Chapter 205

After she fully opened her eyes, she realized that the bonfires in front of her had no fire and were already drenched in mist, but the smoke was still coming out.The smoke formed a dense fog among the mountains of the Royal Forest.

All the players were sleeping on their stomachs, and some were leaning on each other's backs.

She glanced at Cao Dan and Xiao Xiong, and breathed a sigh of relief when her eyes fell on Fu Yushu and Shao Qi.Fortunately, they can still come out, I thought they would be easily eliminated.

After a while, everyone woke up one after another.

When Yifeng arrived with a group of people, everyone stood up, and at this moment, the sun had already shone on the flat ground outside the cave, illuminating many people.

As soon as Lu Yitang arrived, he set off smoke bombs, and fiery red arcs spread in mid-air.

The Yulin Army began to stand beside the players one by one, keeping the players at a distance of two meters to prevent them from approaching each other, and the Yulin Army stood in front of each player.

Tang Lin stood at the back, Cao Dan passed by, and Xiao Xiong passed by.She didn't understand why the Yulin Army had to separate the players who were originally standing in groups.

Yifeng looked around at everyone and said, "The eighth round is over. Congratulations. All 29 people got out of the cave on time. Now, I want to count the number of flags. Whoever gets the most flags will be the winner." No.1; whoever gets the flag will clear the customs; whoever fails to get the flag, please leave the palace.”

Hearing this, Yun Shan and Du Yuanyuan lowered their eyes sadly.

Tang Lin touched her pocket, looking a little annoyed. She obviously had three extra flags, so she would have known to ask other people who didn't have her to give them out. Fortunately, the Imperial Forest Army didn't let her move.

Next, the Royal Forest Army began to ask the contestants in front of them, "Where is your flag?"

The contestants took out their flags one after another and handed them over to the Imperial Forest Army.

Soon, the Yulin Army asked Fu Yushu for the flag. Fu Yushu and Yunlei hesitated again and again, but they had no choice but to hand over the flag in their hands under the strong expression of Du Yuanyuan and Yun Shan's eyes.

However, when Yu Linjun asked Yun Shan and Du Yuanyuan, they all lowered their heads.

A Yulin soldier faced Yifeng and said, "Report, there are two contestants who don't have flags, please let us know."

Yifeng said: "Take them out of the team!"

"Yes!" The Imperial Forest Army obeyed, and the other Imperial Forest Army led Yun Shan and Du Yuanyuan out of the team and to the side.Tang Lin looked at the two of them and sighed.

The Imperial Forest Army asked Cao Dan and Xiao Xiong, "Where's your flag?"

Cao Dan and the others handed over the flag.

The last imperial guard asked Tang Lin, "Where's your flag?"

At this time, Fu Yushu and others looked at Tang Lin at the same time.

Tang Lin took a look at everyone before putting her hands into her pockets slowly.But, she didn't take it out right away.Fu Yushu and the others suddenly had a bad feeling. Could it be that Tang Lin didn't find the flag?Yun Shan saw that Tang Lin couldn't get the flag out after a long time, and felt sorry for Tang Lin, "A player like Boss shouldn't have failed to find the flag. She was eliminated like this. What a pity."

"Yes!" To Du Yuanyuan, Tang Lin's elimination was undoubtedly a blow.Originally, I thought it would be fine if I was eliminated, but Tang Lin stayed to help Fu Yushu, but now it seems impossible.

Slowly, Tang Lin took out three flags and handed them to the Royal Forest Army in front of her.

When Fu Yushu and the others saw the three flags, their mouths widened in surprise. They never thought that the flags that Du Yuanyuan and Yun Shan could not find were in her hands.

Next, Yifeng publicly announced that Tang Lin had won No.1, and then asked the Yulin Army to bring all the contestants back to the palace.

Royal study.

Yifeng got permission, entered the imperial study room, came to the imperial table and kowtowed, "Master, the eighth round of competition is over."

Yu Shengjun was holding the map and thinking about something, his eyes kept falling on the imperial capital. On the one hand, he listened to Yifeng's words, "How is Tang Lin?"

Yifeng replied: "Two contestants were eliminated, but Miss Tang is fine."

"En." Yu Shengjun responded lightly, then folded the map and put it at the bottom of the table, got up and walked around the edge of the table, came to Yifeng, and said: "I want to go out of the palace."

Yifeng asked: "Where is the master going? This subordinate will send someone..."

"No need!" Yu Shengjun knew what Yifeng wanted to say, so he interrupted him. "I go out in a low-level suit, so I don't need to send anyone to follow me. Are you still worried about my martial arts? How about you, deal with tomorrow's ninth round with Lu Yitang, Sun Bailing and the others."

"Yes." Yifeng nodded.

Not long after, Yu Shengjun returned to his bedroom, and when he was changing into a set of elegant white robes, a loud voice came from outside the door, "The Queen Mother is here—"

Hearing the sound, Yu Shengjun quickly tied his belt, and then walked to the door, just as the empress dowager came over, he nodded gracefully, "My son, I have seen the empress, and the empress is well."

The empress dowager smiled from ear to ear, she helped Yu Shengjun, "Every time the Ai family sees the emperor's dress like this, I can't help but think of your father, you are more and more like your father, you are both He's polite, doesn't look like he has a temper."

Yu Shengjun helped the Empress Dowager with his backhand, and helped the Empress Dowager into the bedroom and sat down.

A court lady has gone to pour tea.

The Empress Dowager sat down, looked at Yu Shengjun again, and asked with a smile: "Your Majesty, are you going on a tour in modest clothes?"

Yu Shengjun sat next to the queen mother and explained: "Go to the second prince's mansion and talk to Zichen about something. It's safer to talk to him."

