The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 197 Qin, chess, calligraphy and painting, proficient in everything!

Chapter 197 Qin, chess, calligraphy and painting, proficient in everything!
He's seen her hit the nail on the head, he's seen her heresy, so he...does he want to see her piano, chess, calligraphy and painting?
In his harem, there are only a handful of women who can play the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.He originally thought she was quite different, so he liked her because he thought it was fresh, right?If she, like those women in his harem, can both play the piano and paint, and is full of scholarly air, then will he lose his freshness towards her?
Before the others could react, the corners of Yu Shengjun's lips raised slightly, and he gave Tang Lin a thumbs up.

Tang Lin's eyes turned hot, this guy, she thought he would be so stingy that he wouldn't respond at all.

Yu Shengjun gave her another gesture, signaling her to cheer.

Tang Lin's eyes were filled with tears, and she nodded to him with all her strength, silently.Her value can be proved without others, but his proof cannot be lacking.His proof, for her, is enough to support her for the rest of her life.

She smiled gratefully, didn't say anything, and she couldn't say anything, otherwise what would happen if other people heard it.

Lu Yitang suddenly exclaimed in astonishment, "God Tang Lin, you still figured it out!"

Others came back to their senses one after another.

Tang Lin faced Yifeng, smiled gracefully, and said, "Vice Commander, the person I'm responding to, I'm Mr. Lu."

Yifeng folded his arms around his chest, admiring Tang Lin quite a bit, raised his eyebrows, and asked, "Why do you think it's him?"

Tang Lin picked up all the music scores in front of her, raised them to Yifeng, and said in a loud voice: "The deputy commander gave me [-] scores and asked me to go to a certain mountain to meet someone. It happened that there were two people in the mountain who were painting Before, I looked at the scores before I went to see the paintings drawn by those two people, and suddenly I knew how to respond to that person. Among the thirty scores, there is one that plays like a mountain and flowing water. With those words, it is It is about mountains and rivers. The portraits of Master Lu and Master Sun are very different. Master Lu’s painting is exactly the artistic conception in the piece I played, with mountains and water. However, Master Sun’s painting, although There are mountains and rivers, but the flying crane under the white clouds has obviously become the protagonist. Therefore, I think the person I want to respond to is Mr. Lu, and the way I want to respond is to play a song with the same scene as his painting. Song. I don’t know if I’m right?”

"Not bad, not bad, very good!" Yifeng applauded three times in a row, admiring Tang Lin, "Tang Lin, in the first six rounds of competition, I have seen your ability, I thought you were good at martial arts, but in terms of writing Naturally..." The topic changed, "But I didn't expect that you are both civil and military."

Tang Lin evoked a charming smile, "Thank you for your appreciation, Vice Commander, Tang Lin just got lucky once in a while, and she's not as amazing as you said, hehe..."

Yifeng said to everyone: "Did you see it? As a daughter, Tang Lin has already given the secret code correctly. If you want to be the bodyguard of the Ouchi, you must work harder. Next, let's continue, it's time for the next contestant to enter..."

"Vice Commander," Tang Lin raised her hand and asked, "Can I go out to get some air?"

Yifeng nodded, "No problem."

Tang Lin smiled gratefully, "Thank you." She smiled at Du Yuanyuan and the others, then left her seat and walked out of the piano pavilion, walking side by side with Yu Shengjun to the yard.

Fu Yushu and Shao Qi looked at the backs of the two, with a cold smile on their lips.They all believed that Tang Lin belonged to them. Seeing Tang Lin and Yu Shengjun getting so close together, then whatever they wanted to do in the future, Tang Lin would not be a problem...

By the flower bed in the corner of the courtyard, Yu Shengjun sat down, Tang Lin was surprised by his behavior, "Your Majesty, you are the Ninth Five-Year King, is it okay to sit here?"

