The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 199 A Good Show!

Chapter 199 A good show!
"Eyun! Eyun! What's wrong with you?" Feng Diewu's voice was full of anxiety in the wing room.

After a while, Feng Diewu rushed out of the door, out of the backyard, into the kitchen next door, and ran up to Yu Zichen who was cooking, and grabbed his arm and dragged him out without caring for his breath, "My lord, Something happened, something happened to Eyun!"

As soon as Feng Diewu informed the situation, Yu Zichen was in a hurry and ran faster than her, so he shook off her hand and ran to the backyard.

Feng Diewu's footsteps became slower and slower, until she reached the door of the backyard, and when she saw Yu Zichen rushing into the wing, her footsteps stopped, and the corner of her mouth raised an extremely weird smile that confused all living beings.

"Yun'er!" Yu Zichen ran to the bed, immediately picked up Guan Eyun who was curled up on the ground beside the bed, put her on the bed, and then held her hand tightly, his eyes were full of worry and distress, "Yun'er, don't scare me, don't..."

Guan Eyun's face was very pale, and his spirit was like a spring.She half-closed her tired eyes and looked at her husband for a while, then shook her head very weakly, "Zichen, I, I'm afraid... I can't do it anymore."

Coincidentally, Guan Eyun walked to the door, and when he heard this sentence, he smiled triumphantly.After stopping the smile, he immediately ran into the room and ran to the bed, "Eyun, how are you?"

"No, you'll be fine!" Yu Zichen said with red eyes while holding his wife's hand tightly.

Guan Eyun tried hard to squeeze out a wry smile, but it seemed so pale and weak, "I know my body best. Zichen..." She grabbed his hand with all her strength, and it was very difficult for her to speak, "I'm dead Finally, help, help me, revenge, okay? I...I don't want to die like this, I hate, hate Yu Shengjun... broke"

"Stop talking, you'll be fine." He put her hand on his lips and kissed, hoping that this would bring life to his wife. "Even if you have nothing to do, I will avenge you!"

Guan Eyun smiled weakly, "Thank you... Zichen." Slowly, her weak eyes turned to Feng Die Wu next to her, and she smiled softly at Feng Die Wu, "Die Wu, yes, yes Can you do me a favor, please?"

Feng Diewu took a few steps closer, "Eyun, tell me, I can help you with anything. You are getting angry now, so it's not appropriate to talk too much. Let's talk when we wake up, okay?"

"No," Guan Eyun shook his head and refused, "My time... no, I'm running out. I'm afraid, afraid that I won't have the chance to... say it in the future."

Feng Diewu choked up and said: "E Yun, what do you want to say to me? You will be fine, we are such good sisters, we can't be separated easily. So, cheer up!"

Guan Eyun sniffed, "I also want to cheer up, but... I can't do it anymore."

Feng Diewu shook her head and cried: "No, you will be fine, I don't want to hear you say such things."

"Are you going to promise me?" Suddenly, Guan Eyun held Feng Die Wu's hand tightly with one hand, trying to concentrate his energy on speaking, "Promise to do me a favor... can you? I beg is you!"

Seeing her in such pain, Feng Diewu immediately nodded and agreed, "Okay, I promise you, don't get excited, I promise. It's just... what do you want me to promise you?"

Slowly, Guan Eyun's eyes fell on Yu Zichen's face, looking at this handsome face, tears could not help but flow down, "...Zichen."

Yu Zichen nodded, choked up and said, "I'm here."

Guan Eyun smiled weakly, and she said, "I know you like... Die Wu."

Feng Diewu and Yu Zichen were stunned at the same time, they looked at each other in tacit understanding, and then quickly looked away to Guan Eyun's face.Feng Diewu said anxiously: "Eyun, what, what are you talking about." But it was difficult to conceal the panic and guilty conscience in the words.

Guan Eyun continued: "I didn't talk nonsense, I really...want to" She tried her best to put their hands together, "Die Wu, after I die, help me love... Zichen." "No!" Before Feng Diewu could refuse, Yu Zichen immediately rejected Guan Eyun's request, "I don't want anyone except you!"

Feng Diewu stared at him intently, staring so tightly that her eyes turned red.This man actually refused, he actually refused...

The next moment, Fengdiewu's attitude changed, and she said to Guan Eyun: "Eyun, you are the concubine, the person the prince loves the most, how can you drag me into it, you can't."

Guan Eyun and Yu Zichen refused, suddenly couldn't lift his breath and coughed a few times, but coughed up blood.

Seeing the blood, Yu Zichen's eyes hurt, "Yun'er..." Immediately shouted towards the door, "Come on, hurry up and tell the imperial doctor—"

"Don't, don't pass it on." Guan Eyun grasped Yu Zichen's hand tightly, and said with an air of gossamer.She looked at him, her eyes full of expectation, "promise me, promise me, okay? Yun'er doesn't want you to be alone...alone. One of you is, my best...friend. The other is, it's me Dear... people, I hope you... are all, all well!"

"Stop talking!" Yu Zichen said in a particularly painful way, "If you keep talking, I will never see you again." Then he shouted at the door, "Tell the imperial doctor, pass on the imperial doctor!"

"My lord..." After calling this, Guan Eyun simply wanted to straighten up, "I'll give you my body, I'll kneel down for you."

His wife's forceful request made Yu Zichen at a loss what to do, he pressed her down in pain, closed his eyes in despair, "Okay, I promise you, I promise to have a good time with Diewu."

Guan Eyun smiled weakly, but was full of relief, "Thank you...My lord, you, well, love, love...Diewu."

Yu Zichen nodded painfully, "I will, I love her just like I love my Yun'er."