The empress dowager nodded knowingly, "Well, the Ai family learned the whole story from An Lin last night. It's a good way for you to do this, so as to ensure the safety of Eyun, but Emperor," she held her son's hand worriedly, "Aijia knows that you want to avenge your father, and even more knows that you have the ambition to rule the Central Plains, but... isn't it too credulous to outsmart the world? Since ancient times Since then, has there ever been a dynasty that did not fight each other in battle?"

Yu Shengjun smiled helplessly, "Queen Mother, don't worry about these things for my son. My son has plans for my son. You, just enjoy your happiness."

The empress dowager glanced at him, "Unless you give the empress a grandson, the empress will be around the grandson every day, so she won't bother you. How?"

Yu Shengjun smiled wryly, "Mother, didn't you agree at the beginning, one year later..."

"Okay, okay," the empress dowager said pretending to be impatient, "The Ai family will keep those words in mind. Don't worry, the Ai family will remember, but the new queen will not be seen by then, and the Ai family will take you as a ask."

Yu Shengjun smiled, "My son obeys orders."

The Empress Dowager said again: "Imperial Son, did you ask An Lin to tell Ai Jia yesterday that you have found Shi He?"

Yu Shengjun nodded and said: "Yes, mother, she is now under house arrest in the underground palace. For the sake of her not knowing everything at the beginning, I will not pursue her fault. The child is innocent, and I will not embarrass her." She and the child. After the matter of the child's father is settled, I will send them back to their hometown in Qing County."

The empress dowager sighed, "Only the Ai family knew that the former emperor wanted to make Shihe his empress, so why did Fu Yushu take the lead?"

Yu Shengjun said: "Back then, when Prime Minister Fu took Fu Yushu away from the palace of Chu State, Fu Yushu was already a sensible child. He bears the bloody feud of his family and country, so he must want to seek revenge from me. At that time, the mother and queen proposed marriage to several ministers. In the latter incident, Prime Minister Fu was also involved. When Prime Minister Fu returned home, he must have told his family members about the happy event. Fu Yushu secretly used his adoptive father to learn about the topographical map of the palace. Therefore, he launched a plan to exchange the civet cat for the prince. , So at the beginning, what I married was not the real Shihe, but a person pretending to be Shihe, in order to send away my guards."

The empress dowager shook her head, lamenting that the world is changing, "Children who are sensible at an early age... are also very afraid."

Yu Shengjun lowered his head and smiled, "Is the queen mother praising your minister or scolding him?"

"You should be scolded." The empress dowager stared at him, "You, what can the empress say about you? Since becoming the throne, the empress has never been able to control you, and the empress has never seen what you have done."

"Huh," Yu Shengjun frowned, "Didn't I ask An Lin to tell you? An Lin understands my thoughts best. Moreover, in order to prevent you from worrying all the time, I asked him to explain to you from time to time. Except One thing, I asked myself all the secrets my mother knows."

The empress dowager squinted at him, knowing what it was without guessing, "It's about the new empress? What's the big deal, Aijia will be able to see her next year."

Yu Shengjun chuckled, "The queen mother waits slowly, when the time comes, you will know her by yourself, and you probably don't have to wait until next year."

The empress dowager smiled slyly, "Why don't you tell the empress first, which minister's daughter is it?"

"In short, it's right to be a "virtuous" queen." Xianshu?Yu Shengjun shook his head, is Tang Lin virtuous? "As for her...she looks absolutely good, and she is especially good at cooking. There are countless dishes she is good at."

The empress dowager frowned, "My lord, you married a girl from a good family? Generally, the daughters of everyone don't know how to cook, is it true?"

"Well," Yu Shengjun struggled for a while, but still couldn't answer.He didn't even know where Tang Lin's home was. How could he know whether Tang Lin grew up in a poor family or a rich family? "Mother, about this, you will know by asking her when the time comes. It is not convenient for my son to disclose it now." In fact, it's just that she doesn't know the truth at all.

The Empress Dowager sighed softly, and said with emotion: "Your Majesty, as long as you are a kind-hearted girl, don't be too picky. You are not satisfied with the many excellent concubines that Ai's family has chosen for you. Ai's family knows your vision." High, but there must be a limit to high vision, if this continues, when will we find a partner who can grow old with us?"

Yu Shengjun smiled wryly, "Mother, let's see where you are going. Besides, the father is not only a prince, but I have younger brothers and younger sisters. Now, don't the third younger brothers all have heirs?"

The empress dowager sighed again, "Speaking of which, the Ai family really misses them. Now, in the imperial capital, except for Zichen and Xinrui, the other imperial relatives live far away, so it's hard to see them."

Yu Shengjun said: "Each year, the uncle and the others go back to the palace for reunion. Then, the queen mother will be able to see them. Once we are unified, they will live farther away."

The Empress Dowager understands very well that in order to keep the imperial family, her son has transferred all the royal relatives out. If something happens to this imperial capital, as long as there is royal blood, another imperial capital can be established at any time...

With such a policy, only extraordinary people dare to do it.

Tang Lin leaned against the door, watching Du Yuanyuan and the others pack up their things and prepare to leave.

Soon, they were all packed.

When Yun Shan looked at Tang Lin, she pursed her lips, "Boss..." She ran over a few steps and hugged Tang Lin, "I can't bear you, from now on, you have to visit me often."

Tang Lin caressed her back and said with a smile, "Is there anything you can't bear to part with? The separation is for reunion, and we will meet again in the future." Let go of Yun Shan, took out her phone and opened the notepad, ready to record something, " Shan'er, tell me the name and address of your bodyguard agency, and I'll look for you when I'm free."

(End of this chapter)

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