The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 203 There shouldn't be!

Chapter 203 There shouldn't be!

One after another, some contestants jumped onto the shoulders of that contestant, stepped on each other's shoulders, and then grabbed the leg of the previous contestant. After a while, the tree built by the four contestants almost reached the top .

Xiao Xiongfei went up and stood on the shoulders of the tallest contestant, then that contestant grasped his feet tightly, and he started to hold the stone protruding from the top wall with both hands, and then slowly turned.

When Tang Lin and Cao Dan looked at the stone wall, the stone wall was slowly rising.

Tang Lin showed a relaxed smile, "It's finally healed."

Xiao Xiong twirled the button and jumped off, and the other contestants jumped off one after another.

Tang Lin exchanged glances with everyone, and said firmly, "Go, let's walk over together!" With everyone's unanimous nod, they walked across the stone wall together without any problems.

When the last contestant came over, the door on the stone wall slowly lowered again until it blocked the way.

Tang Lin took a photo of the wall above her head, on which there was a button like the one that Xiao Xiong had turned just now.She smiled excitedly, and said to everyone: "Remember, this is the way for us to find the flag and come back!"

Everyone nodded excitedly.

Tang Lin took a picture of the front again, and it was another passage that went straight without seeing the end.

Cao Dan pouted, "How long will it take?"

Tang Lin said: "Let's go, anyway, one day and one night, what are you afraid of?"

Cao Dan said dejectedly: "But in the cave, we can't see the sky, how do we know when the day is over, when is the night, and when is the dawn?"

Tang Lin chuckled, "I have a watch, what are you afraid of?"

"Watch?" Cao Dan didn't understand.

Tang Lin didn't explain, and walked forward, "Everyone follow me, continue to the next stop!"

At noon, Yu Shengjun walked outside the cave.

Yifeng looked a bit worried, and he said: "Half a day has passed, I don't know what happened to Miss Tang, and whether she can find the flag to complete the eighth round."

Yu Shengjun asked back: "Do you think she can do it?"

Yifeng hesitated for a while, and said uncertainly: "According to my subordinates, the not great."

Yishuang on the side echoed, "Master, there are too many levels in the eighth round. If Miss Tang hits the anagram trap in the first level, the chance of being eliminated is the greatest, because there is only one flag under the word with a trap, not only that, there is only one Under the word, if Miss Tang didn't step on that word, she would have no chance with the flag. If Miss Tang passed the second level smoothly, but the third level is three forks, and two of them are the roads of no return. Anyone will choose Mingliang Who knows the two roads above, but the very dark one is actually the one with the most flags. Although there are many traps, it is very likely to get out smoothly in the end. If Miss Tang doesn't take the wrong road, then At once……"

Yu Shengjun said: "I know that you are all sweating for Tang Lin, but after all, this is a competition, and the final result can only be completed by her alone. You have to trust her."

Yishuang said weakly: "If you take those two roads of no return, it will be miserable. If you walk those two roads for days and nights, you won't see the end."

"Master." A guard came up to report, "An Leng has returned, and with the help of Princess Xinrui, he found Empress Cheng Huan. Now, Empress Cheng Huan has been taken to the prison in the underground palace."

Regarding this point, Yishuang and the others were very happy. It was a good thing that they could capture Queen Chenghuan back.However, Yu Shengjun was concerned about another matter, "Is there any news about the princess?"

The guard said: "A spy came back and reported that the princess has gone deep into the tiger's den. Before the princess went to the organization of the anti-imperial society, she repeatedly told our people not to follow. She has her own way to escape."

Yu Shengjun nodded, "Well, that's good. Show me, the underground palace prison."

Inside the cave.

After walking for a long time, he still didn't see the fork or another world. Du Yuanyuan became more and more discouraged. As he walked, he sprained his foot and fell down. Fu Yushu helped him in time, "Yuanyuan, what's wrong?"

Du Yuanyuan shook his head wearily and tried to stand up, "I'm fine."

Fu Yushu looked at the front, the invisible front, the extremely bright front, and couldn't help sighing, "I feel the same as you, I can't choose the wrong path, but why can't I go to the end?"

Du Yuanyuan said wearily: "Master, we can't be discouraged, maybe we can see what we are looking for if we follow the light. But I am worried about Tang Lin, why doesn't she follow us."

Fu Yushu said: "Perhaps she and other contestants have gone to the road that Shao Qi took. We can only go forward now. If we go back, we will waste half a day, and we can't find the flag at all. Now, we can only go straight. Take this path and try your luck."

"Come on, take a rest first!" He helped her to the corner and sat down.

After Du Yuanyuan sat down, he licked his dry lips and asked feebly, "Sir, are you thirsty?"

Fu Yushu's lips were ruddy, not as dry as hers, he shook his head, "I'm not thirsty." But he couldn't fail to see his wife's dry lips.He reached out and stroked the corner of her lips, and said distressedly: "I should have brought water out earlier."

Du Yuanyuan smiled weakly, "It's okay, I can stand it."

He pulled her a little closer, and slowly covered her lips, trying to soften her lips a bit.

At the same time, Han Xueyan's feet were sore from walking, and she accidentally fell to the ground.Shao Qi, who was walking in front, heard the sound of falling to the ground, and immediately looked back, his eyes widened suddenly, "Yan'er." He ran over a few steps, and hugged Han Xueyan.

Every breath of Han Xueyan was heavy, "Brother-in-law, I, I am thirsty."

