The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 201 It really is a dead end

Chapter 201 It really is a dead end
Jiu Zi couldn't imagine what would happen.

The fake Fu Yushu suddenly stopped, thought and thought, and finally felt that there was a move that should be seen, "Jiuzi, we must go back to the organization, and we will leave tonight!"

Jiu Zi was worried, "But Sister Shi, she..."

The fake Fu Yushu said: "I have sent someone to protect her secretly, don't worry."

Jiu Zi nodded, "Well, that's very good. The subordinates will go and call our people nearby to go back to the organization together."

Seeing the figure of Jiuzi leaving, Fu Yushu wiped a smug smile on the corner of his mouth, and it turned out to be a daughter's voice, "What a fool, I let this palace find your organization so easily, and I will definitely take care of you when I go back. Reward me."

In a blink of an eye, it was dawn.

Shi He opened her eyes and sat up slowly, when she saw the cold-blooded face beside the bed, she immediately widened her eyes, "Who are you?" The person standing by the bed was none other than An Leng.Yu Shengjun specially sent him out to take charge of Shihe's work.

The corners of the dark and cold lips evoked evil charms, staring closely at Shihe's face, and said evilly: "Sure enough, it is a face that is overwhelming, but why can you only be the shadow of Tang Lin ?”

Tang Lin? !Shi He was startled suddenly, "How do you know Tang Lin?"

He sneered secretly: "There is nothing I don't know."

Shi Helen asked: "Who are you?"

Four words came out from the corners of the dark and cold lips, "Da, Nei, Shi, Wei."

When Shihe heard it, her pupils dilated instantly, and she said in great horror: "What, you are actually a guard of Ouchi?" Like a pervert, she tried to shrink back into the bed, trying to stay away from An Leng, "What is a guard of Ouchi, I don't know I understand. You go, I don't know you, please get out of here."

The corners of An Leng's lips curled slightly, with a deep smile, "Empress Cheng Huan, don't be so afraid, I was not born as a cannibal, you don't have to be afraid that you will die in my hands!"

Shihe asked with horror on her face: "You haven't seen me, and the emperor hasn't seen me either. How do you know that I am Empress Chenghuan? All traces of my past have been destroyed, haven't they?"

He sneered secretly, "If it's already been destroyed, what's the use of the Ouchi guards? Do you think that Fu Yushu's ability can wipe out all your past? Hmph, that's too naive."

Shihe smiled bleakly, "After all, there is no impenetrable wind, I understand. It is really easy for you to find me. I have always heard that Ouchi's guards are omnipotent, and it seems to be true. Then, Mr. Guards, you What are you going to do to me? That's right, I am Shi He, the empress Cheng Huan whom the emperor forcibly married back then, could it be that he wants to kill me now?"

"Forcibly married?" An Leng couldn't understand the word, "Why do you think the emperor wants to marry you?"

Shihe said angrily: "Isn't it?"

Ask secretly: "What kind of person is the emperor in your mind?"

Shihe didn't think about it, and immediately said: "He is a heinous bastard. In order to consolidate his position, he dared to attack even virtuous officials, and he would not let off the family members of the officials' families. Yushu is an example. At the beginning, it was He fled to Qing County after being hunted down by the dog emperor, but he didn’t even let me go. I know that the dog emperor wanted to embarrass Yushu, so he married me as a queen, and Yushu was so angry."

"Hahaha!" Laughed coldly, and after the smile stopped, he said weakly: "This is really the funniest joke I've ever heard. I mean Queen Chenghuan, what you said was all told by Fu Yushu, right? ?”

Shihe remained silent, her complexion was very bad.After a while, she felt the need to ask one thing clearly, "How do you know that I look exactly like Tang Lin?"

He said secretly and proudly: "You may not know, Tang Lin, who is one of the most important people in the palace now, who doesn't know her? I just can't imagine that she lives such a wonderful life, but you... live such a dark life."

The word "darkness" caused anger to grow in Shihe's eyes, "It's not because of the dog emperor."

He sighed coldly, "It was Fu Yushu who poisoned you so deeply that you misunderstood the emperor so much. But it doesn't matter, from now on there will be time for you to see right from wrong."

Shi He panicked: "What do you want?"

He wrote lightly and coldly: "My master said that he promised the empress dowager that he must let you stay in the empress dowager for another year, so you must go back with me now!"

Shihe lowered her head, smiled wryly and said, "How can the life of Yushu and I be so rough..."

Sunrise time.

The venue for the eighth round - the stone cave in the western suburbs of the Royal Forest.

This time, all the contestants were waiting outside the cave.Including Tang Lin, a total of 29 contestants.

There are heavy guards around the cave.

Yifeng stood at the entrance of the cave, looked at everyone, and said, "The title of the eighth round of the competition is: Escape. If he wants to become an excellent Ouchi guard, he must go through all kinds of difficulties and complicated environments. If he With sufficient escape ability, no matter how bad the environment is, it will not hinder his will to live. This round is to test everyone's escape ability. Everyone has also seen that there is a stone cave behind me. What is the width and length of the mountain connected to it, and whether there is an exit... You will know when you escape from the cave. If you can’t come out within the stipulated time, it’s a pity. Missed."

The players talked a lot.

Only Shao Qi and Fu Yushu didn't talk about it. The two of them looked behind them from time to time to see if the emperor had come. In previous games, the emperor would come to the scene in person.

