The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 202 Yu Shengjun personally examines Shihe!

Chapter 202 Yu Shengjun personally examines Shihe!
Tang Lin didn't want to say anything to everyone. She stepped on the word "that" on the left first, then stepped on the word "yes" in the middle, and then stepped on the word "that" in the middle...

Cao Dan has always believed in Tang Lin, so he was the first to follow in Tang Lin's footsteps. He would step on whatever word she stepped on. It really went smoothly and there were no traps.

Fu Yushu and Du Yuanyuan fully believed that Tang Lin was their own, so they immediately followed in Cao Dan's footsteps.

Shao Qi and Han Xueyan behind also followed Fu Yushu and the others.

The other contestants saw so many people following Tang Lin, so they followed suit.

Soon, Tang Lin walked the five-meter-long section and came to the front of the three forked roads.Although there are also stones with words on it here, but those words are all the same word, so there is no problem.

After successfully walking over, Cao Dan couldn't wait to ask Tang Lin: "Sister Tang, how do you know that those words are useless?"

Tang Lin explained: "Did you all see it just now? Yunlei and Yunshan are standing on top of the characters "Fang" and "Xia". It is not difficult to guess that there is another trap under these two characters. "Put it down" doesn't just put them down."

Everyone suddenly realized, oh, that's what it meant.

Tang Lin said again: "If I didn't guess, if you step on the two characters for "color", if you step on it, it won't be that a beautiful woman will rise up automatically, or you will fall into the gentle village below. Once you fall, you will be caught. Seduced by the beauty, has it not delayed the game? Also, the "knife" is the most obvious. Once stepped on, countless small knives will be sent towards us. When the time comes, how can we hide in the urn? ever?"

Many people showed admiration on their faces, but they didn't know how to express it.

Cao Dan praised: "Sister Tang, you are too powerful."

Tang Lin shrugged, "You're welcome."

Fu Yushu looked at the three forked roads in front of him, and became worried, "As they said just now, if you take the wrong one, you may be lost forever. How should you choose?"

Han Xueyan saw that among the three roads, the middle one was dark at the deepest point, while the other two roads were brighter.She said to Shao Qi: "Brother Qilin, I think the left and right paths should be fine."

Du Yuanyuan felt the same way: "I also think that the left and right roads are correct. Look at the end of the middle road. It's dark. It's usually like a dead end."

"There are so many strange things in the cave, and there is everything you need, and you don't have much time to find the flag, so you can't waste your time here now." Shao Qi took Han Xueyan's arm and walked to the right road, "This one should be right. of."

Du Yuanyuan walked to the left road, walked a few steps, turned around and said to Tang Lin, "Let's go this way."

Tang Lin turned to Fu Yushu and asked, "What about you?"

"I'll listen to her, you hurry up and follow." After finishing speaking, Fu Yushu walked towards Du Yuanyuan, and then the two walked forward side by side. They all thought that Tang Lin and the others would follow.

However, Tang Lin watched helplessly as their figures disappeared into the road on the left.

This time, Shao Qi and Han Xueyan had disappeared.

Cao Dan looked to the left and then to the right, feeling a little confused, "Sister Tang, should we go with Big Brother Qilin or Big Brother Fu? I'm a little undecided now!"

Tang Lin turned around and said to everyone: "If you can believe that I can find the flag and pass the customs on time, then follow me every step of the way. If you don't believe me, then you can find another way." After finishing speaking, she turned her head and grabbed me. The clothes on Cao Dan's arm, "Let's go, let's go to the middle road. I believe that this road is not a dead end."

Cao Dan looked terrified, "Isn't it Miss Tang? Look, there's a lot of black and white in front, are you sure it's not the way of eternal doom?"

Tang Lin said lazily: "If there is no redemption, how can we be reborn from the dead. If we don't go through difficulties, how can we get the flag for us? Do you think that the eighth round of the competition is very easy? Really!"

Cao Dan also said what was refuted, so he had to follow Tang Lin closely.

Those contestants had all seen Tang Lin's abilities, so they gritted their teeth and followed Tang Lin. Instead of taking the other two bright paths, they followed Tang Lin on the dark... path.

Including Tang Lin, a total of 25 people walked into the dark path in the middle.

When leaving, Tang Lin looked at her watch.After walking for about half an hour, she suddenly stopped.For half an hour, she had been walking in smear, and Cao Dan was so scared that he kept tugging at her arm.And the other contestants stepped on their own feet occasionally, and oopsed a few times, thinking they saw hell, but in fact their feet hurt.

"What is the ghost called?"

"My foot hurts, you stepped on me!"

"No ghosts, you all follow closely!" Tang Lin's voice came from the darkness.

But in such an atmosphere, all the contestants insisted on following Tang Lin for half an hour.

At this moment, Tang Lin stopped suddenly, and the people behind couldn't hold back their feet for a while, and leaned forward one after another, and soon touched Cao Dan and Tang Lin, and they were forced to take a few steps forward.

Cao Dan turned around and yelled, "Stand still, what are you doing, did you not see Miss Tang walking?"

A contestant complained, "We didn't know that you suddenly stopped, we just couldn't hold back."

Tang Lin pulled out the pistol in the holster on her waist, and then turned on the light to shine.

Suddenly a beam of light appeared, startling many people, they all thought it was a will-o'-the-wisp, and ran around, "Ghost—" As a result, the end of running around was to hit a wall everywhere.