Yu Shengjun chuckled. Although he couldn't see the smile, Tang Lin could hear the hearty voice.He said softly: "I have even sat in the vegetable field of Mrs. Li's house in Ginkgo Village, why can't I sit here?"

Tang Lin sat next to him, "But those are two different things. Your Majesty, in the palace, you are the Ninth Five-Year Honorable One. You shouldn't be sitting in this kind of place. When others saw you, they thought you were a muddleheaded person. Outside the palace, you were visiting incognito, so you don’t have to worry about it. There are a lot of people waiting in the palace, the emperor should be careful about his every move, so as not to let others take advantage of it and make publicity.”

Yu Shengjun laughed and said: "You care about me so much? Then I thank my girlfriend, and I will handle things properly in the future! By the way, Linlin, apart from being good at martial arts, you also have some heresy that I have never seen before, and let you I am impressed by your medical skills and clever mind... In short, I found that you are really omnipotent. Not only that, but you are also absolutely unambiguous about piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Apart from these, what else have you not shown me?"

Tang Lin proudly said: "There are many more, how can I have the opportunity to show them one by one. I have received various training since I was a child. After entering the army, the army has developed my body and brain. As a special soldier, To master the knowledge in various fields, so I have more or less been exposed to a lot. In short, special forces are agents, not only have to accept cruel tests physically, but also their brains. We must not only learn computers, And to learn the essence, at the same time, we also need to learn a lot of things related to women. We have to be on call at any time to complete the task. To complete the task, we must pass various roles to complete it. Sometimes, we will appear as models , Sometimes, she is a public relations lady in the workplace, as long as she can complete the task, no matter how little she wears on her body, she must complete it. Not only that, but we also need to learn multiple languages..."

She suddenly stopped talking, and paused for a while, "Uh, I've said so much, did you understand, Your Majesty?"

Yu Shengjun just stared at her without saying anything, the corners of his lips always maintained a slight smile.She nodded when her face became dull, "Well, I've finished listening, but I don't know what it means."

Tang Lin looked frustrated, "If you don't understand, I won't explain it. When you have a chance to visit us one day, you will understand everything. But then again, even if you visit us, you probably won't be able to see it." What kind of name is it?"

"How to say?" Yu Shengjun was not convinced, "Are I stupid?"

I thought he was a more generous person, but he was so narrow-minded.Tang Lin laughed and said: "Your Majesty, it's not that you are stupid, but... I don't know how to tell you, after all..." You are an ancient man.

He suddenly took her hand, put it in his own, and said gently: "Linlin, I wasn't curious at first, but ever since I met you, I have been curious about you and everything related to you. I Curious about the environment you grew up in, curious about who gave you so many abilities, curious about who gave birth to such a beautiful you, you who can make me unable to take my eyes off."

Tang Lin's nose became sore, she touched the back of his hand, and said with a sob: "Your Majesty, don't be curious, because Linlin may not have the chance to take you to see us once in this life. Sometimes think about it, if it wasn't for me , the emperor will not have so many troubles."

"What are you talking about." He stretched out his hand and pinched her sore nose, "I only feel how wonderful this world is because of you."

Tang Lin narrowed her eyes, "I'm so happy, thank you, Junjun." She looked back mysteriously, thinking that someone was staring at them and talking, but when she saw a few trees blocking them behind her, she was surprised. I was relieved.

She turned her head, and the little Demon Claw took the opportunity to take off the mask on Yu Shengjun's face, without hesitation, she moved her mouth to kiss his cheek, with a mischievous smile on her face.

"You..." Suddenly, Dong Chenchen stood in front of Tang Lin and Yu Shengjun.Seeing Yu Shengjun's most handsome face she has ever seen, and then looking at the dragon robe Yu Shengjun was wearing, her eyes widened suddenly, "... Your Majesty?!" Oh my god, the boss is talking to the current emperor... "Chen, Chen Chen? Why did you come out?" Dong Chenchen's appearance, and Dong Chenchen's discovery that he had kissed Yu Shengjun, and Dong Chenchen saw Yu Shengjun's face, at this moment Tang Lin's whole body was standing on end. .