She clasped the hands of the two of them tightly together, looked at the faces of the two of them hard, smiled in satisfaction, and suddenly closed her eyelids tiredly, and the hands on the backs of the two of their hands also fell off.

These pictures played very slowly in Yu Zichen's eyes. When his wife's face turned to one side, he shouted hoarsely to the sky, "Ah——"

Fengdiewu shook Guan Eyun's body, crying and shouting: "Eyun, Eyun, don't do this, wake up quickly, I don't want you to die, I don't want you to die..."

Yu Zichen suddenly stopped talking, let go of his wife's hand, got up and ran outside, "Yun'er, wait, this king will avenge you!"

Feng Diewu's eyes tightened, startled by Yu Zichen's impulsiveness, she immediately left the bed and ran up, blocking Yu Zichen's way, "My lord, don't go, don't go, it's dangerous!"

Yu Zichen pushed her away, "Get out of the way!"

With nothing to do, Feng Diewu rushed over, hugged Yu Zichen's waist from behind, and hugged him tightly, "I won't let you go. If you have any problems, then Eyun will die in vain."

"Let me go!" Yu Zichen pushed Fengdiewu's hand away with force, and successfully shook her off and walked forward.

This time Feng Die Wu simply rushed over to hug his legs, lying on the ground, "I don't allow you to go, I don't allow you to die, my lord, please calm down!"

Yu Zichen tried his best but couldn't take a step. It turned out that there was a Phoenix Diewu behind him.Seeing how desperate she was, he gradually lowered his head to look at her in pain, and said in a hoarse voice: "Die Wu, let go, this king is going to avenge his concubine, I can't let her die in vain!"

Feng Diewu choked up and said: "But my lord, you don't know who your enemy is, how can you avenge Eyun? Eyun is suffering from a severe poison, and you can't cure it, and you don't know who poisoned it, how can you find the murderer?"

Yu Zichen's eyes suddenly sprouted hatred, "I know who it is."

Feng Diewu was stunned, but the stunned emotion was fleeting, "My lord, first, how about doing this first, and wait for you to calm down before going to take revenge?"

"Let go." Yu Zichen said softly instead of being violent as before.Feng Diewu let go of her hand obediently, but she was still afraid that he would run away.He turned around and looked at the broken teacup on the ground beside the bed with pained eyes, and then at his wife who kept her eyes closed on the bed. Now, tears of heartache rolled down his cheeks, "... Yun'er."

Feng Diewu stood up and calmed down her nervousness, and then boldly approached Yu Zichen slowly, until she fell into his arms, wrapped his arms around his waist, and gave him warmth, "My lord, don't be like this, believe me Eyun doesn't want to see you like this." It's strange, why the feeling in my heart is so subtle, as if drinking sweet soup.

Yu Zichen suddenly hugged her tightly, bit her shoulder tightly, vented all the pain of Guan Eyun's death on her shoulder.Teeth dug into her shoulders.

Feng Diewu endured the severe pain without flinching, feeling happy in pain.At this moment, she found an inexplicable change in her heart. It turns out that being hugged and needed by someone is such a pleasant feeling...

It's just that she didn't know if Yu Zichen bit her to death purely to vent Guan Eyun's death...

When Yu Shengjun rushed to the wing, Yu Zichen was sitting on the edge of the bed holding his wife's hand, looking at her indifferently.He walked in step by step, followed by An Lin, Yitang, and Yishuang.

When Feng Diewu saw Yu Shengjun, a gleam of happiness flashed in her heart.When Yu Shengjun approached the bed, she bowed her body, "Die Wu sees the emperor."

Yu Shengjun ignored her, staring at Guan Eyun on the bed, and finally asked Yu Zichen, "What's the matter?" Yu Zichen didn't answer for a long time, and didn't look at him, he suddenly shouted, "Ask you?" ,what happened?"

Yu Zichen pulled his lips and sneered, "Ask knowingly."

An Lin reminded, "Second prince, what are you talking about, this is the emperor, you can see clearly."

Yu Zichen smiled coldly, "This king sees it very clearly."

Seeing the war of words between the two, Feng Diewu watched from the side, sometimes lowered her head and smiled sinisterly, sometimes raised her head and looked at them worriedly, "Your Majesty, Second Princess..."

Yishuang came over and touched the neck of the inspector Eyun, his face gradually dimmed, "Master, it is probably fatal due to poison, and the second princess has already..."

"Get out, get out!" Yu Zichen suddenly changed his temper and pushed Yu Shengjun and Yishuang away, "Get out of here!"

Yu Shengjun restrained Yu Zichen, his face was full of pain, "Second brother, what are you doing, calm down."

Yu Zichen simply pushed harder, "Get lost! Don't be hypocritical here!"

"Second brother..." Yu Shengjun's throat was so hoarse that he couldn't utter a complete sentence.

Feng Diewu said to Yu Shengjun: "Your Majesty, no one thought that E Yun would not be able to survive today. The second prince is sad now, can you leave him alone?"

"Then take good care of him, and I will come to see him when he is better." After speaking, Yu Shengjun hurriedly turned around and ran out, obviously in great pain.

Feng Diewu looked at the figure leaving in a hurry, and smiled very seductively.Now, Yu Shengjun had no idea why Yu Zichen wanted to run into him, it was so painful, it was expected.

Feng Diewu stood beside Yu Zichen and said in a soft voice: "My lord, that was the emperor just now. Although you are brothers, you can't collide..."

"You don't understand." At this moment, Yu Zichen's face was very cold, and his voice was terribly calm.

Feng Die Wu frowned, "What?"

Yu Zichen's eyes were extremely cold, "That's the murderer who killed your good sister, that's the murderer who killed my concubine, it's good enough that my king didn't point his sword at him just now!"

(End of this chapter)

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