Chapter 194 Not You!
After Sun Bailing ran out of the imperial study room, she ran all the way, but because she didn't watch the way, she bumped into Yu Zichen who was waiting for her on the road not far from the imperial study room.Yu Zichen pulled her back, "Bailing, what's the matter with you?"

Sun Bailing slowly became nervous, "My lord, it's you. This subordinate is fine."

A trace of displeasure flashed across Yu Zichen's eyebrows, "It's nothing, why are you looking like this now? What did you say to the emperor?"

Sun Bailing shook his head and said, "My lord, my subordinates didn't say anything to the emperor."

Yu Zichen said displeasedly: "Why are you so nervous without saying anything? You ran all the way here from the imperial study, and you don't usually see you like this. What did you say to the emperor? Or, the emperor found out about you..."

"No, no, my lord, the emperor didn't realize that this subordinate belongs to you." Sun Bailing was afraid that Yu Zichen might misunderstand, so he quickly shook his head and explained.

"Okay, I don't mean to blame you." He patted her on the shoulder, then walked forward, saying as he walked, "In the past few days, this king and Prime Minister Shen have been wooing officials of the court, and they are rarely seen in the palace. Appear. Your duty is to keep an eye on the palace, and if there is any trouble, tell this king as soon as possible."

"My lord, actually, my subordinates think..." Sun Bailing hesitated to speak.

Yu Zichen stopped and looked at her, "What do you want to say?"

Sun Bailing adjusted his breath and calmed himself down before he said, "I don't think the emperor is the kind of sinister and vicious person, my lord, do we..."

"Shut up," Yu Zichen reminded coldly: "What kind of person is he? As his brother, is this king still more clear than outsiders? Sun Bailing, this king reminds you that you promised me that you would go to court for the sake of the princess." The mountain of swords and the sea of ​​fire, did you forget her life-saving grace to you so quickly? If she hadn't saved you who almost fell into the brothel, you still have the right to stand here now? This king told you earlier, If you can't be cruel, don't promise at the beginning. Yu Shengjun dared to poison her, even if you don't help her to avenge this revenge, even if this king dies, I will deal with Yu Shengjun to the end!"

"I'm sorry!" Sun Bailing bowed his head and admitted his mistake. "The subordinates have not forgotten the princess's life-saving grace to Bailing, but they have been in contact with the emperor a lot in recent days, so it is inevitable..."

Yu Zichen suddenly smiled, and sarcastically said: "Could it be that you are in love with Yu Shengjun behind the mask?" "Impossible!" Sun Bailing immediately denied Yu Zichen's doubts, "It's not that the prince doesn't know that his subordinates belong to him. Shen Dan, apart from him in this life, my subordinates will not fall in love with anyone, no matter how good that person is!"

Yu Zichen tugged at the corners of his lips, "Oh, if that's the case, then why do you need to know about Yu Shengjun?"

Sun Bailing said: "It's just a little curiosity!" No, she was not a little curious, but very curious.That one-of-a-kind mask, that eagle-shaped ring that was often worn on her finger, that mysterious aura that couldn't be concealed... all made her curious.

Ascension to the throne at the age of six and regaining the lost land at the age of seven is not something a simple person can do.The current emperor is a legend, there is no doubt about it, but he really used the second princess to suppress the power of the second prince?

Yu Zichen warned: "Whether it's possible or not, you are not allowed to even think about it. People like Yu Shengjun are beyond your control." Apart from Tang Lin, there is no one who can control Yu Shengjun.

Sun Bailing lowered his head, how docile: "This subordinate understands."

"Stop thinking about it, and keep an eye on the movement in the palace. You will be able to sleep with Shen Dan on the day Yu Shengjun steps down. Work hard. I still have things to do, so do it yourself." Yu Zichen instructed After saying a few words to Sun Bailing, he left.

Sun Bailing stood there in a daze, and there were many changes in his heart at this moment.In order to repay a kindness, you have to do bad things?Is it right to do this?
Not long after Sun Bailing and Yu Zichen left, Fu Yushu came to the imperial study room. Strangely enough, An Lin opened the door of the imperial study room and let Fu Yushu walk in. Fu Yushu leaned forward and nodded in gratitude, "Thank you very much." .”

