The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 195 Strange Competition

Chapter 195 Strange Competition
Shao Qi still can't believe what he heard, "Is she really someone from your anti-yuhui?" Tsk-tsk twice, and couldn't help but praise: "You anti-yuhui is indeed the most powerful organization for cultivating killers, see When it comes to Tang Lin, I'm totally in admiration."

Fu Yushu smiled casually, "You're welcome."

Shao Qi said: "Tang Lin's identity really shines in my eyes. As for the alliance between your Excellency and the Northern Kingdom, wait for my people to report to Miss Ling before we discuss it? Xin is the most important person, her words reach the ears of the emperor Beilin, so you have to ask her about the alliance. It's just that Miss Ling's whereabouts are uncertain, she said that she will be in the palace, I don't know if she is now."

"Brother Shao Qi," Fu Yushu asked curiously, "Miss Ling, who is she? What is she from?" Shao Qi apologized, "I'm sorry, but I don't know who this Miss Ling is, but she is indeed A very important spy placed by the emperor in Beilin in Yuxin, she played a very crucial role."

Fu Yushu thought for a while, feeling depressed because Shao Qi didn't know Miss Ling's identity, "Miss Ling, what's the origin? She has such a great ability!"

Shao Qi said: "The Emperor Beilin said that Ms. Ling can win the Yuxin Dynasty by herself without a single battle. If it weren't for her existence, I guess I would have already fought for the capital of God."

"To overthrow Yushengjun if you can avoid the battle, this is a difficult move, but if you can succeed, you will reduce a lot of unnecessary losses." Fu Yushu thinks so. "Brother Shao Qi, did Yu Shengjun ever think about taking back your military power?"

Shao Qi was often puzzled by this point, but thinking about it, Yu Shengjun might value him too much, so he didn't take back his military power, perhaps, there was another purpose. "I think it's because Yu Shengjun trusts me too much. In the past five years, he not only failed to confiscate the military power in my hands, but also repeatedly gave me more power, so that I am now the head of the Yuxin Dynasty. Generalissimo of soldiers and horses. But he treats me like this, I don't accept this kind of favor."

What did Fu Yushu think of, "Because he robbed your fiancée? Does Yu Shengjun know that she is your wife?"

Shao Qi said coldly: "Wouldn't my fiancée tell him? I have been a courtier of Yu Shengjun for five years. It is impossible for my fiancée not to know my current situation. I have been thinking before, could it be Yu Shengjun? He fell in love with my fiancée, and planned to use military power to perfuse me, so that I would not pursue that matter again. But then I didn't think so. "

Fu Yushu was stunned, "What do you say? Didn't Yu Shengjun take a fancy to your fiancée?"

"Probably not." Shao Qi shook his head and said, "I think the rumor that Yu Shengjun is not close to women is true."

"..." Fu Yushu was stunned.

Shao Qi continued: "If I'm not mistaken, the emperor of the Yuxin Dynasty must not like women, but..."

"A man?!" Fu Yushu said the last two words for him, "Is this possible? But sometimes when I think about it carefully, I always feel that this emperor is weird, and his standards for recruiting guards are very strange."

"Hmph," Shao Qi sneered, full of sarcasm. "For me, Shao Qi, as long as he is a useful talent, no matter whether he is beautiful or ugly, old or young, he is equally suitable. But Yu Shengjun, who is ugly and old, does not want anything. Also, he is the one who is with him all the year round. Those guards. Through all these, do you think the rumor that Yu Shengjun is not close to women is false? I think he is eyeing my fiancée to show me, and I am afraid that one day I will be self-respecting."

Fu Yushu said: "Let's not care whether Yu Shengjun's rumors are true or not, now is the time for us to unite as one. Don't worry, we will rescue your fiancée sooner or later."

Shao Qi said gratefully: "Then, I will trouble you about my fiancée. Please rest assured, with me, Shao Qi, as long as the Yuxin Dynasty becomes the land of Beilin Kingdom, then I will definitely ask the Emperor Beilin to return it to you. The land of Chu State. We will form an alliance forever."

When Tang Lin returned to Lanyuan, Yun Shan and Dong Chenchen practiced duel in the yard regardless of their foot injuries.She didn't bother the two of them, and entered the room. Du Yuanyuan was still sleeping. She walked to the bed and twitched the corners of her lips, "I don't see you having the habit of staying in bed."

Du Yuanyuan didn't fall asleep. She closed her eyes and calmly replied to Tang Lin's words, "There is still an hour to participate in the seventh round. I want to get enough energy to play."

Tang Lin pulled the stool in front of the wooden table, sat down immediately, looked in the mirror, and said, "There are only two hours left, and this morning has passed quite quickly. Yuanyuan, are you afraid of losing? If you lose what to do?"

Du Yuanyuan turned over, but when she opened her eyes, her eyes were full of melancholy. She sighed lightly, and said blankly: "If I lose, I will leave the palace. I don't worry about leaving Yushu alone in the palace." .If there is something wrong with him, the counter defense will be gone. The killers I inserted have all been eliminated, and there are only two of us left. If I lose, he also loses, then we have suffered a lot these days. It's useless."

Tang Lin said: "Isn't there another chance? As long as you pass the eighth level, you will lose the ninth level. You can stay in the palace and participate in the training of the training camp. The palace needs to recruit three The guards are recruited from the contestants who have passed the eighth level. At the beginning, the dog emperor said that those who can persist in completing the fifteenth level will be named the first guard, and then the first guard will go to train the new training camp. Players. If no one completes the level and becomes the first guard, then the training camp will eventually recruit three guards instead of two. Yuan Yuan, you husband and wife should work harder and get the first guard out. Whoever has become an instructor in the training camp can still appoint our people as inner court guards behind the dog emperor's back."