"Thirsty?" Shao Qi looked around, he knew that there was no water on the way here, and he didn't know if there was any water source in front of the place he hadn't been to. After walking for half a day, if Han Xueyan didn't quench her thirst, she would definitely faint from thirst.

Han Xueyan was a little delirious, and fell into his arms, muttering, "Sister... where are you..."

Distressed look appeared on Shao Qi's face, he put down Han Xueyan, who was already dizzy with thirst, and lay down, then took out a dagger from himself, and rolled up his sleeves.

Gritting his teeth, he cut his wrist, and immediately, blood came out and dripped down, aiming at Han Xueyan's mouth.

Feeling the water, Han Xueyan kept swallowing the blood.

After a while, Shao Qi's face turned blue, but he was still trying to squeeze out the blood.When he saw that Han Xueyan had had enough, smiled contentedly, and then fell asleep, he tore off a piece of cloth and hugged his hand.Then, the whole person fell back and fell into a deep sleep.

Half a day has passed, and Yunlei, who fell into the trap in the first level, has awakened.He looked around and saw that there were iron walls, and his younger sister Yun Shan was lying beside him.

"Junior Sister." He shook her, worried.

Slowly, Yun Shan woke up, looked around, and was dumbfounded, "Where is this, brother?"

After leaving the stone cave in the western suburbs of the Royal Forest, within half an hour, Yu Shengjun, dressed as a guard, stood outside the prison where Shihe was being held.

The prison in the underground palace is very clean and spotless, as if people are imprisoned in a gorgeous room.There are such prisons in the underground palace, which are prepared for special people, such as pregnant people like Shihe.

Shihe was sitting in front of the dressing table, quietly looking at herself in the mirror, weeping silently, stroking her belly occasionally, and muttering to herself at the corner of her mouth: "Son, we are no longer destined to be with Daddy, we are here now." Being in a wolf's den, what should I do? If your father comes back and finds that we are gone, he will be very anxious, what should mother do, what should I do..."

Yu Shengjun stood outside and could see her side face clearly. It was exactly the same as Tang Lin. No wonder Fu Yushu often looked at Tang Lin differently. He probably regarded Tang Lin as Shihe.

"Whose is the child in your belly?" Yu Shengjun asked in a deep voice.

Shihe turned her head around when she heard the sound, wondering who was coming.It turned out to be an Ouchi guard wearing a mask.Shi He frowned, "Who are you?"

Yu Shengjun only wears a very ordinary mask, but most of his face is covered.He pulled his thin lips and smiled wildly, "Who am I? That's a good question!"

Shihe turned her face halfway, and said coldly: "Tell your master, if you want to kill or shave, it's up to you."

The eyes in Yu Shengjun's mask ignited flames, "If you want to kill or shave, listen to your honor? Heh, it's really happy to say. Since you thought of this at the beginning, why did you leave this evil seed for yourself?" In Shihe's abdomen.

Shihe disagreed with his words, and retorted angrily: "My child is not a bastard, his father is a person who loves him very much!"

"Hehehe," Yu Shengjun laughed three times, with irony in his laughter. "Is that so? Is his father really such a man?"

Shi He said unhappily: "I'm not in the mood to talk to you, what do you want to say, just say it."

Yu Shengjun suddenly protested angrily, "It's nothing, why do you have such a face?"

Shihe's eyes warmed up. Hearing Yu Shengjun's words, she knew that he was comparing Tang Lin to her. In fact, every time she heard these words, she was full of grievances.She looked at him with red eyes, and said hoarsely: "My face was given by my parents. When did it get in your way? When did it get in the way of everyone? When was it a bad thing? Could it be that, You know Tang Lin too? Do you also compare Tang Lin to me? I, there nothing better than Tang Lin? Is there nothing more lovable than Tang Lin?"

Yu Shengjun cast his eyes down, "You and her... are too different."

Shihe chuckled, but it was so bitter, "Yes, the difference is too big, she can support a restaurant by herself, and I..." laughed, "Why should I care about these things, she is her, I it's me."

"Forget it, I won't tell you these things." Yu Shengjun changed the subject, "I'm here this time, mainly to tell you that the emperor ordered that the child in your womb... be taken away."

Suddenly, the items on the dressing table were accidentally pushed to the ground by Shi He's hand.She looked at Yu Shengjun with wide eyes, tears rolled in her eyes, "What, he wants to take away my child?" She kept shaking her head and protesting, "No, no, absolutely not, I won't Yes, you are not allowed to take away my child!"

Yu Shengjun's words were devoid of emotion, "As a queen, you have a secret relationship with others, so this evil breed shouldn't have existed in the first place."

"No," Shihe protested loudly, "You can treat me whatever you want, but please don't hurt my child, don't..."

Yu Shengjun said coldly: "This cannot tolerate you."

Shihe simply knelt down, climbed all the way to the door, grabbed the pillar of the prison, and begged crying: "Please help me, help me tell the emperor, I just don't want to escape, but the child is innocent , don't hurt my child. Woohoo."

Yu Shengjun turned his head to the side, his eyes were filled with mist, and he growled in his heart: "Damn it, I should execute this bitch immediately, how could I soften my heart at this moment..."

Still like Fu Yushu, it was all caused by this face.In this world, there should not be a second face like this.

"Don't beg me, it's useless to beg me, you asked for it yourself." Perhaps to escape, Yu Shengjun said something coldly and walked away.

(End of this chapter)

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