An Lin respectfully said: "You are too polite."

Fu Yushu pursed his lips and smiled, without saying anything, he stepped into the door of the imperial study.He walked to the imperial table, bowed his head to Yu Shengjun, who was carefully reviewing the papers, and said, "Caomin...Fu Yushu, I am here to greet the emperor."

The pen in Yu Shengjun's hand stopped, and his expression was startled, "Fu Yushu?!" Looking up, he saw that it was really Fu Yushu, looked at it again and again, and suddenly a look of joy appeared on his face, "You are here."

After an unknown amount of time, Tang Lin's voice came from the door, "Director An, I have something to meet with the emperor when I come back, and I need to talk to him face to face."

"This..." An Lin hesitated for a while, the emperor sees an extraordinary person at the moment, can he disturb him?But it was Tang Lin who was asking for an audience, so he had no choice but to ask inside the door, "Your Majesty, Miss Tang is asking for an audience, do you want to let her in?"

Yu Shengjun's voice came out immediately, "Let her in."

An Lin said to Tang Lin: "Miss Tang, go in."

Tang Lin responded with a smile, "Okay." After finishing speaking, she stepped forward and pushed open the door of the Imperial Study Room and walked in.After walking in, she saw that there was another person inside, so she took a quick glance and said in surprise: "Hey, Fu..." After a pause, she changed her expression, "The fake one?"

"Haha!" Yu Shengjun applauded, got up and walked towards Tang Lin.

The fake Fu Yushu got up, smiled warmly at Tang Lin, then casually imitated Fu Yushu's usual way of walking, then raised his eyebrows and asked Tang Lin, "Am I acting like the real Fu Yushu?"

Tang Lin gave a thumbs up and praised: "Like, it's so similar. If I hadn't had a sudden change of mind just now, I would have thought you were Fu Yushu. I can't see any difference between you and the real Fu Yushu at all." Yes! Also, the voice is really similar!"

Yu Shengjun chuckled and said, "It's fine if it looks like it, but if it doesn't look like it, then it's a waste of effort."

Tang Lin asked curiously: "Your Majesty, this "Young Master Fu" must be your bodyguard, right? It's just this height..." After looking at her like this, she realized that this fake Fu Yushu seemed to be the same height as herself.

But the real Fu Yushu is taller than himself, so as soon as this fake Fu Yushu appeared in front of Shihe, wouldn't he immediately pass through?
Yu Shengjun added: "Linlin, you don't have to worry about this, I have a way to make his height the same as Fu Yushu's."

Tang Lin immediately thought, "Could it be that you want him to wear high heels? Damn, this is still ancient times, so you can think of such advanced things. It's just that the height is gone, and the human skin is in place, but there are still a few things missing."

"What?" Yu Shengjun and fake Fu Yushu asked together.

Tang Lin said to Yu Shengjun: "Your Majesty, where is the portrait of Li Niang? If I read correctly, that is indeed Li Niang, and I have seen it with my own eyes. If Shihe has not left Fengyue Tower, then Li Niang must be there. By her side. If you want to know about Shihe, and at the same time inquire about the Anti-Yuhui, you might as well start with Li Niang. If you want to get rid of Li Niang from Shihe, you should use Liu Gui who is still under house arrest in the underground palace. "

"I've prepared a portrait!" As he said, Yu Shengjun walked to the imperial table, took a rolled up painting, and handed it to the fake Fu Yushu, "The person in the painting is Li Niang, as for what method to use to find out the portrait?" The lair of the Rebellion is up to you."

Fake Fu Yushu nodded firmly and said: "I will definitely live up to my holy order and come back after completing the task."

Yu Shengjun went on to say: "I sent a few more outstanding guards from the inner court to assist you secretly. At the same time, you should also bring Liu Gui with you. Maybe it can help you."

Fake Fu Yushu nodded and said, "Yes, I understand." Then, he took the scroll and held it tightly in his hand.

