturally.She took out a tissue, wiped his hands for him, and said, "I heard that you are so busy every day."

Yu Shengjun was startled, how did she mention this? "No!"

Tang Lin looked into his eyes and pouted, "I still said no." Pointing to the table behind her, "What are these piles of things? These affairs have taken up too much of your time, and you can't even get them Rest. What does the prime minister do? Like the chairman’s secretary, the prime minister handles these state affairs for the emperor. As for you, the emperor, you can only deal with major events, such as occasionally visiting neighboring countries to talk about the relationship between the two countries. Which areas can cooperate and so on."

Yu Shengjun lowered his eyes and smiled, "Now I am more and more curious about where you came from, and you have so many thoughts. But then again, do you think the prime minister is not busy? These important national affairs need to be reviewed one by one before I can give them to you." They will handle it. You really don’t have back pain while standing and talking.”

Tang Lin was surprised, "Why do you say that?"

Yu Shengjun was stunned, "Who else said?"

Tang Lin laughed dryly, "No, no one. But Your Majesty, are you busy? Look at you, you want to control the situation in the world, and you also have to guard against people from all walks of life. Now, you are in charge of all the trivial matters in this country. I am now I feel that I am so useless, so useless, and I can't help you."

Yu Shengjun joked: "If you can review, why don't you help me, what does Linlin think?"

"Take it away from you." Tang Lin glanced at it, "It's okay if I want you to be your spy, and help you govern, that's absolutely impossible. If one day the Yuxin Dynasty is destroyed in my hands, then wouldn't I Became a sinner through the ages? I don’t want to be a concubine who harms the country and the people!”

He pinched her neck and said with a smile: "You are so timid. Now that you are full, you can tell me why you were so depressed just now?"

Tang Lin said, "I just miss home so much."

Yu Shengjun lifted his spirits: "Where is home? Go, I will accompany you back!" He took out the map of the Central Plains that was pressed under the table, and pointed casually, "I can reach all the places on this map. Where is your home? Woolen cloth?"

Tang Lin looked at the map with blank eyes. After a while, her finger landed on a certain place on the map, "Here."

Yu Shengjun took a closer look, and was immediately stunned, "Here?! Are you sure? But this is..." "Yes, it's here!" Tang Lin's finger kept pointing to a certain place on the map without moving.

Yu Shengjun gave her a speechless expression, "This is the palace, the palace of our imperial capital, are you sure your home is in the palace? Stop joking, be serious, and look at the map again, don't talk nonsense!"

Tang Lin sighed, "Why don't you believe it? My home is really in this place. Tell me in detail, I disappeared from this place!"

"What?" Yu Shengjun didn't quite hear what she said just now, "What disappeared?"

Tang Lin giggled, intending to ignore what she just said, "It's nothing, let's stop discussing this issue, okay? If I can really go, I will definitely take you there and show you my... parents." Finally Two words, finished with a blushing face.

He pinched her arm, "Don't talk about it, I want to know now, tell me the address honestly!"

Tang Lin was pinched, so she just frowned and yelled, "You pinched me. Isn't it just a place, I just write it out, wait." She jumped off his bed legs, stood at the table, copied a pen and paper, and wrote line after line of simplified Chinese characters on it. After finishing writing, she handed the paper to him, "Come, take a look, this is the address of my home, you can understand it ?"

Yu Shengjun took it in his hand and looked at it carefully. The more he looked down, the tighter his brows were. After reading for a long time, he couldn't understand a few words, "What is this?"

Tang Lin smiled and said, "My home address!"

Yu Shengjun was depressed, "I can be regarded as an educated man, why can't I understand a single word?"

Tang Lin smirked and said, "If you can understand, then who will set off my Tang Lin's intelligence? Anyway, it's useless, throw it away!" He snatched the paper, crumpled it up and threw it into the trash at the corner of the table in the basket.

Yu Shengjun glanced at the trash can, and quickly moved his gaze away to Tang Lin's face. He smiled softly and asked, "Linlin, can you draw?"

"Hmm..." Tang Lin rubbed the back of her head and thought about it. Once she made this movement, it was when she was the worst at answering, "Well, when it comes to's hard to say. I'm good at Chinese painting, but It’s just those paintings from foreign countries, I just…”

Yu Shengjun interrupted her, "It's okay, as long as you know how to draw, I believe you."

Tang Lin was puzzled, "Why did you ask this?"

Yu Shengjun shook his head and said with a smile, "It's nothing, I'm just asking casually, it's okay." Tang Lin didn't catch the flickering eyes.

At this time, An Lin's voice came from outside the door, "Your Majesty, the Second Prince is here."

Yu Shengjun responded, "Come in."

When Tang Lin heard the sound of the door, she had already retreated to the side.

Yu Zichen walked in and was surprised to see Tang Lin there, "Xiao Tang, the person in charge, you are here too."