However, they did not see the emperor's arrival. It seemed that the matter was true. The emperor was seriously injured, and he was probably lying on the bed now.

Shao Qi and Fu Yushu smiled at each other and exchanged meaningful glances.They are all gloating at the moment. Of course, the emperor they all want to kill is injured, so can they not be gloating?

Yifeng also said: "The internal structure of the cave is full of strange things. Not only are there many traps, but it is also easy to get lost. If you don't want to be trapped in it, then you have to use your abilities to break through and get out."

A contestant raised his hand and asked, "Vice Commander, how long do we have?"

Yifeng raised two fingers in a row, "One day, one night. Our people will come here tomorrow at this time. If you are still standing here, then congratulations. You have successfully passed the customs. Next, you can participate in the ninth round It is a cruel test. If you fail to stand here, it is a pity, our Ouchi guards must drive you out of the palace."

Everyone whispered, mostly discussing how to tackle key problems.

At this time, Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing walked outside the cave, and Sun Bailing knocked on the door of the cave five times in the past, and the door of the cave opened obediently.Tang Lin secretly remembered this.

Lu Yitang pulled off the cover of the smoke bomb, and the smoke bomb rushed into the air, cutting a beautiful blue arc.

Yifeng said to all the contestants: "You can enter the cave now, but you have to remember it. You only have one day and one night. There are 29 flags of our Yuxin Dynasty hidden in the cave. As for the size, we I will not disclose it. After entering this cave, everyone must take out a flag, and if they appear outside the cave at sunrise tomorrow morning, it will be considered a customs clearance. If there is no flag and people are here, it means that the research has failed .Did everyone hear clearly?"

All the contestants replied together: "Listen clearly."

Yifeng walked to the side of the cave and got out of the way in the middle. "Since you heard everything clearly, let's go in!"

The female players were in the first row, so Tang Lin, Du Yuanyuan, and Yun Shan walked into the cave first, followed by Cao Dan, Han Xueyan, and Fu Yushu.

After all 29 contestants entered, the door of the cave suddenly closed.

Tang Lin stood at the front and looked around. There were three passages. The ground of each passage was flat and paved with square stones engraved with different characters, but the end could not be seen, because there was an It was dark, and there was only a light here from the entrance of the cave.

Yun Shan looked at the three forked roads, and didn't pay attention to the words on the ground. She said, "If you choose the wrong road, you may go straight to the end and get the flag, but it's also possible..."

"It's a way that can never be restored." Du Yuanyuan finished his words.

Go straight for five meters, and you will arrive at the place where the three forks are.

When Tang Lin was about to tell everyone to pay attention to the stones with words within five meters in front of them, Yun Shan pointed to the three roads one after another, "Whoever the little rooster points to is the one." Finally, she pointed to the road on the right. "It's this one, I believe this one is okay." Said happily, and stepped into the stone with words.

Yun Lei's eyes tightened, and he ran forward, "Junior Sister!" He ran in and grabbed Yun Shan's arm regardless of anything, and said anxiously: "Don't walk around, come back!"

Tang Lin saw that the place the two of them were stepping on suddenly moved, "Be careful!"

But it was too late, when Yunlei and Yunshan reacted, the stone with words suddenly opened a hole, "Ah—" The two of them just fell down.

Du Yuanyuan covered his mouth in horror, "Yun Shan..."

In less than a second, the open hole closed again without a trace.

Han Xueyan covered her mouth, "It's so scary!"

Shao Qi stroked her back, looked at the stones with words in front of her, and comforted her: "I'm here, don't be afraid."

Cao Dan turned around and said to everyone: "There is a trap in front, everyone, don't move, wait until the trap is broken and then move forward slowly." After speaking, he turned around and walked to Tang Lin in front. He stared at the person within five meters in front of him The ground muttered: "Is there some mystery in these words?"

Tang Lin squatted down and carefully studied the stones with words within five meters, her mouth moved slightly, "Form is emptiness, and emptiness is form. Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately."

Du Yuanyuan was puzzled and said, "What exactly does this mean?"

Fu Yushu came up and stood beside Cao Dan, studying those characters as well.

Tang Lin only studied on her own and kept looking for a solution, thinking to herself: "Just now Yunshan and Yunlei stepped on the two stones of "put" and "down", just like that, they were let down Is it. Could it be that... that's the solution?"

Seeing Tang Lin standing up, Du Yuanyuan asked her: "But have you found a way to crack it?"

Tang Lin asked back, "Did you find it?"

Du Yuanyuan shook his head, "No. I think some of these words have traps, but I don't know which ones."

Cao Dan became irritable, "If every word is a trap, then we can't get through it. How can we get the flag inside? I think, step on every word."

Fu Yushu reminded: "If you step on it indiscriminately, it will touch the mechanism instead, so it won't work."

Tang Lin smiled slightly and said, "I can crack it." Many people asked, "How?"

Tang Lin occasionally pointed to those words, and explained to everyone: "These words actually have mysteries. I will tell you what kind of mysteries they contain in the end. If you believe me, you just listen to me, the following" The word "color", the word "put", the word "down", the word "knife", you can't step on these words anyway, do you hear clearly? Now, follow me, then this first level will definitely pass. It's okay. If you don't believe me, you can do as you like."

(End of this chapter)

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