The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 198 There is no place to stay here, but a place to stay!

Chapter 198 There is no place to stay here, but a place to stay!
At this moment, a middle-aged woman came out of Fengyue Tower.

The expression of the fake Fu Yushu was stunned for a moment, and he suddenly remembered something. He immediately took out the painting in his arms, opened it, and compared it with the woman a few times. Gradually, the corners of his lips curled into a proud arc, "Sure enough , it's you."

After Li Niang walked out of Fengyue Tower, she walked towards the street on the right.

The fake Fu Yushu followed behind her.

When Li Niang walked into an alley, the fake Fu Yushu who was following behind suddenly stopped in his tracks. He thought for a while, and then jumped up onto the wall of the house next to him.

After a while, when Li Niang was about to reach the shop selling sour plum soup, her footsteps stopped suddenly, and she stared blankly at the white figure two meters away in front of her.

In her eyes, this white back is very familiar, could it be...

Slowly, the fake Fu Yushu turned around with a charming smile.

Li Niang was stunned for a moment, and then her face was filled with joy, "Young Master Fu, you are back!" As she spoke, she walked towards the fake Fu Yushu, obviously not suspecting that the person in front of her was not the real Fu Yushu.

The smile on the fake Fu Yushu's face gradually faded, and Fu Yushu returned to the usual gentle and slightly unfamiliar expression towards Li Niang, "Li Niang, how have you been lately?"

Li Niang responded several times, "Okay, okay, I'm fine. Mr. Fu, you don't know, during the days when you're not here, Miss has been thinking about you."

Fake Fu Yushu's eyes lit up, "Then, is she still in the same place now?"

"I'm here," Li Niang said hastily, "She said she didn't want to go back to the bamboo house in the mountains, she just wanted to wait for you to come back in Fengyue Tower. Mr. Fu, when you left, you said that you would go outside the Great Wall for a month and a half, why did you come back so soon? ?”

"Uh, this..." The fake Fu Yushu didn't dare to be in a daze for a long time, lest Li Niang would see the clue, so he immediately replied: "I finished my work, so I came back immediately."

Li Niang, "Oh, that's right."

"That..." The fake Fu Yushu pondered for a while, and then said to Li Niang: "On the way back from beyond the Great Wall this time, I met a man, his name is Liu Gui, and he said..."

Li Niang was startled, with a look of panic on her face, "Master Fu, I..." How did this Liu Gui find Fu Yushu?

Fake Fu Yushu said softly: "Li Niang, since I met Liu Gui, I only know about your affairs with him. In fact, it's okay for you to be together with him in public, and it doesn't affect Shihe. He thought something happened to you. So I did everything possible to find me. Now that I'm back, let me take care of Shihe, and you go talk to Liu Gui..."

"But..." Li Niang refused, but she couldn't wait to find Liu Gui.

The fake Fu Yushu could see what Li Niang was thinking, and now he felt that he could distract Li Niang, "He lives in the Fortune Inn, you go to him, and explain everything to him, so as not to worry about each other. With me, Fu Yushu, here , you don’t have to worry about the safety of your young lady.”

"Then..." After hesitating again and again, Li Niang finally agreed, and Liu Gui is still more important than her own lady, "Then Mr. Fu, I will leave the lady to you. I will come back right away after I make it clear to Liu Gui..."

"You don't need to come back!" As soon as the words came out, the fake Fu Yushu realized that he had gone too far, he smiled perfunctorily, and continued: "You and Liu Gui can get along for a while, it's okay, Shihe and I have nothing to do. It's your fault. I just said, with me here, don't worry about your lady. "

Li Niang was grateful, "Thank you Mr. Fu for your understanding, then I will leave you to Mr. Fu."

Fake Fu Yushu raised his hand, wanting to shake Li Niang away, "Go, Liu Gui is still waiting for you in the inn, don't make him wait. When I saw him last time, he was going The one who hanged himself was fortunately stopped by me. He said that without you, life is meaningless. After all, it is a human life, you... don't just ignore death."

"I see, Mr. Fu, I'm leaving first." Upon hearing that Liu Gui committed suicide for himself, Li Niang was so frightened that she turned around and ran away.

After running for a few steps, Li Niang suddenly turned her head, and the weird smile on the fake Fu Yushu's face suddenly stopped, and she squeezed into a stiff smile, "What's, what's the problem?"

Li Niang said: "Miss, she wants to drink sour plum soup. It's at the one in front of you. You can buy it for me. Thank you." .

Fake Fu Yushu turned around, looked at the sign hanging at the entrance of the sour plum soup shop in front of him, and gradually lost his mind...

The entrance of Fengyue Building.

Leaning at the door are a few women who are rarely dressed and are dressed in fancy dress.When they saw the fake Fu Yushu walking to the door, carrying a small basket, they immediately lowered their heads, "My lord."

The fake Fu Yushu asked, "Is the landlord there?"

A woman said, "Master, Sister Shi is here."

After a while, the fake Fu Yushu stood outside Shihe's room, holding a small basket, took a deep breath to calm himself down, and then gently opened the door.Shihe was wearing a dark green dress, standing in front of the window.The window was open, and she quietly watched the house opposite the window, with one hand on her abdomen, stroking gently.

There was no hair accessory on her head, and her hair was tied vertically behind her back without any mess, only tied with a gray-green ribbon.Compared with Tang Lin, the difference between them is that one likes to let their hair down, and the other likes to tie it up.

