The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 196 You Are An Ancient After All

Chapter 196 You Are An Ancient After All

Tang Lin broke into a sweat, "No one is perfect."

Du Yuanyuan said: "However, I don't understand why we have to test piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. This has something to do with being a bodyguard? Aren't Ouchi bodyguards all as long as they have high martial arts skills, wit, bravery, and decisiveness?"

Tang Lin snorted, "Who knows what kind of lawsuit the emperor is selling."

"Hush," Dong Chenchen turned pale with fright when he heard Tang Lin scolding the current emperor, "Don't say such things, you will be beheaded."

Tang Lin said with a bad face: "I've said it all, are you afraid that he won't hear it?"

Cao Dan looked around for a while, but he didn't see the emperor, not even the guards, and felt very puzzled.He leaned his head slightly and asked Fu Yushu, "Why hasn't the emperor come this time?"

Fu Yushu chuckled, and said gently: "You also know that he is the emperor? Since he is the emperor, he comes early and comes late, it must depend on his mood!"

Cao Dan nodded, "That's true."

Han Xueyan also searched around, but she didn't see a guard, nor did she see the masked emperor, so she asked Shao Qi and Yun Lei beside her in a low voice, "Brother-in-law, Assistant Yun, what are you doing?" The emperor didn't come? Could it be that he is in the... harem?" Thinking that his sister Han Lingying was taken away by Yu Shengjun, he spoke angrily, "If there is something wrong with my sister, I will fight for the emperor."

"Hush," Han Xueyan's voice was a little too loud, afraid that people around would hear it, Shao Qi made a booing gesture to her, "Keep your voice down, it will be troublesome to be heard by others."

Han Xueyan also realized her actions, and obediently kept her mouth shut.

At this time, a sound of heavy and rigid footsteps came from the door.Many people looked over.

Several guards followed Yifeng, stepped into the gate of the academy, walked around the players all the way, and went straight to the gate of the piano pavilion. Finally, they turned around and stood beside Lu Yitang, facing the players' eyes.

After glancing at the contestants, Yifeng said, "Today is the start of the seventh round of the competition. The content of this round is related to piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but the test is not on your skill in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but... ...Your IQ. As an excellent Ouchi guard in all aspects, he must not only be strong in martial arts, but also smart and witty. We will not choose a fool as a guard, let alone a reckless man. You have all seen that this academy, They are composed of Qin Pavilion, Chess Room, Book Gallery and Painting Pavilion, and to test you, these four things are indispensable. The title of this round of competition is..."

Many contestants clenched their fingers, held their breath, and waited for Yifeng to finish speaking.Whether they can breathe a sigh of relief depends on the topic of the competition.

Yifeng sold the lawsuit for a while before continuing: "The title of this round is: secret code."

"Code?!" There were discussions on the scene.

Yifeng reached out his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and explained: "That's right, it's the secret code. To test your understanding of the secret code is to test your IQ. Wait a minute, we will arrange for you to take the test in four arenas one after another."

After a while, thirty contestants sat in the piano pavilion.

There are many tables and chairs in the piano pavilion, and a Guzheng is placed on each table.The contestants sat in front of the guzheng, staring at Yifeng on the podium.And beside Yifeng, stood Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing.

The environment in the piano pavilion is very elegant and comfortable, making many contestants feel that this is a fairyland on earth.In addition to the guzheng, there are many landscape paintings hanging around the walls, adding a scholarly atmosphere to the Qin Pavilion.

Lu Yitang has two scrolls in his hand.

Yifeng took the scroll, opened it, and hung it on the wall behind him, then stood aside to let everyone see the painting.These are two landscape paintings. Compared with the landscape paintings on other walls, there is not much difference.

The eyebrows of the contestants were all frowned, wondering why Yifeng had to hang two landscape paintings on it.

Yifeng said to everyone: "Now, the test for you is wit, to see if you can understand all kinds of codes: You are like a bodyguard now, and the master wants to send you to a certain mountain to meet a person indirectly, and then we will go out together." To complete the task. As for who to meet, the master didn’t tell you, but gave you a code, and the code was not very obvious. If you are smart, you know how to match the code, if you are not smart... then you really I don't have the material to be a bodyguard."

Sun Bailing took the piece of paper on the table, then went down, handed out the papers one by one, thirty sheets each, and when it reached Cao Dan, he gave him a wink with content, and then continued to send go down.

Cao Dan stared at the paper in a daze. What did Sun Bailing mean when he glanced at the landscape painting on the wall?
When Tang Lin got the paper, her eyes widened immediately, "Gongchi notation?!" She fixed her eyes and found that it was an ancient music notation, she was dumbfounded. "What can this thing be used for? What a headache!"

Each of the [-] pieces of paper has a score and lyrics, most of which are related to mountains, rivers, and people.

Dong Chenchen flipped through thirty sheet music, his mind went blank.

After Sun Bailing finished posting, he returned to stand beside Lu Yitang.

Yifeng said to everyone: "In fact, anyone who knows martial arts is better at secret codes. It is not easy to say that it is simple, and it is not very responsible to say that it is complicated. Next, I will show you the score for a while. After reading the score , I’m going to test you, and the one who reads the name will come first. You will only be given one chance, and if you don’t get the password, you will be... eliminated.” After finishing speaking, he walked out of the piano pavilion to meet the Yu who had already gone outside. holy king.

The contestants didn't care about the emperor's arrival at this meeting, and they flipped through the scores one after another.

