The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 204 What's so amazing!

Chapter 204 What's so amazing!
Shao Qi asked her: "Is your spirit much better now?"

Han Xueyan asked puzzledly: "Brother-in-law, what happened to me just now? Why is it on your back?"

Shao Qi turned around and bent down again, "You fainted just now, so brother-in-law is carrying you. Come on, you are short of water now and will faint at any time, brother-in-law is carrying you back."

"Brother-in-law, I'm fine," said Han Xueyan, turning around in front of him, her body as light as a swallow, "how? Are you okay?"

Shao Qi stared at her dazedly for a moment, but soon his expression returned to normal, "Well, it does seem to be all right. But, really, there is no need for brother-in-law to carry you?"

Han Xueyan immediately said: "No brother-in-law, I'm really fine, let's go." As he spoke, he happily took Shao Qi's left hand, only to touch his wound.

Shao Qi only frowned slightly, but Han Xueyan didn't notice that he was injured.

"Boom, boom..." The voice kept ringing.

After knocking on the iron wall for a long time, until her hands were tired, Yun Shan didn't want to stop, and shouted to the top weakly, "Is anyone there? Dead people are fine!"

Listening to the echo, Yunlei could tell that their brother and sister were in an iron prison at the moment, as long as the iron prison was opened, they could get out.He pulled Yun Shan over, and said distressedly: "Okay, junior sister, stop knocking, let senior brother think of a way."

Yun Shan waved a flag in her hand, curled her lips and said, "When I woke up, I found this flag. I thought we would win, but it's been so long, and we can't leave this damn place."

Yun Lei looked up at the top, "Don't be discouraged, we'll be fine. After the game, Ouchi's guards will come to open the mechanism of the trap, and then we will be free."

"But," Yun Shan frowned, "Aren't we doomed?"

Yunlei sighed, "Other than that, what else can we do? It's just that the brother may have failed one person!"

"Huh?" To disappoint someone?Yun Shan thought, could it be that senior brother likes her, so he can't bear to see her lose?
She suddenly approached him, stared into his eyes, and asked, "Brother, when did it happen?"

Yun Lei panicked, was she referring to the matter between him and Shao Qi? "Junior Sister, you, what did you say?"

Yun Shan lowered her head and said with a blushing face, "Brother, I really like you too."

Yun Lei was taken aback, and upon hearing this sentence, a subtle feeling crossed his heart, warming his heart.He suddenly grabbed her shoulders and said excitedly: "Junior Sister, what did you just say?"

Yun Shan puffed up her face and looked silly, "What did I say? I don't know!"

He glanced at her, "Playing stupid?"

Yun Shan giggled, and after mustering up her courage, she suddenly threw herself into his arms, hugged his waist, and said coquettishly, "Senior brother, I like you for a long, long time. How about you, do you like me?"

"This..." Yunlei deliberately hesitated.

Yun Shan took two steps away from him and stared at him, coquettishly saying, "Hmph, I don't like being pulled down."

Yunlei smiled helplessly, "Did I say that I don't like you?" He pulled her over and hugged her, "Brother, I've made up my mind, and I'll go back and tell Master after finishing one thing, I want you marry his daughter."

"Really?" Yun Shan seemed to have eaten candy, with a sweet smile on her face.

Yun Lei said: "When did senior brother lie to you?"

At this time, the sound of footsteps came from above their heads one after another.

"Hush," Yun Lei signaled Yun Shan to keep silent, and then listened carefully. There were many footsteps. Could it be other contestants?After thinking about it, I am not sure.

But he didn't know that those footsteps above were Cao Dan and the others.At this moment, they followed Tang Lin's words before entering, and went out to the loop, and opened wherever there was a mechanism, and this time, they had already helped the sleeping Tang Lin to the entrance of the cave.

But they don't know where the switch of the cave is.

Cao Dan and Xiao Xiong were supporting Tang Lin. At this moment, Tang Lin said in a daze, "Knock on the stone gate, knock five times, and there will be someone..." Cao Dan couldn't understand what Tang Lin was saying to herself. Talking to himself, he asked Xiao Xiong: "What does she mean?"

Xiao Xiong said: "What she means is, knock five times on the stone cave, and then there will be someone. I just heard this. How about we try to knock on the door of the stone cave five times?"

A contestant walked to the door of the cave, "I'll knock." Then, he stretched out his hand and knocked on the door of the cave five times.

Suddenly, the door of the cave opened.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew in, and everyone looked out, it was still a sky full of stars and moon.

Cao Dan excitedly said: "Come out, we can finally come out!"

Xiao Xiong reminded: "Hurry up and get out, the door will be closed after the next session." After speaking, he and Cao Dan supported Tang Lin, walked out of the cave first, and then other contestants came out one after another.

After a while, the door of the cave closed automatically again.

This time, Yunlei in the basement no longer heard footsteps.

But after an unknown period of time, Yun Lei was sitting on the ground, and Yun Shan was sleeping on his lap, breathing evenly.He stroked her hair.

At this time, there were subtle footsteps coming from above again, accompanied by Han Xueyan's voice, "Brother-in-law, I forgot, which one can't be stepped on?"

Hearing it was Han Xueyan's voice, Yunlei's face brightened, and he shook Yunshan awake, "Shan'er, wake up, we are saved."

Yun Shan raised her head in a daze, "What's wrong, brother?"

He lifted her up and shouted upwards, "My lord, I'm below!"

He had just walked through the block trap and was going towards the door, but when he heard Yunlei's voice, after confirming that it was Yunlei's voice, Shao Qi suddenly turned around, and he patted his forehead, "Damn it, how could I forget?" Yunlei is still below."