She stood in front of the window in the inner room, and there was a transparent curtain between the inner room and the outer room.

Shi He heard the small sound of opening the door, she turned her head to look outside, and saw a familiar white shadow approaching the inside.After she saw it clearly, her eyes suddenly became hot, "Yushu, is it you?"

The fake Fu Yushu was stunned, he didn't expect that he would be so successful in pretending to be Fu Yushu, and he would be recognized before he fully saw it.He responded lightly from outside, "Well, I'm back."

Shihe walked towards the curtain with her belly slightly supported, and then gently opened it, just in time to meet the eyes of the fake Fu Yushu.

"Little..." The moment he saw Shi He's face, the fake Fu Yushu almost called out a person's name in surprise.It turns out that Shihe and Tang Lin really look exactly alike.

Seeing his pale face, Shi He asked with concern: "Yu Shu, what's wrong with you?"

Now, the scars on her face are gone. With the help of the genius doctor Jiuzi found, the scars completely disappeared within a few days.A delicate and perfect face, exactly the same as Tang Lin, appeared in front of the fake Fu Yushu.

However, instead of Tang Lin's usual optimism, her face was more melancholy and mature.

Fake Fu Yushu regained his composure and shook his head, "It's okay, maybe I want to see you so much, I don't know what to say for a while." He walked over, helped her, walked to the table and sat down, "During the time I've been away ,Are you ok?"

She looked at his face, smiled softly and said, "Well, everything is fine. My child and I are both fine."

He stroked her cheek lightly, mixed with curiosity.It's really a peerless face, but there are only two in this world, Fu Yushu and Yu Shengjun are so get it.

She gently grabbed his hand and put it on her lap, "This time I went to work outside the Great Wall, and you said it would take half a month to come back." It happened to be the day when the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition ended. "Why did you come back early?"

False Fu Yushu said: "After all, the work was done quickly this time, so I can come back early. By the way," he lifted the basket and put it on the table, brought out the sour plum soup and gently put it on the table, "I saw Li Niang outside just now. Because she needs to do some things, she won't wait for you, young lady, to buy sour plum soup these days, and leave everything to me, Fu Yushu."

As everyone knows, what he said made Shihe's five flavors grow old immediately, "It would be great if I hadn't been elected as the queen at the beginning, then we can live a bright and aboveboard life now."

He took the spoon and brought a spoonful to her lips, "Eat slowly." She slowly opened her mouth, and he put the spoon on her lips while saying, "You don't have to worry about these things, I will Now, nothing is a problem."

After drinking a spoonful, Shi He said worriedly: "But the emperor sent the palace to arrest our guards, and they are still moving around."

Fake Fu Yushu smiled gently, "Going around doesn't mean they can find us. Don't worry, with me here, you and the child will be fine, and I promise to give you a safe and secure future."

Shihe turned her worry into joy, "Well, I will wait patiently."

After drinking the sour plum soup, Fu Yushu helped Shihe back to lie on the bed, and said softly, "You are pregnant, so you should not move around often, you should rest more."

Shihe nodded lightly, "I see." Suddenly remembered something, and said: "By the way, Yushu, Jiuzi came to you and said that you need to make up your mind on something very important."

Nine sons... Fake Fu Yushu is not familiar with this character at all, but if he asks Shihe clearly, she will definitely doubt him. "Then... where is he at the moment?"

Shihe said: "Every night he protects me in Fengyuelou, in case the guards in the palace find out."

"Yes, this is what I ordered him to do." In this way, it is not difficult to find Jiuzi.

An afternoon passed in a blink of an eye.

It was the evening time when the sunset was infinitely beautiful.

All afternoon, Tang Lin stayed in her room, sleeping occasionally, and occasionally chatting with Yun Shan and Du Yuanyuan about their views on tomorrow's game.

After dinner was served, Tang Lin dragged her limp body down from the bed, moved to the table and sat down, and said weakly, "It's been a day without accomplishing anything, and I feel like I'm going to be useless."

"Heh," Du Yuanyuan said with a smile after sitting down, "You've only been busy with the game all afternoon and you're like this? You can imagine what kind of life you usually live in."

Tang Lin raised her eyebrows, "Have you seen all this?"

Du Yuanyuan said: "If you haven't been training all the time, why would you feel panic when you are free?"

Tang Lin drooped her head and said sullenly, "That's true."

Yun Shan served Tang Lin a bowl of rice, put it in front of her, and said, "Boss, tell us, what do you think about tomorrow's eighth round?"

Tang Lin took a bite of the vegetables, and said casually: "I don't have any ideas, I will compare whatever people want me to compare, I don't bother to guess."

Yun Shan said: "If you don't prepare in advance, you may lose."

Tang Lin said casually: "If you lose, you lose, what's the big deal. There is no place to stay here, but there is a place to stay."

"But you're a bitch." Yun Shan added amusedly.

Tang Lin narrowed her eyes and said with a smile: "I just think I'm quite a man. Mother? When I have to dress up as a escort lady to please a big boss, I feel like a mother. It's a pity that such a day is not good. many."

Neither Yun Shan nor Du Yuanyuan could understand what she said.

Tang Lin didn't explain, she glanced at the food on the table while chewing, thinking to herself, "Why didn't Zichen and Eyun cook tonight's food?"

At night, there was a bang, and the sound of tea bowls breaking came from a wing room in the backyard of Nangong kitchen.

(End of this chapter)

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