Du Yuanyuan said weakly: "I will work hard, but I'm afraid I won't be able to handle the next level."

Tang Lin smiled, "It's fine if you work hard. If you are really eliminated, it doesn't matter. We still have more tricks to deal with the dog emperor until the head of his neck is taken off. I don't believe that no one in the world can kill him. !"

Du Yuanyuan smiled wryly, "If we can kill him, then the killers of our Anti-Royal Society will have succeeded in the past few years. At present, our Anti-Royal Society has only two purposes: First, to kill Yu Shengjun and replace our Chu State's killers." Second, when Yu Shengjun dies, we will cooperate with Beilin Kingdom and use Yu Zichen to tear down the solid structure of the court. As long as the officials are not united, civil war will break out sooner or later, and then we will fight against Beilin. The country took advantage of the void to enter..."

The corners of Tang Lin's mouth twitched, "Oh, the plan is really thoughtful. But don't be too careless, if you are not careful, one day we will be swallowed by Yu Shengjun as food, and we won't know."

"He doesn't have that ability anymore!" Du Yuanyuan said confidently, "Now, his soldiers and horses are all under the control of Shao Qi, and Shao Qi is helping the north border country, which is equivalent to all the soldiers and horses of Yuxin , and now they are all from the Northern Kingdom. Also, Yu Zichen is plotting a rebellion in private now, and Yu Shengjun doesn't know it at all. We can protect him at all times, as long as we successfully lure his guards away, then he..." The corner of his mouth raised a sinister arc, "Yu Shengjun, Yu Shengjun, I don't believe that we can't solve your myth .”

Tang Lin wrote lightly: "Since it is a myth, it must not be destroyed. He became the throne at the age of six, and with his own power, he made the country that was about to disappear in the Central Plains evolve into today's prosperity. He is indeed a myth."

Du Yuanyuan still didn't want to affirm Yu Shengjun's ability in this aspect, and said angrily: "That's because he was lucky back then."

Tang Lin smiled wryly, and really wanted to continue to refute, but seeing Du Yuanyuan's words were so awe-inspiring, she had better shut up.Anyway, no matter how Du Yuanyuan and the others calculated, they would not realize how stupid they were and how foolish they had been, and how they had been controlled by Yu Shengjun until the day the truth was revealed.

In a blink of an eye, it was noon.

The Imperial Forest Army went to the palace, took all the contestants with them, and went to the competition place.

Along the way, Dong Chenchen was very nervous. She held Tang Lin's arm tightly. Tang Lin felt her nervousness and asked concerned: "Chen Chen, what's wrong?"

Dong Chenchen's complexion was very bad, "Boss, I don't know why, my heart is beating so hard, I have a premonition that something bad will happen. In the past, whenever something bad happened, I would be nervous and uneasy in advance. , then this time..."

Tang Lin said: "Chen Chen, you must not be nervous, let alone think like that, or you will not be able to concentrate on the competition later. As for you, imagine that the next round of competition will be beautiful, and you will definitely win. Then You will definitely win."

Dong Chenchen tried to calm himself down, but became more and more uneasy, "No way, boss, I can't do it."

Compared to Yun Shan, he was more relaxed than Dong Chen Chen, "Chen Chen, don't be nervous, this hasn't played yet."

"I..." Dong Chenchen didn't know what to say, they all said that, so she had to try her best to calm herself down.However, her bad premonition was even stronger, she felt that she would be eliminated today...

All the contestants followed a group of imperial guards around many places in Nangong, and finally came to a courtyard with a quite quiet environment and a pleasant atmosphere.

This is the only academy in Nangong, and it is usually a place to provide training for the guards in liberal arts.Around the academy, there are lush grasses and fragrance everywhere, very elegant and quiet, it is a good place to practice essays.

The structure of the academy is in the form of a courtyard, consisting of four small palaces with the entrance on the east. The doors of each small palace are open, and the things displayed inside are different, but on the door of each small palace, there is a piece of plaque.

Tang Linhuan glanced at the academy, and finally silently read the words on the plaques, "Qing Pavilion, Chess Room, Book Gallery, Painting Pavilion."

The Imperial Forest Army led the contestants into the yard, then left the academy, and stood outside the academy, one to prevent the contestants from coming out, the other to prevent others from entering, and the third to stand by at any time.

At this moment, Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing were standing at the door of the Qin Pavilion. They glanced at all the contestants. Thirty contestants participated, and no one was absent.

However, Dong Chenchen was extremely nervous. She seemed very uncomfortable with this elegant place. She shook Tang Lin's hand and asked nervously, "Boss, why did we come to this kind of place? I'm afraid!"

Tang Lin thought for a while, then said solemnly: "It is estimated that the content of the seventh round of the competition should be to test our skills in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting." "What?! A test of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting?" Dong Chenchen listened , almost fainted, now more nervous and uneasy, "what to do, I'm the worst at these literary things."

Tang Lin said: "Don't be nervous, let's see how it is done."

The corner of Du Yuanyuan's mouth lightly raised, "Testing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting? I'm better at it!"

Yun Shan pursed her lips, and said sullenly: "Qinqi, calligraphy and painting, I only have some attainments in calligraphy, and everything else is mediocre!"

Tang Lin said to them: "Don't jump to conclusions, I guess we don't compete in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. After all, if you really want to test this aspect, I am not good at it just like you, but painting is not bad."

Yun Shan couldn't help but cast a disdainful glance at Tang Lin, "Boss, I thought you were superior in all aspects, so you also have a weakness."

(End of this chapter)

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