In the end, each of them suffered from severe forehead headaches, but the beam of light was still there.

Cao Dan glared at the last sentence, and roared: "Stop making noise, can you be quiet? This is Miss Tang's... torch, not some will-o'-the-wisp, please take a closer look."

Those contestants were all amazed, how could there be such a bright torch.

Tang Lin turned on the lights to the brightest, and at the same time zoomed in on the focal length. After a while, she could see the passage in front of her at a glance.Everyone has seen the road ahead.

When they saw the scene in front of them, they all widened their eyes——as expected, this is a dead end.It turned out that if you walk ten meters ahead, you will lose sight of the road, because there is a very hard stone wall there.On both sides of the stone wall, there is no turning road.

Tang Lin whispered, "Could it be that I made a mistake in judgment?"

"Isn't that right, Sister Tang?" Cao Dan's face was extremely grim, "Xue Yan is right, is this really a dead end?"

The other players protested.

"What are you doing? It's a dead end for us to walk for so long!"

"I should have known to take the other two paths!"

At this time, some players turned around and went back, but when they saw the gloomy and dark passage they came from, they all stopped and did not dare to go back.Neither forward nor backward, they all froze in place.

Tang Lin walked forward, ignoring the people behind her, and walked straight to the wall ten meters ahead.

"Sister Tang, wait for me!" Cao Dan was not familiar with the people behind him, so he followed Tang Lin even if he died.

The other contestants stayed put, to see what Tang Lin could do.This meeting has come to an end, does she still have a way to turn things around?I guess it's just for show.

Xiao Xiong said to the other contestants: "You guys rest where you are, and I'll see if Miss Tang can find a way to leave." After speaking, he walked quickly towards Tang Lin.

At this moment, Tang Lin was already standing by the stone wall, occasionally touching the smooth stone wall with her hands, and occasionally squatting down to knock on the stone wall to see if there was an echo.

Cao Dan also went to look for it to see if there was a mechanism button to open the stone wall.

Xiao Xiong walked up to Tang Lin, watched her busy, and asked: "Miss Tang, in your opinion, is this a dead end? I feel that since this stone wall is so smooth, it must have been deliberately installed."

Tang Lin stopped and looked at him, "Ah, you actually saw this? That's right!"

Xiao Xiong smiled wryly, "I'm not as smart as Miss Tang, it's just that the stone wall is too smooth, so I think there is a problem."

"Well," Tang Lin nodded, "This may not be a dead end. I think when setting up the traps in the cave, they must have placed this wall here to fool us, making us think it was a dead end. I have Intuition, this is a shortcut to find the flag. Of course, the general shortcuts are full of traps, so we have to be careful."

Xiao Xiong nodded, "Yeah. Then I'll look for it next time." Saying that, he also went to touch those stone walls, looking for mechanism buttons.

Those contestants who were resting in place felt ashamed when they saw Tang Lin and the others working so persistently.They felt that since they had embarked on this path, they should advance and retreat with Tang Lin and the others and work hard together.

At this time, a contestant said to everyone: "Unity is strength. We can't watch Miss Tang do it alone. We have to help her together and find a solution together!"

"That's right, that's what we should do!" The others booed.

When Tang Lin was busy, she found that there were more pairs of hands beside her. Seeing that the contestants all smiled at her, and then went to find the mechanism button, she smiled with relief, "Thank you everyone."

After a long half an hour of groping, we still couldn't find the mechanism button, and everyone was so tired that they fell to the ground to rest.

Tang Lin was a little discouraged at first, but when she saw the contestants who were resting on the ground, her eyes lit up, "I know how to get rid of this wall!" These words ignited hope.

Cao Dan couldn't wait to ask: "How to do it, Miss Tang?"

Tang Lin raised the light to the top of her head, and suddenly, a fist-sized mechanism button above her head protruded in everyone's eyes. She explained: "I think the designer should have considered that if someone chooses this path, then It must be that they didn’t bring anything that can be used to ignite a fire. Therefore, they thought that we would look for the mechanism on the stone wall, and they certainly didn’t think that they had already set the mechanism above their heads. Without the light of the fire, no one would think of the mechanism. The button is right there."

Xiao Xiong asked: "Miss Tang, how did you know that the mechanism button is on it?"

Tang Lin said: "Just now I saw you lying on the ground with your face facing up. I suddenly thought of something. Could the mechanism to open the stone wall be on the wall above your head?"

Cao Dan faced everyone, "Which one of you will go up and try?"

A contestant looked at the wall above his head, a little confused: "There is nothing on it to hang on to, only the protruding mechanism button. But if you use one hand to open the mechanism, there is no support, it will definitely fail." Fall off. No matter how high the lightness kung fu is, without something to fix the body, it won't help."

Cao Dan struggled, "What should I do?"

"Oh, why are you so stupid." Tang Lin reprimanded everyone, and then gave a solution, "Anyway, if you are strong, just support each other to form a tree. Doesn't the one on the top reach the mechanism?" The button won't fall off?"

Everyone suddenly realized, why didn't they think of it.

Xiao Xiong asked everyone: "I'm in charge of the switch, which one of you will build the tree first?"

A contestant set an example first. He spread his feet and exerted all his internal strength to stand firm. "My strength is great. I can lift an object weighing one or two thousand catties. Come on up!"

(End of this chapter)

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