Tang Lin smiled dryly, "Yes, it's quite a coincidence. Good morning, my lord."

Her words were too plain, and Yu Zichen didn't know how to reply for a moment, so he responded casually in embarrassment, "Morning."

Tang Lin looked at Yu Shengjun, then at Yu Zichen, and said to the two of them, "I'm going back to Lanyuan. I won't disturb your discussion. See you later." The plate left the royal study.

After Tang Lin left, Yu Shengjun got up and invited Yu Zichen to sit down, "Second brother, sit down."

After sitting down, Yu Zichen said: "Brother Huang, Mu Lingxuan's people, as well as herself, are now closely watched by our people. As long as she makes a slight movement, we can grasp it immediately."

Yu Shengjun said with satisfaction: "Everyone is doing well, keep watching. But on the other hand, we must lure her into our trap. As long as she is hooked, we will steam, boil, and roast her in the future. Whatever you want, do whatever you want."

"Hahaha." Yu Zichen seldom laughed heartily, "Now that I think about it carefully, we, as controllers, are really insidious enough."

Yu Shengjun sneered and said: "Ten years ago, I was almost destroyed in her hands. If you don't show her some color, you think I'm easy to deal with. She takes herself too seriously."

Yu Zichen asked: "Brother Huang, we have already kept an eye on her people, next we..."

Yu Shengjun said: "There is only one way to make Beilin Kingdom lose its vigilance, and that is when we are in chaos. We have already made a false impression on Mu Lingxuan, and this false appearance will continue to the end. I sent Tang Lin as the Shao Qi and Fu Yushu are both internal agents, she will tell me the news of those two groups at any time. I will let these two forces come together, and then work together for Mu Lingxuan. When the time is right, I will..."

Yu Zichen didn't listen to what he said, and asked with interest, "I'm really looking forward to the last move. I really want to see when the truth comes out, Mu Lingxuan." How pale is his face, will the Emperor Beilin vomit blood..."

After a while, Yu Zichen said again: "By the way, Brother Huang, let me tell you something. If you agree, I will make it part of the plan."

Yu Shengjun smiled and said: "Second brother, it's okay to say, I always like your suggestions."

Yu Zichen said: "Things, it was originally like this..."

After an unknown amount of time, Sun Bailing came to the imperial study alone, and said to An Lin, "I have something to report to the emperor, please trouble Chief An to report it."

An Lin said: "Master Sun, wait a moment, the emperor is summoning the Second Prince at this moment."

"Second Prince?!" Sun Bailing's eyes flickered slightly.She didn't understand, since Yu Zichen decided to overthrow Yu Shengjun, why can he still talk with Yu Shengjun calmly?
After a while, the sound of the door opening interrupted Sun Bailing's thoughts.Yu Zichen walked past her, gave her a meaningful look, and then left alone.

An Lin said to her: "Master Sun, wait a moment, let me go and report." After finishing speaking, he entered the imperial study, and Sun Bailing didn't wait long outside before he came out, "Master Sun, the emperor invites you, please come in. "

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble Manager An." With a polite word to An Lin, Sun Bailing walked into the imperial study with a flick of his sleeves, came to the imperial table in a few steps, bowed his waist, lowered his head, and said respectfully: "My minister Sun Bailing See the emperor."

Yu Shengjun put on a mask now, and waved his hand casually to signal, "Sun Aiqing doesn't need to be polite, just stay flat."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." After Sun Bailing looked up, Guo asked: "Your Majesty, all the contestants have been notified of the noon match, and there are 32 people in total. I wonder if Your Majesty has anything to add to this sixth round of competition?"

Yu Shengjun said: "No more. What should be explained has already been explained to you in the early court."

Sun Bailing made a "hmm" sound, then cupped his hands, "The humble minister will retire."

Yu Shengjun waved his hand and didn't say anything. Before Sun Bailing turned around, he continued to review the papers.

Seeing his busy appearance, Sun Bailing felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart.After many days of understanding, she felt that the emperor was not as sinister, cruel and ruthless as the second prince said in private.At this moment, in her eyes, he is an extremely polite and gentle person.

It's a pity that he is wearing a mask, and she hasn't seen his real face since the day he was sealed in the palace.He is only as old as the Second Prince, why are his reasons and needs so mysterious?
Sensing that Sun Bailing hadn't left yet, Yu Shengjun raised his head and asked softly, "Is there anything wrong with Sun Aiqing?"

"No, no, I will step down now." Being watched by Yu Shengjun, and still speaking in such a clear and clear voice, Sun Bailing suddenly became nervous, the first time he was nervous in front of Yu Shengjun.He said something in a hurry, then fled in a panic.

Yu Shengjun put down his mask, a trace of bitterness flitted across the corner of his lips.Since today, Sun Bailing has become curious about him inside the mask, which is not a good sign.

(End of this chapter)

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