Yu Shengjun patted him on the shoulder lightly, "Then go down and prepare first, leave from the West Palace Gate, don't let other people see you, once you let the people who rebel against Yuhui find you, then the real Fu Yushu will be suspicious .everything be careful."

"Okay, then I'll take my leave first." After finishing speaking, the fake Fu Yushu arched his waist, and then walked out of the imperial study.

As soon as they left, Tang Lin asked Yu Shengjun, "Is he...a woman?"

Yu Shengjun was surprised, "How do you know?"

Tang Lin said: "I smelled a familiar fragrance on her body. I seem to have smelled it more than once or twice before." After thinking about it, she suddenly woke up, and she thought of someone, "Could it be that she is... "

After a while, after Tang Lin returned to Lanyuan, Yu Shengjun also left the imperial study and went to Xiangning Palace.

Fu Yushu walked out of the bathhouse, and couldn't help laughing in relief, "It turns out that it was Yu Shengjun who asked you to join the contestants. At the beginning, I wondered whether he let you join the contestants after he found out that spies had invaded. It turns out that he asked you to join the contestants." It’s just to maintain the commotion, and I’m afraid that these contestants will cause some big disturbances.”

Shao Qi came up from behind him, "This time I used the reason of going back to the Imperial Capital to personally report the border situation, and returned to the Imperial Capital from the border, which did not make Yu Shengjun suspicious. Well, since I have the opportunity to place my people in his By my side, my plan to kill two birds with one stone will be achieved soon."

"But what if your people can't make it to the end?" Fu Yushu was worried for Shao Qi, "Think about it, even you and I can pass the level now, let alone your people. Of course, if you can become a guard, then It is to completely win the trust of Yu Shengjun. Whether Yu Shengjun has a big event or a big plan, every guard knows it clearly. Once he becomes a guard next to Yu Shengjun, he can not only enter and leave the harem to rescue Concubine Han , but also reveal the big secret from Yu Shengjun's mouth. But, let's not think too naively, even you and I can hardly be his bodyguards, let alone other people."

Shao Qi was not worried, but smiled confidently, "If I can win someone over, maybe my plan to kill two birds with one stone will come true."

Fu Yushu lowered his eyes to think about it, and was startled suddenly, "Could it be Tang Lin who you want to win over?"

"You know?" Shao Qi was a little surprised. "This woman is very much appreciated by Yu Shengjun now. If we don't win her over in time, I'm afraid she will be a stumbling block on our way to overthrow Yu Shengjun in the future. Tang Lin is excellent in all aspects. If we can use her and Ling Ying's younger sister Xue The relationship between Yan and Yan has brought her to do things for us, then..."

"She won't be Yu Shengjun's person." Fu Yushu said with certainty on this point.

Shao Qi was surprised again, "How do you know it's impossible? You've seen it too. Last time she contradicted me, I told Yu Shengjun that he not only didn't punish Tang Lin in the end, but let Tang Lin continue to compete. I, as his The courtiers are not as important as a single player. From this point of view, Yu Shengjun has put a lot of treasures on Tang Lin. If Tang Lin is really used by Yu Shengjun in the future, then with Tang Lin's intelligence and skill, I……"

Fu Yushu smiled, "Brother Shao Qi, you are worrying too much."

Shao Qi frowned slightly, "Worried too much? Why? Aren't you afraid that Tang Lin will follow Yu Shengjun's words and lead troops to raid your lair in the future?"

Fu Yushu smiled, and asked back, "Why should I be afraid?" After a while of litigation, he explained, "Actually, Tang Lin wished that Yu Shengjun would die early. She didn't follow Yu Shengjun's actions. people."

"What?!" Shao Qi stared in shock. "Is she someone from your rebellion?"

Fu Yushu smiled and said: "Yes, you are right, she is the one who opposed Yu Shengjun, so you don't have to worry about her doing things for Yu Shengjun. It doesn't matter whether one of us becomes Yu Shengjun's side Guard, as long as Tang Lin can become one, she will be safe."

(End of this chapter)

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