Seeing him walking back, Han Xueyan said in horror, "Brother-in-law, why did you turn back?"

Shao Qi said: "It's okay." He stepped on the word "No Trap", came to the side of the word "Fang" and "Xia", knocked on it, and suddenly, a gap opened.

After seeing the situation below, Shao Qi stretched out his hand, "Yunlei, grab me."

Yun Lei first asked Yun Shan to hold Shao Qi, and Shao Qi carried Yun Shan up, put it on a safe block, and then said to her: "Step on the word "i" to pass."

Yun Shan obeyed the order, she stepped on the word "that is", she was fine, then she jumped forward, and finally reached the place where there is no word.

At this moment, Yunlei had already grasped Shao Qi's hand tightly, and Shao Qi pulled him up with force.

After successfully passing through the block trap, the four walked to the door.

Shao Qi looked at Yunshan and then at Yunlei, "How are you?"

Yun Lei took a breath and said, "We've been trapped below for a long time, but..." His gaze slowly fell on Yun Shan's hand, and he said with some shame, "I only saw one flag."

"Senior brother..." Yun Shan held the flag tightly and looked at Yun Lei. If he didn't like being a bodyguard, why would he enter the palace to compete.But there is only one flag, so...

"Hey, you are all here." At this time, Fu Yushu helped Du Yuanyuan walk to the block trap.

Seeing Du Yuanyuan, Yun Shan said pleasantly, "Yuan Yuan, you're out!"

Fu Yushu helped Du Yuanyuan walk over on the word "No Trap", came to Shao Qi and the others, and asked, "Have you all found the flag? Is there any extra?"

Shao Qi was ashamed and said: "I walked with Xue Yan for almost a day before seeing the two flags. I was afraid that the dawn would fall soon, so I stopped searching and came out. How about you?"

Fu Yushu glanced at Du Yuanyuan, his face darkened, "We only found one side, and we came out because we were afraid of being late."

"So do we." At this time, Yun Shan pouted regretfully.

Shao Qi was a little irritable, "There are still two sides, what should I do?"

Fu Yushu looked around and asked, "Why are we the only ones? What about Tang Lin and the others? Aren't they on the same road as you? Why aren't they here?"

Han Xueyan frowned, "No, Miss Tang and the others didn't follow us. That's strange, where are they now? Xiao Cao is gone too!"

At this time, everyone looked at one of the three forked roads at the same time, the dark middle road.

Fu Yushu felt hopeless, "Didn't you take that one?"

Du Yuanyuan panicked a lot, "If Tang Lin fails, what's the point?"

Fu Yushu said: "There are a total of 29 flags in this cave. Now, we have four flags in our hands, and there are still 25 flags. But now, we have no time to look for them."

"Brother." Yun Shan suddenly put the flag in Yun Lei's hand, "You take it."

Yun Lei pushed back, "You hold it, so you can continue to compete."

"I don't want it." Yun Shan pushed the flag back, and she said, "I can't continue to compete with senior brother, Shan'er is very sorry. But senior brother, you promised Shan'er that after finishing your business, you will definitely come back and tell dad to marry you." I, I'm at home...waiting for you."

"Junior Sister..." Yunlei's eyes turned red.

"Don't cry, I'm fine." Seeing her senior brother's eyes flushed, Yun Shan couldn't help crying.

Du Yuanyuan put his arm around Yun Shan's shoulders, and said boldly: "Yun Shan, I just happen to be eliminated, and we are all not sad. It's nothing special not to be a bodyguard."

Yun Shan nodded, smiling through tears, "Well, what's so great about it."

The faces of the others became heavy.

Fu Yushu turned to the door of the cave, and faced another difficult problem, he couldn't help but took a deep breath, "Now, whether we can still go out is still a mystery, let's think of a way."

"That's right." Yunlei remembered something, and he said, "We heard a lot of footsteps passing by here not long ago. If it wasn't for other contestants, it must be someone who set traps in the cave."

Han Xueyan was stunned, "Is this related to opening the door of the stone cave?"

Yun Lei continued: "Just now, I heard someone knock on the stone door five times, and I heard the sound of the stone door being opened."

Han Xueyan was stunned again, "Is there such a thing?"

"Try it." As he said, Fu Yushu walked to the door and knocked on the stone door five times in a row. Sure enough, the heavy stone door opened slowly.The pale sky outside came into their eyes.

On the flat ground outside the cave, there were several bonfires, and a group of people lay beside the bonfires.

Fu Yushu and the others came out to see that they were actually contestants.

Shao Qi and the others were all dumbfounded, "What's going on?"

Tang Lin was sleeping on a lawn, and Cao Dan and Xiao Xiong were sitting next to her. Since they didn't have much sleep last night, they started a fire as soon as they came out and planned to sleep until dawn.

Fu Yushu came over and shook Cao Dan.

Cao Dan was too sleepy to open his eyes, "Who is it?"

Shao Qi asked him, "When did you come out? Did you find the flag?"

"I found it, I found it, I'm sleepy, don't bother me." After finishing speaking, Cao Dan lowered his eyelids and fell asleep on Xiao Xiong's shoulder again.

Fu Yushu glanced at Tang Lin, seeing that she was sleeping soundly, he didn't bother her.He thought that if she and the other contestants hadn't found the flag, they couldn't have come out.

In a blink of an eye, the sunrise.

Tang Lin yawned and sat up, stretching her waist, "Heh—"

(End of this chapter)

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