Dong Chenchen looked stupid, staring at Yu Shengjun, he was wearing a dragon robe, he should be the emperor, and there was his mask next to him, she knew his mask, yes, it was the emperor, the current emperor .But this emperor, why is he so young and so...beautiful.

Tang Lin looked back, but fortunately there was no one behind her. She rubbed her chest and let out a sigh of relief, then got up to pull Dong Chenchen, "Chen Chen, listen to me..."

Instead, Dong Chenchen took two or three steps back, and in front of Tang Lin, he was much different.Slowly, she knelt down, bowed to Yu Shengjun, then to Tang Lin, and said like a stranger: "I didn't mean to disturb you..."

Tang Lin's face was full of anxiety, "Chen Chen, what are you doing?"

Dong Chenchen lowered his head and said: "Minister Dong Chenchen didn't know that the boss belonged to the emperor... Concubine, Minnv made a mistake before, I'm sorry."

"Oh, Chen Chen," Tang Lin couldn't listen anymore, walked over a few steps and grabbed Dong Chenchen's arm, explaining: "Chen Chen, you misunderstood, I am not the emperor's concubine, we... just love each other It’s just Yue. I’m just like you. I’m a very ordinary person. Don’t get me wrong. You suddenly have such a relationship with me. Do you know how sad I am? The matter between me and the emperor is not intended to please you. It's because of unavoidable difficulties, Chen Chen, you have to understand me."

"Let's talk, I'm leaving first." Said softly, and then Yu Shengjun left.

After a while, Tang Lin accompanied Dong Chenchen back to Lanyuan.

On the way back to Lanyuan, Tang Lin explained to Dong Chenchen the matter between herself and Yu Shengjun, "Really Chen Chen, the boss is not lying to you, I really met the emperor outside the palace, and I didn't know he was at that time. Your Majesty, you won't find out until you enter the palace to compete. Everyone in the world knows that the Anti-Defense Society will fight against the imperial court. The Emperor is worried that some thieves from the Anti-Defense Society will sneak into the palace, so he didn't show up to prevent accidents. You know, Safety first. Chen Chen, when I was in the bathhouse, I told you that my sweetheart left without saying a word. I only recently found out that my sweetheart is the current emperor. Shocked and...overwhelmed."

Dong Chenchen said enviously: "I heard people in the palace mention that today's emperor is not close to women. It seems that it is not true. Boss, I think you are a good match. You must be together forever, you know? I don't know if we still Is there a chance to meet again?"

Tang Lin comforted: "What silly things are you talking about? Today's farewell is not a farewell to death. As long as we are still alive, we will meet again one day. It doesn't matter if you failed the seventh round this time. In the outside world, you Still the best Dong Chenchen in the eyes of the boss."

Dong Chenchen's eyes turned hot, and he said gratefully: "Thank you boss for loving Chen Chen as always, then you have to take care."

Tang Lin nodded, "Yes, I will."

At the gate of Lanyuan, Dong Chenchen stopped Tang Lin's footsteps, choked up and said, "Boss, I don't want you to send me to the gate of the palace, I'm afraid... I will be reluctant to leave you. Let me leave by myself, okay?" ?”

Tang Lin wanted to say more, but finally said: "Then... that's it, I won't see you off, but you have to write a note later, I want to know which acrobatic class you are with, so I can go Looking for you."

In order to ease the atmosphere, Dong Chenchen deliberately looked down on Tang Lin, "You will soon be a queen, why do you still miss me as a subordinate?"

Tang Lin said: "You are not only my subordinate, but also a good sister that I will cherish for the rest of my life. Chen Chen, I don't want to say much, I just want to tell you a few words. Be careful when you are outside. If you don't have money Now, go to Jundiexuan to find the tall guy in Jundiexuan, he is my friend and will help you."

(End of this chapter)

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