Yitang and Yishuang followed Yu Shengjun to the Qin Pavilion, and Yifeng came out and saluted Yu Shengjun, "Master."

Yu Shengjun waved his hand, "Excuse me." He glanced at the situation in the piano pavilion, and said, "This time I will only observe, and will not make any announcement."

Yifeng nodded and said, "This subordinate understands."

For the thirty scores, Tang Lin just browsed through each one.It was quite a headache when she got the score, but after thinking about it, she no longer struggled.She glanced around, and when she met Yu Shengjun's gaze at the door, she smiled and waved.

Yu Shengjun wore a mask, he didn't know if he smiled, but he didn't say hello back.

Tang Lin looked away and landed on the two landscape paintings on the wall.

After a while, Yifeng came back to everyone, and Lu Yitang gave him the list of contestants.He took the list, opened it, and said a name, "Tang Lin."

Tang Lin rolled her eyes at the score, she was the last one in the last round, but now she is the first one.Always being so unexpected, sooner or later something will happen to her heart. "Here." She raised her hand to show her presence.

Yu Shengjun stood at the door, looking at Tang Lin, and Yishuang next to him asked in a low voice: "Master, can Miss Tang do it? There was no prior notice."

Yu Shengjun said calmly: "OK, let's watch first."

Yifeng pointed to the landscape painting on the wall behind him, looked into her eyes and said, "Now, I am your master. I will ask you to pick up a person, but I will not say who this person is. I will give you a score, You are asked to go to a certain mountain to meet that person. It happens that there are two people in the mountain. These two people are painting together. You don’t know which one is the one you want to meet. Therefore, you must match the code. For example, These two people are Mr. Lu and Mr. Sun beside me, and they are painting in the mountains. What do you think, what should you do so that the person you are going to meet will react and know that you are one of us?"

"This..." Tang Lin hesitated and couldn't say a complete sentence.

Her appearance made some people gloat over her misfortune. They thought, this Tang Linwu's writing is not bad, but her writing is much worse.

Some contestants murmured in low voices, "Now, Tang Lin will definitely be defeated by this signal. I wonder how she came through the first six rounds..."

"Tsk," another contestant felt sorry for Tang Lin, "No one is perfect."

Tang Lin glanced at everyone and smiled awkwardly.Her expression like this made everyone feel that she was not good enough, and her myth ended today.

Seeing Tang Lin like this, Du Yuanyuan, Fu Yushu and others all sweated for her.If Tang Lin can be eliminated, then they really can't do anything to put Tang Lin's powerful people beside the emperor, even if they themselves can't do anything.

Yifeng asked again: "Tang Lin, what will you do?" In his heart, why didn't he worry about Tang Lin.Originally, he thought that Tang Lin was invincible, but he never thought that Tang Lin would fall on this secret signal.

Du Yuanyuan said anxiously: "Tang Lin, don't be nervous, think of a way."

Tang Lin looked at this person and then at that person, and the more she looked, the more nervous she became.When she gets nervous, others get nervous too.When everyone else was anxious like ants on a hot pot, she gradually calmed down, and slowly, she took out one of the more than 30 sheet music.

She put her hands on the strings, facing the score, and slowly played, a melodious sound of the piano, passing by the piano pavilion, and passing by everyone's ears.

When Yu Shengjun heard it, his eyes were slightly startled.How many skills does she have that he doesn't know about?

Yishuang listened to the music played by Tang Lin for a while, then looked at the two paintings on the wall, and suddenly smiled silently, obviously relieved for Tang Lin.Tang Lin actually talked about the right tune, that's a secret code...

Being able to hear such a melodious piece of music, Du Yuanyuan felt relieved for Tang Lin, but at the same time, he also had the same thoughts as Yu Shengjun.If Tang Lin is proficient in both piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, then she is really a rare woman in the world who is both talented and beautiful, both civil and military.

It was really wrong for him to compete for the limelight with such a strange woman back then.

Fu Yushu looked at Tang Lin and listened to Tang Lin's piano music. Gradually, he became fascinated, watching Tang Lin fascinated.He was lost in Tang Lin's beautiful face, intoxicated by her piano sound, deeply unable to extricate himself.

Yu Shengjun glanced at the contestants, and when he noticed Fu Yushu's expression, his eyes narrowed.This Fu Yushu, how dare he...

Tang Lin played a melodious qin piece like mountains and flowing water.She was originally gifted in music, and she was born with it. If she hadn't been a soldier, she might have already become a popular singer in both sides of the Taiwan Strait, or a foreign singer.

Because of her interest in music, she has studied all kinds of music scores, modern staff notation, guitar notation, etc., and even ancient Gongchi notation.Because of her extraordinary talent, she doesn't need to learn it often, but understands it at a glance.Therefore, when she sees unfamiliar scores, she can play them immediately.

When she was in the army before, she sang songs and played the piano for many people, and she got countless applause in the end, but this time after she played the guzheng, not only did she not get applause, but the surroundings were still.

She thinks she can play [-] kinds of musical instruments. Although she is not better than those who are stars, she is not much inferior, but why can't she get any applause?It shouldn't be!
Tang Lin glanced at everyone, and she saw dazed faces one after another. Obviously, she was fascinated by her piano sound, and she was still immersed in it at the moment.She looked sideways at the door, wanting to see Yu Shengjun's expression, she didn't expect other people's expressions, only him.

(End of this chapter)

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